Collection Overview
Title: Henricus Beuker Collection, 1860-1900
ID: COLL/013
Primary Creator: Beuker, Henricus (1834-1900)
Extent: 5.0 Boxes. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Subjects: Beuker, H. (Henricus), 1834-1900, Borduin, Menno, 1867-1954, Gereformeerde Amerikaan, Theology, Doctrinal
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and professor at Calvin Theological Seminary. The duplicated holograph volumes written in the Dutch language contain class lectures and textbooks on church polity, liturgics, and theology. The papers also contain letters of M. Borduin, 1895, and Beuker's children, 1900. Translations: Tubantiana, and 'A Trip West' published in 'De Gereformeerde Amerikaan,' Volume I, Number 8, 1897.
Biographical Note
Henricus Beuker was born in Volzel, Graafschap Bentheim, 04 June 1834. He was one of nine children in a farm home where life was lived according to accepted moral standards. It was, however, through the witness of Gerrit Jan Bouws, who worked on the farm, that the Beuker family became Christian in conviction and practice.
Gerrit Bouws also led Henricus to consider the ministry of the Word as his task in life. At first he did not openly declare himself. In fact, he attempted to stifle the inner prompting of his heart. When he was twenty years old, however, he went to study in Uelzen, in Graafschap Bentheim. Finally, being assured that he must enter the ministry, he studied in Kampen under Brummelkamp, Van Velzen, and De Cock.
When he was a candidate for the ministry he accepted a call to Zwolle. Later he served in Rotterdam, 1864; Giesendam, 1867; Harlingen, 1869; and in Amsterdam, 1873. In 1881 he was called to the church in the place where he was born and served in Volzel for three years. He left Volzel for Leiden in 1884. While he had been ministering in the Netherlands, he received calls from churches in America. He finally accepted a call from the Third Christian Reformed Church in Muskegon, Michigan (Allen Avenue), which he served for one year when he was appointed by the Synod of the CRC to the Chair of Systematic and Practical Theology. After teaching for six years he passed away unexpectedly on 18 May 1900. His burial place is Graafschap, Michigan.
He was described as a man who labored well and had a strong influence for good. “He loved his work and also loved his students. . . . He had a pleasing personality and labored joyfully.”
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1],
- Series 1

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Article, "A Trip West," published in Gereformeerde Amerikan, translated --- October 1897

- Folder 2: Articles on Bethesda in De Wachter --- 1899

- Folder 3: Bijbeloefeningen over 1st Brief van Petrus; photocopy

- Folder 4: Letters of M. Borduin in which he questions Henricus Beuker on regeneration

- Folder 5: Letters to Jan and Coos Robberts --- 1900

- Folder 6: Letters to relatives --- 1899

- Folder 7: Examination sermons --- 1860-1862

- Folder 8: Tubantiana: Iets Over de Regeering in Staat en Kerk van het Graafschap Bentheim [HERH BR907.B4 B4] --- 1897

- Folder 9: De Vrije Kerk. Redactie van J. Van Andel, H. Beuker en W. H. Gispen --- March - December 1884

- Folder 10: De Heere is Mijn Herder [HERH BS1450 23d .B485 1893] --- 1893

- Folder 11: Leerredenen van Wijlen Prof. H. Beuker, D.D.

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Bijbelsche Archeologie, H.B. Amsterdam, P. Van der Sluis [HERH BS620.B47 1879]

- Folder 2: De Formulieren van Eenigheid; notebook

- Folder 3: Gereformeerde Dogmatiek; notebooks --- 1896-1897

- Folder 4: Poimeniek. Eene Schets voor Zijne Studenten; notebook --- 1898

- Folder 5: Praktische Theologie; notebook

- Folder 6: Variety of notes: extract, student preaching schedule

- Folder 7: Wenken over Kerkrecht en Kerkregeering; hardcover notebook --- 1894

- Folder 8: Wetenschap der Godgeleertheid, H. Bavick; notebook --- 1883

- Folder 9: Kerkeraadsboekje van de Gereformeerde Kerk van Amsterdam --- 1898-1899

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Gereformeerde Dogmatiek, Part 1 Theology

- Folder 2: Isagogiache Schets der Systematische Theologie in het Algemeen

- Folder 3: Isagogiache Schets der Systematische Theologie in het Algemeen and Gereformeerde Dogmatiek

- Folder 4: Isagogiache Schets der Systematische Theologie in het Agemeen and Christelijke Ethiek

- Folder 5: Kort overzicht van de Homiletiek

- Folder 6: Besluiten in't Algemeen: Praedestinatie, Schepping, Voorzienigheid

- Folder 7: Excerpt Dogmatiek

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Textkritiek

- Folder 2: Wenken over Kerkrecht en Kerkregeering

- Folder 3: Liturgiek

- Folder 4: Bound Manuscript: Kort Overgicht van de Homiletiek

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Bound Manuscript: Isagogische Schets der Systematische Theologie in het Algemeen ter Inleiding tot de Gereformeerde Dogmatiek in't Bgzonder

- Folder 2: Memorial Plate, Obituary Newspaper Clipping

Browse by Series:
[Series 1],