Title: Henry Exoo Collection, 1930-1977

Minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection includes sermons and radio messages. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Our collection of material, a gift of his wife, Bessie M. (May 1991), includes a selection of Heidelberg Catechism sermons, sermons based on Old and New Testament texts, church calendar, and other special day sermons and radio messages. We also have twenty tapes in our tape collection. One box of sermonic material contains radio messages, which were printed for distribution. It may be of interest to those researching sermonic materials that in general Christian Reformed ministers still preached “preparatory,” “Communion,” and “post-Communion” sermons. Where Communion services have become a monthly celebration, this threefold series has been changed. Our collection, however, reveals that Rev. Henry Exoo continued the practice.