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Vander Mey, John (1869-1933) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Name: Vander Mey, John (1869-1933)

Historical Note:

John Vander Mey was born February 6, 1869, in Holwerd, the province of Friesland, the Netherlands.  At the age of twelve he moved with his family to the United States and lived in the area of New Era, Michigan.  It was at the age of seventeen that he made what he described as "a decided and glorious choice" and subsequently decided to enter the ministry of the Word.  He graduated from the Calvin Seminary in 1894.

Shortly after his marriage to Johanna Buurman, he accepted a call to the Lucas, Michigan, Christian Reformed Church and was ordained November 4, 1894.  In 1896 he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, to minister there for two years.  He was a pioneer minister in Sully, Iowa, for six years and carried on a healing ministry in the divided congregation of Hospers, Iowa, the following six years.  In 1908 he went to Manhattan, Montana, where he remained until called by the denomination to serve as educational secretary of Calvin College and Seminary.  During the years of his ministry in the western states he was constantly engaged in bringing together the scattered members of the Reformed faith.  He served as a member of the Classical Home Missionary Committee.  He became the organizer of the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Christian Reformed Church.

During his term in the office of educational secretary (1913-1932) he traveled throughout the denomination collecting gifts for the college and seminary.  The work was difficult but Vander Mey persisted in his efforts to gather financial support.  In 1932 synod abolished the position and retired the worker.

Rev. John Vander Mey wrote many articles during his ministry.  A sermon or two were published.  He served as editor of the "Critieken en Beschouwingen" department of De Wachter for a number of years.  He also wrote on the "Christian School Question" but the materials were never published in book form.

John Vander Mey passed away on May 13, 1933, after a brief illness.

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