Collection Overview
Title: Sociology 320 Projects![](themes/default/images/addtocart.gif)
ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
[Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],
- Box 710
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Film Arts Study --- undated
- By: Edna Kamps, Carol Teusink
- Item 2: The Attrition Rate of Christian School Teachers --- 1967
- By: Dave Gabrielse, Fran Faber, Lou Okma
- Folder 2
- Item 1: The Effect of Sunday School Attendance on the Self-Concept of Inner-City Children --- 1968
- By: Lois Baker, Paula Fritsma, Ann Mary Heerspink
- Item 2: The Frequency of Teenage Movie Attendance Compiled for 1966 Synod Report, "The Church and The Film Arts." --- 1966
- By: Pat Kobes, Jana Roose, Tina Sysling
- Item 3: Planned Parenthood Project II --- 1968
- By: Arthur DeVries, Willard Dekkers
- Item 4: Dating Patterns and Behavior of Calvin College Students --- 1968
- By: Ron Bode, Ken Steensma, Harold VanderVelde
- Item 5: Differences in Attitudes of Professional and Non-professional members of Task Force Toward the Force --- 1968
- By: G. Can Arragon
- Folder 3
- Item 1: Attitudes Toward the Police in the Sheldon Complex --- 1967
- By: Peggy Busker
- Item 2: Study on Housing Conditions in Grand Rapids Inner City --- 1968
- By: Beverly Mast, Mary Jo Stone House
- Item 3: A Study of the Backgrounds of Pine Rest Hospital Staff --- 1968
- By: Al Negen
- Item 4: Some Causes of Grand Rapids Riots --- 1968
- By: William DeMaagd
- Item 5: Negro Residential Patterns in Grand Rapids, MI --- undated
- By: Barbara Feenstra, Jan Koining
- Folder 4
- Item 1: Evaluation of the Calvin College Counseling Program --- 1968
- By: Judy Mulder, Jane Berens
- Item 2: The Church’s Stance on the Inner City --- undated
- By: Donna Doexema, Arlene Warsen
- Item 3: Sociological Factors which might have a Bearing on the Calvin Teachers Education Student’s Choice Between Teaching in a Public or Non-Public School --- 1968
- By: Barbara Steensma, Joan Workman
- Folder 5
- Item 1: A Study of the Impact of the Grace Christian Reformed Church on the Surrounding Community --- undated
- By: John Deckinga, Howard Vufgeveen
- Item 2: The Impact of Coed Dorm Living on Campus Life --- 1969
- By: Anne Danhoff, Sandy Green, Anne Meyer, Jim Nienhuis, Virgil Pablo, Mary Smedes, Paul Smith, Pat Vander Tuin, Nick Van Zyderveld
- Item 3: Cultural Identification Among the Dutch Immigrants in Canada as it is related to: a) The Christian Reformed Church, b) The Association for the Advance of Christian Scholarship, c) The Christian Laborassociation of Canada --- 1969
- By: John Kralt, George Vander Schaaf
- Item 4: The Bearing of Occupationally Related Factors on the Attitudes and Behavior of Teacher Satisfaction in the Christian Schools --- undated
- By: S andy Fredricks, William Grevengood, Paul Ippel, Glenn Koops, John Nielson, Tom Pettinga, Tom Wedeven
- Folder 6
- Item 1: A Geographical and Generational Study of Attitudes Toward Birth Control Between Michigan and Canada --- 1968
- By: Carol Kuiken
- Item 2: The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture --- 1970
- By: Ken Bouman, Eileen Casemier, Mike DeBoom, Brian DeKraker, Larry Dieliman, Ron Roseman, Sharon Ruiter, Ben Wierenga
- Item 3: Workeracceptance - Children’s Sociometric Ranking and Child’s Symptomatic Behaviorat Bethany Children’s Home --- 1970
- By: Kenneth Van Woerkom
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
[Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
Box 718],