Collection Overview
Title: Sociology 320 Projects![](themes/default/images/addtocart.gif)
ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
[Box 718],
- Box 718
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Attitudes Toward Women in Church Office --- 1983
- By: Lisa De Young, Rebecca Knoppers, Shelley Kuipers, Laurel Marlink, Judi Slenk, Carol Topp, Kevin Van’t Hof
- Item 2: Perceptions of Profession of Faith in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1984
- By: Larry Borst, Brian Hinken, Caroline Schenk, Dave Waldo, Darlene Zwart
- Item 3: Child Protective Service --- 1984
- By: Elijah Annger, Phil Koetje, Jan Spollstra, Mark Veemeer
- Item 4: The Amount of Exercise Calvin Students Engage In --- 1984
- By: Kathy Price, Mary Van Duyn, Cheryl Vander Henst
- Folder 2
- Item 1: Satisfaction With Residence Hall Living at Calvin College --- 1984
- By: Kathy Jipping, Lisa Kossen, Jayne Roosma, Linda Vroom
- Item 2: Residential Care: A Study of Group Cohesiveness and Team --- 1984
- Item 3: Effectiveness --- 1984
- By: Dawn Cupery, Sandra Destrempes, Dewanna Pettis, David Spoelstra, Amy Wolfert
- Item 4: A Study of Global Awareness Among Calvin Students --- 1984
- By: Jodi Christian, Sheri Norman, Ruth Prins, Laury Vander Wall, Margaret VanRheenen, Janet Wezeman
- Folder 3
- Item 1: Student Satisfaction with Faculty Advising at Calvin College --- 1984
- By: Kris Burgess, Brian DeVos, Al Doorn, Mark Meekhof, Yol anda Vanderlaan, Nick Zwaagstra
- Item 2: A Study of Inner City Attitudes Towards the Christian Reformed Church --- 1984
- By: S andra Bouwmeester, Dan Brinks, Nelson Greidanus, Patty Vlaar
- Item 3: An Analysis of Attitude Change Regarding Family Planning Among Calvin College Students in The Planned Family Interim Classes of 1975 and 1976 --- 1984
- By: Kim Bonnema, Kendra Fennema, Susan Koop, Pam Ritsema, Linda Vander Meulen
- Folder 4: Calvin Faculty Attitudes Toward the Comprehensive Plan --- 1994
- By: Daniel Hermen, Y.B. Ko, Rachelle Kooima, Vanessa Pettigrove, Jane Seward and Nate Visker,1994
- Folder 5: Faculty Views toward Esprit, Democratic Governance, and Specific Tenure Requirements at Calvin College --- 1991
- By: Eugene Baar, Teri Berghuis, Barbara Huizinga, and Diane vander Werp
- Folder 6
- Item 1: Assessment of Child Care Needs and Resources at Calvin College and Seminary (Fall) --- 1997
- Completed by Social Work/Sociology Social Research class, Social Work/Sociology/Sociology Program, Calvin College and Seminary
Browse by Box:
Box 707],
Box 708],
Box 709],
Box 710],
Box 711],
Box 712],
Box 713],
Box 714],
Box 715],
Box 716],
Box 717],
[Box 718],