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Henry Stob Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Biographical Data

Calvin College Period

Calvin Theological Seminary Period

Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1974-1975 and Retirement Years

Retirement Years

Philosophy Courses - Notes

Philosophy Studies





Family and friends photograph collection

Slides of trip around the World (see chps.19-21 of autobiography, in order of itinerary)

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Henry Stob Collection, 1899-1997 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Henry Stob Collection, 1899-1997

ID: COLL/248

Primary Creator: Stob, Henry (1908-1996)

Extent: 16.25 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Professor of philosophy at Calvin College (1946-1952) and professor of philosophical and moral theology at Calvin Theological Seminary (1952-1975). The collection includes lectures, addresses, articles, essays, chapel talks, classroom notes, outlines, correspondence, materials on campus issues, seminary situations materials, faculty minutes, extensive biographical data, autobiography, family photographs, slides and compact disk (CD with digital scans of each slide) of a trip around the world (1958). See also: RGS 12.19, The Henry J. Stob Lectureship Committee and Stob Lectures. The lectures were published: Heritage Hall: BR50.S76. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Henry Stob was born in Chicago, Illinois on June 24, 1908. He always had interest in ministry work, so he decided to enroll at Calvin College and Seminary where he graduated with a B.D. in 1935. He then furthered his education by attending Hartford Theological Seminary. He earned his Th.M. in 1936. His thirst for knowledge did not stop there, he studied aboard to earn his Ph.D. at University of Gottingen in Germany and did his post-doctoral work at the Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

After returning to the states, Stob accepted the position of associate professor of philosophy at his alma mater, Calvin College, in 1939. When World War II broke out, Stob served his country as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. He was assigned with the task to work on the postwar education system of Japan. Once the war ended he resumed teaching at Calvin College. In 1952 Stob was appointed as professor of philosophical and moral theology at the Seminary. He became the chair of ethics and apologetics as well in 1953.  He served the Seminary until his retirement in 1975.

Throughout his busy career, Stob found time to write. He published books and written a number of articles and reviews. He was also served as the editor of The Reformed Journal since its beginning. He was also very involved in the church as well. He had served as an elder in the council of Calvin CRC in Grand Rapids. Stob was a gifted lecturer, he was approached by the Board of World Missions in 1958 to lecture at several foreign mission fields. Due to Stob's commitment to service and leadership, he was presented with the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1977.

On May 27, 1996 Henry Stob passed away due to cancer at the age of 87. He was survived by his wife, Hilda De Graaf, and their two children. Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary honor his memory with the Stob Lecture Series which focus on topics of ethics and apologetics.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Data, 1908-1946],
[Series 2: Calvin College Period, 1946-1952],
[Series 3: Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1952-1974],
[Series 4: Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1974-1975 and Retirement Years, 1975-1978],
[Series 5: Retirement Years, 1979-1997],
[Series 6: Philosophy Courses - Notes, 1908-1996],
[Series 7: Philosophy Studies],
[Series 8: Seminars],
[Series 9: Varia, 1908-1984],
[Series 10: Memorabilia],
[Series 11: Photographs],
[Series 12: Family and friends photograph collection],
[Series 13: Slides of trip around the World (see chps.19-21 of autobiography, in order of itinerary), 1958],

Series 1: Biographical Data --- 1908-1946
Box 1
Folder 1: Infancy: miscellaneous items --- 1908-1913
Folder 2: Infancy: birth certificate --- 1908
Folder 3: Infancy: information on birthplace, Blue Island --- 1908-1910
Folder 4: Infancy: photos, baby Henry, 1908; family photo --- 1910
Folder 5: Infancy: miscellaneous items related to life in Winnie, Texas --- 1910-1913
Folder 6: Grade school: miscellaneous items --- 1914-1922
Folder 7: Grade school: photos --- 1914-1922
Folder 8: Grade school: Ebenezer Christian School
Folder 9: Grade school: in second grade --- 1915-1916
Folder 10: Grade school: graduation --- January 26, 1922
Folder 11: Grade school: First Christian Reformed Church
Folder 12: Grade school: reminiscences
Folder 13: High school: Chicago Christian High School record --- 1925-1928
Folder 14: High school: a writing on --- 1922-1925
Folder 15: High school: report cards --- 1925-1926
Folder 16: High school: report cards and photos --- 1926-1927
Folder 17: High school: clippings and photos --- 1927-1928
Folder 18: High school: writings
Folder 19: College years: college annual record, photos, and diploma --- 1928-1932
Folder 20-21: College years: dorm and club clippings --- 1928-1930
Folder 22-23: College years: photos --- 1930-1932
Folder 24: College years: writings
Folder 25: Seminary years: diploma and record --- 1932-1935
Folder 26: Seminary years: photos and clippings --- 1932-1933
Folder 27: Seminary years: photos and items related to commencement exercises --- 1933-1935
Folder 28: Seminary years: scholarships --- 1935
Box 2
Folder 1: Seminary writings A
Folder 2: Seminary writings B
Folder 3: Hartford writings
Folder 4: Hartford diploma and papers --- 1935-1936
Folder 5: The Exchange Fellowship --- 1936
Folder 6: Miscellaneous - summer of 1936 --- 1936
Folder 7: Photos of courtship with Hilda De Graaf
Folder 8: Wedding photos and items --- 1936
Folder 9: Photos of honeymoon on ship
Folder 10: University of Gottingen. --- 1936-1938
Folder 11: Photos: Rhine trip --- July 1937
Folder 12: Photos: Vehlen, summer --- 1937
Folder 13: Photos: The Netherlands --- 1936-1938
Folder 14: Photos: Gottingen city and university
Box 3
Folder 1: Scholarship renewal --- 1937
Folder 2: Photos of relatives in Rotterdam --- September 1936
Folder 3: Photos of visit to Rusbend --- October 1936
Folder 4: Photos of life and home in Oberemasch and Hanssen Strusse --- 1936-1938
Folder 5: Appointment at Calvin --- 1937-1938
Folder 6: Dissertation
Folder 7: The Nazis: photos, notes, swastika
Folder 8: Photos from Gottingen
Folder 9: Letters
Folder 10: Hilda's letters --- 1936-1938
Folder 11: Writings --- 1937
Folder 12: Passport and ship verification
Folder 13: The Byleveld extended family photos --- 1938-1939
Folder 14: The Free University
Folder 15: The English Reformed Church
Folder 16: The Netherlands writings
Folder 17: Transition summer --- 1939
Folder 18: Photos, Associate professor at Calvin --- 1939-1943
Folder 19: Class records --- 1939-1940
Folder 20: Chimes welcoming editorial --- November 1939
Folder 21: Plato Club --- 1939-1940
Folder 22: Letters, notices --- 1939-1940
Folder 23: Speeches, writings --- 1939-1940
Folder 24: Class record --- 1940-1941
Folder 25: Baby James --- October 14, 1940
Folder 26: Philosophy clubs --- 1940-1941
Folder 27: Photo of baseball team --- 1940-1941
Box 4
Folder 1: Writings, speeches --- 1940-1941
Folder 2: Baseball team --- 1941-1942
Folder 3: Philosophy Club --- 1941-1942
Folder 4: Philosophy class records --- 1941-1942
Folder 5: Speeches --- 1942
Folder 6: Plato Club --- 1942-1943
Folder 7: Philosophy 203 class record --- 1942-1943
Folder 8: Military appointment --- May 1, 1943
Folder 9: Farewells --- May 1943
Folder 10: Photos: Navy, World War II --- 1943-1946
Folder 11: Photos: Indoctrination, Fort Schuyler --- September 24, 1923
Folder 12: Photos: Military Government, Columbia --- October 1, 1943 - May 1, 1944
Folder 13: Photos from New York
Folder 14: Research, Columbia University
Folder 15: Teaching, Princeton --- 1944-1945
Folder 16: Photos: Field training --- March 1945-September 1945
Folder 17: Photos: Embarkation Point, Seattle --- 1945
Folder 18: Photos: Ocean passage --- 1945
Folder 19: Photos: Seoul, South Korea --- 1945
Folder 20: Photos: Sea passage to Japan --- 1945
Folder 21: Photos: Tokyo, Japan --- 1945-1946
Folder 22: Homeward bound --- 1946
Folder 23: Detached; released --- July 1946
Folder 24: Biographical Data Pertaining to the Life of Henry Stob
Series 2: Calvin College Period --- 1946-1952
Box 5
Folder 1: Miscellaneous papers --- 1946-1952
Folder 2: Photo: Calvin College faculty --- 1946
Folder 3: Appointment of W. H. Jellema --- May 1947
Folder 4: Book review: "Does God Exist?" --- August 1947
Folder 5: Class records --- 1947-1948
Folder 6: Youth Speaks on Calvinism --- 1947-1948
Folder 7: Book review: Van Til's Philosophy --- October 1947
Folder 8: Citizen Action --- June 1949
Folder 9: Christian University Association --- 1949
Folder 10: Correspondence --- 1948-1949
Folder 11: Publications --- 1948-1949
Folder 12: Logic record and materials --- 1949
Folder 13: The De Boer - Runner Issue
Folder 14: Citizen Action --- February 1950; July 1951; February 1952
Folder 15: Seminary Situation --- 1950-1951
Folder 16: Flynn - De Koster - Kuiper --- August 1950
Folder 17: Young Calvinist Federation race resolutions
Folder 18: Writings --- 1949-1950
Folder 19: Course records --- 1950-1952
Folder 20: The Reformed Journal --- 1951
Folder 21: College presidency --- 1951
Folder 22: The movie issue --- June 1951
Folder 23: Clarence Bouma, hospitalization --- 1951
Folder 24: The Sacred Seven --- June 1951
Folder 25: Letters --- 1950-1951
Folder 26: Speeches and writings --- 1950-1951
Folder 27: The Race Issue --- 1951
Folder 28: Seminary Situation: Harry Boer
Folder 29: Appointment to Seminary --- June 1952
Folder 30: Letters --- 1951-1952
Folder 31: Speeches and writings --- 1951-1952
Folder 32: Critique of college: H. J. Kuiper --- June 1952
Folder 33: Seminary Situation: investigation
Folder 34: Seminary Situation: George Stob
Series 3: Calvin Theological Seminary Period --- 1952-1974
Box 6
Folder 1: Banner introduction to H. Stob, by Carl E. Zylstra --- 1973
Folder 2: Department of Ethics and Apologetics --- 1952-1958
Folder 3: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1952-1953
Folder 4: "Note to a College Freshman" --- 1953
Folder 5: "Toward a Better Understanding" --- April 1953
Folder 6: Reappointment to Seminary --- 1953
Folder 7: Harry Boer: Letter to Synod --- 1953
Folder 8: Montpellier lecture --- 1953
Folder 9: Reformed Ecumenical Synod, Edinburgh --- 1953
Folder 10: Letters --- 1952-1953
Folder 11: Writings --- 1952-1953
Folder 12: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1953-1954
Folder 13: Call from Calvin CRC --- September 14, 1953
Folder 14: Classical examination --- September 17, 1953
Folder 15: Ordination into ministry --- October 4, 1953
Folder 16: Installation as a professor --- November 12, 1953
Folder 17: Christian University Association, meeting of the board --- December 28, 1953
Folder 18: On race relations --- 1953
Folder 19: Citizen Action --- February 1954
Folder 20: Scientific Conference Pedagogical Institute
Folder 21: Harry Boer, Synod --- 1954
Folder 22: Letters --- 1953-1954
Folder 23: Speeches --- 1953-1954
Folder 24: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1954-1955
Folder 25: Reappointment to Seminary --- February 1955
Folder 26: Artificial Insemination --- 1955
Folder 27: The Sacred Three
Folder 28: Marital relations
Folder 29: Letters --- 1954-1955
Folder 30: Writings --- 1954-1955
Box 7
Folder 1: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1955-1956
Folder 2: Writings --- 1955-1956
Folder 3: Speeches --- 1955-1956
Folder 4: The Seminary Presidency --- 1956
Folder 5: Cecil De Boer - Calvin Forum --- November 1955
Folder 6: Clarence Bouma, rehabilitation --- 1956
Folder 7: Letters --- 1955-1956
Folder 8: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1956-1957
Folder 9: Henry Zylstra, in memoriam --- December 2, 1956
Folder 10: Seminary presidency --- 1957
Folder 11: Invitation to Japan --- 1956-1957
Folder 12: The Mind of the Church --- March, April, July, 1957
Folder 13: Centennial addresses --- 1957
Folder 14: Assistance fund --- May 1957
Folder 15: The Christian Concept of Freedom --- 1957
Folder 16: Letters --- 1956-1957
Folder 17: Other writings --- 1956-1957
Folder 18: Minutes of Seminary faculty meetings --- 1957-1958
Folder 19: Space exploration --- 1957
Folder 20: Moller's death --- December 26, 1957
Folder 21: Concerning Japan --- 1957-1958
Folder 22: Letters --- 1957-1958
Folder 23: Writings --- 1957-1958
Folder 24: The Japan Quarter-World Tour, M-A --- 1958
Folder 25: Notices and introductions --- 1958
Folder 26: Itinerary calendar --- 1958
Folder 27: Grand Rapids - Chicago - LA - Honolulu flight --- 1958
Box 8
Folder 1: Japan
Folder 2: Korea
Folder 3: Taipei - Manila - Hong Kong - Bangkok - Rangoon - New Delhi --- 1958
Folder 4: Ceylon --- 1958
Folder 5: Cairo - Israel - Athens - Rome --- 1958
Folder 6: Nigeria --- 1958
Folder 7: Lisbon - Madrid - Amsterdam - London --- 1958
Folder 8: Notices --- 1958
Folder 9: Letters --- 1958
Folder 10: Minutes of the special faculty meetings --- 1958-1959
Folder 11: Lectures --- 1958-1959
Folder 12: Permanent reappointment --- 1959
Folder 13: Letters --- 1958-1959
Folder 14: Writings --- 1958-1959
Folder 15: Infallibility issue: students --- 1958-1959
Folder 16: Infallibility issue: faculty --- 1958-1959
Folder 17: Infallibility issue: trustees --- 1958-1959
Folder 18: Infallibility issue: church press --- 1958-1959
Folder 19: Infallibility issue: Torch/Trumpet --- 1958-1959
Folder 20: Infallibility issue: The Reformed Journal --- 1958-1959
Folder 21: Infallibility issue: Synod --- 1959
Folder 22: Current events
Folder 23: "Summoning Up Remembrance," Addende --- 1952-1959
Box 9
Folder 1: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1959-1960
Folder 2: The Reformed Journal --- March 1960
Folder 3: Letters --- 1959-1960
Folder 4: Speeches --- 1959-1960
Folder 5: Writings --- 1959-1960
Folder 6: Infallibility --- 1939-1960
Folder 7: Synod --- 1960
Folder 8: The sabbatical year --- 1960-1961
Folder 9: American Association of Theological Schools, Faculty Fellowship --- 1960
Folder 10: Inquiries on sabbatical --- 1960
Folder 11: Introductions --- 1960
Folder 12: At Oxford --- 1960-1961
Folder 13: The continental tour --- 1961
Folder 14: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1960-1961
Folder 15: Infallibility --- 1960-1961
Folder 16: Kromminga reappointment --- 1960-1961
Folder 17: Letters --- 1960-1961
Folder 18: Writings --- 1960-1961
Folder 19: "Calvin in the Sixties," by William Brasher
Box 10
Folder 1: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1961-1962
Folder 2: Formal inauguration --- December 1961
Folder 3: "Principle and Practice" --- 1962
Folder 4: Kromminga - tenure --- 1962
Folder 5: Clarence Bouma, d. --- August 12, 1962
Folder 6: Letters --- 1961-1962
Folder 7: Speeches, addresses --- 1961-1962
Folder 8: Writings --- 1961-1962
Folder 9: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1962-1963
Folder 10: The Dekker Case. Does God love or hate men? --- 1962-1963
Folder 11: John Hamersma, d. --- February 27, 1963
Folder 12: David Wynbeek, d. --- June 7, 1963
Folder 13: Activities --- 1962-1963
Folder 14: Letters --- 1962-1963
Folder 15: Writings --- 1962-1963
Folder 16: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1963-1964
Folder 17: Christian Power Organizations --- 1963-1964
Folder 18: Letters --- 1963-1964
Folder 19: Speeches, addresses --- 1963-1964
Folder 20: Writings --- 1963-1964
Folder 21: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1964-1965
Folder 22: Convocation address --- September 1964
Folder 23: The Goldwater Issue --- 1964
Folder 24: Letters --- 1964-1965
Folder 25: Speeches --- 1964-1965
Folder 26: Writings --- 1964-1965
Box 11
Folder 1: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1965-1966
Folder 2: Fulbright - Amsterdam --- 1965-1966
Folder 3: Death of God --- 1965-1966
Folder 4: The Dekker Case --- 1965-1966
Folder 5: The Reformed Journal after fifteen years --- 1965-1966
Folder 6: William B. Eerdmans --- 1882-1966
Folder 7: Speeches --- 1965-1966
Folder 8: Writings --- 1965-1966
Folder 9: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1966-1967
Folder 10: The Dekker Case --- 1966-1967
Folder 11: Letters --- 1966-1967
Folder 12: Speeches --- 1966-1967
Folder 13: Writings --- 1966-1967
Folder 14: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1967-1968
Folder 15: The Dekker Case --- 1967-1968
Folder 16: Letters --- 1967-1968
Folder 17: Speeches, remarks --- 1967-1968
Folder 18: Writings --- 1967-1968
Folder 19: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1968-1969
Folder 20: Meetings and actions --- 1968-1969
Folder 21: Letters --- 1968-1969
Box 12
Folder 1: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1969-1970
Folder 2: Cicero race issue --- 1969-1970
Folder 3: Letters --- 1969-1970
Folder 4: Writings --- 1969-1970
Folder 5: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1970-1971
Folder 6: Ordination of Wes Van Dyk --- September 25, 1970
Folder 7: Letters --- 1970-1971
Folder 8: Writings --- 1970-1971
Folder 9: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1971-1972
Folder 10: Abortion --- June - September, 1971
Folder 11: Calvin Bulthuis, d. --- December 24, 1971
Folder 12: Writings --- 1971-1972
Folder 13: Minutes of the faculty meetings --- 1972-1973
Folder 14: Ethics and Scientific Control --- October 20, 1972
Folder 15: Correspondence on Morgan Lecture --- 1972-1973
Folder 16: C. Boomsma anniversary --- January 7, 1973
Folder 17: Faculty - board lecture --- February 7, 1973
Folder 18: Note to Dick and Nancy --- July 15, 1973
Folder 19: Letters --- 1972-1973
Folder 20: Writings --- 1972-1973
Folder 21: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1973-1974
Folder 22: The Morgan Lectures --- February 13-15, 1974
Folder 23: Wes Van Dyk : Hamilton CRC --- March 31, 1974
Folder 24: The Minnema appointment --- 1974
Folder 25: Forums --- 1973-1974
Folder 26: Writings --- 1973-1974
Box 22
Folder 6: Lists of students of Henry Stob
Series 4: Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1974-1975 and Retirement Years --- 1975-1978
Box 13
Folder 1: Minutes of faculty meetings --- 1974-1975
Folder 2: Speeches and addresses --- 1974-1975
Folder 3: Albert Bosscher protest --- 1974-1975
Folder 4: Reformed - Lutheran talks --- 1974-1975
Folder 5: Letters --- 1974-1975
Folder 6: Writings --- 1974-1975
Folder 7: Retirement --- 1975
Folder 8: Articles and notices --- 1975
Folder 9: Letters --- 1975
Folder 10: Honors Convocation --- May 8, 1975
Folder 11: Official dinners
Folder 12: God and the Good --- 1975
Folder 13: Seminary students --- 1976
Folder 14: Henry Ryskamp, in memorium --- November 5, 1976
Folder 15: Accolade --- 1976
Folder 16: Letters --- 1976
Folder 17: Speeches --- 1976
Folder 18: Writings --- 1976
Folder 19: Banner picture of graduates --- 1977
Folder 20: Alumni award --- May 21, 1977
Folder 21: Criticism --- 1977
Folder 22: Capital punishment --- 1977
Folder 23: Judicial code --- 1977
Folder 24: Letters --- 1977
Folder 25: Writings --- 1977
Folder 26: Seminary graduates --- 1978
Folder 27: Ethical reflections --- 1978
Folder 28: Letters --- 1978
Folder 29: Speeches --- 1978
Folder 30: Writings --- 1978
Series 5: Retirement Years --- 1979-1997
Box 14
Folder 1: Calvin Seminary graduates --- 1979
Folder 2: Retirement from The Reformed Journal --- 1979
Folder 3: Letters --- 1979
Folder 4: Writings --- 1979
Folder 5: Calvin Seminary graduates --- 1980
Folder 6: Engagements --- 1980
Folder 7: Letters --- 1980
Folder 8: Calvin Seminary graduates --- 1981
Folder 9: Theological reflections --- 1981
Folder 10: Capital Punishment --- 1981
Folder 11: The Gerald Elliott Piece --- March 1981
Folder 12: Critique - Van Reken --- 1981
Folder 13: Activities, speeches --- 1981
Folder 14: Letters --- 1981
Folder 15: Calvin Seminary candidates --- 1982
Folder 16: Activities, speeches --- 1982
Folder 17: Letters --- 1982
Folder 18: Writings --- 1982
Folder 19: Calvin Seminary candidates --- 1983
Folder 20: James Daane, d. --- April 12, 1983
Folder 21: Ministers' Institute; Sin Salvation Service [HERH BT715 .S86] --- 1983
Folder 22: C. Boomsma retirement --- 1983
Folder 23: J. Kromminga retirement --- 1983
Folder 24: Wes Van Dyk installation --- 1983
Folder 25: Activities --- 1983
Folder 26: Letters --- 1983
Box 15
Folder 1: Seminary candidates for the ministry --- 1984
Folder 2: The Boomsma letter --- 1984
Folder 3: Stob Day --- 1984
Folder 4: New Year editorial --- January 2, 1984
Folder 5: Seminary commencement address --- May 19, 1984
Folder 6: "Sin, Salvation, Service" --- 1984
Folder 7: Chapter on Antithesis --- 1984
Folder 8: Junior College philosophy class --- 1984
Folder 9: Kingdom, church --- 1984
Folder 10: Paul Stoub affair --- 1984
Folder 11: Activities --- 1984
Folder 12: The Stob Lectures --- 1984
Folder 13: Invitations --- 1984
Folder 14: Letters --- 1984
Folder 15: Candidates for the ministry --- 1985
Folder 16: The Jellema Lectures --- 1985
Folder 17: Article on sin --- 1985
Folder 18: Activities --- 1985
Folder 19: The Stob Lectureship --- 1985
Folder 20: Seminary Fiftieth Class Reunion --- 1935-1985
Folder 21: Sister Gert, d. --- October 20, 1985
Folder 22: Letters --- 1985
Folder 23: Candidates for the ministry --- 1986
Folder 24: Fiftieth anniversary --- September 11, 1986
Folder 25: Invitations --- 1986
Folder 26: Flora Ryskamp, d. --- December 26, 1986
Folder 27: Activities --- 1986
Folder 28: The Stob Lectureship --- 1986
Folder 29: First Stob Lectures: Lewis B. Smedes --- 1986
Folder 30: Letters --- 1986
Box 16
Folder 1: Candidates for the ministry --- 1987
Folder 2: Wes Van Dyk at LaGrave --- September 27, 1987
Folder 3: Second Stob Lectures: James M. Gustafson --- 1987
Folder 4: Hilda: stroke --- December 4, 1987
Folder 5: On Writing Memoirs --- 1987
Folder 6: The Stob Endowment --- 1987
Folder 7: Invitations --- 1987
Folder 8: Letters --- 1987
Folder 9: Diary of 1988, Synodical Banner --- 1988
Folder 10: Entrance into Raybrook --- May 1988
Folder 11: My 80th Birthday --- June 24, 1988
Folder 12: Third Stob Lectures: Dr. P. Kreeft --- 1988
Folder 13: Harold Ellens --- 1988
Folder 14: Medical reports --- 1988
Folder 15: Retirees breakfast --- 1988
Folder 16: Wes and his church --- 1988
Folder 17: Letters --- 1988
Folder 18: Diary, candidates for the ministry, synodical Banner --- 1989
Folder 19: Fourth Stob Lectures: Al Plantinga --- 1989
Folder 20: Transfer to Woodlawn --- February 1989
Folder 21: John Pool, d. --- September 3, 1989
Folder 22: Celebrations --- 1989
Folder 23: Letters --- 1989
Box 17
Folder 1: Candidates for the ministry, diary, Synodical Banner --- 1990
Folder 2: Fifth Stob Lectures: Martin Marty, November 14 and 15 --- 1990
Folder 3: Medical reports --- 1990
Folder 4: The Seminary - PhD --- 1990
Folder 5: Celebrations --- 1990
Folder 6: Demise of The Reformed Journal --- December 1990
Folder 7: Letters --- 1990
Folder 8: Candidates for the ministry, diary, Press reports --- 1991
Folder 9: Sixth Stob Lectures: Allen Verhey --- 1991
Folder 10: Letters --- 1991
Folder 11: Candidates for the ministry, synodical Banner planner, diary --- 1992
Folder 12: Seventh Stob Lectures: Nick Wolterstorff --- 1992
Folder 13: Letters --- 1992
Folder 14: Diary, synodical Banner
Folder 15: Eighth Stob Lectures: Dewey Hoitenga --- 1993
Folder 16: Hilda's surgery --- December 8, 1992
Folder 17: Letters --- 1993
Folder 18: History, synodical Banner --- 1994
Folder 19: Ninth Stob Lectures: John Feikens --- 1994
Folder 20: Letters --- 1994
Box 18
Folder 1: The Banner, Synod, diary --- 1995
Folder 2: Responses to Summoning Up Remembrance --- 1995
Folder 3: Biographical data
Folder 4: Tenth Stob Lectures: George Mavrodes --- 1995
Folder 5: Stob's second biopsy:. Letter to Seminary faculty --- February 12, 1995
Folder 6: Letters --- 1995
Folder 7: Interviews by Grand Rapids Press editor Charles Honey --- 1996
Folder 8: Eleventh Stob Lectures: Arthur Holmes --- October 29, 1996
Folder 9: Letters --- 1996
Folder 10: Thoughts. Final copy, and pamphlet, transcribed by Jack Kuipers, 1996; version #9 --- 1994
Folder 11: Obituary of Henry Stob, and press announcement --- May 27, 1996
Folder 12: Biographical data pertaining to the life of Henry Stob, 1759-1989
Folder 13: "The Stob Family: Organized September 3, 1934"; directory --- 1938
Reunions held until 1941
Folder 14: Twelfth Stob Lectures: Harold Ellens --- 1997
Series 6: Philosophy Courses - Notes --- 1908-1996
Box 23
Folder 1: Ancient Philosophy
Folder 2: Medieval Philosophy
Folder 3: Modern Philosophy --- 1941-1942
Folder 4: Patristic Philosophy, course 541 I
Folder 5: Patristic Philosophy, course 541 II
Folder 6: Patristic Philosophy, course 541 III
Box 24
Folder 1: Basic Christian Ethics, course 531
Folder 2: God as the Ground of Love, notes
Folder 3: Metaphysics
Box 25
Folder 1: Aristotle, course 341
Folder 2: Introductory Philosophy, course 203. Summer --- 1940
Folder 3-4: Introductory Philosophy. Second semester, Grand Rapids Junior College --- 1983-1984
Folder 5: Notes on Philosophy
Folder 6: St. Thomas Dictionary of Terms, A - F
Folder 7: St. Thomas Dictionary of Terms, G - L
Folder 8: St. Thomas Dictionary of Terms, M - Z
Folder 9: Paul Tillich, second quarter --- 1978-1979
Box 26
Folder 1: Apologetics A
Folder 2: Apologetics B
Folder 3: Apologetics C
Folder 4: Apologetics: the subject of defense
Folder 5: Philosophy of religion. Notes A - H
Folder 6: Philosophy of religion. Notes K - M
Folder 7: Virtues and Vices, notes
Series 7: Philosophy Studies
Box 27
Folder 1: Abortion --- 1971
Folder 2: Apologetics
Folder 3: ine's Confessions --- August
Folder 4: Basic Christian Ethics
Folder 5: Being in Christ
Folder 6: Bible
Folder 7: "Biblical Doctrine of Revelation," Hartford thesis --- 1936
Folder 8: Capital Punishment - articles, observations
Folder 9: Christian Reformed Church
Box 28
Folder 1: Education Papers
Folder 2: Love
Folder 3: Love Commandment: Man's Love for God
Folder 4: Love Commandment: Love for Neighbor
Folder 5: Love Commandment: Love and Hate
Folder 6: Medical Ethics
Folder 7: Moral Problems
Box 29
Folder 1: On Philosophy
Folder 2: On Polemics
Folder 3: On Politics
Folder 4: On Psychology
Folder 5: On Religion
Folder 6: On Religion and Philosophy
Folder 7: On the Sabbath: Sunday Problems
Folder 8: On Science
Folder 9: On Sexual Ethics
Box 30
Folder 1: On Social Ethics
Folder 2: On Theology, A
Folder 3: On Theology, B
Folder 4: On War
Folder 5: War and Peace
Series 8: Seminars
Box 31
Folder 1: Thomas Aquinas
Folder 2: Summa Theologie of Thomas Aquinas
Folder 3: The Wisdom of St. Augustine
Folder 4: The Wisdom of St. Augustine (544) --- 1970-1971
Folder 5: Karl Barth
Folder 6: Bonhoeffer: Church: The Institution in Crisis
Folder 7: Bonhoeffer: God in Act and Being
Folder 8: Bonhoeffer: God the Ultimate Environment
Folder 9: Bonhoeffer: Readings on God
Box 32
Folder 1: Jonathan Edwards
Folder 2: On Christian Ethics
Folder 3: The Evangelical Christian and Modern War, papers --- 1963
Folder 4: On the life of Christ
Folder 5: On the life of Christ (551) --- 1971
Folder 6: On the New Morality
Folder 7: On Paul Tillich --- 1978-1979
Series 9: Varia --- 1908-1984
Box 33
Folder 1: Autobiography: The Story of My Life. (A) --- 1908-1959
Folder 2: Autobiography: The Story of My Life. (B) --- 1908-1959
Folder 3: Autobiography: The Story of My Life. (C) --- 1908-1959
Box 34
Folder 1: Articles in:
Item 1: The Young Calvinist --- 1926
Item 2: Chimes --- 1929
Item 3: The Banner --- 1977
Folder 2: Articles in The Reformed Journal --- 1956-1976
Folder 3: Book reviews
Folder 4: Life histories of Henry Stob (1865-1944) and daughter, Anna Stob Veltman --- 1904-1955
Folder 5: Radio talks --- 1951, 1951, 1954
Folder 6: Sermons, meditations (some published) --- 1959-1984
Folder 7: "Sin, Salvation, Service," booklet of lectures given at Christian Reformed Ministers' Institute --- 1983
Folder 8: Student class notes, ca. [Nelvin Vos] --- 1954
Series 10: Memorabilia
Box 35: Stob's pipes, tobacco pouches, etc.
Series 11: Photographs
Box 1
Folder 4: Infancy:
Item 1: Photos, baby Henry --- 1908
Item 2: Family photo --- 1910
Folder 7: Grade school: photos --- 1914-1922
Folder 16: High school: report cards and photos --- 1926-1927
Folder 17: High school: clippings and photos --- 1927-1928
Folder 19: College years: college annual record, photos, and diploma --- 1928-1932
Folder 22-23: College years: photos --- 1930-1932
Folder 26: Seminary years: photos and clippings --- 1932-1933
Folder 27: Seminary years: photos and items related to commencement exercises --- 1933-1935
Box 2
Folder 7: Photos of courtship with Hilda De Graaf
Folder 8: Wedding photos and items --- 1936
Folder 9: Photos of honeymoon on ship
Folder 11: Photos: Rhine trip --- July 1937
Folder 12: Photos: Vehlen, summer --- 1937
Folder 13: Photos: The Netherlands --- 1936-1938
Folder 14: Photos: Gottingen city and university
Box 3
Folder 2: Photos of relatives in Rotterdam --- September 1936
Folder 3: Photos of visit to Rusbend --- October 1936
Folder 4: Photos of life and home in Oberemasch and Hanssen Strusse --- 1936
Folder 7: The Nazis: photos, notes, swastika
Folder 8: Photos from Gottingen
Folder 13: The Byleveld extended family photos --- 1938-1939
Folder 18: Photos, Associate professor at Calvin --- 1939-1943
Folder 27: Photo of baseball team --- 1940-1941
Box 4
Folder 10: Photos: Navy, World War II --- 1943-1946
Folder 11: Photos: Indoctrination, Fort Schuyler --- September 24, 1923
Folder 12: Photos: Military Government, Columbia --- October 1, 1943 - May 1, 1944
Folder 13: Photos from New York
Folder 16: Photos: Field training --- March 1945-September 1945
Folder 17: Photos: Embarkation Point, Seattle --- 1945
Folder 18: Photos: Ocean passage --- 1945
Folder 19: Photos: Seoul, South Korea --- 1945
Folder 20: Photos: Sea passage to Japan --- 1945
Folder 21: Photos: Tokyo, Japan --- 1945-1946
Box 5
Folder 2: Photo: Calvin College faculty --- 1946
Series 12: Family and friends photograph collection
Box 19
Folder 1: Parents and grandparents
Folder 2: Grandparents
Folder 3: Parents
Folder 4: Mother
Folder 5: Father
Folder 6: Anniversaries
Folder 7: Brother: John --- 1890-1960
Folder 8: Brother: Thomas --- 1892-1951
Folder 9: Brother: Cornelius --- 1894-1930
Folder 10: Sister: Gertrude --- 1896-1985
Folder 11: Brother: Martin --- 1905-1994
Folder 12: Sister: Jennie --- 1898-1945
Folder 13: Sibling group photos
Folder 14: Hilda (wife), childhood and the DeGraaf family
Folder 15: Hilda, young woman and wedding
Folder 16: Hilda's photo album
Box 20
Folder 1: Hilda, various places
Folder 2: Hilda with children
Folder 3: Hilda, miscellaneous
Folder 4: Ellen Stob Van Dyke
Folder 5: Dick Stob
Folder 6: Ellen Stob Van Dyke and Dick Stob
Folder 7: Wes and Ellen Van Dyke
Folder 8: Amy Van Dyke
Folder 9: Dick and Nancy (Bandstra) Stob
Folder 10: Liz Van Dyke
Box 21
Folder 1: Mark Stob
Folder 2: Paul Stob
Folder 3: Rebecca Stob
Folder 4: Kent Iwema
Folder 5: Henry, the teacher
Folder 6: Henry with Hilda
Folder 7: Henry with children
Folder 8: Henry with near kin
Folder 9: Henry with friends
Folder 10: Henry in retirement
Box 22
Folder 1: Henry at Sherman Street
Folder 2: Henry at the cottage
Folder 3: Henry at leisure
Folder 4: Henry miscellaneous
Folder 5: Friends
Series 13: Slides of trip around the World (see chps.19-21 of autobiography, in order of itinerary) --- 1958
Box 36
Folder 1: Grand Rapids, Los Angles, Honolulu, Japan
Folder 2-9: Japan
Folder 10: Japan, Korea
Folder 11: Korea
Folder 12: Korea, Taiwan
Folder 13: Taiwan, Philippines, Hong Kong
Folder 14: Hong Kong, Thailand
Folder 15: Thailand, Burma
Folder 16: Burma, India
Folder 17: India
Folder 18-21: Sri Lanka
Folder 22: Sri Lanka, Egypt
Folder 23: Egypt, Jordan
Folder 24-25: Jordan
Folder 26: Jordan, Israel
Folder 27: Greece
Folder 28-32: Nigeria
Folder 33: Nigeria, England
Item 1: Compact Disk with digital scans of each slide

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Data, 1908-1946],
[Series 2: Calvin College Period, 1946-1952],
[Series 3: Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1952-1974],
[Series 4: Calvin Theological Seminary Period, 1974-1975 and Retirement Years, 1975-1978],
[Series 5: Retirement Years, 1979-1997],
[Series 6: Philosophy Courses - Notes, 1908-1996],
[Series 7: Philosophy Studies],
[Series 8: Seminars],
[Series 9: Varia, 1908-1984],
[Series 10: Memorabilia],
[Series 11: Photographs],
[Series 12: Family and friends photograph collection],
[Series 13: Slides of trip around the World (see chps.19-21 of autobiography, in order of itinerary), 1958],

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