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John B. Hulst Collection



Biographical Note

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[General Materials]


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John B. Hulst Collection, 1865-1948 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: John B. Hulst Collection, 1865-1948

ID: COLL/465

Primary Creator: Hulst, John B. (1868-1948)

Extent: 1.1 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Lay preacher in the Christian Reformed Church and board president of the Publication Committee of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection includes sermons, sermon notes, church anniversary booklets, correspondence (with G. Berkhof, K. Van den Bosch, I. Van Dellen, and Jan Gelok), news clippings, souvenir ribbons, letters, family materials, home remedies, photographs, plus materials about the Psalter Hymnal, printing, and Mormonism. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Biographical Note

Son of Rev. Frederikus Hulst, John B. Hulst was born on way to Holland, Michigan near the town of Vriesland, Michigan on April 6, 1868. Like his father before him, Hulst wanted to pursue a career in ministry. Hulst enrolled in Calvin Theological Seminary, however due to being overworked, he suffered from a severe nervous breakdown. The nervous breakdown made it impossible for Hulst to finish his education at the Seminary.

Despite not graduating, Hulst still became a prominent layman for the Christian Reformed Church. He was a member of the Spring Street Church in Grand Rapids. Hulst was very involved in his church as he was the president of his church's Young People's Society. Many recall him leaving an invaluable impression on the youth of that group. He also served as an elder in many of the local congregations as well. Additionally, he also served the denomination in many capacities. He served on a great number of boards and committees, however the Publication Committee of the Christian Reformed Church was a particular favorite of Hulst. He was an avid reader of religious books, and an advocate for the printed word as a way to spread divine truth. He participated as a member of the committee for thirty-two years, and for sixteen years as the president.

Although, at an older age than originally anticipated, Hulst did received a license to preach at several Classis.  Hulst very much enjoyed to preach, and the congregations enjoyed listening to him as he was an impressive speaker. Hulst retired from his post at the Publication Committee in 1946, and became too feeble to continue preaching. On February 20, 1948 John B. Hulst passed away at his home in Grand Rapids. He was preceded in death by his wife, Wilhelmina Smitter. He was survived by his son Arnold, and daughter Dora, and grandchildren.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: [General Materials]],
[Series 2: Photographs],

Series 1: [General Materials]
Box 1
Folder 1: Family photographs --- undated
Folder 2: Hulst genealogy, material on ancestors
Folder 3: Marriage certificate --- 1894
Folder 4: Letters of condolences received re: the death of Mrs. Hulst --- 1933
Folder 5: Material re: deaths of Mr. and Mrs. Hulst --- 1933-1948
Folder 6: Church anniversary booklets --- 1907-1927
Folder 7: Correspondence --- 1889-1940
Folder 8: News clippings --- 1905
Folder 9: Souvenir ribbons --- 1897-1908
Folder 10: News clippings re: religion in school controversy --- undated
Folder 11: John B. Hulst recipe for a rheumatism cure and other home remedies --- undated
Folder 12: Het Verdrukte Cuba (published by John B. Hulst) --- 1898
Folder 13: Sermons by John B. Hulst --- undated
Folder 14: Sermons by John B. Hulst --- undated
Folder 15: Christmas sermon by Rev. F. Hulst --- 1865-1868
Folder 16: Young Men's Society anniversary programs --- 1900-1915
Folder 17: Document appointing John B. Hulst to the "Algemeenen Nederlandschen Bond" --- 1898
Folder 18: Voor onze Kerst- en Nieuwjaarsfeesten:  Gedichten en Samespraken voor Grooten en Klienen, no. 4, (J. B. Hulst Boekhandelaar-Uitgever) --- undated
Folder 19: Report of advisory committee re: Psalter revision and hymns --- 1932
Folder 20: Materials re: copyrighting the Psalter Hymnal --- 1932, 1934
Folder 21: Materials re: church publishing Psalter Hymnal --- 1932-1934
Folder 22: Materials re: offset process of printing. Rayner, Dalheim method --- 1934
Folder 23: Materials re: Mormonism --- 1938
Folder 24: Uw Brood Zeker en uw Water Gewis of de Geschiedenis van Jantje Meuje: een Verhall op Waarheid Gegrond --- [undated]
Box 2
Item 1: Funeral sketches
Item 2: De Christus strijd brengende op aarde, Mattheus 10: 34-39
Item 3: De Ware rust voor de vermoeiden en belasten, Mattheus 11:28-30
Item 4: De Wijze en dwaze maagden: verbeidende de komst van den bruidegom, Mattheus 25: 1, 13
Item 5: Kruisdragen: eene vereischte tot het volgen van Jezus, Markus 8: 34b
Item 6: Des Heilands beschouwing van "dit geslacht," Lucas 7: 31-35
Item 7: Het Belijden en verloochenen van den zoon des menschen, Lukas 12: 8,9
Item 8: Des Apostels vermaning tot hemelsgezindheid, Colossensen 3: 1-4
Item 9: Jezus belofte in zake het gebedsleven, Johannes 15:7
Item 10: Abels geloof openbaar in zijne offerande, Hebreen 11:4
Item 11: Henoch, Hebreen 11: 5,6
Item 12: Noach, Hebrew 11: 7
Item 13: Mozes' keuze, Hebreen 11:24-26
Item 14: De Verantwoording der geloovigen tegenover hunne bestrijders, 1 Petrus 3:15
Item 15: Het zich bewaren in de liefde Gods, Judas: 20, 21
Item 16: Johannes' getuigenis omtrent het vleeschgeworden woord, Johannes 1:14
Item 17: Het Lam Gods: door den voorlooper ingeleid bij Israel, Johannes 1:29
Item 18: Veiligheid alleen in de bedekking door het bloed, Exodus 12: 7, 13; 1 Cor. 5:7b
Item 19: Gods volk door Jehova bewaard, Psalm 125: 1, 2
Item 20: Een Vertroostend woord voor het vertwijfelend Israel, Jesaja 40: 28-31
Item 21: Jehovahs onbewegelijke trouw, Jesaja 54:10
Item 22: Israel ten gerichte genoodigd, Jesaja 1:18
Item 23: De Beejkes der rivier verblijdende de stad Gods, Psalm 46:5
Item 24: Een Verlangen naar verlorene vreugde, Psalm 51:14a
Item 25: Des Christens geloofsvertrouwen te midden van de tegenspoeden des levens, Psalm 73: 23-26
Item 26: De Geloovigen op reis naar Zion, Psalm 84:6-8
Item 27: Als eene gedachte - zoo het leven, Psalm 90:9b
Item 28: De Dankbare stemming van een beweldadigd kind des Heeren, Psalm 116:16-19
Item 29: Davids roem omtrent de broederschap Israels of de gemeenschap der heiligen, Psalm 133
Item 30: De Voorwaarde der schuldvergiffenis, Spreuken 28:13b
Item 31: Het Leven Christi - het sterven gewin, Philippensen 1:21
Item 32: De Geestelijke opstanding der geloovigen, Efeze 2:4, 5
Item 33: Christus zonde gemaakt voor ons, 2 Corinthen 5:21
Item 34: Het Wandelen door het geloof en niet door het aanschouwen, 2 Corinthen 5:7
Item 35: De Veilige staat der uitverkorenen Gods, Romeinen 8:33, 34
Item 36: De Zuchtende geloovige verwachtende de aanneming tot kinderen, Romeinen 8:23
Item 37: Burgeroorlog in het leven der geloovigen, Romeinen 7:22-25
Item 38: De Tegenstalling van zonde en verlossing in hare uitwerking op den mensch, Romeinen 5:17
Item 39: De Voetwassching der jongeren, Johannes 13:14
Item 40: De Verheerlijkin g van den zoon des menschen, Johannes 12:20-28
Box 3
Item 1: Habakuks lied van het overwinnend geloof, Habakuk 3:16-19
Item 2: Habakuks lied van het overwinnend geloof, Habakuk 3: 17-19
Item 3: Het Visioen aanganande Jozua den hoogepriester, Zacharia 3: 1-5
Item 4: De Bestending en verhoogin der hoogepriesterlijke bediening, Zacharia 3:6-8
Item 5: De Steen voor Jozuas aangezicht, Zach. 3:9, 10
Item 6: Jehova dasvids erve, Psalm 16: 5, 6
Item 7: De Bouwing der gellovigen tot eenen geestelijken tempel, 1 Petrus 2: 4, 5
Item 8: Het Geloof der aartsvaders zich richtende op het onvergankelijke, Hebreen 11:13-16
Item 9: Het geloof der Syro-Phoenisische vrouw, Matt. 15:21-28
Item 10: De Vervloeking van den vijgeboom, Matt. 21:18, 19
Item 11: Het Uitwerken onzer eigene zaligheid, Philippensen 2:12, 13
Item 12: The Glorification of the Son of Man, John 12:20-28
Item 13: The Two cleansings of the temple, John 2:13-16; Mark 11:15-17
Item 14: Jehovah's faithfulness immovable, Isaiah 54:10
Item 15: The Subscribing of the covenant people of Jehovah, Isaiah 44:5b
Item 16: Joshua's parting admonition to Israel, Joshua 24:15
Item 17: The Ministry of reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20
Item 18: The Two covenants, Galatians 4:21-31
Item 19: Obeying and honoring father and mother, Ephesians 6:1,2a
Item 20: Man himself deciding his eternal destination, Revelation 22:10-12
Item 21: The Rich young ruler, Matthew 19:16-22
Item 22: Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, John 11:25, 26
Item 23: A Coffin in Egypt, Genesis 50:26
Item 24: Jehovah's Spirit the source of power, Zechariah 4:6
Item 25: The Brakes applied to the development of youth, Ecclesiastes 11:9, 10
Item 26: Working out one's own salvation, Philippians 2:12, 13
Item 27: The Royal marriage feast, Matthew 22:1-14
Item 28: Jesus washing the disciples' feet, John 13:1-17
Item 29: Christ's disciples in sieve of Satan, Luke 22: 31, 32
Item 30: The Washing of the disciples' feet, John 13:14
Item 31: The Heavenly choir, Luke 2:13, 14
Item 32: God's providence in the birth of the Savior, Luke 2:1-7
Item 33: The Announcement of the birth of Christ, Luke 1:26-33
Item 34: Blessings attached to the sanctuary of Jehovah, Psalm 84:3,4
Item 35: Civil War in the life of the saint, Romans 7:22-25
Item 36: The Work of God, John 6:28, 29
Item 37: Job's faith amidst the direst affliction, Job 19:25-27
Item 38: The Prayer our nation needs, Proverbs 30:8b,9
Item 39: The Journey of the child Jesus to Jerusalem, Luke 2:41-52
Item 40: Orpah and Ruth on the border of decision, Ruth 1:14
Item 41: Ruth's choices, Ruth 1:16, 17
Item 42: Dollars: toespraak gehouden op Highland Park, Labor Day --- 1905
Item 43: Paul: the prisoner resting in the serenity of faith, 2 Timothy 1:12b
Item 44: The Secret of Paul's success, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Item 45: Adorning the doctrine of God our Savior, Titus 2:10b
Box 4
Item 1: Het Verlangen des dichters: terwijl hij zich in den vreemde bevindt, Psalm 42:1-6
Item 2: De Vrede bij God als vrucht van de rechtvaardiging uit het geloof, Romeinen 5:1
Item 3: Het Zuchtend schepsel verwachtende de oopanbaring der kinderen Gods, Romeinen 8:19-22
Item 4: De Verlichting der kennis der heerlijkheid Gods, 2 Korinthe 4:6
Item 5: De Bediening der verzoening, 2 Kor. 5:18-20
Item 6: De Zuivere en onbevlerte Godsdienst, Jakobus 1:27
Item 7: Het Evangelie der zaligheid, 1 Timotheus 1:15
Item 8: Het Vastmaken onzer roeping en verkiezing, 2 Petrus 1:10
Item 9: God is liefde, 1 John 4:8b
Item 10: Jezus lijden in Gethsemane, Matthew 26:36-46
Item 11: De Opstanding van onzen Heere Jezus Christus, Mattheus 28:1-7
Item 12: De Gelijkenis van de twee zonen, Lukas 15:11-32
Item 13: De Gelijkenis van den rijken man en Lazarus, Lukas 16:19-31
Item 14: De Farizeer en de tollenaar, Lukas 18:9-14
Item 15: De Verhooging van den Zoon des Menschen, Johannes 3:14, 15
Item 16: De Zelf-openbaring Gods aan den mensch, Johannes 3:13
Item 17: Holland Home
Item 18: The gospel of salvation, 1Timothy 1:15
Item 19: The gratitude of a delivered child of God, Psalm 116:16-19
Item 20: As a tale - such is life, Psalm 90:9b
Item 21: The Pentecostal miracle, Acts 2:12-21
Item 22: The gladdening streams in the City of God, Psalm 46:4
Item 23: A groaning creation awaiting the revelation of the children of God, Romans 8:19-22
Item 24: The tragedy of self-deception, Matthew 7:21-23
Item 25: The unfulfilled vow, Genesis 35:1-7
Item 26: The exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Philippians 2:9-11
Item 27: The Christians giving account over against their adversaries, 1 Peter 3:15
Item 28: The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:36, 37
Item 29: The shepherd Psalm, Psalm 23
Item 30: Paul and Agrippa, Acts 26:27, 28
Item 31: The Christian's confidence amidst adversity, Psalm 73: 23-26
Item 32: The spiritual resurrection of the believer, Ephesians 2:4, 5
Item 33: The prayer of Jabez, 1 Chronicles 4:9, 10
Item 34: The living hope of the eternal inheritance, 1 Peter 1: 3-5
Item 35: The Pharisee and the publican, Luke 18:9-14
Item 36: A right beginning of all missionary activity, Luke 10:2
Item 37: Christ's promise regarding prayer, John 15:7
Item 38: The child in the kingdom, Mark 10: 13-16
Item 39: The offending of self, Mark 9:43-48
Item 40: Manasseh's reign, 2 Chronicles 33:9-17
Item 41: The Christian's prayer life, Mark 11:24
Item 42: The faith of the Syre-Phoenician woman, Matthew 15:21-28
Item 43: The two ways, Matthew 7:13, 14
Item 44: No Smith in Israel, 1 Samuel 13:19a
Item 45: Troubling the people - Who to Blame? 1 Kings 18:17, 18
Item 46: Jehovah, David's heritage, Psalm 16:5, 6

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: [General Materials]],
[Series 2: Photographs],

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