Records Relating to Standing Committees | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Records filed under "Standing Committees"
CU C11 C11.0 Uncategorized Standing Committee Files

CU C11 C11.1 Naming College Buildings

CU C11 C11.2 Academic Standards

CU C11 C11.3 Animal Care and Use Committee

CU C11 C11.4 Assessment

CU C11 C11.5 Athletics

CU C11 C11.8 Chapel Committee

CU C11 C11.9 Committee on Governance (Faculty Goverance Committee, Formerly Committee on Committees)

CU C11 C11.10 Off Campus Programs

CU C11 C11.10/C11.10.1 International Programs Endowment Subcommittee

CU C11 C11.11 Planning and Priorities (Formerly: Priorities Committee)

CU C11 C11.11/C11.11.1 Facilities Task Force (FTF) [AKA Master Plan Committee]

CU C11 C11.13 Communicable Disease Prevention

CU C11 C11.14 Information Services (Formerly: Computer Services)

CU C11 C11.15 Educational Policy (see also: C12.21 Core Curriculum-Ad Hoc)

CU C11 C11.15/C11.15.1 Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Writing Program

CU C11 C11.15/C11.15.2 Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Core Curriculum for Conversion to Semester Hours

CU C11 C11.15/C11.15.3 Educational Policy Ad Hoc Committee on Core Revision (See also: C11.15, C12.21)

CU C11 C11.16 Energy and Environmental Sustainability Committee (Name changed from Environmental Stewardship Committee)

CU C11 C11.17 Faculty Development

CU C11 C11.18 Institutional BioSafety Review Board

CU C11 C11.20 Hekman Library

CU C11 C11.20/C11.20.1 Hekman Library Automation (Ad Hoc)

CU C11 C11.21 Homecoming

CU C11 C11.23 Interim Term (Formerly: Interim Program)

CU C11 C11.24 Multicultural Affairs Committee

CU C11 C11.24/C11.24.3 From Every Nation

CU C11 C11.25 Panel on Harassment

CU C11 C11.26 Professional Status Committee

CU C11 C11.27 Student Discipline

CU C11 C11.28 Student Life

CU C11 C11.29 Teacher Education

CU C11 C11.30 Strategic Planning

CU C11 C11.30/C11.30.1 Strategic Planning Ad-Hoc

CU C11 C11.31 Dormitory and Housing

CU C11 C11.32 Social Work Program (Curriculum) Committee

CU C11 C11.34 Calvin College and Seminary Lecture Series

CU C11 C11.35 College Store Committee (Formerly Bookstore Committee)

CU C11 C11.36 Adult and Continuing Education

CU C11 C11.37 Public Relations [Named College Relations prior to 1995]

CU C11 C11.38 Cultural Affairs

CU C11 C11.39/C11.39.1 Buildings and Campus (Dormitory)

CU C11 C11.40 Examinations

CU C11 C11.41 Curriculum Study

CU C11 C11.42 Information Services (continuation of C11.14)

CU C11 C11.43 Knollcrest Worship

CU C11 C11.45 Honors Program

CU C11 C11.46 Cooperation between Calvin College and NUCS

CU C11 C11.47 Planning and Priorities (See: C11.11)

CU C11 C11.48 Faculty Social and Special Activities

CU C11 C11.49 Summer Session

CU C11 C11.50 Counseling and Guidance

CU C11 C11.51 MA In Christian Studies (MACS)

CU C11 C11.52 Faculty Teaching

CU C11 C11.53 Academic Events

CU C11 C11.53/C11.53.1 Commencement Committee

CU C11 C11.54 Special Projects

CU C11 C11.55 Faculty Seminar

CU C11 C11.56 Student Religious and Social Activities (Formerly: Societies, Entertainments, Missions and Religious Culture)

CU C11 C11.57 Student Social Activities (Formerly: Student Religious and Social Activities Committe)

CU C11 C11.58 Seminary-College Interrelations

CU C11 C11.60 Joint Faculty Evaluation

CU C11 C11.61 Course of Study

CU C11 C11.62 College Relations

CU C11 C11.63 College Store

CU C11 C11.64 Environmental Health and Safety

CU C11 C11.65 All College Discipline Committee

CU C11 C11.66 Cultural Affairs Coordinating Council

CU C11 C11.67 Student Recruitment

CU C11 C11.68 Student Guidance

CU C11 C11.69 Pre-Seminary Recommendations

CU C11 C11.71 Fine Arts Guild

CU C11 C11.72 Lecture Committee (Formerly Lectureship Council)

CU C11 C11.73 Calvin Accelerated Program (CAP) [Continued from C12.67 Ad Hoc Committee on Degree Completion Programs]

CU C11 C11.74 Institutional Review Board (IRB)

CU C11 C11.75 Cross-cultural Engagement Committee

CU C11 C11.76 The Artist Series of Calvin College

CU C11 C11.77 Dance Committee

CU C11 C11.78 Building Safety Committee

CU C11 C11.78/C11.78.1 Building Safety - Hiemenga/Library

CU C11 C11.79 Enrollment Management Committee

CU C11 C11.79/C11.79.1 Student Retention Subcommittee (Formerly Retention Subcommittee), 1995-2015

CU C11 C11.80 Academic Advising Committee

CU C11 C11.81 Convocation Committee

CU C11 C11.82 Student Publications Committee

CU C11 C11.83 Graduate Studies Committee

CU C11 C11.84 Events Advisory Committee

CU C11 C11.85 Calvin Center for Faith and Writing

CU C11 C11.86 Online Academic Quality Committee, Sep 2021 - ongoing