Records Relating to Ad Hoc Committees | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Records filed under "Ad Hoc Committees"
CU C12 C12.0 Uncategorized Ad Hoc Committees Files

CU C12 C12.1 Gender Equity

CU C12 C12.2 Available Housing Space

CU C12 C12.3 Faculty Appointment

CU C12 C12.6 Attendance for appointment Clerk Position

CU C12 C12.7 Examination Fees

CU C12 C12.8 Miscellaneous

CU C12 C12.9 Athletics

CU C12 C12.10 Appointment of Librarian

CU C12 C12.11 Procedure in Appointment of Administrative Officers

CU C12 C12.12 Master of Arts in Teaching Advisory Committee (MAT)

CU C12 C12.13 Library Building

CU C12 C12.14 Faculty Research

CU C12 C12.15 Long-Range Computer-use

CU C12 C12.16 Professional Programs Study

CU C12 C12.17 Lecture

CU C12 C12.18 Faculty Organization Study (FOSCO)

CU C12 C12.19 Probation and Retention Standards

CU C12 C12.20 Dancing at Calvin

CU C12 C12.21 Core Curriculum

CU C12 C12.22 Student Development

CU C12 C12.23 Resident Services

CU C12 C12.24 Writing Program

CU C12 C12.25 Reformed University Study Group

CU C12 C12.26 College Chapel Building

CU C12 C12.27 Chapel Planning Advisory

CU C12 C12.28 Chapel Study Advisory

CU C12 C12.30 Calvin Centennial

CU C12 C12.30/C12.30.1 Planning Committee for Jubilee: A Centennial Convocation

CU C12 C12.31 Study Student Publications

CU C12 C12.32 Faculty Development Seminars

CU C12 C12.33 Campus Planning

CU C12 C12.34 Area and Periodic Studies Committee

CU C12 C12.35 Business Administration Program Development

CU C12 C12.36 Card Access

CU C12 C12.37 Study Committee on Dance

CU C12 C12.38 International Relations

CU C12 C12.39 Instructional Resource Center Committee

CU C12 C12.41 Ad Hoc Off Campus Programs

CU C12 C12.42 Earth Day 20 Observance

CU C12 C12.43 Expanded Mission Statement

CU C12 C12.44 Folk Rock

CU C12 C12.45 Ad Hoc Off-Campus, Foreign Study Programs Committee

CU C12 C12.46 Review the 4-1-4 Calendar

CU C12 C12.47 Gender Concerns Task Force

CU C12 C12.48 Radio Reevaluation

CU C12 C12.49 Retention of Students at Calvin College

CU C12 C12.50 Registrar Search

CU C12 C12.51 Service Learning

CU C12 C12.52 Calvin and Calvinism Study Center

CU C12 C12.53 Calvin Calvinism Collection

CU C12 C12.55 Christian Perspectives on Learning

CU C12 C12.56 Task Force on Student Recruitment

CU C12 C12.57 College-Business Interaction Seminars

CU C12 C12.58 To Study the Structure of the Student Affairs Division

CU C12 C12.59 Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Life

CU C12 C12.60 Prism Study

CU C12 C12.61 Admissions and Recruitment

CU C12 C12.62 Black Enrollment

CU C12 C12.63 Salary Advisory

CU C12 C12.64 Radio Broadcasting Feasibility

CU C12 C12.65 Calvin Anniversary

CU C12 C12.66 Christian Scientific Symposium Advisory Committee

CU C12 C12.67 Degree Completion Programs

CU C12 C12.68 Historical Resources

CU C12 C12.69 Van Raalte Papers

CU C12 C12.70 Computer and Technology Facilities

CU C12 C12.71 Workshop for Pastors

CU C12 C12.72 Ad Hoc Committee on Alternative Housing

CU C12 C12.74 Calvin Multicultural Year

CU C12 C12.75 Gabriel Dooitze DeJong Chapel

CU C12 C12.76 Pre-Architecture Advisory Committee

CU C12 C12.77 Multicultural Lectureship Committee

CU C12 C12.78 Minority Concerns Ad Hoc Committee

CU C12 C12.79 Minority Concerns Monitoring Ad Hoc Committee

CU C12 C12.81 Minority Concerns Task Force

CU C12 C12.82 Hospitality Committee

CU C12 C12.83 Calvin Anti-Racism Team (CART)

CU C12 C12.84 Linguistics Committee

CU C12 C12.85 Adult and Continuing Education

CU C12 C12.86 Staff Development Ad Hoc Committee

CU C12 C12.88 Curator of Archives Search Committee

CU C12 C12.89 Committee on Educational Assessment

CU C12 C12.90 COVID Response Team