Records Relating to Related Organizations | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Records filed under "Related Organizations"
CU C13 C13.1 Rhetoric Across the Curriculum (RAC)

CU C13 C13.2 Calvin Film Arts Committee

CU C13 C13.4 Men’s Literary Club

CU C13 C13.5 Calvin College Student Senate

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.1 Academic Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.2 Committee on Committees

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.3 Executive Board

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.4 Finance Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.5 Homecoming Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.6 Orientation Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.7 Public Relations Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.8 Rules Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.9 Secretariat

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.10 Student Monetary-Compensation Allocation Committee (SMAC)

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.11 Social Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.12 Student Rights Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.13 Student Services Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.14 Constitutional Study Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.15 Alternative Meal Program Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.16 Bike Club

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.17 Calvin Business Forum

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.18 Fine Arts Association

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.19 Friends of American Business

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.20 Hunger Awareness Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.21 Calvin Lectures Committee

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.22 Calvin Association for Political Awareness (CAPA)

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.23 Religious Coordinating Council

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.24 Pro-Life Association

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.25 Association for Public Justice

CU C13 C13.5/C13.5.26 Republicans Club

CU C13 C13.6 Ecosystem Preserve

CU C13 C13.6/C13.6.1 Subcommittee on Preserve Constitution Revision

CU C13 C13.6/C13.6.2 Bunker Interpretive Center

CU C13 C13.8 Calvin Oratorio Society

CU C13 C13.9 H. Henry Meeter Center

CU C13 C13.10 Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship

CU C13 C13.10/C13.10.1 Calvin College Press

CU C13 C13.11 Center for Social Research

CU C13 C13.12 Calvin Women’s Association

CU C13 C13.13 Calvin College Women’s Guild

CU C13 C13.14 Guild of Calvinist Scholars

CU C13 C13.15 Calvinistic Philosophy Club

CU C13 C13.16 "Fas Et Jus," Christian Political Society

CU C13 C13.17 Athletic Association

CU C13 C13.18 Men’s Glee Club

CU C13 C13.19 Girls Christian Fellowship Club

CU C13 C13.20 "The Blotter"

CU C13 C13.21 "Do Ut Detis"

CU C13 C13.22 Calvin College Orchestra

CU C13 C13.23 Knickerbocker Club

CU C13 C13.24 Pierion Club

CU C13 C13.25 Calvin Forum

CU C13 C13.26 Plato Club

CU C13 C13.27 "Credimus Ut Intelligamus," Student Club

CU C13 C13.28 Veteran’s Choir

CU C13 C13.29 Gamma Beta Theta

CU C13 C13.30 Student Volunteer Group

CU C13 C13.31 Calvin Revival Basketball

CU C13 C13.32 Nature and Scripture Club

CU C13 C13.33 Future Teachers Club [Phi Tau Kappa]

CU C13 C13.35 Connections: A Baroque Festival Year

CU C13 C13.36 Student Religious Council

CU C13 C13.37 Calvin College Commuter Committee

CU C13 C13.38 Minority Student Conference

CU C13 C13.39 Calvin College Computer Camps

CU C13 C13.40 Calvin College Dance Guild

CU C13 C13.41 Calvin Student Alumni Association

CU C13 C13.42 Calvin College Chimes

CU C13 C13.43 Calvin College Dialogue

CU C13 C13.44 Calvin College Prism

CU C13 C13.45 WCAL

CU C13 C13.46 Calvin Foundation

CU C13 C13.47 Groen van Prinsterer Society

CU C13 C13.48 Fine Arts Fellowship

CU C13 C13.49 Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

CU C13 C13.50 Calvin Alumni Theatre Company

CU C13 C13.51 Calvin Alumni Players

CU C13 C13.52 Christian Classics Ethereal Library

CU C13 C13.53 Spoelhof Institute fpr Christian Leadership in Business

CU C13 C13.54 Alliance of Institutions for Christian Higher Education

CU C13 C13.55 Logan Street Covenant House

CU C13 C13.56 Religion and Culture

CU C13 C13.57 New Calvin Literary Magazine

CU C13 C13.58 The Analyst

CU C13 C13.59 The Spectacle Guild

CU C13 C13.60 the dirt

CU C13 C13.61 Mellema Program in Western American Studies

CU C13 C13.62/C13.62.1 Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics

CU C13 C13.63 Food Service

CU C13 C13.64 Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity

CU C13 C13.65 Frederik Meijer Chair in Dutch Language and Culture

CU C13 C13.66 Seminars at Calvin

CU C13 C13.68 Quest

CU C13 C13.70 Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning

CU C13 C13.71 Calvinistic Propaganda Club

CU C13 C13.72 Calvin Center for Innovation in Business

CU C13 C13.73 Clean Water Institute of Calvin College