Browse By Collection Title | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Holdings Beginning With "B"
CRCNA/D3/D3-1930.1 Back To God Hour Committee, 1945-1965

CRCNA/D4/D4.20 Reframe Ministries, 1939-ongoing

COLL/004 Henry Baker Collection, 1926-1990

COLL/572 Henry J. Baron Collection, 1956-2005

COLL/006 Herman Bavinck Collection, 1897-1998

CRCNA/D2/D2.8 BC North-West, 1958-ongoing

COLL/011 Henry Beets Collection, 1824-1981

CRCNA/D4/D4.10.3 Bi-National Staff, 2000-2005

CU/C13/C13.5/C13.5.16 Bike Club

CU/C9/C9.2 Biology

CU/C12/C12.62 Black Enrollment

COLL/507 Ralph Blocksma Collection, 1933-2003

CU/C1/C1.2/C1.2.3 Board Development

C1.2.3 Board Development

CU/C1/C1.2/C1.2.29 Board of Trustee Committee of Inspection

CRCNA/D3/D3.3 Board of Trustee CRCNA-Michigan Corporation, 1990-2000

CRCNA/D3/D3.1 Board of Trustees, 1968-2018

CU/C1/C1.3 Board Of Trustees Ad Hoc Committees

CRCNA/D3/D3.4 Board of Trustees CRCNA - Canada Corporation, 1966-2006

CU/C1/C1.1 Board of Trustees Executive Committee

CU/C1/C1.2 Board of Trustees Subcommittees

CU/C1/C1.1/C1.1.10 Board Special Committee, Report

CU/C1/C1.1/C1.1.1 Board Structure

CU/C1/C1.3/C1.3.27 Board-Faculty Study Re: Principles and Practices in Appointments

COLL/433 Lillian Bode Collection, 1954-1995

COLL/437 Mark Boekelman Collection, 1945-1977

COLL/562 Peter A. Boelens Papers, 1963-2010

COLL/563 Jan H. Boer Collection, 1966-2003

COLL/536 Edgar Boevé Collection, 1949-2012

COLL/376 John A. Bolt Collection, 1925-1992

COLL/008 John Bolt Collection, 1982

COLL/014 Ralph Bolt Collection, 1905-1945

COLL/016 Henry Bonnema Collection, 1923-1928

COLL/464 Ann Marie Bos Collection, 1954-1958

COLL/009 Bert P. Bos Collection, 1954-1971

COLL/017 John R. Bos Collection, 1919-1924

COLL/018 Clarence Bouma Collection, 1891-1965

COLL/475 Gerard Bouma Collection, 1943-1952

COLL/441 Hero Bratt Collection, 1822-1996

COLL/021 John H. Bratt Collection, 1932-1988

COLL/491 Murvel Bratt Collection, 1940

COLL/023 Quirinus Breen Collection, 1933-1975

COLL/580 Emily Brink Papers, 1934-2007

COLL/024 J.R. Brink Collection, 1892-1958

COLL/378 John W. Brink Collection, 1904-1920

CRCNA/D2/D2.7 British Columbia, 1958-1985

CRCNA/D2/D2.9 BC South-East, 1985-ongoing

COLL/345 Geert Broene Collection, 1865-2008

COLL/026 Ralph Bronkema Collection, 1924-1954

COLL/030 Jacob Brouwer Collection, 1995

COLL/028 Tony Brouwer Collection, 1946-1971

CRCNA/D3/D3-1948.1 Budget Committee, 1944-2004

CU/C1/C1.2/C1.2.14 Building

C1.2.14 Building

CU/C1/C1.3/C1.3.59 Building Committee for the New Seminary Building

CU/C3/C3.4/C3.4.4 Building Dedication/Activities Committee

CU/C3/C3.4/C3.4.5 Building Needs/Facility Planning Committee

CU/C11/C11.78/C11.78.1 Building Safety - Hiemenga/Library

CU/C11/C11.78 Building Safety Committee

CU/C11/C11.39/C11.39.1 Buildings and Campus (Dormitory)

COLL/546 Conrad Bult Collection, Undated

COLL/032 Harry Bultema Collection, 1918-1947

COLL/579 Glenn Bulthuis Collection, 1980-1992

CU/C13/C13.6/C13.6.2 Bunker Interpretive Center

CU/C12/C12.35 Business Administration Program Development

COLL/035 Annette Buurstra Collection, 1963

COLL/461 Gary Byker Collection, 1941-2004

COLL/034 John Byleveld Collection, 1930-1944

COLL/589 Grace Bytwerk Photo Album, 1928-1946