Browse By Collection Title | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Holdings Beginning With "D"
COLL/380 John T. Daling Collection, 1954-1985

CU/C11/C11.77 Dance Committee

CU/C12/C12.20 Dancing at Calvin

COLL/381 Dirk De Beer Collection, 1907-1951

COLL/040 Jesse De Boer Collection, 1931-1985

COLL/583 Willis De Boer Papers

COLL/043 Renze De Groot Collection, 1933-1988

COLL/046 Frank De Jong Collection, 1949-1980

COLL/363 Peter De Klerk Collection, 1884-1990

COLL/496 Edward De Vries Collection, 1918

COLL/068 John De Vries Collection, 1932-1967

COLL/069 Peter De Vries Collection, 1910-1996

COLL/070 Henry De Wit Collection, 1956-1986

CU/C3/C3.1 Dean for Academic Administration

CU/C3/C3.21 Dean for Institutional Effectiveness

CU/C3/C3.18 Dean for Multicultural Affairs

CU/C3/C3.7 Dean for Research and Scholarship

CU/C3/C3.2/C3.2.1 Dean for Social Science and Languages, Literature and Arts

CU/C3/C3.13 Dean for Teacher Education

CU/C8/C8.4 Dean of Residence Life

CU/C8/C8.3 Dean of Student Development

/C2.2 Dean of the Chapel

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C2/C2.2 Dean of the Chapel (Position terminated Spring, 2008)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C1/C1.3/C1.3.17 Dedication (Science Building) Program

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C12/C12.54 Dedication of the H. Henry Meeter Calvin and Calvinism Study Center

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/430 Degage Ministries Collection, 1967-1995

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C12/C12.67 Degree Completion Programs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/555 Harold Dekker Collection, 1945-1984

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/052 Harry G. Dekker Collection, 1909-1952

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/053 Ralph Dekker Collection, 1904-1964

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/054 Simon Dekker Collection, 1877-1938

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/059 Cornelius T. Demarest Collection, 1815-1827

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/060 Lawrence Den Besten Collection, 1949-1988

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/435 Paulus Den Bleyker Collection, 1828-1936

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/061 James Den Boer Collection, 1960-2008

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/062 Henry Denkema Collection, 1912-1954

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C1/C1.3/C1.3.60 Denominational Funding

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D4/D4.2.1.11 Denominational Ministries Plan (DMP) Collaboration Team, 2002-2003

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D3/D3-1958.1 Denominational Seal Committee

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D5/D5.51 Denver Area Christian Reformed Churches, 1962-2008

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D5/D5.42 Der Reformierte Bote, 1894-1919

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/246 Anna Derks Collection, 1905-1916

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/065 Leon J. Deur Collection, 1882-1983

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C1/C1.2/C1.2.4 Development

C1.2.4 Development

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.4 Development

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C1/C1.4 Development Coordinating Council

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D3/D3-1930.3 Diamond Jubilee Committee, 1932

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/368 William W. Dieleman Collection, 1969-1994

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/444 Roelof Diephuis Collection, 1865-1937

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.5 Director and Counselor in the Broene Center (formerly: Calvin Psychological Institute, 1965-71)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.6/C3.6.1 Director of Academic Multicultural Affairs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.1 Director of Academic Technology Services

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.6/C3.6.3 Director of Academic Writing Program

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.7 Director of Admissions

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.4/C6.4.4 Director of Annual Giving

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.9 Director of Art Exhibitions

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C9/C9.1/C9.1.1 Director of Art Exhibitions

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.19 Director of Assessment and Institutional Research

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C4/C4.2 Director of Business Operations

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.11 Director of Calvin Accelerated Program (CAP)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.10 Director of Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C4/C4.5/C4.5.10 Director of Campus Safety

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.9 Director of Campus Safety

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.10 Director of Career Development (FormerlyDirector of Career Services, formerly Placement)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.3 Director of College Relations

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D4/D4.5 Director of Communications, 1979-2020

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.2 Director of Communications and Marketing

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.20 Director of Community Engagement

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C4/C4.6 Director of Conferences and Campus Events

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1/C3.1.5 Director of Continuing Education

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1.5 Director of Continuing Education.

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D4/D4.1.2 Director of Denominational Ministries, 1941-2014

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.4/C6.4.6 Director of Foundations Relations

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1/C3.1.1 Director of Graduate Studies

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1.1 Director of Graduate Studies

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.7/C3.7.1 Director of Grants Administration

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.11 Director of H.H. Meeter Center

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.6/C3.6.2 Director of Honors Program

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.7 Director of Hospitality

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C4/C4.4 Director of Human Resources

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.2 Director of Information Systems

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.1 Director of Institutional and Enrollment Research

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.6 Director of Instructional Resources

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1.4 Director of Lifelong Education

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1/C3.1.4 Director of Lifelong Learning

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.4/C6.4.1 Director of Major Giving

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.3 Director of Media Relations

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.2 Director of Multicultural Student Development

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.3 Director of Network and Communication Services

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1/C3.1.2 Director of Off Campus Programs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.1.2 Director of Off-Campus Programs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C4/C4.5 Director of Physical Plant

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.11 Director of Placement (See also C8.10 Career Development)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.4/C6.4.2 Director of Planned and Major Gifts

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.7/C7.7.8 Director of Pre-College Programs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.4 Director of Research and Advanced Technology Services

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.7/C7.7.6 Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.12 Director of Social Research Center

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C6/C6.3/C6.3.1 Director of Sports Information

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.6/C3.6.4 Director of Student Academic Services

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.7 Director of Student Activities

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C8/C8.14 Director of Summer Developmental Programs

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.5 Director of the Hekman Library Committees

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C7/C7.12 Director of the January Series

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C2/C2.3 Director of the January Series (moved to C7.12)

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.7/C3.7.2 Director of the Lilly Vocation Project

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.16 Director of the Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/483 Thedford P. Dirkse Collection, 1800-1999

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.14/C3.14.4 Disabilities Team

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D4/D4.1.2.3 Disability Concerns, 1972-2020

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D4/D4.16.4 Disability Concerns

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.6/C5.6.5 Distance Learning Lab

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D5/D5.46 District of Ladies Aids, 1960-1962

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.5 Division of Contextual Disciplines

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C3/C3.4/C3.4.21 Division of Natural Science Planning Commitee

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D3/D3-2012.1 Doctrine of Discovery Taskforce, 2012-2016

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C5/C5.5/C5.5.7 Documents Librarian

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/071 Edward R. Doezema Autograph Collection, 1825-1925

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/072 Frank Doezema Collection, 1898-1965

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/407 John Dolfin Collection, 1926-1937

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D3/D3-1898.2 Doopleden-Kwestie En Doopwettigheid, 1870

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CU/C11/C11.31 Dormitory and Housing

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/567 John A. Douglas Collection, 1968-2000

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D3/D3-1977.3 Dr. H. Boer Confessional Gravamen Study Committee, 1976-1980

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/369 Drenthe Presbyterian Church Collection, 1851-[1999]

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/456 Daniel Driscoll Collection, 1861-2002

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/073 Frederick J. Drost Collection, 1883-1922

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/074 Richard Drost Collection, 1930-1961

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/075 Douwe R. Drukker Collection, undated

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/078 Dutch Immigrant Papers Collection, 1786-[ongoing]

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/429 Dutch International Society Collection, 1957-[ongoing]

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/558 Dutch Reformed Translation Society Collection, 1993-2021

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/424 Dutch-American Historical Commission Collection, 1963-2019

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/538 John M. Dykstra Collection, 1915-1964

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.COLL/076 Linda Dykstra Collection, 1968-1971

Could not load Classification: Classification ID 69 not found in database.CRCNA/D5/D5.12 Dynamic Youth Ministries, 1876-2017