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Bethesda Hospital Collection



Detailed Description

Historical Material  and Constitutional Material

Yearbooks, Anniversary Material, Brochures and Correspondence


Administrative Material

Audit Reports and Financial Statements

Bethesda Briefs and Bulletins



Memorabilia and Albums

Dutch Festival

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Bethesda Hospital Collection, 1895-1999 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Bethesda Hospital Collection, 1895-1999

ID: COLL/405

Extent: 51.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Bethesda was a place for Christian mercy, i.e., the tubercular, the asthmatic, the mentally impaired, and the emotionally impaired. The collection includes a history paper (including information on Bethesda’s precursor at Maxwell City, New Mexico, 1898-1908); articles of incorporation; minutes; yearbooks; reports; briefs; public relations materials; audio-visual materials (including an extensive collection of photographs); albums; handbooks; correspondence; financial statements; newspaper clippings; and materials regarding the book, Bridges Across the Years: The Ninety-year History of the Bethesda Hospital Association of Denver, Colorado, by Meindert Bosch. Continuing organizations are as follows:  Bethesda Foundation Inc., Midwest Counseling Services, Health One, and Quiet Waters Ministry. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Historical Material  and Constitutional Material],
[Series 2: Yearbooks, Anniversary Material, Brochures and Correspondence],
[Series 3: Minutes, 1924-1998],
[Series 6: Administrative Material],
[Series 4: Audit Reports and Financial Statements, 1922-1992],
[Series 5: Bethesda Briefs and Bulletins, 1955-1990],
[Series 7: Media],
[Series 8: Photographs],
[Series 9: Memorabilia and Albums],
[Series 10: Dutch Festival, 1982-1983],

Series 1: Historical Material  and Constitutional Material
Box 1
Folder 1: History of Bethesda manuscript
Folder 2: Early news clippings in Ledger
Box 2
Folder 1: Bethesda's History and Heritage
Folder 2: Task Force on Bethesda's Heritage --- 1983
Folder 3: Constitutions
Folder 4: Articles of Incorporation and Amendments
Folder 5: Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws - Bethesda Psych Health System, (formerly Bethesda Hospital Association) --- August 1987
Folder 6: Bylaws Revision --- 1992
Series 2: Yearbooks, Anniversary Material, Brochures and Correspondence
Box 2
Folder 7: Yearbooks --- 1912-1919
Folder 8: 25th anniversary booklet
Folder 9: 50th anniversary celebration material
Folder 10: 75th anniversary celebration material
Folder 11: Brochures: "Bethesda Sanatorium: In the Land of Health Restoring Sunshine and Bracing Mountain Air," and "This is . . . Bethesda" --- Undated
Folder 12: Correspondence, A. H. (Harvey) Hermanson, (Bethesda field representative), re: Henry Ford car order; and reminisces [envelope notes by MB] --- 1945, 1987
Box 49
Folder 11: Christian Living Center 20th Anniversary program --- 1992
Box 50
Folder 6: Correspondence re: the Meindert Bosch book, Bridges across the Years --- 1986-1989
Series 3: Minutes --- 1924-1998
Box 3
Folder 1: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- August 1924-December 1926
Folder 2: Executive Committee minutes --- January 1927-July 1929
Folder 3: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- August 1929-January 1930
Folder 4-5: Executive Committee minutes --- November 1934-July 1937
Folder 6: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- August 1937-December 1939
Folder 7: Executive Committee minutes --- January 1940-August 1941
Folder 8-9: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- August 1941-December 1945
Box 4
Folder 1-8: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- 1946-1959
Box 5
Folder 1-9: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- 1960-1974
Box 6
Folder 1-5: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- 1975-February 1981
Folder 6: Board minutes --- March 1981-December 1981
Folder 7: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- 1982
Box 7
Folder 1-9: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- 1983-July 1991
Box 8
Folder 1-3: Executive Committee/Board minutes --- August 1991-April 1994
Folder 4: Governing Board minutes --- August 1987-June 1989
Folder 5: Governing Board minutes --- August-December 1989
Folder 6: Governing Board minutes --- August-June 1990
Folder 7: Budget and Finance Committee minutes --- September 1987-May 1988
Folder 8: Budget and Finance Committee minutes --- August 1989-June 1990
Folder 9: Budget and Finance Committee minutes --- August 1990-June 1991
Folder 10: Budget and Finance Committee minutes --- August 1991-June 1992
Box 9
Folder 1: Minutes of Denver Circle Board --- 1932-1941
Folder 2: Minutes of Denver Circle Board --- 1947-1964
Folder 3: Minutes of Denver Circle Board --- January 1965-February 1971
Folder 5-6: Systems Communication Group minutes --- August 1989-July 1991
Folder 7: Foundation Board of Trustees minutes --- August 1987-July 1988
Folder 8: Foundation Board of Trustees minutes --- August-October 1989
Folder 9: Foundation Board of Trustees minutes --- August-November 1990
Box 10
Folder 1-4: Executive Management Team minutes --- October 1989-June 1991
Folder 5: Heritage Task Force minutes --- October 1979-February 1984
Folder 6: Counseling Services Board minutes --- November 1989-April 1990
Folder 7: Counseling Services Board minutes --- August 1990-April 1991
Folder 8: Christian Counseling Governing Board minutes --- November 1987-May 1998
Folder 9: Clinical Services Board minutes --- July 1990-July 1991
Folder 10: Clinical Services Board minutes --- June 1991-June 1992
Box 11
Folder 1: Credentials and Nominating Committee minutes --- 1988-89
Folder 2: Planning Committee minutes --- January 1987-May 1988
Folder 3: PsycHealth Ventures Board minutes --- September 1987-June 1988
Folder 4: PsycHealth Services Governing Board minutes --- October-December 1987
Folder 5: Campus Completion Task Force Committee minutes --- September 1987-February 1988
Folder 6: Housing Corporation Board minutes --- Apr-88
Folder 7: Bethesda Professional Office Condominium Association minutes --- June 1982-October 1991
Box 46
Folder 1: Executive Committee and Board minutes --- April 1910 - August 1922
Folder 2-6: Executive Committee and Board minutes, --- September 1911 - August 1920
Box 47
Folder 1-4: Executive Committee and Board minutes --- August 1920 - August 1924
Folder 5-7: Executive Committee and Board minutes --- August 1927 - December 1934
Box 49
Folder 6: PsycHealth System Board of Trustees minutes --- February and April
Folder 7: Bethesda Cascade Advisory Committee minutes --- Apr-78
Series 6: Administrative Material
Box 9
Folder 4: Constitution of the Denver Circle for Bethesda Hospital --- Sep-68
Box 24
Folder 1: Master Plan Report --- 1966
Folder 2: Dedication of Unit A --- 1970
Folder 3: Application for new construction --- 1977
Folder 4: Building expansion material --- 1980
Folder 5: Long Range Planning documents --- 1985
Folder 6: Mental Health Center Construction Grant documents --- 1990
Box 25
Folder 1: Operational Review --- 1985-1990
Folder 2: Administrative Directors Report --- May 1958-December 1960
Folder 3: Business Managers reports --- March 1958-December 1960
Folder 4: Foundation Report to Trustees --- Aug-72
Folder 5: Bethesda Community Mental Health Center Report --- 1970
Folder 6: Policy resolutions
Folder 7: Rosters of various boards, committees, etc.
Folder 8: Meeting to explore new ventures --- 1985
Folder 9: Name Change certificate --- Sept. 1989
Folder 10: Bethesda/HealthOne merger documents --- 1994
Folder 11: PsycHealth brochures; letters --- 19,901,993
Folder 12: Dutch Festival materials
Folder 13: Promotional literature/photographs
Box 26
Folder 1: Public relations and tour guide material
Folder 2: Proposed Budget --- 1975-1976
Folder 3: Bulletin covers
Folder 4: Christmas seals
Folder 5: Personnel handbooks
Folder 6: Employee Recognition events
Folder 7: Treatment brochures/educational programs
Folder 8: List of patients --- 1947
Folder 9: Scripts for promotional films
Folder 10: Idzerd Van Dellen Fund documents
Folder 11: Statement of Goals
Folder 12: Capping Exercise Program
Folder 13: "Kill the Conjunctions," Theodore J. Jansma; an address delivered at the Fiftieth Anniversary  Banquet --- 1960
Folder 14: History Project reference material --- undated
Folder 15: History Project reference material --- undated
Folder 16: History Project reference material --- undated
Box 48
Folder 3: Maxwell City Ledger --- 1897
Folder 4: Chapel bulletins --- 1966
Folder 10: Meindert Bosch retirement materials [includes photographs] --- 1986
Box 49
Folder 1: Annual Report --- 1986
Folder 2: Administrative Evaluation and Study --- 1983
Folder 3: Special Report for State of Colorado --- 1982
Folder 4: Governance and Administrative Study --- 1982
Folder 5: Letter re: Merger of PsycHealth System and Health One --- 1994
Folder 8: Medical Director Report --- 1977
Folder 9: Material re: Bethesda's Closing and Historic Preservation of Property --- 1998
Folder 10: Medical Staff Roster --- 1986
Folder 12: Operating Budget --- 1985-1986
Folder 13: Report Heritage and Mission --- 1985
Folder 14: Administrative Directors Report --- Aug-79
Folder 15: Foundation Board of Trustees minutes --- Oct-95
Folder 16: Statement on CEO position --- 1976
Folder 17: Timeline for Christian Living Campus --- 1966-1973
Folder 18: Statement, Closure of the Community Mental Health Center
Folder 19: Nursing Home Committee minutes --- March 1968-November 1970
Folder 20: Administrative Director Reports --- August 1972-August 1977
Folder 21: Fee Schedules --- 1973 and 1985
Folder 22: Long-Range Strategic Plan --- 1986-1991
Folder 23: Material for Board of Trustees meeting --- Aug-87
Folder 24: Reference Material for Board of Trustees --- 1984
Box 50
Folder 4: Board of Trustees mid-year --- 1984
Folder 5: Report to the Board of Trustees --- 1985
Folder 7: Bethesda: "House of Mercy," Denver Landmark Preservation Commission Application for Designation of a Landmark District --- [1999?]
Folder 8: Consultation Visit: Cascade Christian Counseling Association (CCCA) --- 1982
Series 4: Audit Reports and Financial Statements --- 1922-1992
Box 12
Folder 1-7: Audit Reports --- 1922-1951
Folder 8: Audit Reports --- 1953-1957 (1955 missing)
Folder 9-10: Audit Reports --- 1958-1964
Box 13
Folder 1-3: Audit Reports --- 1965-1974
Folder 4: Audit Reports --- 1992-1993
Folder 5-8: Financial statements --- 1982-1992
Box 14
Folder 1-15: Foundation financial statements --- 1973-1987
Box 15
Folder 1: Annual Reports --- 1930, 1952
Folder 2-13: Annual Reports --- 1953-1964
Box 16
Folder 1-11: Annual Reports --- 1965-1975
Box 17
Folder 1-9: Annual Reports --- 1976-1984
Box 18
Folder 1: Annual Report --- 1985
Folder 2: Annual Report; Annual Meeting Report --- 1988/1989; 1992
Box 50
Folder 1: Financial and Statistical information --- 1986
Folder 2: PsycHealth System Financial Statements --- 1989-1990
Folder 3: Hospital Association Financial Statements --- 1985-1987 and 1990
Series 5: Bethesda Briefs and Bulletins --- 1955-1990
Box 19
Folder 1: Bethesda Briefs --- 1955-1957
Folder 2: Bethesda Briefs --- 1961-1967
Box 20
Folder 1-4: Bethesda Briefs --- 1968-1971
Folder 5: Bethesda Mini Briefs --- 1972-1976
Folder 6: Bethesda Mini Briefs --- 1983-1987
Folder 7: Copies of "The Pager" --- June 1991-December 1995
Folder 8: Copies of "The Pager" --- Jan. 1996-November 1997
Box 21
Folder 1-7: Bethesda Bulletin --- 1921-1962, vol. 1-36
Box 22
Folder 1-7: Bethesda Bulletin --- 1962-1987, vol. 37-63
Folder 8: Christian Counseling Leader (formerly Bethesda Bulletin) --- 1987-1990, vol.1-[4]
Box 23
Folder 1: Bethesda Highlights --- June 1980-October 1985
Folder 2-6: Bethesda Mini Briefs --- 1972-1983
Folder 7: Booklet, "Beyond these Walls," (poetry by patients)
Series 7: Media
Box 27
Item 1: Video Tape: 5-part Series on Denver Channel 2 on Bethesda
Item 2: Video Tape: Dutch Festival --- 1984, 1985
Item 3: Video Tape: Benefit dinner --- 1981
Item 4: Audio tapes:25th Anniversary Banquet
Item 5: Audio tapes: Ambassador Bruce Landen
Box 33
Item 1: Mag. Tapes: Bethesda "Group"
Item 2: Mag. Tapes: Tomorrow's Leaders
Item 3: Mag. Tapes: Panel Discussion on Suicide
Item 4: Mag. Tapes: Denver Now
Item 5: Audio Tape: "Lest We Forget"
Box 34
Item 1: Video Tapes: Fighting the Stigma II
Item 2: Video Tapes: Continuum of Care --- 1991
Item 3: Video Tapes: Dutch Festival --- 1992
Box 38
Item 2: Films: When People Need Help
Item 3: Films: Bethesda . . . A Bridge
Box 45
Item 1: Films - Introducing You to Bethesda, Because You Care, A Place of Healing
Box 48
Folder 7: DVD:  Bethesda Sanatorium at Denver
Series 8: Photographs
Box 28
Folder 1: Early photographs of Bethesda and Denver area
Folder 2: Campus photographs
Folder 3: Campus photographs
Folder 4: Interior photographs
Folder 5: Dining room/kitchen photographs
Folder 6: Office/mail room photographs
Folder 7: Unit A photographs
Folder 8: Halfway House photographs
Folder 9: Food service building construction photographs
Folder 10: Office building construction --- 1982
Box 29
Folder 1: Groundbreaking photographs --- 1970
Folder 2: Groundbreaking photographs --- 1979
Folder 3: West addition groundbreaking photographs
Folder 4: Occupational therapy photographs
Folder 5: Recreational therapy photographs
Folder 6: Spiritual counseling photographs
Folder 7: Therapy sessions
Folder 8: First nurses aid class --- 1956
Folder 9: Capping exercises --- 1960
Folder 10: Capping exercises --- 1961-1962
Folder 11: Capping exercises --- 1963
Folder 12: Capping exercises --- 1964
Folder 13: Nursing staff --- 1965-1968
Folder 14: Nurses photographs
Box 30
Folder 1-2: Employee photographs - female
Folder 3: Employee photographs - male
Folder 4: Individual photographs - female
Folder 5-6: Individual photographs - male
Folder 7: Group photographs
Folder 8: Unidentified photographs --- 1920s
Box 31
Folder 1: Board of Trustees photographs
Folder 2: Administration photographs
Folder 3: Doctor photographs
Folder 4: Pastor photographs
Folder 5: Volunteer photographs
Folder 6: Photographs of couples
Folder 7: Unit A staff
Folder 8: Staff/Patient photographs
Folder 9: Employee Recognition Activity photographs
Folder 10: PsycHealth photographs (name change)
Folder 11: Annual meeting photographs
Folder 12: Speakers Forum photographs
Box 32
Folder 1: Seminar in the Rockies photographs
Folder 2: Dutch Festival photographs
Folder 3: Photographs of Bethesda float in parade
Folder 4: CPE photographs
Folder 5: Foundation Dinner photographs
Folder 6: "Denver How" TV show photographs
Folder 7: 50th Anniversary Banquet photographs
Folder 8: Original Bethesda Sanatorium in Maxwell, NM, photographs
Box 44
Item 1: 11 X 17 photographs --- circa 1920-1930
Box 48
Folder 1: Photo of John Zwier home in Maxwell City, NM --- 1895
Folder 5: Photographs of past presidents and chairmen
Folder 6: Photographs of Bethesda Hospital Association
Folder 8: Bethseda Sanatorium Photographs; Anthony Meeter --- [ca 1920-1935 and undated]
Folder 9: Bethseda Related Photographs; Edith Lappenga --- [ca 1920 and undated]
Series 9: Memorabilia and Albums
Box 35
Item 1: Tiles
Item 2: Anniversary spoon
Item 3: Blizzard of 1982 paper weight
Item 4: Correspondence seals
Box 36
Item 1: Albums - brochures, mini-briefs, Christmas letters, employee photographs
Box 37
Item 1: Albums - Annual Association meetings, Foundation Dinners --- 1975-81
Box 38
Item 4: Seals
Box 39
Item 1: Albums - news releases --- 1968-1970, 1970-1972, and 1972-1974
Box 40
Item 1: Albums - newspaper clippings --- 1969-1974, 1975-1977
Box 41
Item 1: Albums - newspaper clippings --- 1978-1980, 1981-1984
Box 42
Item 1: Albums - Banner, Herald, and newspaper articles --- 1948-1959, 1960-1966, 1985-1987
Box 43
Item 1: Albums - Speaker Forum --- 1975-1982, 1983-1984
Box 48
Folder 2: State License, Corporate Certificate, Values and Beliefs Code
Series 10: Dutch Festival --- 1982-1983
Box 51
Folder 1: Dutch Festival, early planning materials --- 1982
Folder 2: Dutch Festival, volunteer material --- 1983
Folder 3: Dutch Festival, decorations and costumes --- 1983
Folder 4: Dutch Festival, sales and merchandizing material --- 1983
Folder 5: Dutch Festival, programs and activities materials --- 1983
Folder 6: Dutch Festival, physical arrangements materials --- 1983
Folder 7: Dutch Festival, food committee minutes and related materials --- 1982-1983
Folder 8: Dutch Festival, advertising/promotion materials --- 1983
Folder 9: Dutch Festival, financial materials --- 1983
Folder 10: Dutch Festival, post festival critiques and final report --- 1983

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Historical Material  and Constitutional Material],
[Series 2: Yearbooks, Anniversary Material, Brochures and Correspondence],
[Series 3: Minutes, 1924-1998],
[Series 6: Administrative Material],
[Series 4: Audit Reports and Financial Statements, 1922-1992],
[Series 5: Bethesda Briefs and Bulletins, 1955-1990],
[Series 7: Media],
[Series 8: Photographs],
[Series 9: Memorabilia and Albums],
[Series 10: Dutch Festival, 1982-1983],

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