Collection Overview
Title: Anthony J. Diekema, 1976-1995
ID: CU/C2/C2.1/C2.1.8
Extent: 0.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 161],
Box 162],
Box 785],
Box 828],
Box 163],
Box 164],
Box 165],
Box 166],
Box 167],
Box 168],
Box 169],
Box 170],
Box 1311],
Box 1312],
Box 995],
Box 996],
Box 171],
Box 172],
Box 173],
Box 174],
Box 899],
Box 175],
Box 176],
Box 177],
Box 178],
Box 179],
Box 180],
Box 181],
Box 182],
Box 183],
Box 184],
Box 185],
Box 186],
Box 187],
Box 784],
Box 190],
Box 189],
Box 782],
Box 957],
Box 188],
Box 191],
Box 192],
Box 193],
Box 194],
Box 59],
Box 787],
Box 195],
Box 196],
Box 197],
Box 198],
Box 199],
Box 200],
Box 201],
Box 1313],
Box 202],
Box 203],
Box 204],
Box 205],
Box 206],
Box 207],
Box 208],
Box 209],
Box 210],
Box 211],
Box 212],
Box 213],
Box 214],
Box 215],
Box 216],
Box 217],
Box 218],
Box 783],
Box 798],
Box 219],
Box 220],
Box 221],
Box 222],
Box 223],
Box 224],
Box 858],
Box 225],
Box 226],
Box 227],
Box 228],
Box 229],
Box 230],
Box 231],
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Box 233],
Box 234],
Box 235],
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Box 251],
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Box 246],
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Box 249],
Box 250],
Box 886],
Box 887],
Box 888],
Box 889],
Box 890],
Box 891],
Box 892],
Box 893],
Box 894],
Box 895],
Box 896],
Box 897],
Box 898],
Box 900],
Box 901],
Box 902],
- Box 161

- Folder 1: Search for a president --- 1974-1975

- Administration
- Folder 2: Search for a president --- 1974-1975

- Administration
- Folder 3: Inauguration Committee correspondence, materials --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 4: Inauguration Committee minutes, materials --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 5: Inaugural Committee guest list --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Inauguration Committee programs --- 1976

- Administration
- Item 2: Materials from other institutions --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 7: Inaugural programs --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 8: Anthony Diekema personalia --- 1976

- Administration
- Folder 9: Evaluation of President Diekema at his request by faculty and students --- 1979

- Administration
- Folder 10: Evaluation of President Diekema at his request by faculty and students --- 1979

- Administration
- Box 162

- Folder 1: Personal correspondence --- 1976-1995

- Administration
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: Personal correspondence --- 1976-1995

- Administration
- Folder 3: Christmas card lists --- 1983-1993

- Administration
- Folder 4: Christmas letters to the faculty --- 1976-1994

- Administration
- Folder 5: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994

- Administration
- Folder 6: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994

- Administration
- Folder 7: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994

- Administration
- Folder 8: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994

- Administration
- Folder 9: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994

- Administration
- Folder 10: Kidney Foundation Award --- 1994

- Administration
- Folder 11: Committed to Christian Excellence: Leadership, Scholarship, Partnership: A Tribute to Dr. Anthony J. Diekema in Recognition of 20 Years of Service as President of Calvin College --- undated

- Administration
- Folder 12: President Diekema consolidated Farewell Guest List --- 1995

- Administration
- Box 785

- Folder 1: Materials from other institutions --- undated

- Administration
- Folder 2: Materials from other institutions --- undated

- Administration
- Folder 3: Materials from other institutions --- undated

- Administration
- Box 828

- Folder 1: Assorted clippings --- 1992-1995

- Administration
- Box 163

- Folder 1: Letters received at retirement --- 1994-1995

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 2: Letters received at retirement --- 1994-1995

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 3: Committee on Governance, misc. materials --- 1989-1991

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 4: Misc. administrative materials --- 1991

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 5: Governance of facilities used by college and seminary --- 1992

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 6: Administrative Conferences --- 1985-1995

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Folder 7: Administrative Conference: Conference Center analysis --- 1994-1995

- Personalia; Governance of the College
- Box 164

- Folder 1: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 2: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 3: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 4: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 5: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 6: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 7: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Folder 8: General Correspondence, A-D --- 1975-1995

- Box 165

- Folder 1: General Correspondence, D-G --- 1975-1995

- Folder 2: General Correspondence, D-G --- 1975-1995

- Folder 3: General Correspondence, D-G --- 1975-1995

- Folder 4: General Correspondence, D-G --- 1975-1995

- Folder 5: General Correspondence, D-G --- 1975-1995

- Folder 6: General Correspondence, H --- 1976-1990

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Box 166

- Folder 1: General Correspondence, H --- 1991-1995

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 2: General Correspondence, I-M --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 3: General Correspondence, I-M --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 4: General Correspondence, I-M --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 5: General Correspondence, I-M --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 6: General Correspondence, I-M --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 7: General Correspondence, Meeter, Hugh --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 8: General Correspondence, N --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Box 167

- Folder 1: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 2: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 3: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 4: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 5: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 6: General Correspondence, O-S --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 7: General Correspondence, Sojourners (Hope Network) --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 8: General Correspondence, T-U --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 9: General Correspondence, T-U --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 10: General Correspondence, T-U --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Box 168

- Folder 1: General Correspondence, V --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 2: General Correspondence, V --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 3: General Correspondence, V --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 4: General Correspondence, V --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 5: General Correspondence, V --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 6: General Correspondence, W --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 7: General Correspondence, Y-Z --- undated

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Folder 8: Personal correspondence --- 1983-1996

- General Correspondence, 1975-95
- Box 169

- Folder 1: Sympathy --- 1981-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 2: Sympathy --- 1981-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 3: Sympathy --- 1981-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 4: Sympathy --- 1981-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 5: Students and parents --- 1976-1992

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 6: Students and parents --- 1976-1992

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 7: Alumni --- 1976-1977

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 8: Greetings to Christian Reformed Churches --- 1977-1978

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 9: Correspondence to Stakeholders and response summaries --- 1990-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 10: Compiled mailings and response summaries --- 1992

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 11: Correspondence to CRC Pastors and response summaries --- 1991-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 12: Correspondence to Parents of Graduating Seniors and response summaries --- 1991, 1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 13: Correspondence to Parents and response summaries --- 1993-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Box 170

- Folder 1: Committee file --- 1976-1981

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 2: Vice President Henry de Wit --- 1975

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 3: Job descriptions --- 1975

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 4: New positions --- 1975-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 5: Five-year plan --- 1976-1993

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 6: State of the college --- 1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 7: Science Division --- undated

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 8: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association --- undated

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 9: William Angell Foundation-North Manitou Island --- 1976-1985

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 10: William Angell Foundation-North Manitou Island --- 1976-1985

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 11: William Angell Foundation-North Manitou Island --- 1976-1985

- Special Correspondence
- Box 1311

- Folder 1: Academic Advising, Academic Administration, Admissions --- 1982-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 2: Awards, Administration and Finance Division --- 1987-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 3: Board of Trustees Executive Committee --- 1976

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 4: Broene Center --- 1976-1993

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 5: CCCS Book "Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice" --- 1992-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 6: (Pre) Campaign for Calvin --- 1992 January-1993 May

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 7: Campaign for Calvin --- 1993 May-1995 August

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 8: Campaign for Calvin --- 1993 May-1995 August

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 9: Campus Safety --- 1976-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 10: Congratulations sent and received --- 1981-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 11: Core Curriculum --- 1993

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 12: Development --- 1983-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 13: Ecosystem Preserve --- 1977-1993

- Special Correspondence
- Box 1312

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids Press --- 1991-1992

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 2: Hekman Library Addition and Dedication --- 1993-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 3: Library Matters --- 1976-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 4: Multicultural and Minority Affairs --- 1987-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 5: Presidents Council --- 1991-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 6: Research Corporation --- 1977-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 7: Service Learning --- 1992-1995

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 8: Social Research Center --- 1976-1993

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 9: Student Senate --- 1980-1994

- Special Correspondence
- Folder 10: Association of Governing Boards of Universities --- undated

- Special Correspondence
- Item 1: Alumni Association Matters: Faculty Research Grants --- 1977-1995

- College Matters
- Item 2: Alumni Association Matters: Correspondence from Alumni --- 1977-1995

- College Matters
- Item 3: Alumni Association Matters: Reports of Alumni Visits --- 1977-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 11: Alumni Association Matters: Faculty Research Grants; Correspondence from Alumni; Reports of Alumni Visits --- 1977-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 12: Bissell Research Project Report --- 1993

- College Matters
- Folder 13: Business Leadership Drives --- 1990-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 14: Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS) --- 1984-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 15: Computer and Computing Services --- 1977-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 16: Denominational Matters --- 1991-1994

- College Matters; Includes Correspondence, Calvin Highlights Reports, World Hunger Task Force
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Correspondence: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges --- undated

- College Matters
- Item 2: Institute for Christian Studies --- undated

- College Matters
- Box 995

- Folder 1: Art Department --- 1976-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 2: Biology Department, Dr. David H. DeHeer --- 1989-1993

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 5: Education Department, Memorial tree and plaque program --- 1982-1996, 2012 May 11

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 6: Education Department, Memorial tree and plaque program --- 1982-1996, 2012 May 11

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 3: Chemistry Department --- 1978-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 4: Economics and Business Department --- 1976-1994

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 7: Engineering Department --- 1983-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 8: English Department --- 1976-1993

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 9: Germanic Languages Department --- 1976-1990

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 10: Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Department --- 1986-1989

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 11: History Department --- 1977-1987

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 12: Mathematics Department --- 1978-1994

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 13: Music Department --- 1979-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 14: Nursing Department --- 1982-1994

- Departmental Correspondence
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 15: Philosophy Department --- 1982-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Box 996

- Folder 1: Physical Education Department --- 1976-1986

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 2: Physical Education Department --- 1987-1990

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 3: Political Science Department --- 1977-1993

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 4: Psychology Department --- 1976-1991

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 5: Religion and Theology Department --- 1977-1994

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 6: Romance Language Department --- 1981-1982

- Departmental Correspondence
- Folder 7: Sociology Department --- 1977-1995

- Departmental Correspondence
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 171

- Folder 1: Budget planning with faculty and administration --- 1991-1992

- Departmental Correspondence
- Box 172

- Folder 1: Pre-Calvin days --- 1968-1974

- Speeches
- Folder 2: List of titles, places, and dates --- undated

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Grand Rapids Inter-Nos --- 1975 June

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Holland Christian High School Commencement, Holland, Michigan --- 1975 June 3

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Wisconsin alumni --- 1975 November 7

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Grand Rapids Inter-Nos --- 1976 February 3

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Alger Park CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1976 February 18

- Speeches
- Folder 8: Inaugural address --- 1976 March 2

- Speeches
- Folder 9: Principals and Counselors Day --- 1976 March 11

- Speeches
- Folder 10: Denver, Colorado alumni --- 1976 March 28

- Speeches
- Folder 11: CRC Mission Conference --- 1976 March 29

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Commencement --- 1976 May 22

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Grace Youth Camp --- 1976 June 9

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Faculty Board Conference --- 1976 September 7

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Opening Convocation --- 1976 September 13

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Tri-State Christian Teachers Convention, Iowa --- 1976 October 8

- Speeches
- Folder 17: College assembly --- 1976 October 25

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Parents Night --- 1976 November 4

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Wisconsin Principals Club --- 1976 November 8

- Speeches
- Box 173

- Folder 1: Calvin Christian High School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1977 February 25

- Speeches
- Folder 2: National Union of Christian Schools (NUCS) convention --- 1977 March 4

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Zeeland Christian School, Zeeland, Michigan --- 1977 April 27

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Commencement --- 1977 May 21

- Speeches
- Folder 5: West Michigan Christian High School, Muskegon, Michigan --- 1977 June 10

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Faculty conference --- 1977 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Freshman orientation --- 1977 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 8: Convocation --- 1977 September 12

- Speeches
- Folder 9: Principals Club, Muskegon, Michigan --- 1977 September 16

- Speeches
- Folder 10: Kalamazoo, Michigan --- 1977 October 4

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Multi-Cultural Students Conference --- 1977 October 27

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Parents Night --- 1977 October 27

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Canadian Christian Education Foundation, Toronto, Ontario --- 1977 November 9

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Big-givers Dinner --- 1977 November 17

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) certification awards --- 1977 November 17

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Fremont Christian School, Fremont, Michigan --- 1978 March 2

- Speeches
- Folder 17: Detroit alumni --- 1978 April 14

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Camp Tall Turf --- 1978 April 27

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Commencement breakfast --- 1978 May 20

- Speeches
- Folder 20: St. Mary’s Hospital --- 1978 May 22

- Speeches
- Folder 21: Oakdale Christian School, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1978 June 7

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Freshman orientation --- 1978 September 4

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Convocation address --- 1978 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 24: Faculty conference --- 1978 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Ontario Christian School, Ontario, California --- 1978 October

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Miami, Florida --- 1979 February 2

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Big-givers dinner --- 1979 Spring

- Speeches
- Folder 28: Commencement breakfast --- 1979 May 13

- Speeches
- Folder 29: Wheaton College Commencement --- 1979 June 2

- Speeches
- Folder 30: Cutlerville Christian School, Cutlerville, Michigan --- 1979 June 8

- Speeches
- Box 174

- Folder 1: Convocation --- 1979 September

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Hudsonville Christian School, Hudsonville, Michigan --- 1979 October

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Conference on Christianity and Literature --- 1979 October 22

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Parents Day --- 1979 October 23

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Speech for doctors and dentists --- 1979 November 8

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Grandville Christian School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1980 February

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Homecoming --- 1980 February

- Speeches
- Folder 8: Big-givers dinner --- 1980 March 23

- Speeches
- Folder 9: La Grave CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1980 April 2

- Speeches
- Folder 10: Commencement breakfast --- 1980 May 24

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Holland Banquet --- 1980 May 27

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Faculty conference --- 1980 September 2

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Freshman orientation --- 1980 September 5

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Convocation address --- 1980 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Commons addition dedication --- 1980 September 16

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Parents Day --- 1980 November 13

- Speeches
- Folder 17: St. Catherines Christian School, St. Catherines, Ontario --- 1980 November 20

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Homecoming --- 1981 February

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Administrators seminar --- 1981 February 6

- Speeches
- Folder 20: Grand Rapids Junior College Commencement --- 1981 May 22

- Speeches
- Folder 21: Commencement breakfast --- 1981 May 23

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Convocation --- 1981 September 14

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Chapel service --- 1981 October

- Speeches
- Folder 24: Senior Citizens Day --- 1981 October 24

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Scholars evening --- 1981 October 29

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ontario --- 1981 October 31

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Eastern trip --- 1981

- Speeches
- Box 899

- Folder 2: The Golgotha Connection, Lenten meditation --- 1979

- Speeches
- Folder 1: Strategic Planning with a Social Responsibility --- 1983

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Folder 4: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Folder 5: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Folder 6: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Folder 7: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Folder 8: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990

- Box 175

- Folder 1: Lafayette Christian School, Lafayette, Indiana --- 1982 January 3

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Homecoming --- 1982 February

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Career Day --- 1982 February 10

- Speeches
- Folder 4: California alumni --- 1982 March 6

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Pittsburgh alumni --- 1982 April

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Knollcrest worship service --- 1982

- Speeches
- Folder 7: President’s dinner --- 1982 May 6

- Speeches
- Folder 8: Blodgett graduates --- 1982 May 27

- Speeches
- Folder 9: Senior breakfast --- 1982 May

- Speeches
- Folder 10: Iliana Christian School, Lansing, Illinois --- 1982 June 4

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Visit of Queen Beatrix --- 1982 June 26

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Convocation --- 1982 September

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Honor Scholars --- 1982 September 23

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Parents Day --- 1982 November 4

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Homecoming --- 1983 February

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Calvin Christian School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1983 February 25

- Speeches
- Folder 17: Michigan State Senate Committee --- 1983 March 15

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Commencement --- 1983 May 21

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Faculty Board Conference --- 1983 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 20: Convocation --- 1983 September 9

- Speeches
- Folder 21: American Association of Colleges of Nursing --- 1983 October 3

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Senior Citizens --- 1983 October 25

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Holland Exchange Club --- 1984 March 8

- Speeches
- Folder 24: Muskegon Inter-Nos --- 1984 March 16

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Commencement breakfast --- 1984 May 1

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Donors Dinner --- 1984 May 1

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Calvin Christian High School, Grandville --- 1984 June 7

- Speeches
- Folder 28: Valley Christian High, California --- 1984 June 8

- Speeches
- Folder 29: Christian Schools International Convention, California --- 1984 July

- Speeches
- Folder 30: New Jersey alumni --- 1984 July 10-1984 July 11

- Speeches
- Box 176

- Folder 1: Convocation --- 1984 September1

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Faculty-Board conference --- 1984 September 11

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Holland Middle School dedication --- 1984 September 21

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Scholars evening --- 1984 October 10

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Homecoming --- 1985 February

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Scholars dinner --- 1985 April 22

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Timothy Christian School, Chicago, Illinois --- 1985 June 1

- Speeches
- Folder 8: Faculty conference --- 1985 September 3

- Speeches
- Folder 9: Parents Convocation --- 1985 September 5

- Speeches
- Folder 10: College Convocation --- 1985 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, Ontario --- 1985 October 4

- Speeches
- Folder 12: West Side Rotary Club --- 1986 March 19

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Christian Schools International (CSI) Foundation Board --- 1986 April 10

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1986 May 12

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Commencement breakfast --- 1986 May 24

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Remarks to graduates --- 1986 May

- Speeches
- Folder 17: Concordia College --- 1986 August 18

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Faculty Conference --- 1986 September 2

- Speeches
- Folder 19: College Convocation --- 1986 September 8

- Speeches
- Folder 20: South West Christian Teachers Convention --- 1986 October

- Speeches
- Folder 21: Senior Citizens Day --- 1986 October

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Evening for scholars --- 1986 October 15

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Aquinas College --- 1986 October 31

- Speeches
- Folder 24: Redeemer College --- 1986 November 8

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Zeeland Christian School, Zeeland, Michigan --- 1986 November 25

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Education Day --- 1987 February 26

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Commencement breakfast --- 1987 May 23

- Speeches
- Box 177

- Folder 1: College convocation --- 1987 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Highland Christian School, Highland, Indiana --- 1987 September 22

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Reformed Bible College --- 1987 October

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Evening for scholars --- 1987 October 14

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Parents Day --- 1987 October 26

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Stetson University on Higher Education --- 1987 December 3

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Alumni --- 1988 February 11

- Speeches
- Folder 8: North by Northwest tour --- 1988 February 27-1988 March 03

- Speeches
- Folder 9: La Grave CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1988 March 5

- Speeches
- Folder 10: American Association of Contractors --- 1988 March 12

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Redeemer College --- 1988 April 25

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Board of Trustees --- 1988 May 3

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Calvin-Hope Nursing --- 1988 May 15

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Parents Day --- 1988 September 7

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Convocation --- 1988 September 8

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Parents Day --- 1989 March 1

- Speeches
- Folder 17: Planned Giving dinner --- 1989 May 19

- Speeches
- Folder 18: Synod --- 1989 July 19

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Parents Convocation --- 1989 September

- Speeches
- Folder 20: College Convocation --- 1989 September 9

- Speeches
- Folder 21: Christian College Coalition --- 1990 January 30

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Michigan State Board of Education --- 1990 March 5

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Michigan Association of Christian School Administration --- 1990 March 22

- Speeches
- Folder 24: President’s dinner --- 1990 May 2

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Institute for Christian Schools, Toronto, Ontario --- 1990 May 11

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1990 May 13

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Commencement breakfast --- 1990 May 19

- Speeches
- Folder 28: Grace Bible College --- 1990 August 15

- Speeches
- Folder 29: College Convocation --- 1990 September

- Speeches
- Folder 30: Ministerial Association --- 1990 October 18

- Speeches
- Folder 31: Holland Christian High School, Holland, Michigan --- 1991 April 12

- Speeches
- Folder 32: Cleveland Christian School, Cleveland, Ohio --- 1991 April 27

- Speeches
- Folder 33: Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary --- 1991 May 3

- Speeches
- Folder 34: Presidents dinner --- 1991 May 7

- Speeches
- Folder 35: Retirees dinner --- 1991 May 15

- Speeches
- Folder 36: Commencement breakfast --- 1991 May 25

- Speeches
- Folder 37: State Board of Education --- 1991 June 14

- Speeches
- Box 178

- Folder 1: State of the college --- 1991 September 3

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Faculty Conference --- 1991 September

- Speeches
- Folder 3: College Convocation --- 1991 September 9

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Chapel --- 1991 September 25

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Holland Business Men --- 1991 October 24

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Zeeland Business Men --- 1991 November 1

- Speeches
- Folder 7: Church-College relations --- 1992 February 5

- Speeches
- Folder 8: National Championship celebration --- 1992 April 23

- Speeches
- Folder 9: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1992 May 17

- Speeches
- Folder 10: Citizens League of Grand Rapids --- 1992 May 19

- Speeches
- Folder 11: Commencement breakfast --- 1992 May 23

- Speeches
- Folder 12: Convocation --- 1992 September 7

- Speeches
- Folder 13: Seattle Pacific University Convocation --- 1992 October 2

- Speeches
- Folder 14: Commencement breakfast --- 1993 May 22

- Speeches
- Folder 15: Sarnia Christian School, Sarnia, Ontario --- 1993 June 26

- Speeches
- Folder 16: Chapel --- 1993 July 7

- Speeches
- Folder 17: Faculty conference --- 1993 August 31

- Speeches
- Folder 18: College convocation --- 1993 September 6

- Speeches
- Folder 19: Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools, Ottawa County, Michigan --- 1994 April 14

- Speeches
- Folder 20: Board of Trustees retreat --- 1994 April 14

- Speeches
- Folder 21: Holland Christian High commencement, Holland, Michigan --- 1994 June 8

- Speeches
- Folder 22: Farewell address for president of Redeemer College --- 1994 June 14

- Speeches
- Folder 23: Chapel Service --- 1994 June 20

- Speeches
- Folder 24: College convocation --- 1994 September 5

- Speeches
- Folder 25: Barnabas Society --- 1994 September 22

- Speeches
- Folder 26: Hekman Library dedication --- 1994 October 21

- Speeches
- Folder 27: Scholars reception --- 1988 October 24

- Speeches
- Box 179

- Folder 1: Kidney Foundation of Grand Rapids --- 1994 November 9

- Speeches
- Folder 2: First Michigan Bank of Grand Rapids --- 1994 November 10

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Christian School Partners of New Hope, Minnesota --- 1995 May 5

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Calvin-Hope Nursing ceremony --- 1995 May 10

- Speeches
- Folder 5: College Commencement --- 1995 May 20

- Speeches
- Folder 6: Seminary Commencement --- 1995 May 23

- Speeches
- Box 180

- Folder 1: Undated, untitled --- undated

- Speeches
- Folder 2: Undesignated audiences --- undated

- Speeches
- Folder 3: Speeches of others --- undated

- Speeches
- Folder 4: Speech material --- undated

- Speeches
- Folder 5: Prayers --- undated

- Speeches
- Box 181

- Folder 1: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: South Korea --- 1976-1990

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Folder 2: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: South Korea, Mar 23rd to Apr 1st --- 1990

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Folder 3: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: China --- 1981-1988

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Folder 4: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Japan --- 1983-1987

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Folder 5: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Hungary --- 1986-1990

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Folder 6: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Spain --- 1987

- Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
- Box 182

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Date Book: 1976 --- 1976

- Item 2: Date Book: 1977 --- 1977

- Item 3: Date Book: 1978 --- 1978

- Item 4: Date Book: 1978 --- 1978

- Item 5: Date Book: 1979 --- 1979

- Item 6: Date Book: 1979 --- 1979

- Item 7: Date Book: 1980 --- 1980

- Item 8: Date Book: 1980 --- 1980

- Item 9: Date Book: 1981 --- 1981

- Item 10: Date Book: 1981 --- 1981

- Item 11: Date Book: 1982 --- 1982

- Item 12: Date Book: 1983 --- 1983

- Box 183

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Date Books: 1984 --- 1984

- Item 2: Date Books: 1985 --- 1985

- Item 3: Date Books: 1986 --- 1986

- Item 4: Date Books: 1987 --- 1987

- Item 5: Date Books: 1988 --- 1988

- Item 6: Date Books: 1989 --- 1989

- Box 184

- Folder 1: Reports to the President: From College Dean --- 1976

- Reports to the President
- Folder 2: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1972

- Reports to the President
- Folder 3: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 March

- Reports to the President
- Folder 4: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 April

- Reports to the President
- Folder 5: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 December

- Reports to the President
- Folder 6: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1977 April

- Reports to the President
- Folder 7: Reports to the President: From Development Office --- 1976 December

- Reports to the President
- Folder 8: Reports to the President: From Divisions --- 1976-1977

- Reports to the President
- Folder 9: Reports to the President: From Divisions --- 1977 April

- Reports to the President
- Folder 10: From Divisions --- 1978 April

- Reports to the President
- Folder 11: From Library Director --- 1976-1977

- Reports to the President
- Folder 12: State of academic affairs --- 1982 Fall

- Reports to the President
- Folder 13: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1971-1976

- Reports to the President
- Folder 14: From College Relations --- 1977

- Reports to the President
- Box 185

- Folder 1: From: Student Affairs, Dean of the College, and Library Director --- 1978

- Reports to the President
- Folder 2: From: College Advancement Division --- 1978

- Reports to the President
- Folder 3: From: Dean of the Faculty, Education Policy Committee, Vice President of Academic Administration, Student Affairs division, Dean of Women, Broene Counseling Center, Placement Bureau, and Vice President for College Advancement --- 1979

- Reports to the President
- Folder 4: From Enrollment Planning Task Force --- 1982 March

- Reports to the President
- Folder 5: From: Vice President of Finance (De Wit), Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of College Advancement, and Ecosystem Preserve Committee --- 1984-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 6: From: Academic Dean, Adult and Continuing Education Committee, Educational Policy Committee, Admissions, Registrar, Vice President of Finance (De Wit), and Student Affairs --- 1986-1987

- Reports to the President
- Folder 7: From: Provost, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Vice President for finance, and Computer Center staff --- 1988-1989

- Reports to the President
- Folder 8: Reformed University report to the President --- 1984 October

- Reports to the President
- Box 186

- Folder 1: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983

- Reports to the President
- Folder 2: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983

- Reports to the President
- Folder 3: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983

- Reports to the President
- Folder 4: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983

- Reports to the President
- Folder 5: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983

- Reports to the President
- Folder 6: From Director of Admissions --- 1978-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 7: Planned Giving Report --- 1981-1982

- Reports to the President
- Folder 9: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1979-1984

- Reports to the President
- Folder 10: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1979-1984

- Reports to the President
- Folder 11: From Placement Bureau --- 1980-1982

- Reports to the President
- Box 187

- Folder 1: Materials for use by the Vice Presidents --- 1980-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 2: Materials for use by the Vice Presidents --- 1980-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 3: From Vice President for Academic Administration --- 1979-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 4: From Vice President for Academic Administration --- 1979-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 5: From Dean of the Faculty --- 1979-1984

- Reports to the President
- Folder 6: From the Registrar --- 1978-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 7: Vice President for Business and Finance --- 1978-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 8: Chief Security Officer --- 1981-1985

- Reports to the President
- Folder 9: Division reports --- 1981-1985

- Reports to the President
- Box 784

- Folder 1: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992

- Reports to the President
- Folder 2: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992

- Reports to the President
- Folder 3: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992

- Reports to the President
- Folder 4: From Administration and Finance --- 1990-1992

- Reports to the President
- Folder 5: From College Advancement Division re: Five-yearPlan --- 1983-1988

- Reports to the President
- Folder 6: From College Advancement Division --- 1990-1991

- Reports to the President
- Folder 7: From College Advancement Division --- 1990-1991

- Reports to the President
- Folder 8: From External Relations --- 1992

- Reports to the President
- Folder 9: From Student Affairs Division --- 1990-1991

- Reports to the President
- Folder 10: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980

- Reports to the President
- Folder 11: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980

- Reports to the President
- Folder 12: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980

- Reports to the President
- Box 190

- Folder 1: Reports to the constituency --- 1978-1985, 1987-1989, 1993

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 2: A Margin of Excellence, a five-year plan --- 1978-1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 3: Christian Excellence: A Call to Leadership, a five-year plan --- 1988-1993

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 4: To the college community --- 1977-1983

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 5: To the faculty --- 1992-1994

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 6: Chimes editorial --- 1983 March 04

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Box 189

- Folder 1: Academic Program Development Task Force --- 1981-1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 2: Enrollment Planning Task Force minutes --- 1981-1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 3: Scholarship and Development Task Force --- 1981-1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 4: Funding Sources and Strategies Task Force --- 1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 5: Student Life and Services Task Force --- 1981-1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 6: Funding Sources and Plant Development Task Force --- 1986-1987

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Box 782

- Folder 1: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 2: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 3: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 4: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 5: To Multiply the Talents; Notes andComments based on Conversations between the President and Greystone Group, Inc --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 6: Correspondence with Greystone Group, Inc --- 1988-1990

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Box 957

- Folder 1: Servant Partnerships: To Multiply the Talents; A Report to The Board of Trustees --- 1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 2: Servant Partnerships; A Progress Report to the Board of Trustees --- 1989

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 3: Servant Partnerships; A of Trustees --- 1990

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 4: Servant Partnerships, Correspondence --- 1989-1990

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 5: Vision 21 Overhead Slides and Script --- 1987

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 6: Audio Visual Education --- 1962-1974

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 7: Source Book for the President by Calendar Year --- undated

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 8: Source Book for the President by Calendar Year --- undated

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 9: Conference of the American Council on Education --- 1981

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 10: Speaking Trip to Pittsburgh and Southern California --- 1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 11: Speaking Trip to Pittsburgh and Southern California --- 1982

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Box 188

- Folder 1: Report on Graduate Education Back up Documents --- 1988-1989

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 2: State Board of Education Advising Council --- 1988-1990

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 3: Planning Cabinet of Task Force (Minutes and Back up Documents) --- 1986-1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Reports of 1982 Task Forces for Five-Year Plan --- 1982-1988

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 2: Funding sources and strategies --- 1982 March 9

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 3: Enrollment and planning --- 1982 March 31

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 4: Academic advising --- 1982 April 1

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 5: Student life --- 1982 April 3

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 6: Academic Support Services --- 1982 April 1

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 7: Academic Program Development Task Force --- 1982 April 15

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Reports of Task Force for Five-Year Plan --- 1988-1993

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 2: Faculty scholarship and development --- 1982 April

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 3: Funding Sources and Plant Development Task Force --- 1987 April 29

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 4: Christian Community Task Force --- 1987 May 1

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 5: Enrollment and Program Planning Task Force --- 1987 May 1

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 6: Exploring Future Leadership and Service Task Force --- 1987 May 29

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 7: Faculty Development Task Force --- 1987 July

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Reports of Task Force for Five-Year Plan, --- 1986-87

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Item 2: Back up Documents --- 1986-87

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Folder 7: Report from Task Forces in the Calvin College Advancement Division concerning Elements of the Model to Multiply the Talents Through Servant Partnership --- 1989

- Reports from the President, 1977-1994
- Box 191

- Folder 1: Reorganization --- 1957-1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 2: Reorganization of administration office --- 1976-1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 3: Planning (De Vos) --- 1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 4: Planning (Pekelder) --- 1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 5: Planning (Vanden Berg) --- 1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 6: Planning (Vande Guchte) --- 1977

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 7: Reports --- 1980, 1982

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 8: Servant Partnerships --- 1989

- Has been moved to Box 957, Folder 2; Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 9: Administration reorganization --- 1994

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 10: Administration reorganization --- 1994

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 11: Master planning --- 1976-1989

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 12: Development --- 1976-1989

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Folder 13: Development --- 1976-1989

- Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
- Box 192

- Folder 1: National Telethon --- 1973-1981

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 2: Pella, Iowa Telethon --- 1979

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 3: Gift policy --- 1974-1989

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 4: Sources of income --- 1974-1987

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 5: Television promotion --- 1980

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 6: West Michigan Business Drive --- 1977-1978

- Administration Sources of Income
- Folder 7: Business Drive --- 1987

- Administration Sources of Income
- Box 193

- Folder 1: Documents --- 1974-1977

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 2: Documents --- 1976-1977

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 3: Commons addition --- 1948-1965

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 4: Commons addition --- 1963-1980

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Box 194

- Folder 1: One Hundred Plus Ten Program Committee Minutes --- 1985-1986

- For summary of their work, see Vice President for Enrollment and External Programs; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 2: Financial Development Task Force --- 1989

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 3: Presidents’ Advancement Council --- 1990-1991

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 4: Development and reorganization --- 1992

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 5: Development gifts --- 1990-1992

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 6: Development --- 1992

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 7: Development: Campbell consultants --- 1993

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 8: Planning Session I --- 1993

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 9: Planning Session II --- 1993

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 10: Long-Range Planning Session --- 1993

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 11: Abrahamson gift --- 1994

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 12: Hewlett-Mellon project --- 1994

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 13: Capital Improvements - Kelly Land Acquisition --- 1992

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 14: Capital Improvements - North Hall --- 1986

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 15: Capital Improvements - Chapel --- 1989

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 16: Capital Improvements - Science Division Equipment --- 1987

- Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Box 59

- Folder 1: John De Jong’s gift --- 1980-1993

- See also Box 200, Folder 5; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 2: John De Jong’s gift --- 1980-1993

- See also Box 200, Folder 5; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 3: John De Jong’s gift --- 1980-1993

- See also Box 200, Folder 5; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 4: John De Jong’s gift --- 1980-1993

- See also Box 200, Folder 5; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 5: John De Jong’s gift --- 1980-1993

- See also Box 200, Folder 5; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Box 787

- Folder 1: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1991

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 2: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1991

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 3: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1991

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 4: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1992

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 5: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1992

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 6: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1994-1995

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Folder 7: The Campaign for Calvin College --- 1991

- Steering Committee, Roll Description, Gifts Division, Gift Annuity Agreement, and Charitable Trust; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
- Box 195

- Folder 1: Insurance and finances --- 1966, 1981-1992

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: Business Conference --- 1976-1978

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 3: Faculty-student items --- 1978-1995

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Prison project: Feikens, Rottman --- 1993

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Criticism of D. Wilson --- 1990

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6: Disability, including R. Muller --- 1981-1994

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 7: Monograph series --- 1987, 1988

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: Evaluation of Diekema and others --- 1979

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 9: Results of faculty questionnaire sent out by Diekema --- 1991

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 10: Faculty --- 1993

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 11: Christian school cases --- 1994

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 196

- Folder 1: Faculty Honors program --- 1954-1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: International students --- 1978-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 3: Leave of absence policy --- 1951-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Library reorganization --- 1973

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Mass-communication: Christian Colleges Consortium and English department --- 1977-1980

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 6: North Central Association --- 1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 7: North Central Association Evaluation --- 1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: North Central Association, M.A. in Education Reports --- undated

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 9: North Central Association Evaluation --- 1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 10: North Central Association Institutional Report vol. I --- 1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 11: North Central Association Institutional Report vols. II, III --- 1984

- Faculty Matters
- Box 197

- Folder 1: Orientation of new faculty members --- 1968-1976

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: Pastors workshop --- 1975-1979

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 3: Policy re-new faculty members --- 1958-1975

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Presidential Anthology --- 1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Recommendations, writing letters --- 1971-1977

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 6: Resumes --- 1976-1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Retirement --- 1949-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Item 2: Pensions --- 1949-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) --- 1974

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 9: Tuition waiver for faculty wives --- 1972

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 10: Use of College facilities by faculty members --- 1973

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 11: Travel allowance policy --- 1968

- Faculty Matters
- Box 198

- Folder 1: Executive level positions --- 1983

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: Faculty appointments; recruitments, personnel, etc. --- 1977-1988

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: Faculty fellowships: Danforth --- 1964-1977

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Faculty fellowships: National Science Foundation --- 1968-1970

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Faculty fellowships: Woodrow Wilson --- 1968-1971

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 6: Faculty statement to the Board of Trustees --- 1952 May 26

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 7: Fine Arts Center management --- 1968-1981

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: Friends of Calvin, See Calvin University --- 1979-1981

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 9: Government aid --- 1979; 1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 10: Highlights from Calvin College --- 1983-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 11: Honorarium policy --- 1988

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 12: Heisman (Harvard) Study of Colleges --- 1981

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 13: Correspondence with Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) --- 1993-1997

- re: Social Research Center; Faculty Matters
- Folder 14: Hessel Bouma III, abortion issue raised by book Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice --- 1993-1997

- Faculty Matters; including Classis Wisconsin overture to Synod
- Folder 15: Hessel Bouma III, abortion issue raised by book Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice --- 1993-1997

- Faculty Matters; including Classis Wisconsin overture to Synod
- Folder 16: Howard Van Til/creation issue - 1991 synodical materials and news articles --- 1991

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 17: Testament of Vision, Henry Zylstra --- 1979

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 18: Visiting Scholars program by the University of Michigan --- 1977-1978

- Faculty Matters
- Box 199

- Folder 1: Administrative Council --- 1986-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: American Association of University Women --- 1977-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 3: Association of American Colleges --- 1976-1978

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Atlantic Exchange Program --- 1985

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Calvin University (see Friends of Calvin) --- 1955-1958

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 6: Faculty CRC Yearbook material --- 1977-1988

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 7: Christian Scholars Review --- 1970-1980

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: Correspondence with Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) --- 1978

- re: Social Research Center; Faculty Matters
- Folder 9: Correspondence: Sympathy to Faculty Members --- 1976-1979

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 10: Correspondence: Sympathy to Faculty Members --- 1978-1980

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 11: Correspondence with non-faculty members --- 1978-1987

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 12: Daycare services --- 1987-1995

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 13: Department chairmen --- 1974-1982

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 14: Education, private and legal action --- 1971-1977

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 15: Emeriti --- 1972-1982

- Faculty Matters
- Box 200

- Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 2: Documents --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 3: Leave of absence --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 4: Appointment documents --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 5: Scholarship --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 6: Teaching --- 1982-1984

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 7: Miscellaneous --- 1985-1990

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 8: Documents --- 1985-1990

- Faculty Matters
- Folder 9: Documents --- 1985-1990

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 10: Ellen Anker correspondence --- 1991

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 11: Anton Bucher case --- 1991

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 12: John De Jong matter --- 1990

- Faculty Matters ; See also Box 731
- Folder 13: Miscellaneous matters dealing with the College --- 1977-1988

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 14: Dean of the Chapel Position --- 1989

- Faculty Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 201

- Folder 1: Commencement Litanies; Diploma wording --- 1971-1974, 1975-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Commencement: Correspondence --- 1982-1994

- College Matters
- Item 2: Commencement: Speakers --- 1982-1994

- College Matters
- Item 3: Commencement: Procedures --- 1982-1994

- College Matters
- Item 4: Commencement: Faculty assignments --- 1982-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Commencement Review Committee Minutes & Recommendations --- 1993-1995

- College Matters
- Item 2: Commencement Committee Minutes --- 1993-1995

- College Matters
- Item 3: Commencement & Review --- 1993-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 4: Enrollment statistics --- 1968-1990

- College Matters
- Folder 5: Student Affairs Division --- 1975-1976

- College Matters
- Folder 6: Recommendations --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 7: Recommendations --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 8: College Culture Inventory --- 1989

- College Matters
- Folder 9: Student tuition waiver --- 1992-1993

- College Matters
- Folder 10: Rotary Club Scholarship Committee --- 1992-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 11: Distinguished Alumni Award : Correspondence re: DeVos award --- 1982

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 12

- Item 1: Mosaic 2000 Multicultural Scholarship Fund Drive --- 1991

- College Matters; Includes Brochure, Steering Comm, Correspondence
- Item 2: Correspondence re: Knight Foundation Grant --- 1994

- College Matters
- Box 1313

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Financial Aid Matters --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 2: Correspondence with Agencies and Government Officials --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 3: Recipients of Financial Aid --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 4: Correspondence with Parents --- 1976-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Financial Aid Matters --- 1981-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 2: Correspondence with Agencies and Government Officials --- 1981-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 3: Recipients of Financial Aid --- 1981-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Item 4: Correspondence with Parents --- 1981-1995

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: Governing Policies for "Jointly-Used" Facilities with Seminary, Including Computer Services --- 1992-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 4: Health Services, Aukeman Complaint --- 1980

- College Matters
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 5: Health Services Correspondence and Issues --- 1978-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 6: Historic Calvinism Committee: Correspondence re: "My Heart I Offer" Film on John Calvin --- 1991-1993

- College Matters
- Folder 7: A History of Calvin College by James Bratt and Ronald Wells --- 1995

- College Matters
- Folder 8: Michigan Library Consortium --- 1974-1977

- College Matters
- Folder 9: Orthopaedic Research Project (DeHeer) --- 1992, 1994, 1998

- College Matters
- Folder 10: Physical Education Expansion --- 1979-1994

- College Matters
- Folder 11: Requests for an Honorary Degree --- 1994-1995

- College Matters
- Folder 12: Residence Halls - Proposal for New Open House Hours --- 1994

- College Matters
- Folder 13: Search Committee for Director of Alumni Relations --- 1993

- College Matters
- Folder 14: Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce Cultural Diversity Council, Survey --- 1993-1995

- Folder 15: John Templeton Foudation Honor Roll --- 1990-1994

- Folder 16: Women’s Caucus; Abraham Kuyper and the Cult of True Womanhood --- 1992, 1993

- by Mary Van Leeuwen
- Folder 17: Women in the CRC --- 1992

- Box 202

- Folder 1: Thespians --- 1974-1982, 1990

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: Student tuition charges --- 1951-1977

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: Problems --- 1981-1994

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 4: Problems --- 1981-1994

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 5: Problems --- 1981-1994

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6: Problems --- 1981-1994

- Student Issues and Problems
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 203

- Folder 1: Film Committee --- 1967-1980

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 2: Film Committee --- 1967-1980

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 3: Film Committee --- 1967-1980

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 4: Film Committee --- 1967-1980

- Criticism of the College
- Box 204

- Folder 1: Chimes --- 1987

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 2: Dance policy correspondence --- 1983-1990

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 3: Dialogue --- 1980-1986

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 4: Policy for dramatic productions --- 1976-1977

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 5: Drugs --- 1989-1991

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 6: Film criticism --- 1976-1984

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 7: Homosexuality --- 1992

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 8: Homosexuality - Noebel --- 1992

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 9: Correspondence with Kindling Intellectual Desires in Students (KIDS) and Student Volunteer Services (SVS) --- 1976-1989

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 10: Mustard Seed Foundation (minorities) --- 1991

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 11: Sports --- 1987

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 12: Student Life --- 1990

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 13: Student versus faculty --- 1984-1986

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 14: Sunday worship program --- 1995

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 15: Criticism of certain faculty members --- 1992

- Criticism of the College
- Folder 16: Criticism of the college, Young America’s Foundation --- 1993-1994

- Criticism of the College
- Box 205

- Folder 1: Henry - Memorial Fund --- 1979

- Provost discontinued programs
- Folder 2: Blodgett-Calvin student program --- 1965-1984

- Provost discontinued programs
- Folder 3: Blodgett School of Nursing - Agreement --- 1969-1972

- Provost discontinued programs
- Folder 4: Faculty Academic Enrichments Fund --- 1971-1984

- Provost discontinued programs
- Folder 5: Summer Development Program --- 1971-1978

- Provost discontinued programs; Pre-cursor to ASP
- Box 206

- Folder 1: Historical items --- 1922-1984

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: Search Committee for Dean of Faculty --- 1978

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: Search Committee for Dean of Science and Contextual Disciplines --- 1978-1991

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 4: Search for Dean of Academic Administration --- 1984

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 5: Search for Vice President for Business and Finance (Boer) --- 1987-1988

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6: Search for Vice President for Business and Finance (Guikema) --- 1993-1995

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 7: Search for Vice President for Business and Finance (Guikema) --- 1993-1995

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 8: Endowed Chairs: W. Spoelhof, P. Henry, A. Kuyper --- 1992

- Search for Deans and Endowed Chairs
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 207

- Folder 1: Dr. Peter Beckhout --- 1966-1967

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Prof. Clarence Menninga --- 1983-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Prof. Clarence Menninga --- 1983-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 4: Evolution literature --- 1986-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 5: Evolution literature --- 1986-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 6: Evolution literature --- 1986-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 7: Evolution literature --- 1986-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 8: Evolution literature --- 1986-1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 208

- Folder 1: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 4: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 5: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 6: Literature, articles, papers --- 1988

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 209

- Folder 1: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 4: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 5: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 6: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 7: Literature, papers, press clippings --- 1988 June-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 210

- Folder 1: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 4: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 5: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 6: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 7: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 8: Literature, articles, papers --- 1990-1993

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 211

- Folder 1: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 4: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 5: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 6: Response to letters, A - S --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 212

- Folder 1: Response to letters, T - Z --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Response to letters, T - Z --- undated

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 213

- Folder 1: Executive Committee: agendas, correspondence, documents --- 1986-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Executive Committee: agendas, correspondence, documents --- 1986-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Executive Committee: agendas, correspondence, documents --- 1986-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 214

- Folder 1: Board of Trustees material --- 1988-1990

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 2: Board of Trustees special committee --- 1988-1989

- The Evolution Problem
- Folder 3: Board of Trustees material --- 1990-1991

- The Evolution Problem
- Box 215

- Folder 1: Campus views of current problems --- 1990

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 2: Abortion --- 1989-1990

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 3: Escondido, California CRC --- 1993

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 4: Hanford, California --- 1992

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 5: Ontario, California --- 1993

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 6: Pompton Plains, New York --- 1988

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 7: Paul Schrader --- 1980

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 8: South Olive, Michigan CRC --- 1993

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 9: 300 people --- 1993-1994

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Folder 10: Gay Rights question --- 1993

- Criticism: Gay Rights, Abortion, Paul Schrader
- Box 216

- Folder 1: Citizens League of Greater Grand Rapids --- 1987-1988

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 2: College-sponsored conferences --- 1976-1981

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 3: Concurrent Synods and assemblies --- 1981-1987

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 4: Synodical and National Association of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches (NAPARC) conference --- 1976-1982

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 5: Grand Rapids Area Council for the Humanities --- 1977-1983

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 6: Grand Rapids Area Medical Education Center Board and Executive Committee materials --- 1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 7: Grand Rapids Higher Education Facility --- 1975-1976

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 8: Grand Valley Blood Donor Program --- 1982

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 9: Greater Grand Rapids Arts Council --- 1977-1989

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 10: Presidents Breakfast Club with area presidents --- 1973-1979

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 11: Summer conference on campus --- 1981-1986

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 12: United Way: Calvin’s drive --- 1977-1984

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 13: United Way: community drive --- 1984

- Ex Officio Activities
- Box 217

- Folder 1: College advisory discussion, national --- 1979-1982

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 2: Comprehensive Assistance to Undergraduate Science Education (CAUSE) --- 1988-1989

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 3: Drugs (national) --- 1988-1989

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 4: Gerald R. Ford; De Vos - Van andel Presidential Lectures --- 1969-1977

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 5: Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) --- 1974-1979

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 6: Higher Education Facilities Act of 1963 (State) --- 1963

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 7: Indian Field, Rehoboth, New Mexico --- 1977

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 8: Job Corps facility --- 1978

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 9: Michigan Academy of Arts, Science, and Letters --- 1982-1984

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 10: Michigan Department of Education --- 1968-1985

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 11: National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) --- 1974-1978

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 12: Religious Education in the public schools --- 1976

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 13: Sears Roebuck Foundation grants --- 1968-1982

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 14: Science for Citizens Center, Western Michigan University --- 1979

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 15: Tax credits --- 1968-1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 16: YMCA (local) --- 1979-1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Box 218

- Folder 1: Christian higher education on the international scene --- 1975-1976

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 2: Dutch American History Conference, including Queen Beatrix visit --- 1975-1982

- Ex Officio Activities; Includes Shovel used in Tree Planting Ceremony by Her Majesty Queen Beatrix, 1982 June 26, Artifact L243
- Folder 3: Free University (see Potchefstroom University) --- 1978, 1988

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 4: Luther anniversary celebration --- 1983

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 5: Potchefstroom University --- 1976-1978

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 6: South African tour and related matters --- 1976-1985

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 7

- Item 1: World Hunger Project --- 1977-1981

- Ex Officio Activities
- Item 2: Multi-cultural lectures --- 1977-1981

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 8: YMCA World Service --- 1985-1986

- Ex Officio Activities
- Box 783

- Folder 1: Concern About Science Academic Congress, Free University --- 1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 2: Concern About Science Academic Congress, Free University --- 1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 3: Downtown Grand Rapids Rotary Club Scholarship Committee --- 1989-1991

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 4: Free University Visit --- 1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 5: Free university Visit --- 1980

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 6: Project Rehab --- 1978

- Ex Officio Activities
- Folder 7: Project Rehab --- 1979

- Ex Officio Activities
- Box 798

- Folder 1: Operations Manual, constitution and bylaws --- undated

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 2: Operations Manual A --- undated

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 3: Operations Manual B --- undated

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 4: Operations Manual Fact Finder --- 1980-1981

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Box 219

- Folder 1: President’s council --- 1992-1994

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 2: President’s council --- 1992-1994

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 3: President’s council --- 1992-1994

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Folder 4: Publicity committee --- 1995

- Michigan Intercollegiate Athlete Association (MIAA)
- Box 220

- Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1980-1994

- Michigan Colleges Foundation
- Folder 2: Materials --- 1993-1995

- Michigan Colleges Foundation
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1993-1995

- Michigan Colleges Foundation
- Box 221

- Folder 1: Association of American Colleges --- 1978-1988

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 2: Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Michigan (AICUM) --- 1983-1994

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 3: Carnegie Foundation --- 1987

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 4: College questionnaires --- 1978-1990

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 5: Michigan-Illinois-Iowa Consortium for Educational Propaganda in Holland --- 1993-1995

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 6: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) --- 1978-1994

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 7: New York Times Selective Guide to Colleges material, college matters --- 1984-1985

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 8: Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities --- 1984

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Folder 9: Correspondence: the Presidents Foundation --- 1995

- Non-Christian College Organizations
- Box 222

- Folder 1: Michigan Campus Contact --- 1988-1995

- Folder 2: Michigan Campus Contact --- 1988-1995

- Folder 3: Michigan Campus Contact --- 1988-1995

- Folder 4: Michigan Campus Contact --- 1988-1995

- Folder 5: Michigan Campus Contact --- 1988-1995

- Folder 6

- Item 1: Michigan Campus Contact, Annual Report --- 1993

- Item 2: Michigan Campus Contact, Third Annual Conference --- 1993 April 02

- Box 223

- Folder 1: Board of Directors and Executive Committee papers --- 1979-1981

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Folder 2: Board of Directors and Executive Committee papers --- 1979-1981

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Folder 3: Board of Directors and Executive Committee papers --- 1979-1981

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Folder 4: Board of Directors and Executive Committee papers --- 1979-1981

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Folder 5: Board of Directors and Executive Committee papers --- 1979-1981

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Folder 6: Executive Committee Correspondence --- 1982-1984

- Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Michigan (AICUM)
- Box 224

- Folder 1: Associated Reformed Colleges --- 1973-1986

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 2: Associated Reformed Colleges --- 1973-1986

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 3: Associated Reformed Colleges --- 1973-1986

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 4: Christian Colleges Coalition; communication thesis by C. Christians --- 1981

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 5: Church related higher education --- 1976-1978

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 6: Trinity Christian College --- 1966-1981

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 7: Calvin-Hope relations --- 1983-1985

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 8: Kalamazoo College --- 1983

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 9: Milligan College --- 1985-1987

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Box 858

- Folder 1: Tri-College Presidents correspondence --- 1976-1978

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Folder 2: Tri-College Presidents back up documents --- 1977

- Activities with Christian Colleges
- Box 225

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Correspondence --- 1979-1987

- Christian College Coalition
- Item 2: Reports --- 1979-1987

- Christian College Coalition
- Item 3: Documents --- 1979-1987

- Christian College Coalition
- Folder 2: Correspondence --- 1982-1992

- Christian College Coalition
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1982-1992

- Christian College Coalition
- Box 226

- Folder 1: Studies, in Toronto --- 1991-1992

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 2: Correspondence of international students, Korea and Hong Kong --- 1988-1990

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 3: Kings College, Edmonton, Alberta --- 1973-1993

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 4: Ontario Christian College Association --- 1976-1977

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 5: Ontario Christian College Association --- 1978-1980

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 6: Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ontario --- 1980-1986

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: correspondence --- 1984-1985

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 2: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: reports --- 1984-1985

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 3: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: discussions --- 1984-1985

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 4: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: documents --- 1984-1985

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: correspondence --- 1988-1989

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 2: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: reports --- 1988-1989

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 3: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: discussions --- 1988-1989

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 4: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: documents --- 1988-1989

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: correspondence --- 1991-1993

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 2: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: reports --- 1991-1993

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 3: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: discussions --- 1991-1993

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Item 4: Reformed University in North America (RUNA) concept: documents --- 1991-1993

- The Christian Colleges of Canada and Other Countries
- Box 227

- Folder 1: Correspondence and documents --- 1985-1994

- The Nigerian Christian College in Mkar
- Box 228

- Folder 1

- Item 1: American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU): bylaws --- 1977-1981

- Christian Higher Education
- Item 2: American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU): minutes --- 1977-1981

- Christian Higher Education
- Item 3: American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU): materials --- 1977-1981

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 2: American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU): materials --- 1979-1983

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 3: American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAPICU): reports --- 1981-1983

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 4: Chicago Conference of Presidents --- 1995

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 5: Inner City Christian Federation --- 1990-1991

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 6: Society for Values in Higher Education --- 1989

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 7: Inter Faith Dialogue Association --- 1991

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 8: President’s Multicultural Advisory Council --- 1993-1994

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Tri-College National Union of Christian Schools: materials --- 1970-1971, 1977-1978

- Christian Higher Education
- Item 2: Tri-College National Union of Christian Schools: correspondence --- 1970-1971, 1977-1978

- Christian Higher Education
- Box 229

- Folder 1: Correspondence, reports --- 1974-1977

- Christian Education Association
- Folder 2: Christian Educators’ Journal --- 1963-1982

- Christian Education Association
- Folder 3: Christian Schools International --- 1981-1986

- Christian Education Association
- Folder 4: Task Force Agenda --- 1986-1988

- Christian Education Association
- Folder 5: National Union of Christian Schools --- 1977

- Christian Education Association
- Box 230

- Folder 1: Papers on Minority Students: Racial Awarenes Conference --- 1976

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 2: Harambe Jahard Organization --- 1978-1979

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 3: Minorities and North Central Association --- 1984

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 4: Minority Students: SCORR --- 1972-1979

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 5: Minority Recruitment at Calvin College --- 1969-1978

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 6: Minority Students: Scholarships --- 1971-1976

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 7: Study of Non-CRC Students attending Calvin College --- 1976

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Folder 8: Materials on Minority Concerns --- 1976-1979

- Minority Students and the North Central Association
- Box 231

- Folder 1: Session and Room Schedule --- 1976-1978

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 2: Session and Room Schedule --- 1976-1978

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 3: Session and Room Schedule --- 1976-1978

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 4: Off-campus session, Lynden, Washington --- 1956

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 5: Off-campus session, Europe --- 1958-1963

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 6: Off-campus session, Ontario Alliance --- 1967-1973

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Folder 7: Summer Session Salary List --- 1959-1969

- Summer Sessions, On and Off-campus
- Box 232

- Folder 1: Academic Advising --- 1979-1981

- Student Affairs
- Folder 2: Admissions Policies and Reports --- 1978-1987

- Student Affairs
- Folder 3: Adult and continuing education --- 1958-1984

- Student Affairs
- Folder 4: Affirmative action policy --- 1975-1978

- Student Affairs
- Folder 5: Audio-visual education, planning committee --- 1983

- Student Affairs
- Folder 6: Bookstore --- 1976-1978

- Student Affairs
- Folder 7: Canadian student concerns --- 1972-1982

- Student Affairs (includes: a Study of Canadian Students Enrolled at Calvin College, by Wm. Stob 1977)
- Folder 8: Student Affairs --- 1975-1980

- Student Affairs
- Folder 9: Commencement speakers --- 1976-1980

- Student Affairs
- Folder 10: Cultural Affairs Coordinating Council --- 1975-1977

- Student Affairs
- Folder 11: Dancing --- 1975-1988

- Student Affairs
- Folder 12: Dancing, protest letters --- 1975-1979

- Student Affairs
- Box 233

- Folder 1: Dancing, protest letters --- 1975-1979

- Student Affairs
- Folder 2: Dancing, protest letters --- 1975-1979

- Student Affairs
- Folder 3: Dancing, protest letters --- 1975-1979

- Student Affairs
- Folder 4: Student Drinking --- 1978

- Student Affairs
- Folder 5: Drugs --- 1962-1987

- Student Affairs
- Folder 6: Enrollment projections and trends --- 1965-1979

- Student Affairs
- Folder 7: Enrollment Study Group; minutes, correspondence and report --- 1986

- Student Affairs
- Folder 8: Film Arts Evaluation Committee --- 1976-1977

- Student Affairs
- Folder 9: Folk-Rock ad hoc committee --- 1979-1981

- See "Kyro"; Student Affairs
- Folder 10: Health education program --- 1974-1976

- Student Affairs
- Folder 11: Help for the brightest --- 1976-1981

- Student Affairs
- Box 234

- Folder 1: Hockey --- 1975

- Student Affairs
- Folder 2: Housing --- 1951-1969

- Student Affairs
- Folder 3: Housing --- 1944-1984

- Student Affairs
- Folder 4: Housing at Holiday Gardens --- 1975

- Student Affairs
- Folder 5: Kyro, a student travelling music group (see Folk-rock ad hoc committee) --- 1979

- Student Affairs
- Folder 6: Leadership --- 1989

- Student Affairs
- Folder 7: Michigan Inter-collegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) --- 1976-1980

- Student Affairs
- Folder 8: Michigan Inter-collegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) --- 1976-1980

- Student Affairs
- Folder 9: Sabbath observance, including travel --- 1948-1984

- Student Affairs
- Folder 10: Smoking --- 1968-1987

- Student Affairs
- Folder 11: Speaker policy --- 1977-1989

- Student Affairs
- Folder 12: Petition opposing classes on Good Friday and Labor Day --- 1988

- Student Affairs
- Box 235

- Folder 1: Student publications: Chimes --- 1951-1968

- Student Affairs
- Folder 2: Student publications: letters of protest --- 1951-1963

- Student Affairs
- Folder 3: Student publications: "Underground Newspaper" --- 1968

- Student Affairs
- Folder 4: Student Recruitment --- 1968-1980

- See also C11.67 and C12.56; Student Affairs
- Folder 5: Student Retention Study --- 1975-1981

- Student Affairs
- Folder 6: Student Retention Studies --- 1964-1983

- Student Affairs
- Folder 7: Student Retention Studies --- 1964-1983

- Student Affairs
- Box 236

- Folder 1: Coordinated Services Committee of the Board of Trustees --- 1979-1981

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 2: Board of Trustees Committee materials, overtures, reports of Synodical Committees, 1-11 --- 1986

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 3: Board of Trustees Committee materials, overtures, reports of Synodical Committees, 1-11 --- 1986

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 4: Ad hoc committee on governance --- 1988-1990

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 5: Naming buildings --- 1961-1965, 1976-1977

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 6: Naming buildings --- 1961-1965, 1976-1977

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 7: Hekman Library dedication --- 1994 October 21

- Synodical Committee
- Box 237

- Folder 1: Synod, Committees 1-11 --- 1991

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 2: Synod, Committees 1-11 --- 1991

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 3: Inter-agency Advisory Council (IAC) --- 1990-1992

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 4: Christian Reformed Church of NA (CRCNA): constitution, material --- 1992-1993

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 5: Calvin College by-laws --- 1991

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 6: College goverenance reports of CRCNA Synod --- 1991

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 7: College lease with Calvin Seminary --- 1991

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 8: CRC Ministries Coordinating Council --- 1993

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 9: Synodical Committee on Race Relations, correspondence, reports, materials --- 1982-1983

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 10: Synodical Committee on Race Relations, correspondence, reports, materials --- 1982-1983

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 11: Synodical Committee on Race Relations, correspondence, materials --- 1993-1994

- Synodical Committee
- Folder 12: Synodical Committee on Race Relations, correspondence, materials --- 1993-1994

- Synodical Committee
- Box 238

- Folder 1: College and Seminary matters --- 1980 February-1982

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: College and Seminary matters --- 1980 February-1982

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3: College and Seminary matters --- 1980 February-1982

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 239

- Folder 1: Board of Trustees reports --- 1982 March-1982 April

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: Synod --- 1983 February, 1983 May-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3: Synod --- 1983 February, 1983 May-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 4: Executive Committee correspondence --- 1981-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 5: Executive Committee correspondence --- 1981-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 6: Executive Committee correspondence --- 1981-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 7: Synod- Advisory Committee --- 1989-1994

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 8: Synod Planning Committee Meeting --- 1992

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 9: Synod Planning Committee Meeting --- 1993

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Folder 10: Synod Planning Committee Meeting --- 1994

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
- Box 240

- Folder 1: Synod --- 1985 February, 1985 May-1987

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 241

- Folder 1: Executive Committee agendas and pertinent materials --- 1975-1982

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: College committees of the Board of Trustees agendas, correspondence, documents --- 1985-1986

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3: Executive Committee agendas, courses, correspondence, documents --- 1985-1987

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 4: Executive Committee agendas, courses, correspondence, documents --- 1985-1987

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 242

- Folder 1: Board of Trustees --- 1988 February

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: Board of Trustees --- 1988 February

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Board of Trustees --- 1988 May

- Item 2: Spark, September 1988 Issue --- 1988 September

- Box 243

- Folder 1: Synod proceedings --- 1989 February

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: Synod proceedings --- 1989 May

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 244

- Folder 1: Correspondence with the Board of Trustees --- 1976-1990

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: Correspondence with the Board of Trustees --- 1976-1990

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3: Correspondence with the Board of Trustees --- 1976-1990

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 4: CRC denominational finance coordinator --- 1983-1984

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 5: Quota Study Committee of Synod --- 1983

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 6: Quota payments --- 1978-1989

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 7: Committee on Governance --- 1989

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 8: Governance and the executive director of ministries --- 1992

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 9: CRC of North America constitution, bylaws --- 1994-1995

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 10: Campus Ministry report --- 1995

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 11: Campus Ministry report committee --- 1995

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 12: Compensation Study Review Committee materials --- 1995-1996

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 251

- Folder 1: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 2: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 3: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 4: Diekema’s farewell, including Faculty Fellowships - in Recognition of Twenty Years of Presential Leadership (establishing endowment fund); items relating to retirement, invitations; Committed to Christian Excellence: Leadership, Scholarship, Partnership - A tribute to Dr. Anthony J. Diekema in recognition of 20 years of service as President of Calvin College; Tony Awards; Faculty Fellowship, clipping --- 1955 April

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Folder 5: Diekema’s 75th Birthday Celebration --- 2008 December

- Diekema and the Board of Trustees
- Box 245

- Folder 1: Florence Kuiper correspondence --- 1993-1995

- The Women’s Issue
- Folder 2: Florence Kuiper correspondence --- 1993-1995

- The Women’s Issue
- Box 246

- Folder 1: Consortium for the Advancement of Private Higher Education --- 1983-1987

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Index for International Conference for Promotion of Christan Higher Education --- 1975-1987

- Christian Higher Education
- Item 2: Second International Conference on Higher Education --- 1984-1987

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 3: Third International Conference on Higher Education --- 1981-1989

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 4: Free University meetings --- 1978-1983

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 5: International association for the Promotion of Higher Education --- 1978-1993

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 6: International association for the Promotion of Higher Education --- 1978-1993

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 7: Tripartite Conference --- 1980-1981

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 8: Society of Values in Higher Education --- 1984-1993

- Christian Higher Education
- Folder 9: Sixth Annual Conference of Sociologists Teaching in Christian Colleges --- 1981

- Christian Higher Education
- Box 247

- Folder 1: Confidentiality, open letter policy, Dialogue, Spark, news clippings --- 1983

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 2: Clockwork Orange showing cancellation, correspondence --- 1977

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 3: Clockwork Orange showing cancellation, correspondence --- 1977

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 4: Clockwork Orange showing cancellation, correspondence --- 1977

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 5: Clockwork Orange showing cancellation, correspondence --- 1977

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 6: Academic freedom correspondence, paper --- 1988-1990

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 7: Academic freedom correspondence, paper --- 1988-1990

- Calvin College Issues
- Box 248

- Folder 1: Tuck-in Service in the dorms, critical reactions and responses --- 1981

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 2: Special issues and administrative responses --- 1978-1989

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 3: Special issues and administrative responses --- 1978-1989

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 4: Criticism of academic calendar holidays --- 1979-1989

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 5: Beltline crossing issue --- 1979-1982, 1989

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 6: Beltline crossing issue --- 1979-1982, 1989

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 7: Racism: Press article --- 1992 December

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 8: Films and programs criticism and response --- 1990

- Calvin College Issues
- Folder 9: Homosexuality correspondence --- 1981

- Calvin College Issues
- Box 249

- Folder 1: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 2: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 3: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 4: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 5: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 6: Lecture; background material --- 1994, 1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Box 250

- Folder 1: Bell Curve lectures, letters and response --- 1994-1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 2: Bell Curve lectures, letters and response --- 1994-1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Folder 3: Bell Curve lectures, letters and response --- 1994-1995

- Charles Murray Lecture
- Box 886

- Folder 1: Agenda for Synod, Financial and business supplement --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 2: Synod 1993, back up documents --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 3: Synod 1993, Committee 1 --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 4: Synod 1993, Committee 2 --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 5: Synod 1993, Committee 3 --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 6: Synod 1993, Committee 4, 6-11 --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 7: Synod 1993, Overtures --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 8: Synod 1993, Communications --- 1993

- Synod
- Folder 9: Synod 1994, back up documents --- 1994

- Synod
- Folder 10: Agenda for Synod, Program/ Budget review meeting --- 1994

- Synod
- Folder 11: Synod 1994, Committee 1-2 --- 1994

- Synod
- Folder 12: Synod 1994, Committee 3-5 --- 1994

- Synod
- Box 887

- Folder 1: Synod 1994, Committee 6-8 --- 1994

- Synod
- Folder 2: Synod 1994, Committee 9-10 --- 1994

- Synod
- Folder 3: Synod 1995, back up documents --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 4: Agenda for Synod, Financial and business supplement --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 5: Synod 1995, Committee 1-2 --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 6: Synod 1995, Committee 3 --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 7: Synod 1995, Committee 4-6 --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 8: Synod 1995, Committee 7-10 --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 9: Synod 1995, Overtures --- 1995

- Synod
- Folder 10: Synod 1992, back up documents --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 11: Agenda for Synod, Financial and Business Supplement --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 12: Agenda for Synod, Financial and Business Supplement --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 13: Synod 1992, Committee 1-2 --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 14: Synod 1992, Committee 3 --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 15: Synod 1992, Committee 4-6 --- 1992

- Synod
- Box 888

- Folder 1: Synod 1992, Committee 7-11 --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 2: Synod 1992, Overtures and Communications --- 1992

- Synod
- Folder 3: Pacific Association for Christian Education --- 1983-1985

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 4: Association for Christian Supplemental Education --- 1982-1984

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 5: Association of Reformed College Presidents --- 1983-1984

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 6: Urban Ministries Conference, New Jersey --- 1979

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 7: Scottsdale Conference on Church Related Higher Education --- 1979

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 8: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities --- 1979-1980

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 9: Campus Life Christian College Marketing Workshop --- 1980

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 10: American Council of Life Insurance Conference --- 1980

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 11: Executive Committee back up documents --- 1990

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Folder 12: Executive Committee back up documents --- 1990

- Conferences, Executive Committee
- Box 889

- Folder 1: Executive Committee, Back up Documents --- 1989

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 2: Executive Committee, Back up Documents --- 1989

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 3: Executive Committee, Back up Documents --- 1987-1988

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 4: Opening Convocation, speech --- 1976

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 5: Tri-State Teacher’s Association --- 1976

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 6: Wisconsin Principal’s Club --- 1976

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 7: Visit to Northern California and Washington St. --- 1976

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 8: Visit to Arizona --- undated

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 9: Visit to New York and District of Columbia --- 1977

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 10: Principal-Freshman-Counselor Day --- 1977

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 11: Calvin Board- Faculty Seminar --- 1980

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 12: Visit to Chicago --- 1980

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 13: CSI - ACSA Convention --- 1981

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 14: Visit to Pella --- 1981

- Executive Committee, Speeches and Visits, Conference, Planning Session
- Folder 15: Planning Sessions --- 1987

- Planning
- Folder 16: Planning Sessions --- 1984

- Planning
- Folder 17: Planning Sessions --- 1984

- Planning
- Box 890

- Folder 1: Vice President Planning Meetings --- 1979

- Planning
- Folder 2: Vice President Planning Meetings --- 1979

- Planning
- Folder 3: Vice President Planning Meetings --- 1979

- Planning
- Folder 4: Audited Financial Statements --- 1979-1980

- Planning
- Folder 5: Planning Sessions --- 1980

- Planning
- Folder 6: Planning Sessions --- 1980

- Planning
- Folder 7: Planning Sessions --- 1980

- Planning
- Folder 8: College Advancement Division: Initial Program Plans and Expectations --- 1980

- Planning
- Folder 9: Planning Worshop --- 1983

- Planning
- Folder 10: Planning Worshop --- 1983

- Planning
- Folder 11: Planning Worshop --- 1983

- Planning
- Box 891

- Folder 1: CSI - ACSA Convention --- 1986

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 2: Detroit Telethon --- 1979

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 3: University of Michigan inauguration --- 1980

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 4: Society for Values in Higher Education --- 1981

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 5: National Association of Independent College and Universities/National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting --- 1984

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 6: Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation --- 1989

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 7: Michigan Colleges Foundation --- 1987

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 8: Michigan Colleges Foundation --- 1987

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 9: Planning --- 1978-1979

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 10: Planning --- 1978-1979

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 11: Planning --- 1978-1979

- Conferences, Planning
- Folder 12: College Advancement Division Reports --- 1978

- Conferences, Planning
- Box 892

- Folder 1: Audited Financial Statements --- 1977, 1978

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 2: The Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation Educational Leadership Project: Troutbeck --- 1987, 1992

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 3: Models for a President’s Council --- undated

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 4

- Item 1: President’s Council: Inaugural Meeting Minutes --- 1990 November

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Item 2: President’s Council: Back up Documents --- 1990 November

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Item 3: President’s Council: Agendas & Misc. Materials --- 1991-1994

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 5: Free University Trip --- 1978

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 6: Free University/ Potchefstroom University Issue --- 1978

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 7: Free University/ Potchefstroom University Issue --- 1978

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 8: Tenure: Information from other colleges --- undated

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Folder 9: Tenure: Information from other colleges --- undated

- Conference, Financial Stmts., Free Uni., Potchefstroom Uni. Issue, Tenure Info.
- Box 893

- Folder 1: BOT report documents --- 1978

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 2: BOT report documents --- 1978

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 3: BOT report documents --- 1978

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 4: Master BOT Reports --- 1978

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 5: Blodgett Medical Staff Bylaws and Rules and Regulations --- 1982

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 6: Blodgett Materials --- 1982

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Folder 7: Grand Rapids Rotary Club --- 1980-1981

- BOT Report Documents; Blodgett Med. Staff; Rotary Club
- Box 894

- Folder 1: Convocation --- 1988

- Folder 2: Adminstrative Organization and Evaluation --- 1975-1980

- Folder 3: Administration and Governance --- 1980

- Folder 4: Reorganization of Academic Affairs --- 1978-1982

- Folder 5: Business Topics --- undated

- Folder 6: Business Topics --- undated

- Box 895

- Folder 1: Business Topics --- undated

- Folder 2: Convocation --- 1980-1984

- Folder 3: Convocation --- 1980-1984

- Folder 4: Convocation --- 1980-1984

- Folder 5: Convocation --- 1980-1984

- Folder 6: Convocation --- 1980-1984

- Box 896

- Folder 1: Convocation --- 1985-1987

- Folder 2: Convocation --- 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Convocation --- 1985-1987

- Folder 4: Convocation --- 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Convocation --- 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Convocation Speech Ideas --- undated

- Box 897

- Folder 1: Towards a Modern Concept of Leadership --- 1970

- Folder 2: The Presidency of Colleges --- 1978-1981

- Folder 3: The John DeJong Estate --- 1980

- Folder 4: Convocation --- 1977

- Folder 5: Convocation --- 1978

- Folder 6: Convocation --- 1979

- Folder 7: Health Professional Education --- 1978

- Box 898

- Folder 1: Inaugural Address --- 1976

- Folder 2: Inaugural Address --- 1976

- Folder 3: The College of the Church --- 1978

- Folder 4: The Penalty of Leadership --- undated

- Folder 5: Five Smooth Stones, Holland Christian High School --- 1975

- Folder 6: Christian Perspectives on Learning --- 1983

- Folder 7: Oakdale Christian Junior High Commencement --- 1978

- Folder 8: Christian Higher Education in the Decade Ahead --- 1976

- Folder 9: Speeches --- 1982

- Box 900

- Folder 1: Bowman Grey School of Medicine Evaluation. Back up and Notes --- 1985

- Folder 2: The Milton Center Proposal --- 1991

- Folder 3: YMCA involvement --- 1991-1995

- Folder 4: Back up documents --- 1977

- Folder 5: Board of Trustees Handbook drafts --- 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Board of Trustees Handbook back up documents --- 1977

- Folder 7: Board of Trustees Handbook materials --- 1977

- Folder 8: Board of Trustees Handbook 1984 edition with 1988 supplementation --- 1984, 1988, 1992 August, September

- Box 901

- Folder 1: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Folder 2: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Folder 3: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Folder 4: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Folder 5: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Folder 6: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1978-1985

- Box 902

- Folder 1: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 2: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 3: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 4: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 5: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 6: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

- Folder 7: Committee Reports to Faculty --- 1983-1992

Browse by Box:
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