Item 2: Materials from other institutions --- 1976
Folder 7: Inaugural programs --- 1976
Folder 8: Anthony Diekema personalia --- 1976
Folder 9: Evaluation of President Diekema at his request by faculty and students --- 1979
Folder 10: Evaluation of President Diekema at his request by faculty and students --- 1979
Box 162
Folder 1: Personal correspondence --- 1976-1995
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 2: Personal correspondence --- 1976-1995
Folder 3: Christmas card lists --- 1983-1993
Folder 4: Christmas letters to the faculty --- 1976-1994
Folder 5: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994
Folder 6: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994
Folder 7: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994
Folder 8: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994
Folder 9: Letters of appreciation received --- 1975-1994
Folder 10: Kidney Foundation Award --- 1994
Folder 11: Committed to Christian Excellence: Leadership, Scholarship, Partnership: A Tribute to Dr. Anthony J. Diekema in Recognition of 20 Years of Service as President of Calvin College --- undated
Folder 12: President Diekema consolidated Farewell Guest List --- 1995
Box 785
Folder 1: Materials from other institutions --- undated
Folder 2: Materials from other institutions --- undated
Folder 3: Materials from other institutions --- undated
Box 828
Folder 1: Assorted clippings --- 1992-1995
Box 163
Folder 1: Letters received at retirement --- 1994-1995
Personalia; Governance of the College
Folder 2: Letters received at retirement --- 1994-1995
Personalia; Governance of the College
Folder 3: Committee on Governance, misc. materials --- 1989-1991
Personalia; Governance of the College
Folder 4: Misc. administrative materials --- 1991
Personalia; Governance of the College
Folder 5: Governance of facilities used by college and seminary --- 1992
Folder 2: Awards, Administration and Finance Division --- 1987-1995
Special Correspondence
Folder 3: Board of Trustees Executive Committee --- 1976
Special Correspondence
Folder 4: Broene Center --- 1976-1993
Special Correspondence
Folder 5: CCCS Book "Christian Faith, Health, and Medical Practice" --- 1992-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 6: (Pre) Campaign for Calvin --- 1992 January-1993 May
Special Correspondence
Folder 7: Campaign for Calvin --- 1993 May-1995 August
Special Correspondence
Folder 8: Campaign for Calvin --- 1993 May-1995 August
Special Correspondence
Folder 9: Campus Safety --- 1976-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 10: Congratulations sent and received --- 1981-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 11: Core Curriculum --- 1993
Special Correspondence
Folder 12: Development --- 1983-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 13: Ecosystem Preserve --- 1977-1993
Special Correspondence
Box 1312
Folder 1: Grand Rapids Press --- 1991-1992
Special Correspondence
Folder 2: Hekman Library Addition and Dedication --- 1993-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 3: Library Matters --- 1976-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 4: Multicultural and Minority Affairs --- 1987-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 5: Presidents Council --- 1991-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 6: Research Corporation --- 1977-1995
Special Correspondence
Folder 7: Service Learning --- 1992-1995
Special Correspondence
Folder 8: Social Research Center --- 1976-1993
Special Correspondence
Folder 9: Student Senate --- 1980-1994
Special Correspondence
Folder 10: Association of Governing Boards of Universities --- undated
Special Correspondence
Item 1: Alumni Association Matters: Faculty Research Grants --- 1977-1995
College Matters
Item 2: Alumni Association Matters: Correspondence from Alumni --- 1977-1995
College Matters
Item 3: Alumni Association Matters: Reports of Alumni Visits --- 1977-1995
College Matters
Folder 11: Alumni Association Matters: Faculty Research Grants; Correspondence from Alumni; Reports of Alumni Visits --- 1977-1995
College Matters
Folder 12: Bissell Research Project Report --- 1993
College Matters
Folder 13: Business Leadership Drives --- 1990-1994
College Matters
Folder 14: Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS) --- 1984-1995
College Matters
Folder 15: Computer and Computing Services --- 1977-1994
College Matters
Folder 16: Denominational Matters --- 1991-1994
College Matters; Includes Correspondence, Calvin Highlights Reports, World Hunger Task Force
Folder 17
Item 1: Correspondence: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges --- undated
College Matters
Item 2: Institute for Christian Studies --- undated
College Matters
Box 995
Folder 1: Art Department --- 1976-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 2: Biology Department, Dr. David H. DeHeer --- 1989-1993
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 5: Education Department, Memorial tree and plaque program --- 1982-1996, 2012 May 11
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 6: Education Department, Memorial tree and plaque program --- 1982-1996, 2012 May 11
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 3: Chemistry Department --- 1978-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 4: Economics and Business Department --- 1976-1994
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 7: Engineering Department --- 1983-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 8: English Department --- 1976-1993
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 9: Germanic Languages Department --- 1976-1990
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 10: Geology, Geography, and Environmental Studies Department --- 1986-1989
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 11: History Department --- 1977-1987
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 12: Mathematics Department --- 1978-1994
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 13: Music Department --- 1979-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 14: Nursing Department --- 1982-1994
Departmental Correspondence
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 15: Philosophy Department --- 1982-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Box 996
Folder 1: Physical Education Department --- 1976-1986
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 2: Physical Education Department --- 1987-1990
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 3: Political Science Department --- 1977-1993
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 4: Psychology Department --- 1976-1991
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 5: Religion and Theology Department --- 1977-1994
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 6: Romance Language Department --- 1981-1982
Departmental Correspondence
Folder 7: Sociology Department --- 1977-1995
Departmental Correspondence
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Box 171
Folder 1: Budget planning with faculty and administration --- 1991-1992
Departmental Correspondence
Box 172
Folder 1: Pre-Calvin days --- 1968-1974
Folder 2: List of titles, places, and dates --- undated
Folder 3: Grand Rapids Inter-Nos --- 1975 June
Folder 4: Holland Christian High School Commencement, Holland, Michigan --- 1975 June 3
Folder 5: Wisconsin alumni --- 1975 November 7
Folder 6: Grand Rapids Inter-Nos --- 1976 February 3
Folder 7: Alger Park CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1976 February 18
Folder 8: Inaugural address --- 1976 March 2
Folder 9: Principals and Counselors Day --- 1976 March 11
Folder 10: Denver, Colorado alumni --- 1976 March 28
Folder 11: CRC Mission Conference --- 1976 March 29
Folder 12: Commencement --- 1976 May 22
Folder 13: Grace Youth Camp --- 1976 June 9
Folder 14: Faculty Board Conference --- 1976 September 7
Folder 15: Opening Convocation --- 1976 September 13
Folder 16: Tri-State Christian Teachers Convention, Iowa --- 1976 October 8
Folder 17: College assembly --- 1976 October 25
Folder 18: Parents Night --- 1976 November 4
Folder 19: Wisconsin Principals Club --- 1976 November 8
Box 173
Folder 1: Calvin Christian High School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1977 February 25
Folder 2: National Union of Christian Schools (NUCS) convention --- 1977 March 4
Folder 3: Zeeland Christian School, Zeeland, Michigan --- 1977 April 27
Folder 4: Commencement --- 1977 May 21
Folder 5: West Michigan Christian High School, Muskegon, Michigan --- 1977 June 10
Folder 6: Faculty conference --- 1977 September 6
Folder 7: Freshman orientation --- 1977 September 6
Folder 8: Convocation --- 1977 September 12
Folder 9: Principals Club, Muskegon, Michigan --- 1977 September 16
Folder 10: Kalamazoo, Michigan --- 1977 October 4
Folder 11: Multi-Cultural Students Conference --- 1977 October 27
Folder 12: Parents Night --- 1977 October 27
Folder 13: Canadian Christian Education Foundation, Toronto, Ontario --- 1977 November 9
Folder 14: Big-givers Dinner --- 1977 November 17
Folder 15: Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) certification awards --- 1977 November 17
Folder 16: Fremont Christian School, Fremont, Michigan --- 1978 March 2
Folder 17: Detroit alumni --- 1978 April 14
Folder 18: Camp Tall Turf --- 1978 April 27
Folder 19: Commencement breakfast --- 1978 May 20
Folder 20: St. Mary’s Hospital --- 1978 May 22
Folder 21: Oakdale Christian School, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1978 June 7
Folder 22: Freshman orientation --- 1978 September 4
Folder 23: Convocation address --- 1978 September 6
Folder 24: Faculty conference --- 1978 September 6
Folder 25: Ontario Christian School, Ontario, California --- 1978 October
Folder 26: Miami, Florida --- 1979 February 2
Folder 27: Big-givers dinner --- 1979 Spring
Folder 28: Commencement breakfast --- 1979 May 13
Folder 29: Wheaton College Commencement --- 1979 June 2
Folder 30: Cutlerville Christian School, Cutlerville, Michigan --- 1979 June 8
Box 174
Folder 1: Convocation --- 1979 September
Folder 2: Hudsonville Christian School, Hudsonville, Michigan --- 1979 October
Folder 3: Conference on Christianity and Literature --- 1979 October 22
Folder 4: Parents Day --- 1979 October 23
Folder 5: Speech for doctors and dentists --- 1979 November 8
Folder 6: Grandville Christian School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1980 February
Folder 7: Homecoming --- 1980 February
Folder 8: Big-givers dinner --- 1980 March 23
Folder 9: La Grave CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1980 April 2
Folder 10: Commencement breakfast --- 1980 May 24
Folder 11: Holland Banquet --- 1980 May 27
Folder 12: Faculty conference --- 1980 September 2
Folder 13: Freshman orientation --- 1980 September 5
Folder 14: Convocation address --- 1980 September 6
Folder 15: Commons addition dedication --- 1980 September 16
Folder 16: Parents Day --- 1980 November 13
Folder 17: St. Catherines Christian School, St. Catherines, Ontario --- 1980 November 20
Folder 18: Homecoming --- 1981 February
Folder 19: Administrators seminar --- 1981 February 6
Folder 20: Grand Rapids Junior College Commencement --- 1981 May 22
Folder 21: Commencement breakfast --- 1981 May 23
Folder 22: Convocation --- 1981 September 14
Folder 23: Chapel service --- 1981 October
Folder 24: Senior Citizens Day --- 1981 October 24
Folder 25: Scholars evening --- 1981 October 29
Folder 26: Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ontario --- 1981 October 31
Folder 27: Eastern trip --- 1981
Box 899
Folder 2: The Golgotha Connection, Lenten meditation --- 1979
Folder 1: Strategic Planning with a Social Responsibility --- 1983
Folder 3: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Folder 4: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Folder 5: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Folder 6: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Folder 7: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Folder 8: Committee reports to the Faculty --- 1975-1990
Box 175
Folder 1: Lafayette Christian School, Lafayette, Indiana --- 1982 January 3
Folder 2: Homecoming --- 1982 February
Folder 3: Career Day --- 1982 February 10
Folder 4: California alumni --- 1982 March 6
Folder 5: Pittsburgh alumni --- 1982 April
Folder 6: Knollcrest worship service --- 1982
Folder 7: President’s dinner --- 1982 May 6
Folder 8: Blodgett graduates --- 1982 May 27
Folder 9: Senior breakfast --- 1982 May
Folder 10: Iliana Christian School, Lansing, Illinois --- 1982 June 4
Folder 11: Visit of Queen Beatrix --- 1982 June 26
Folder 12: Convocation --- 1982 September
Folder 13: Honor Scholars --- 1982 September 23
Folder 14: Parents Day --- 1982 November 4
Folder 15: Homecoming --- 1983 February
Folder 16: Calvin Christian School, Grandville, Michigan --- 1983 February 25
Folder 17: Michigan State Senate Committee --- 1983 March 15
Folder 18: Commencement --- 1983 May 21
Folder 19: Faculty Board Conference --- 1983 September 6
Folder 20: Convocation --- 1983 September 9
Folder 21: American Association of Colleges of Nursing --- 1983 October 3
Folder 22: Senior Citizens --- 1983 October 25
Folder 23: Holland Exchange Club --- 1984 March 8
Folder 24: Muskegon Inter-Nos --- 1984 March 16
Folder 25: Commencement breakfast --- 1984 May 1
Folder 26: Donors Dinner --- 1984 May 1
Folder 27: Calvin Christian High School, Grandville --- 1984 June 7
Folder 28: Valley Christian High, California --- 1984 June 8
Folder 29: Christian Schools International Convention, California --- 1984 July
Folder 30: New Jersey alumni --- 1984 July 10-1984 July 11
Box 176
Folder 1: Convocation --- 1984 September1
Folder 2: Faculty-Board conference --- 1984 September 11
Folder 3: Holland Middle School dedication --- 1984 September 21
Folder 4: Scholars evening --- 1984 October 10
Folder 5: Homecoming --- 1985 February
Folder 6: Scholars dinner --- 1985 April 22
Folder 7: Timothy Christian School, Chicago, Illinois --- 1985 June 1
Folder 8: Faculty conference --- 1985 September 3
Folder 9: Parents Convocation --- 1985 September 5
Folder 10: College Convocation --- 1985 September 6
Folder 11: Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, Ontario --- 1985 October 4
Folder 12: West Side Rotary Club --- 1986 March 19
Folder 13: Christian Schools International (CSI) Foundation Board --- 1986 April 10
Folder 14: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1986 May 12
Folder 15: Commencement breakfast --- 1986 May 24
Folder 16: Remarks to graduates --- 1986 May
Folder 17: Concordia College --- 1986 August 18
Folder 18: Faculty Conference --- 1986 September 2
Folder 19: College Convocation --- 1986 September 8
Folder 20: South West Christian Teachers Convention --- 1986 October
Folder 21: Senior Citizens Day --- 1986 October
Folder 22: Evening for scholars --- 1986 October 15
Folder 23: Aquinas College --- 1986 October 31
Folder 24: Redeemer College --- 1986 November 8
Folder 25: Zeeland Christian School, Zeeland, Michigan --- 1986 November 25
Folder 26: Education Day --- 1987 February 26
Folder 27: Commencement breakfast --- 1987 May 23
Box 177
Folder 1: College convocation --- 1987 September 6
Folder 2: Highland Christian School, Highland, Indiana --- 1987 September 22
Folder 3: Reformed Bible College --- 1987 October
Folder 4: Evening for scholars --- 1987 October 14
Folder 5: Parents Day --- 1987 October 26
Folder 6: Stetson University on Higher Education --- 1987 December 3
Folder 7: Alumni --- 1988 February 11
Folder 8: North by Northwest tour --- 1988 February 27-1988 March 03
Folder 9: La Grave CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1988 March 5
Folder 10: American Association of Contractors --- 1988 March 12
Folder 11: Redeemer College --- 1988 April 25
Folder 12: Board of Trustees --- 1988 May 3
Folder 13: Calvin-Hope Nursing --- 1988 May 15
Folder 14: Parents Day --- 1988 September 7
Folder 15: Convocation --- 1988 September 8
Folder 16: Parents Day --- 1989 March 1
Folder 17: Planned Giving dinner --- 1989 May 19
Folder 18: Synod --- 1989 July 19
Folder 19: Parents Convocation --- 1989 September
Folder 20: College Convocation --- 1989 September 9
Folder 21: Christian College Coalition --- 1990 January 30
Folder 22: Michigan State Board of Education --- 1990 March 5
Folder 23: Michigan Association of Christian School Administration --- 1990 March 22
Folder 24: President’s dinner --- 1990 May 2
Folder 25: Institute for Christian Schools, Toronto, Ontario --- 1990 May 11
Folder 26: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1990 May 13
Folder 27: Commencement breakfast --- 1990 May 19
Folder 28: Grace Bible College --- 1990 August 15
Folder 29: College Convocation --- 1990 September
Folder 30: Ministerial Association --- 1990 October 18
Folder 31: Holland Christian High School, Holland, Michigan --- 1991 April 12
Folder 32: Cleveland Christian School, Cleveland, Ohio --- 1991 April 27
Folder 33: Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary --- 1991 May 3
Folder 34: Presidents dinner --- 1991 May 7
Folder 35: Retirees dinner --- 1991 May 15
Folder 36: Commencement breakfast --- 1991 May 25
Folder 37: State Board of Education --- 1991 June 14
Box 178
Folder 1: State of the college --- 1991 September 3
Folder 2: Faculty Conference --- 1991 September
Folder 3: College Convocation --- 1991 September 9
Folder 4: Chapel --- 1991 September 25
Folder 5: Holland Business Men --- 1991 October 24
Folder 6: Zeeland Business Men --- 1991 November 1
Folder 7: Church-College relations --- 1992 February 5
Folder 8: National Championship celebration --- 1992 April 23
Folder 9: Hope-Calvin Nursing --- 1992 May 17
Folder 10: Citizens League of Grand Rapids --- 1992 May 19
Folder 11: Commencement breakfast --- 1992 May 23
Folder 12: Convocation --- 1992 September 7
Folder 13: Seattle Pacific University Convocation --- 1992 October 2
Folder 14: Commencement breakfast --- 1993 May 22
Folder 15: Sarnia Christian School, Sarnia, Ontario --- 1993 June 26
Folder 16: Chapel --- 1993 July 7
Folder 17: Faculty conference --- 1993 August 31
Folder 18: College convocation --- 1993 September 6
Folder 19: Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools, Ottawa County, Michigan --- 1994 April 14
Folder 20: Board of Trustees retreat --- 1994 April 14
Folder 21: Holland Christian High commencement, Holland, Michigan --- 1994 June 8
Folder 22: Farewell address for president of Redeemer College --- 1994 June 14
Folder 23: Chapel Service --- 1994 June 20
Folder 24: College convocation --- 1994 September 5
Folder 25: Barnabas Society --- 1994 September 22
Folder 26: Hekman Library dedication --- 1994 October 21
Folder 27: Scholars reception --- 1988 October 24
Box 179
Folder 1: Kidney Foundation of Grand Rapids --- 1994 November 9
Folder 2: First Michigan Bank of Grand Rapids --- 1994 November 10
Folder 3: Christian School Partners of New Hope, Minnesota --- 1995 May 5
Folder 4: Calvin-Hope Nursing ceremony --- 1995 May 10
Folder 5: College Commencement --- 1995 May 20
Folder 6: Seminary Commencement --- 1995 May 23
Box 180
Folder 1: Undated, untitled --- undated
Folder 2: Undesignated audiences --- undated
Folder 3: Speeches of others --- undated
Folder 4: Speech material --- undated
Folder 5: Prayers --- undated
Box 181
Folder 1: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: South Korea --- 1976-1990
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Folder 2: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: South Korea, Mar 23rd to Apr 1st --- 1990
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Folder 3: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: China --- 1981-1988
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Folder 4: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Japan --- 1983-1987
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Folder 5: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Hungary --- 1986-1990
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Folder 6: Speeches Given in Foreign Lands: Spain --- 1987
Speeches Given in Foreign Lands, 1976-1990
Box 182
Folder 1
Item 1: Date Book: 1976 --- 1976
Item 2: Date Book: 1977 --- 1977
Item 3: Date Book: 1978 --- 1978
Item 4: Date Book: 1978 --- 1978
Item 5: Date Book: 1979 --- 1979
Item 6: Date Book: 1979 --- 1979
Item 7: Date Book: 1980 --- 1980
Item 8: Date Book: 1980 --- 1980
Item 9: Date Book: 1981 --- 1981
Item 10: Date Book: 1981 --- 1981
Item 11: Date Book: 1982 --- 1982
Item 12: Date Book: 1983 --- 1983
Box 183
Folder 1
Item 1: Date Books: 1984 --- 1984
Item 2: Date Books: 1985 --- 1985
Item 3: Date Books: 1986 --- 1986
Item 4: Date Books: 1987 --- 1987
Item 5: Date Books: 1988 --- 1988
Item 6: Date Books: 1989 --- 1989
Box 184
Folder 1: Reports to the President: From College Dean --- 1976
Reports to the President
Folder 2: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1972
Reports to the President
Folder 3: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 March
Reports to the President
Folder 4: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 April
Reports to the President
Folder 5: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1976 December
Reports to the President
Folder 6: Reports to the President: From Student Personnel Services --- 1977 April
Reports to the President
Folder 7: Reports to the President: From Development Office --- 1976 December
Reports to the President
Folder 8: Reports to the President: From Divisions --- 1976-1977
Reports to the President
Folder 9: Reports to the President: From Divisions --- 1977 April
Reports to the President
Folder 10: From Divisions --- 1978 April
Reports to the President
Folder 11: From Library Director --- 1976-1977
Reports to the President
Folder 12: State of academic affairs --- 1982 Fall
Reports to the President
Folder 13: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1971-1976
Reports to the President
Folder 14: From College Relations --- 1977
Reports to the President
Box 185
Folder 1: From: Student Affairs, Dean of the College, and Library Director --- 1978
Reports to the President
Folder 2: From: College Advancement Division --- 1978
Reports to the President
Folder 3: From: Dean of the Faculty, Education Policy Committee, Vice President of Academic Administration, Student Affairs division, Dean of Women, Broene Counseling Center, Placement Bureau, and Vice President for College Advancement --- 1979
Reports to the President
Folder 4: From Enrollment Planning Task Force --- 1982 March
Reports to the President
Folder 5: From: Vice President of Finance (De Wit), Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of College Advancement, and Ecosystem Preserve Committee --- 1984-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 6: From: Academic Dean, Adult and Continuing Education Committee, Educational Policy Committee, Admissions, Registrar, Vice President of Finance (De Wit), and Student Affairs --- 1986-1987
Reports to the President
Folder 7: From: Provost, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Vice President for finance, and Computer Center staff --- 1988-1989
Reports to the President
Folder 8: Reformed University report to the President --- 1984 October
Reports to the President
Box 186
Folder 1: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983
Reports to the President
Folder 2: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983
Reports to the President
Folder 3: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983
Reports to the President
Folder 4: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983
Reports to the President
Folder 5: From Vice President for College Advancement division --- 1979-1983
Reports to the President
Folder 6: From Director of Admissions --- 1978-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 7: Planned Giving Report --- 1981-1982
Reports to the President
Folder 9: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1979-1984
Reports to the President
Folder 10: From Vice President for Student Affairs --- 1979-1984
Reports to the President
Folder 11: From Placement Bureau --- 1980-1982
Reports to the President
Box 187
Folder 1: Materials for use by the Vice Presidents --- 1980-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 2: Materials for use by the Vice Presidents --- 1980-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 3: From Vice President for Academic Administration --- 1979-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 4: From Vice President for Academic Administration --- 1979-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 5: From Dean of the Faculty --- 1979-1984
Reports to the President
Folder 6: From the Registrar --- 1978-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 7: Vice President for Business and Finance --- 1978-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 8: Chief Security Officer --- 1981-1985
Reports to the President
Folder 9: Division reports --- 1981-1985
Reports to the President
Box 784
Folder 1: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992
Reports to the President
Folder 2: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992
Reports to the President
Folder 3: From Academic Affairs Division --- 1990-1992
Reports to the President
Folder 4: From Administration and Finance --- 1990-1992
Reports to the President
Folder 5: From College Advancement Division re: Five-yearPlan --- 1983-1988
Reports to the President
Folder 6: From College Advancement Division --- 1990-1991
Reports to the President
Folder 7: From College Advancement Division --- 1990-1991
Reports to the President
Folder 8: From External Relations --- 1992
Reports to the President
Folder 9: From Student Affairs Division --- 1990-1991
Reports to the President
Folder 10: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980
Reports to the President
Folder 11: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980
Reports to the President
Folder 12: Report of Calvin College to the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education --- 1980
Reports to the President
Box 190
Folder 1: Reports to the constituency --- 1978-1985, 1987-1989, 1993
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 2: A Margin of Excellence, a five-year plan --- 1978-1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 3: Christian Excellence: A Call to Leadership, a five-year plan --- 1988-1993
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 4: To the college community --- 1977-1983
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 5: To the faculty --- 1992-1994
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 6: Chimes editorial --- 1983 March 04
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Box 189
Folder 1: Academic Program Development Task Force --- 1981-1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 2: Enrollment Planning Task Force minutes --- 1981-1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 3: Scholarship and Development Task Force --- 1981-1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 4: Funding Sources and Strategies Task Force --- 1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 5: Student Life and Services Task Force --- 1981-1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 6: Funding Sources and Plant Development Task Force --- 1986-1987
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Box 782
Folder 1: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 2: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 3: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 4: Outline and Resources for "Strategy for Change: To Multiply the Talents" --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 5: To Multiply the Talents; Notes andComments based on Conversations between the President and Greystone Group, Inc --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 6: Correspondence with Greystone Group, Inc --- 1988-1990
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Box 957
Folder 1: Servant Partnerships: To Multiply the Talents; A Report to The Board of Trustees --- 1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 2: Servant Partnerships; A Progress Report to the Board of Trustees --- 1989
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 3: Servant Partnerships; A of Trustees --- 1990
Folder 5: Vision 21 Overhead Slides and Script --- 1987
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 6: Audio Visual Education --- 1962-1974
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 7: Source Book for the President by Calendar Year --- undated
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 8: Source Book for the President by Calendar Year --- undated
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 9: Conference of the American Council on Education --- 1981
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 10: Speaking Trip to Pittsburgh and Southern California --- 1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 11: Speaking Trip to Pittsburgh and Southern California --- 1982
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Box 188
Folder 1: Report on Graduate Education Back up Documents --- 1988-1989
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 2: State Board of Education Advising Council --- 1988-1990
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 3: Planning Cabinet of Task Force (Minutes and Back up Documents) --- 1986-1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 4
Item 1: Reports of 1982 Task Forces for Five-Year Plan --- 1982-1988
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 2: Funding sources and strategies --- 1982 March 9
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 3: Enrollment and planning --- 1982 March 31
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 4: Academic advising --- 1982 April 1
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 5: Student life --- 1982 April 3
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 6: Academic Support Services --- 1982 April 1
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 7: Academic Program Development Task Force --- 1982 April 15
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 5
Item 1: Reports of Task Force for Five-Year Plan --- 1988-1993
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 2: Faculty scholarship and development --- 1982 April
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 3: Funding Sources and Plant Development Task Force --- 1987 April 29
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 4: Christian Community Task Force --- 1987 May 1
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 5: Enrollment and Program Planning Task Force --- 1987 May 1
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 6: Exploring Future Leadership and Service Task Force --- 1987 May 29
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 7: Faculty Development Task Force --- 1987 July
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 6
Item 1: Reports of Task Force for Five-Year Plan, --- 1986-87
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Item 2: Back up Documents --- 1986-87
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Folder 7: Report from Task Forces in the Calvin College Advancement Division concerning Elements of the Model to Multiply the Talents Through Servant Partnership --- 1989
Reports from the President, 1977-1994
Box 191
Folder 1: Reorganization --- 1957-1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 2: Reorganization of administration office --- 1976-1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 3: Planning (De Vos) --- 1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 4: Planning (Pekelder) --- 1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 5: Planning (Vanden Berg) --- 1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 6: Planning (Vande Guchte) --- 1977
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 7: Reports --- 1980, 1982
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 8: Servant Partnerships --- 1989
Has been moved to Box 957, Folder 2; Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 9: Administration reorganization --- 1994
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 10: Administration reorganization --- 1994
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 11: Master planning --- 1976-1989
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 12: Development --- 1976-1989
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Folder 13: Development --- 1976-1989
Administration and Organization, 1957-1994
Box 192
Folder 1: National Telethon --- 1973-1981
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 2: Pella, Iowa Telethon --- 1979
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 3: Gift policy --- 1974-1989
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 4: Sources of income --- 1974-1987
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 5: Television promotion --- 1980
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 6: West Michigan Business Drive --- 1977-1978
Administration Sources of Income
Folder 7: Business Drive --- 1987
Administration Sources of Income
Box 193
Folder 1: Documents --- 1974-1977
Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Folder 2: Documents --- 1976-1977
Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Folder 3: Commons addition --- 1948-1965
Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Folder 4: Commons addition --- 1963-1980
Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Box 194
Folder 1: One Hundred Plus Ten Program Committee Minutes --- 1985-1986
For summary of their work, see Vice President for Enrollment and External Programs; Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Folder 2: Financial Development Task Force --- 1989
Development and Expansion, 1974-1994
Folder 3: Presidents’ Advancement Council --- 1990-1991
Folder 12: Compensation Study Review Committee materials --- 1995-1996
Diekema and the Board of Trustees
Box 251
Folder 1: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992
Diekema and the Board of Trustees
Folder 2: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992
Diekema and the Board of Trustees
Folder 3: College matters, correspondence, materials, --- 1990-1992
Diekema and the Board of Trustees
Folder 4: Diekema’s farewell, including Faculty Fellowships - in Recognition of Twenty Years of Presential Leadership (establishing endowment fund); items relating to retirement, invitations; Committed to Christian Excellence: Leadership, Scholarship, Partnership - A tribute to Dr. Anthony J. Diekema in recognition of 20 years of service as President of Calvin College; Tony Awards; Faculty Fellowship, clipping --- 1955 April
Diekema and the Board of Trustees
Folder 5: Diekema’s 75th Birthday Celebration --- 2008 December
Folder 8: College Advancement Division: Initial Program Plans and Expectations --- 1980
Folder 9: Planning Worshop --- 1983
Folder 10: Planning Worshop --- 1983
Folder 11: Planning Worshop --- 1983
Box 891
Folder 1: CSI - ACSA Convention --- 1986
Conferences, Planning
Folder 2: Detroit Telethon --- 1979
Conferences, Planning
Folder 3: University of Michigan inauguration --- 1980
Conferences, Planning
Folder 4: Society for Values in Higher Education --- 1981
Conferences, Planning
Folder 5: National Association of Independent College and Universities/National Institute of Independent Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting --- 1984
Conferences, Planning
Folder 6: Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Foundation --- 1989
Conferences, Planning
Folder 7: Michigan Colleges Foundation --- 1987
Conferences, Planning
Folder 8: Michigan Colleges Foundation --- 1987
Conferences, Planning
Folder 9: Planning --- 1978-1979
Conferences, Planning
Folder 10: Planning --- 1978-1979
Conferences, Planning
Folder 11: Planning --- 1978-1979
Conferences, Planning
Folder 12: College Advancement Division Reports --- 1978