By Richard Harms, 2013
Collection Overview
Title: Steve John Van Der Weele Collection, 1940-2013
ID: COLL/287
Creator: Van Der Weele, Steve John (1920-)
Extent: 1.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.
Arrangement: Folder level description
Professor of English at Calvin College. The collection includes journal entries of daily proceedings under Captain Lockwood (Corporal S. J. Van Der Weele) during the military occupation of Anrath Displaced Persons Center (Marburg, Germany), March 10, 1945, to October 4, 1945; articles; book reviews; essays; pamphlet; bibliography of articles and book reviews published in Reformed Journal, Neland News, Christianity Today, Calvin Theological Journal, and others; and a bibliography of other published items.
Biographical Note
Born 13 October 1920 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to Dan and Cora (Gabrielse) Van Der Weele, Steve John Vander Weele served in the US Army Air Corps (later Air Force), 1942-1945. He served in the United States and Europe and at Anrath Prison Camp in northern Germany, which served as a collection point for displaced persons after liberation. After the war he graduated from Calvin College and earned an MS in 1950 and PhD in 1955 from the University of Wisconsin.
He joined the English Department faculty of Calvin College in 1955 and was steadily promoted to full professor. A teacher and scholar, he published numerous articles and book reviews, even after becoming professor emeritus in 1986. He was active in Christian and literature groups as well as academic organizations.
In 1950 Van Der Weele married Viola Hugen (1922-2007). They have two children - Deborah (Robert) Kula and Philip (Joan Snyder) - and two grandchildren.
Administrative Information
Alternate Extent Statement:
2 Boxes
Acquisition Source:
Steve J. Van Der Weele
Box and Folder Listing
- Series 1: [General Materials]

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Vita and biographical data --- 1950-2013

- Series 2: Military Experience

- Box 1

- Folder 2: Daily proceedings of the Anrath Displaced Persons Center in Germany. --- 1945

- Folder 3: Daily proceedings under Capt. Lockwood during the military occupation of Marburg --- 4/1945 - 6/1945

- Folder 4: Daily proceedings under Capt. Lockwood during the military occupation of Marburg --- 7/1945 - 8/1945

- Folder 5: Daily proceedings under various captains during the military occupation of Marburg --- 1945

- Series 3: Published material

- Box 1

- Folder 6-8: Published items other than The Reformed Journal, 1953-1993; bibliography of articles and reviews in CRC periodicals; report on conferences held at Wheaton College and Gordon College; Letter about Philip Vander Weele; article on Quentin Vander Weele --- 1961

- Series 4: Michigan Academy papers

- Box 1

- Folder 9

- Item 1: From Usurer to Distinguished Citizen! The Growing Acceptance of the Merchant in Eighteenth Century Drama --- 1969

- Item 2: The Language of Inevitability in Christian Tragedy --- 1980

- Folder 10

- Item 1: The Fabling Faithless of Hopkins's Theology Wreck of the Deutschebad --- 1982

- Item 2: On Reading at Night --- 1990

- Item 3: A Sampler of Short Stories by Zsigmond Movicz --- 1999

- Folder 11

- Item 1: Paradigms of Irony in Short Stories by Hungarian Authors --- 2001

- Item 2: The Trial of Anna Edes: A Window on the State of Soul in Post-War Hungary --- 2001

- Item 3: Samuel Johnson's Irene as a Commonplace book --- 2005

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Pedagogical Practices among Jews and Early Christians --- 2005

- Item 2: Czeslaw Milosz: Candidate for the First Circle of Paradise --- 2006

- Item 3: Milton Papers --- 2008?

- Item 4: Squinting at Life from a Café --- 2009

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Einstein Lite --- 2009

- Item 2: Czeslaw Milosz's Default Te Deum --- 2010

- Item 3: Abstracts

- Series 5: Presentations

- Box 1

- Folder 14: Vondel's Jeptha

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Benjamin Franklin's Script

- Folder 2: The Mind behind the Music --- 1985

- Folder 3: Miscellaneous

- Series 6: Book Reviews

- Box 2

- Folder 4

- Item 1: Christianity Today --- 1989-2009

- Item 2: Christian Century

- Item 3: Christian Educator's Journal

- Folder 5

- Item 1: Christianity and Literature --- 1979-2011

- Item 2: Calvin Theological Journal

- Folder 6: Neland News --- 2001-2013

- Series 7: Teaching in Hungary

- Box 2

- Folder 7: Employment, Class lists, Schedules --- 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Correspondence --- 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Miscellaneous --- 1994-1999

- Series 8: Varia

- Box 2

- Folder 10: Correspondence --- 1945-1956, n.d.

- Folder 11: Zylstra, Henry project --- 1940-1980

- Folder 12: "A Felicitous Life between parentheses of Disasters: The Witness of Czeslaw Milosz" --- 2012