Collection Overview
Title: Christian School Papers Collection, 1882-[Ongoing]
ID: COLL/481
Extent: 189.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
The collection includes minutes (restricted), reports, yearbooks, anniversary booklets, clippings, newsletters, programs, tracts, guides, handbooks, manuals, photographs, pamphlets, courses of study, educational material, and publications detailing some of the Christian schools, regional organizations, associations, and conferences affiliated with National Union of Christian Schools (NUCS) and Christian Schools International (CSI). [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Abbotsford, BC - Abbotsford, 1953-],
Series 2: Ada, MI - Ada, 1951-],
Series 3: Agassiz, BC - Agassiz],
Series 4: Alameda, CA - Alameda, 1944-],
Series 5: Alamosa, CO - Waverly],
Series 6: Allendale, MI - Allendale, 1915],
Series 7: Ancaster, ON - Hamilton District, 1956-],
Series 8: Annapolis, MD - Annapolis Area, 1971-],
Series 9: Aylmer, ON - Immanuel],
Series 10: Baldwin, WI - Baldwin, 1917],
Series 11: Barrie, ON - Timothy],
Series 12: Battle Creek, MI - Battle Creek, 1958-],
Series 13: Beaverdam, MI - Beaverdam],
Series 14: Belleville, ON - Belleville],
Series 15: Bellevue, WA - Bellevue, 1950],
Series 16: Bowmanville, ON - Durham Christian High, 1967-],
Series 17: Bowmanville, ON - Knox],
Series 18: Boyden, IA - Boyden],
Series 19: Bozeman, MT - Bozeman Heritage],
Series 20: Bradenton, FL - Bradenton],
Series 21: Brampton, ON - John Knox],
Series 22: Brantford, ON - Brantford],
Series 23: Brockville, ON - John Knox],
Series 24: Brookfield, WI - Brookfield, 1964],
Series 25: Buenos Aires, Argentina - Nederlandsche School, 1911-],
Series 26: Burlington, ON - Parental],
Series 27: Burnaby, BC - John Knox],
Series 28: Byron Center, MI - Byron Center, 1917-],
Series 29: Caledonia, MI - Dutton, 1955-],
Series 30: Calgary, AB - Calgary],
Series 31: Camden County, NJ - Camden County],
Series 32: Cape Coral, FL - Providence],
Series 33: Cerritos, CA - Bellflower Christian Elementary, Valley Christian Junior High, Valley Christian High, 1935-],
Series 34: Chandler, MN - Chandler, 1950-],
Series 35: Chatham, ON - Chatham],
Series 36: Chicago, IL - Archer],
Series 37: Chicago, IL - Daystar, 1997-],
Series 38: Chicago, IL - Ebenezer],
Series 39: Chicago, IL - Englewood, 1900-],
Series 40: Chicago, IL - Roseland, 1884-2013],
Series 41: Chicago, IL - Southwest],
Series 42: Clarkson, OH - John Knox],
Series 43: Cleveland, OH - West Cleveland],
Series 44: Clinton, ON - Clinton District],
Series 45: Colton, SD - Colton],
Series 46: Cornwall, ON - Cornwall],
Series 47: Corsica, SD - Corsica, 1921 - 1975],
Series 48: Corsica, SD - Dakota, 2006],
Series 49: Cutlerville, MI - Legacy, 1893-],
Series 50: Cutlerville, MI - South Christian High School, 1954-],
Series 51: Dearborn, MI - Dearborn],
Series 52: Delavan, WI - Delavan],
Series 53: Delta, BC - Delta],
Series 54: DeMotte, IN - DeMotte, 1947-],
Series 55: Denver, CO - Denver, 1916-],
Series 56: Des Plaines, IL - Des Plaines, 1964-],
Series 57: Doon, IA - Doon, 1917-],
Series 58: Dorval, QC - Emmanuel, 1974-],
Series 59: Drayton, ON - Calvin],
Series 60: Dresden, ON - Dresden],
Series 61: Duncan, BC - Duncan],
Series 62: Dundas, ON - Calvin],
Series 63: Dutton, MI - Dutton],
Series 64: East Palmyra, NY - East Palmyra],
Series 65: Edgerton, MN - Edgerton, 1917-],
Series 66: Edgerton, MN - Southwest Minnesota],
Series 67: Edmonton, AB - Edmonton, 1951-],
Series 68: Ellsworth, MI - Ebenezer, 1945-],
Series 69: Elmhurst, IL - Timothy, 1911-],
Series 70: Escondido, CA - Calvin],
Series 71: Everett, WA - Everett, 1915-],
Series 72: Evergreen Park, IL - Evergreen Park, 1915-],
Series 73: Fort Lauderdale, FL - Calvin],
Series 74: Fremont, MI - Fremont, 1919-],
Series 75: Fulton, IL - Unity, 1924-],
Series 76: Garden Valley, SD - Garden Valley, 1918],
Series 77: Georgetown, ON - Georgetown],
Series 78: Goshen, NY - Goshen],
Series 79: Graafschap, MI - Hollandsche],
Series 80: Grand Haven, MI - Grand Haven, 1880],
Series 81: Grand Rapids, MI - Baxter, 1880-1963],
Series 82: Grand Rapids, MI - Christian Learning Center],
Series 83: Grand Rapids, MI - Creston-Mayfield, 1890-2010],
Series 84: Grand Rapids, MI - East Christian High School],
Series 85: Grand Rapids, MI - East Paris, 1927-1977],
Series 86: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian Elementary School],
Series 87: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian High School],
Series 88: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian Middle School, 2004-],
Series 89: Grand Rapids, MI - Millbrook, 1955-2010],
Series 90: Grand Rapids, MI - Oakdale, 1892-2010],
Series 91: Grand Rapids, MI - Plymouth, 1908-],
Series 92: Grand Rapids, MI - The Potter's House, 1981-],
Series 93: Grand Rapids, MI - Rockford],
[Series 94: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour, 1920-2002],
Series 95: Grand Rapids, MI - Southwest],
Series 96: Grand Rapids, MI - Sylvan, 1944-2006],
Series 97: Grand Rapids, MI - West Side, 1883-],
Series 98: Grant, MI - Grant, 1946-],
Series 99: Grosse Pointe, MI - Grosse Pointe, 1929-],
Series 100: Guelph, ON - John Calvin],
Series 101: Hamilton, ON - Calvin],
Series 102: Hamilton, ON - Hamilton District],
Series 103: Hanford, CA - Hanford, 1944-],
Series 104: Highland, IN - Highland, 1909-],
Series 105: Hockessin, DE - Wilmington],
Series 106: Holland, MI - Holland],
Series 107: Holland, MI - Rose Park, 1958-],
Series 108: Holland, MI - South Olive, 1946-],
Series 109: Holland, MI - Holland TWP School District #3],
Series 110: Hollandale, MN - Hollandale],
Series 111: Hopewell, VA - West End, 1949-],
Series 112: Hospers, IA - Hospers],
Series 113: Hudsonville, MI - Beaverdam],
Series 114: Hudsonville, MI - Unity, 1953-],
Series 115: Hull, IA - Hull],
Series 116: Hull, IA - Western, 1919-],
Series 117: Huntsville, AL - Presbyterian Day School],
Series 118: Imlay City, MI - Imlay City, 1952-],
Series 119: Inwood, IA - Inwood, 1948-],
Series 120: Ireton, IA - Ireton],
Series 121: Jarvis, ON - Jarvis],
Series 122: Jenison, MI - Jenison],
Series 123: Kalamazoo, MI - East],
Series 124: Kalamazoo, MI - Ebenezer],
Series 125: Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo],
Series 126: Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo Christian High, 1877-],
Series 127: Kalamazoo, MI - North],
Series 128: Kalamazoo, MI - South],
Series 129: Kalamazoo, MI - William Street],
Series 130: Kanawha, IA - Kanawha],
Series 131: Kenosha, WI - Kenosha, 1957-],
Series 132: Kentville, NS - Kings County, 1975-],
Series 133: Kentwood, MI - Kelloggsville],
Series 134: Kirkwood, PA - Kirkwood],
Series 135: Kitchener, ON - Laurentian Hills],
Series 136: Lacombe, AB - Lacombe, 1945-],
Series 137: Lafayette, IN - Lafayette],
Series 138: Lafayette, NJ - Northwest],
Series 139: Lake Worth, FL - Lake Worth],
Series 140: Lamont, MI - Lamont],
Series 141: Langley, BC - Langley],
Series 142: Lansing, IL - Illiana, 1907-],
Series 143: Lansing, IL - Lansing],
Series 144: Leighton, IA - Leighton],
Series 145: Leota, MN - Leota],
Series 146: Lethbridge, AB - Immanuel],
Series 147: London, ON - London District Christian Secondary],
Series 148: Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles],
Series 149: Lynden, WA - Ebenezer, 1910-],
Series 150: Lynden, WA - Lynden, 1910-],
Series 151: Manhattan, MT - Manhattan, 1905-],
Series 152: Martin, MI - East Martin],
Series 153: Maxwell City, NM - Maxwell City],
Series 154: McBain, MI - Northern Michigan],
Series 155: Miami, FL - Westminster, 1961-],
Series 156: Middletown, PA - Middletown],
Series 157: Midland Park, NJ - Midland Park],
Series 158: Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee],
Series 159: Minneapolis, MN - Calvin],
Series 160: Moline, MI - Moline, 1917-],
Series 161: Mount Vernon, WA - Mount Vernon, 1951-],
Series 162: Munster, IN - Munster],
Series 163: Muskegon, MI - Muskegon],
Series 164: Muskegon, MI - Western Michigan Christian High],
Series 165: Neerlandia, AB - Neerlandia, 1915-],
Series 166: New Era, MI - New Era, 1953-],
Series 167: New Holland, SD - New Holland, 1913-2006],
Series 168: New Holland, SD - Dakota Christian High, 1956-2006],
Series 169: Newmarket, ON - Holland Marsh District, 1943-],
Series 170: Newmarket, ON - Springdale],
Series 171: Newton, IA - Newton],
Series 172: Norfolk, VA - Norfolk, 1952-],
Series 173: Oak Harbor, WA - Oak Harbor, 1938-],
Series 174: Oak Lawn, IL - Oak Lawn],
Series 175: Ocheyedan, IA - Ocheyedan],
Series 176: Ontario, CA - Ontario, 1944-],
Series 177: Ontario, CA - Salem Christian Home for the Handicapped, 1960-],
Series 178: Orange City, IA - Orange City, 1904-],
Series 179: Orange City, IA - Unity, 1964-],
Series 180: Orlando, FL - West Orlando],
Series 181: Oshawa, ON - Oshawa],
Series 182: Oskaloosa, IA - Oskaloosa],
Series 183: Ottawa, ON - Ottawa],
Series 184: Palos Heights, IL - Chicago Christian High],
Series 185: Palos Heights, IL - Elim, 1947-],
Series 186: Pantego, NC - Terra Ceia, 1937-],
Series 187: Paterson, NJ - Dawn Treade, 1977-],
Series 188: Pease, MN - Community, 1914-],
Series 189: Pella, IA - Pella, 1912-],
Series 190: Pella, IA - Pella High, 1928-],
Series 191: Peoria, IA - Peoria, 1907-],
Series 192: Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia Montgomery Christian Academy, 1956-],
Series 193: Phoenix, AZ - Phoenix, 1959-],
Series 194: Pittsburg, PA - Trinity],
Series 195: Platte, SD - Platte, 1912-1929; 1951-2006],
Series 196: Prairie City, IA - Prairie City, 1948-],
Series 197: Prinsburg, MN - Central Minnesota, 1911-],
Series 198: Racine, WI - Racine, 1929-],
Series 199: Randolph, WI - Randolph, 1913-],
Series 200: Redlands, CA - Redlands, 1921-],
Series 201: Rehoboth, NM - Rehoboth, 1903-],
Series 202: Richmond, BC - Richmond],
Series 203: Ripon, CA - Ripon],
Series 204: Rochester, NY - Rochester],
Series 205: Rock Valley, IA - Hope Haven],
Series 206: Rock Valley, IA - Rock Valley],
Series 207: Rudyard, MI - Rudyard],
Series 208: St. Catharines, ON - Beacon],
Series 209: St. Thomas, ON - Ebenezer],
Series 210: Salt Lake City, UT - Salt Lake City, 1954-],
Series 211: Sanborn, IA - Sanborn, 1917-],
Series 212: San Diego, CA - San Diego],
Series 213: San Jose, CA - San Jose, 1959-],
Series 214: Sarnia, ON - Lambton],
Series 215: Sarnia, ON - Sarnia],
Series 216: Sheboygan, WI - Sheboygan, 1898-],
Series 217: Sheboygan, WI - Sheboygan County, 1917-],
Series 218: Sheldon, IA - Sheldon, 1917-],
Series 219: Shoreline, WA - Shoreline, 1952-],
Series 220: Sibley, IA - Sibley],
Series 221: Silver Spring, MD - Washington, 1960-],
Series 222: Sioux Center, IA - Sioux Center, 1904-],
Series 223: Sioux Falls, SD - Calvin],
Series 224: Smithers, BC - Bulkley Valley, 1961-],
Series 225: Smithville, ON - John Knox, 1959-],
Series 226: Smithville, ON - Smithville, 1980-],
Series 227: South Holland, IL - Calvin, 1912-],
Series 228: South Olive, MI - South Olive],
Series 229: Strathroy, ON - John Calvin],
Series 230: Sully, IA - Sully, 1908-],
Series 231: Sumas, WA - Sumas, 1945-1973],
Series 232: Sunnyside, WA - Sunnyside],
Series 233: Surrey, BC - Fraser Valley],
Series 234: Sussex, NJ - Sussex, 1958-],
Series 235: Terra Ceia, NC - Terra Ceia],
Series 236: Thunder Bay, ON - Thunder Bay],
Series 237: Tokyo, Japan - Christian Academy in Japan, 1950-],
Series 238: Trenton, ON - Calvin],
Series 239: Vancouver, BC - Vancouver, 1949-],
Series 240: Vogel Center, MI - Vogel Center, 1950-],
Series 241: Volga, SD - Volga],
Series 242: Walker, MI - Walker],
Series 243: Wallaceburg, ON - Calvin],
Series 244: Waupun, WI - Central Wisconsin, 1949-],
Series 245: Wellandport, ON - Wellandport, 1958-],
Series 246: Wellsburg, IA - Timothy],
Series 247: West Sayville, NY - West Sayville, 1946-],
Series 248: Whitinsville, MA - Whitinsville, 1928-],
Series 249: Willard, OH - Celeryville, 1930-],
Series 250: Williamsburg, ON - Timothy],
Series 251: Winnipeg, MB - Calvin],
Series 252: Woodbridge, ON - Toronto District],
Series 253: Woodstock, ON - John Knox],
Series 254: Worthington, MN - Worthington],
Series 255: Wyoming, MI - Calvin],
Series 256: Wyoming, MI - Godwin],
Series 257: Zeeland, MI - Borculo, 1957-],
Series 258: Zeeland, MI - Zeeland, 1915-],
Series 259: Zuni, NM - Zuni Mission],
Series 260: Association for Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS)],
Series 261: Association of Christian School Administrators (ACSA)],
Series 262: Calvin Christian School Association],
Series 263: Chicago Christian School Association - Chicago, IL],
Series 264: Chicago Southwest Christian School Association - Chicago, IL],
Series 265: Christian School Music Society of Grand Rapids, MI],
Series 266: Christian Schools International (CSI)],
Series 267: Eastern Christian School Association],
Series 268: Grand Rapids Christian Schools (GRCS)],
Series 269: Michigan Christian Schools Alliance (MICS)],
Series 270: Michigan Christian Teachers Association],
Series 271: Ontario Christian School Administrators Association (Georgetown, ON)],
Series 272: Pacific Northwest Christian Teachers Association (Bellingham, WA)],
Series 273: Pella Alliance for Christian Education],
Series 274: Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta (SCESA)],
Series 275: Southwest Minnesota Teachers Association],
Series 276: West Michigan Christian High School Administrators],
- Series 94: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour --- 1920-2002

- (Seymour Middle School joins Millbrook, 1973; Seymour closes and joins Millbrook, 2002)
- Box Vault

- Item 66: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Minutes, 4 reels --- 20 Jun 1934 - 20 Aug 1972

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Box 29

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1934 - May 1942

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: 1 Letter to the board --- 1975

- Folder 7: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Seymour Scenes (50th anniversary edition) --- 1966-1968; 1971, 1995

- Folder 7-9: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Impressions, 6th Grade Oral History Project --- Spring and Fall 1982, Fall 1983-1986, Spring 1988

- Folder 10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Treasury Department certificate acknowledging the sale of War Bonds by Seymour Christian School for one jeep in the "Schools at War" Jeep Campaign --- 1943

- Box 30

- Folder 1-2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1942 - Feb 1957

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Box 31

- Folder 1-2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1957 - May 1961

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3-4: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1965 - Jun 1967

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Box 32

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1961 - May 1965

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1967 - May 1968

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Box 33

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jun 1968 - Aug 1973

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- 1984 - 1989

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jan 1990 - Nov 1993; Mar, Nov - Dec 1994; Feb, Apr, Jun, Sept - Dec 1996 -

- Folder 4: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Board minutes --- Jan 2000 - May 2002

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Education Committee. Minutes --- 1960-1973

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 6-7: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Education Committee. Minutes [incl. Millbrook Seymour Ed mins.] --- 1983-2002

- Acquisition Information: RESTRICTED
- Folder 8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Playground Committee minutes --- 1995-1998

- Folder 9: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Promotions Committee minutes --- 1972, 1985-1992

- Folder 10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Building / Finance/Planning Committee minutes --- 1962-1973, 1984-1985

- Folder 11: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Financial Board minutes --- Aug 1931 - Apr 1933

- Folder 12: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Consolidation Study Committee minutes, Millbrook-Seymour --- 1990

- Box 137

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: History of the school, material

- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Consolidation Committee (Millbrook/Seymour), minutes, proposals --- 1964-1966

- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Principals' reports --- 1945-1947, 1962-1973, 1983-1998

- Folder 8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Media Center groundbreaking and dedication programs --- 1992

- Folder 9: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: 75th anniversary, history, programs, guest book, newspaper clippings, pictures --- 1995

- Folder 10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, school closing, news clippings, "Generations of Faith" closing program --- 2002

- Box 34

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Newsletter, Seymour Christian School Bulletin --- 1947-1965

- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Correspondence --- 1949-1950, 1960

- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: News clippings --- 1928-2000

- Folder 4: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Anniversary Committee minutes, 50th anniversary program, correspondence --- 1971; May 1971

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Newsletter [incomplete] --- 1986-1990, 1994-1997

- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Certificates of acknowledgement and appreciation for charity projects --- 1997-2002

- Folder 7: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Preschool information booklet; Parent Handbook --- 1996-1997; 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, aerials of Seymour; construction closing Nevada Street --- 1991

- Folder 9: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, PACE Race --- 1992

- Folder 10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, "Faculty Follies" fundraiser --- 1992

- Folder 11: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Chinese New Year celebration --- 1993

- Folder 12: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, "Pavilioned in Splendor" program --- 1996

- Folder 13: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: 4th grade photographs with Glenn Steil at Lansing Capitol --- 1996

- Folder 14: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Zero the Hero; various student candids

- Folder 15: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, staff farewell party --- 1997, 1998

- Folder 16: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, "Seymour Olympics," --- 1997, undated

- Folder 17: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Book Character Day --- [1990s]

- Folder 18: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, new playground construction photographs

- Folder 19: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Field Day --- 1990-2000

- Folder 20: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Seymour "Wax Museum" --- 1996-1999

- Folder 21: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Seymour First Sacajawea Dollar School in USA --- 2000

- Folder 22: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, faculty and staff material

- Box 138

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Seymour boys' basketball team; class picture with DeMol farm in the background; graduation picture --- 1939-1940; 1930s, undated [1920s?]

- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs of Seymour building and grounds --- 1931, undated

- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Raymond Peterson, principal; GRCS Administration; Mothers' Guild Bazaar --- 1944-1962, 1951; undated

- Folder 4: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Class photographs, softball and basketball teams --- 1950

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Various class photographs --- [1940s, 1950s]

- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Class photographs [See Seymour Chimes 1959 for identification] --- 1959

- Folder 7-10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Graduating class photographs --- 1944-1967

- Folder 11: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, Middle School Science Project Fair --- 1967

- Folder 12: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, various Middle School sports team, game, and cheerleaders, undated

- Folder 13: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, various band, orchestra, choir --- [1970s-1990s]

- Folder 14: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Photographs, reunion for the class of 1946 material --- 1996

- Box 132

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Seymour Slants, Intermediate Grades writings --- 1949-1950

- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Gleanings, from Junior High English, --- May-60

- Folder 3-5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Student publication, See More News --- 1945-1957

- Folder 6-9: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour:Student publication, Seymour Shavings --- 1961-1965

- Box 133

- Folder 1-5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Student publication, Seymour Shavings --- 1966-1971

- Folder 6-8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Yearbook, Seymour Chimes --- 1935-1937, 1944-1945, 1947-1948, 1949-1960

- Box 134

- Folder 1-3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Yearbook, Seymour Chimes --- 1961-1973

- Folder 4-5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Annual reports --- 1947-1969

- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Annual Society Meeting minutes --- 1947-1948, 1963-1973

- Folder 7-8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Student Directory / Class lists --- 1942-1960

- Box 135

- Folder 1-2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: PTA School Directory --- 1959-1974

- Folder 3-8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Material, photographs, cookbook, "Pavilions," A Project of Seymour Christian School funded by a grant from the GR Arts Council, --- Spring 1996

- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Material, photographs, "Pipelines," A Pipe Organ Project funded by a grant from the Arts Council of Greater Grand Rapids, --- Spring 1995

- Folder 7-8: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Student project, "Seymour: Past, Present, and Future," --- 1985, 1995

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Media Center Groundbreaking, Media Center Dedication --- 1992

- Folder 2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, third - fifth grade Christmas program --- 1994

- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Pavilions Program, World's Fair Highlights --- May-96

- Folder 4: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Service of Lessons and Carols --- 1997

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Service of Lessons and Carols --- 1998

- Folder 6: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Seymour Christian School demo tape --- undated

- Folder 7: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: VHS tape, Christmas program --- 1994

- Folder 8-10: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Cassette tapes, Seymour Christian School Promotional; Christmas concert; Festival for Advent; Seymour sailor hat, Seymour Christian sailor pin --- 1990, undated

- Box 140

- Folder 1-2: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Various architectural drawings of Seymour buildings, road modifications

- Folder 3: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Miscellaneous Board correspondence --- 1942-1965

- Item 1: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour: Seymour [37th] anniversary plate with brief history on the back --- 1953

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Abbotsford, BC - Abbotsford, 1953-],
Series 2: Ada, MI - Ada, 1951-],
Series 3: Agassiz, BC - Agassiz],
Series 4: Alameda, CA - Alameda, 1944-],
Series 5: Alamosa, CO - Waverly],
Series 6: Allendale, MI - Allendale, 1915],
Series 7: Ancaster, ON - Hamilton District, 1956-],
Series 8: Annapolis, MD - Annapolis Area, 1971-],
Series 9: Aylmer, ON - Immanuel],
Series 10: Baldwin, WI - Baldwin, 1917],
Series 11: Barrie, ON - Timothy],
Series 12: Battle Creek, MI - Battle Creek, 1958-],
Series 13: Beaverdam, MI - Beaverdam],
Series 14: Belleville, ON - Belleville],
Series 15: Bellevue, WA - Bellevue, 1950],
Series 16: Bowmanville, ON - Durham Christian High, 1967-],
Series 17: Bowmanville, ON - Knox],
Series 18: Boyden, IA - Boyden],
Series 19: Bozeman, MT - Bozeman Heritage],
Series 20: Bradenton, FL - Bradenton],
Series 21: Brampton, ON - John Knox],
Series 22: Brantford, ON - Brantford],
Series 23: Brockville, ON - John Knox],
Series 24: Brookfield, WI - Brookfield, 1964],
Series 25: Buenos Aires, Argentina - Nederlandsche School, 1911-],
Series 26: Burlington, ON - Parental],
Series 27: Burnaby, BC - John Knox],
Series 28: Byron Center, MI - Byron Center, 1917-],
Series 29: Caledonia, MI - Dutton, 1955-],
Series 30: Calgary, AB - Calgary],
Series 31: Camden County, NJ - Camden County],
Series 32: Cape Coral, FL - Providence],
Series 33: Cerritos, CA - Bellflower Christian Elementary, Valley Christian Junior High, Valley Christian High, 1935-],
Series 34: Chandler, MN - Chandler, 1950-],
Series 35: Chatham, ON - Chatham],
Series 36: Chicago, IL - Archer],
Series 37: Chicago, IL - Daystar, 1997-],
Series 38: Chicago, IL - Ebenezer],
Series 39: Chicago, IL - Englewood, 1900-],
Series 40: Chicago, IL - Roseland, 1884-2013],
Series 41: Chicago, IL - Southwest],
Series 42: Clarkson, OH - John Knox],
Series 43: Cleveland, OH - West Cleveland],
Series 44: Clinton, ON - Clinton District],
Series 45: Colton, SD - Colton],
Series 46: Cornwall, ON - Cornwall],
Series 47: Corsica, SD - Corsica, 1921 - 1975],
Series 48: Corsica, SD - Dakota, 2006],
Series 49: Cutlerville, MI - Legacy, 1893-],
Series 50: Cutlerville, MI - South Christian High School, 1954-],
Series 51: Dearborn, MI - Dearborn],
Series 52: Delavan, WI - Delavan],
Series 53: Delta, BC - Delta],
Series 54: DeMotte, IN - DeMotte, 1947-],
Series 55: Denver, CO - Denver, 1916-],
Series 56: Des Plaines, IL - Des Plaines, 1964-],
Series 57: Doon, IA - Doon, 1917-],
Series 58: Dorval, QC - Emmanuel, 1974-],
Series 59: Drayton, ON - Calvin],
Series 60: Dresden, ON - Dresden],
Series 61: Duncan, BC - Duncan],
Series 62: Dundas, ON - Calvin],
Series 63: Dutton, MI - Dutton],
Series 64: East Palmyra, NY - East Palmyra],
Series 65: Edgerton, MN - Edgerton, 1917-],
Series 66: Edgerton, MN - Southwest Minnesota],
Series 67: Edmonton, AB - Edmonton, 1951-],
Series 68: Ellsworth, MI - Ebenezer, 1945-],
Series 69: Elmhurst, IL - Timothy, 1911-],
Series 70: Escondido, CA - Calvin],
Series 71: Everett, WA - Everett, 1915-],
Series 72: Evergreen Park, IL - Evergreen Park, 1915-],
Series 73: Fort Lauderdale, FL - Calvin],
Series 74: Fremont, MI - Fremont, 1919-],
Series 75: Fulton, IL - Unity, 1924-],
Series 76: Garden Valley, SD - Garden Valley, 1918],
Series 77: Georgetown, ON - Georgetown],
Series 78: Goshen, NY - Goshen],
Series 79: Graafschap, MI - Hollandsche],
Series 80: Grand Haven, MI - Grand Haven, 1880],
Series 81: Grand Rapids, MI - Baxter, 1880-1963],
Series 82: Grand Rapids, MI - Christian Learning Center],
Series 83: Grand Rapids, MI - Creston-Mayfield, 1890-2010],
Series 84: Grand Rapids, MI - East Christian High School],
Series 85: Grand Rapids, MI - East Paris, 1927-1977],
Series 86: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian Elementary School],
Series 87: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian High School],
Series 88: Grand Rapids, MI - Grand Rapids Christian Middle School, 2004-],
Series 89: Grand Rapids, MI - Millbrook, 1955-2010],
Series 90: Grand Rapids, MI - Oakdale, 1892-2010],
Series 91: Grand Rapids, MI - Plymouth, 1908-],
Series 92: Grand Rapids, MI - The Potter's House, 1981-],
Series 93: Grand Rapids, MI - Rockford],
[Series 94: Grand Rapids, MI - Seymour, 1920-2002],
Series 95: Grand Rapids, MI - Southwest],
Series 96: Grand Rapids, MI - Sylvan, 1944-2006],
Series 97: Grand Rapids, MI - West Side, 1883-],
Series 98: Grant, MI - Grant, 1946-],
Series 99: Grosse Pointe, MI - Grosse Pointe, 1929-],
Series 100: Guelph, ON - John Calvin],
Series 101: Hamilton, ON - Calvin],
Series 102: Hamilton, ON - Hamilton District],
Series 103: Hanford, CA - Hanford, 1944-],
Series 104: Highland, IN - Highland, 1909-],
Series 105: Hockessin, DE - Wilmington],
Series 106: Holland, MI - Holland],
Series 107: Holland, MI - Rose Park, 1958-],
Series 108: Holland, MI - South Olive, 1946-],
Series 109: Holland, MI - Holland TWP School District #3],
Series 110: Hollandale, MN - Hollandale],
Series 111: Hopewell, VA - West End, 1949-],
Series 112: Hospers, IA - Hospers],
Series 113: Hudsonville, MI - Beaverdam],
Series 114: Hudsonville, MI - Unity, 1953-],
Series 115: Hull, IA - Hull],
Series 116: Hull, IA - Western, 1919-],
Series 117: Huntsville, AL - Presbyterian Day School],
Series 118: Imlay City, MI - Imlay City, 1952-],
Series 119: Inwood, IA - Inwood, 1948-],
Series 120: Ireton, IA - Ireton],
Series 121: Jarvis, ON - Jarvis],
Series 122: Jenison, MI - Jenison],
Series 123: Kalamazoo, MI - East],
Series 124: Kalamazoo, MI - Ebenezer],
Series 125: Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo],
Series 126: Kalamazoo, MI - Kalamazoo Christian High, 1877-],
Series 127: Kalamazoo, MI - North],
Series 128: Kalamazoo, MI - South],
Series 129: Kalamazoo, MI - William Street],
Series 130: Kanawha, IA - Kanawha],
Series 131: Kenosha, WI - Kenosha, 1957-],
Series 132: Kentville, NS - Kings County, 1975-],
Series 133: Kentwood, MI - Kelloggsville],
Series 134: Kirkwood, PA - Kirkwood],
Series 135: Kitchener, ON - Laurentian Hills],
Series 136: Lacombe, AB - Lacombe, 1945-],
Series 137: Lafayette, IN - Lafayette],
Series 138: Lafayette, NJ - Northwest],
Series 139: Lake Worth, FL - Lake Worth],
Series 140: Lamont, MI - Lamont],
Series 141: Langley, BC - Langley],
Series 142: Lansing, IL - Illiana, 1907-],
Series 143: Lansing, IL - Lansing],
Series 144: Leighton, IA - Leighton],
Series 145: Leota, MN - Leota],
Series 146: Lethbridge, AB - Immanuel],
Series 147: London, ON - London District Christian Secondary],
Series 148: Los Angeles, CA - Los Angeles],
Series 149: Lynden, WA - Ebenezer, 1910-],
Series 150: Lynden, WA - Lynden, 1910-],
Series 151: Manhattan, MT - Manhattan, 1905-],
Series 152: Martin, MI - East Martin],
Series 153: Maxwell City, NM - Maxwell City],
Series 154: McBain, MI - Northern Michigan],
Series 155: Miami, FL - Westminster, 1961-],
Series 156: Middletown, PA - Middletown],
Series 157: Midland Park, NJ - Midland Park],
Series 158: Milwaukee, WI - Milwaukee],
Series 159: Minneapolis, MN - Calvin],
Series 160: Moline, MI - Moline, 1917-],
Series 161: Mount Vernon, WA - Mount Vernon, 1951-],
Series 162: Munster, IN - Munster],
Series 163: Muskegon, MI - Muskegon],
Series 164: Muskegon, MI - Western Michigan Christian High],
Series 165: Neerlandia, AB - Neerlandia, 1915-],
Series 166: New Era, MI - New Era, 1953-],
Series 167: New Holland, SD - New Holland, 1913-2006],
Series 168: New Holland, SD - Dakota Christian High, 1956-2006],
Series 169: Newmarket, ON - Holland Marsh District, 1943-],
Series 170: Newmarket, ON - Springdale],
Series 171: Newton, IA - Newton],
Series 172: Norfolk, VA - Norfolk, 1952-],
Series 173: Oak Harbor, WA - Oak Harbor, 1938-],
Series 174: Oak Lawn, IL - Oak Lawn],
Series 175: Ocheyedan, IA - Ocheyedan],
Series 176: Ontario, CA - Ontario, 1944-],
Series 177: Ontario, CA - Salem Christian Home for the Handicapped, 1960-],
Series 178: Orange City, IA - Orange City, 1904-],
Series 179: Orange City, IA - Unity, 1964-],
Series 180: Orlando, FL - West Orlando],
Series 181: Oshawa, ON - Oshawa],
Series 182: Oskaloosa, IA - Oskaloosa],
Series 183: Ottawa, ON - Ottawa],
Series 184: Palos Heights, IL - Chicago Christian High],
Series 185: Palos Heights, IL - Elim, 1947-],
Series 186: Pantego, NC - Terra Ceia, 1937-],
Series 187: Paterson, NJ - Dawn Treade, 1977-],
Series 188: Pease, MN - Community, 1914-],
Series 189: Pella, IA - Pella, 1912-],
Series 190: Pella, IA - Pella High, 1928-],
Series 191: Peoria, IA - Peoria, 1907-],
Series 192: Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia Montgomery Christian Academy, 1956-],
Series 193: Phoenix, AZ - Phoenix, 1959-],
Series 194: Pittsburg, PA - Trinity],
Series 195: Platte, SD - Platte, 1912-1929; 1951-2006],
Series 196: Prairie City, IA - Prairie City, 1948-],
Series 197: Prinsburg, MN - Central Minnesota, 1911-],
Series 198: Racine, WI - Racine, 1929-],
Series 199: Randolph, WI - Randolph, 1913-],
Series 200: Redlands, CA - Redlands, 1921-],
Series 201: Rehoboth, NM - Rehoboth, 1903-],
Series 202: Richmond, BC - Richmond],
Series 203: Ripon, CA - Ripon],
Series 204: Rochester, NY - Rochester],
Series 205: Rock Valley, IA - Hope Haven],
Series 206: Rock Valley, IA - Rock Valley],
Series 207: Rudyard, MI - Rudyard],
Series 208: St. Catharines, ON - Beacon],
Series 209: St. Thomas, ON - Ebenezer],
Series 210: Salt Lake City, UT - Salt Lake City, 1954-],
Series 211: Sanborn, IA - Sanborn, 1917-],
Series 212: San Diego, CA - San Diego],
Series 213: San Jose, CA - San Jose, 1959-],
Series 214: Sarnia, ON - Lambton],
Series 215: Sarnia, ON - Sarnia],
Series 216: Sheboygan, WI - Sheboygan, 1898-],
Series 217: Sheboygan, WI - Sheboygan County, 1917-],
Series 218: Sheldon, IA - Sheldon, 1917-],
Series 219: Shoreline, WA - Shoreline, 1952-],
Series 220: Sibley, IA - Sibley],
Series 221: Silver Spring, MD - Washington, 1960-],
Series 222: Sioux Center, IA - Sioux Center, 1904-],
Series 223: Sioux Falls, SD - Calvin],
Series 224: Smithers, BC - Bulkley Valley, 1961-],
Series 225: Smithville, ON - John Knox, 1959-],
Series 226: Smithville, ON - Smithville, 1980-],
Series 227: South Holland, IL - Calvin, 1912-],
Series 228: South Olive, MI - South Olive],
Series 229: Strathroy, ON - John Calvin],
Series 230: Sully, IA - Sully, 1908-],
Series 231: Sumas, WA - Sumas, 1945-1973],
Series 232: Sunnyside, WA - Sunnyside],
Series 233: Surrey, BC - Fraser Valley],
Series 234: Sussex, NJ - Sussex, 1958-],
Series 235: Terra Ceia, NC - Terra Ceia],
Series 236: Thunder Bay, ON - Thunder Bay],
Series 237: Tokyo, Japan - Christian Academy in Japan, 1950-],
Series 238: Trenton, ON - Calvin],
Series 239: Vancouver, BC - Vancouver, 1949-],
Series 240: Vogel Center, MI - Vogel Center, 1950-],
Series 241: Volga, SD - Volga],
Series 242: Walker, MI - Walker],
Series 243: Wallaceburg, ON - Calvin],
Series 244: Waupun, WI - Central Wisconsin, 1949-],
Series 245: Wellandport, ON - Wellandport, 1958-],
Series 246: Wellsburg, IA - Timothy],
Series 247: West Sayville, NY - West Sayville, 1946-],
Series 248: Whitinsville, MA - Whitinsville, 1928-],
Series 249: Willard, OH - Celeryville, 1930-],
Series 250: Williamsburg, ON - Timothy],
Series 251: Winnipeg, MB - Calvin],
Series 252: Woodbridge, ON - Toronto District],
Series 253: Woodstock, ON - John Knox],
Series 254: Worthington, MN - Worthington],
Series 255: Wyoming, MI - Calvin],
Series 256: Wyoming, MI - Godwin],
Series 257: Zeeland, MI - Borculo, 1957-],
Series 258: Zeeland, MI - Zeeland, 1915-],
Series 259: Zuni, NM - Zuni Mission],
Series 260: Association for Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS)],
Series 261: Association of Christian School Administrators (ACSA)],
Series 262: Calvin Christian School Association],
Series 263: Chicago Christian School Association - Chicago, IL],
Series 264: Chicago Southwest Christian School Association - Chicago, IL],
Series 265: Christian School Music Society of Grand Rapids, MI],
Series 266: Christian Schools International (CSI)],
Series 267: Eastern Christian School Association],
Series 268: Grand Rapids Christian Schools (GRCS)],
Series 269: Michigan Christian Schools Alliance (MICS)],
Series 270: Michigan Christian Teachers Association],
Series 271: Ontario Christian School Administrators Association (Georgetown, ON)],
Series 272: Pacific Northwest Christian Teachers Association (Bellingham, WA)],
Series 273: Pella Alliance for Christian Education],
Series 274: Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta (SCESA)],
Series 275: Southwest Minnesota Teachers Association],
Series 276: West Michigan Christian High School Administrators],