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Escobar, Samuel J. (1934 -) | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Name: Escobar, Samuel J. (1934 -)

Historical Note:

J. Samuel Escobar Aguirre was born in Arequipa, Perú in 1934. Escobar attended San Marcous University in Lima and completed his Ph.D. at Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. After graduation, Escobar became an elementary and high school teacher in Peru. Escobar married his church sweetheart, Lilly Artola in 1958.

Escobar was always interested student involvement with missionary work. Escobar was one of the founding members of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) in Latin America. In 1959 became the traveling secretary for IFES in Latin America and then became regional secretary, serving IFES for 26 years. From 1972-1975 he also worked as the General Director of InterVaristy Christian Fellowship in Canada.

Escobar has written numerous articles, books, and essays as well as served as editor of several magazines and other publication in Latin America. Escobar has had the privilege to be a speaker at several Urbana missionary conventions and taught seminaries throughout the world. Another honor Escobar has received was the Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada in 1997.

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