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Individual Papers Collection



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Individual Papers Collection | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Individual Papers Collection

ID: COLL/588

Extent: 6.0 Linear Feet


Collection of papers written on a range of topics by different authors. Papers are organized alphabetically by the author's surname.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

Series 1: A
Item 1: Achterhof, Kenneth John (1945-    ) --- 1971
"The Chicago Situation."
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.J. Achterhof.
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 2: Adema, Jeichinus G.  (1931-    ) --- 1975
"Evangelism: Christian Reformed History."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.G. Adema.
Physical Description: 13 Leaves
Item 3: Admiraal, Matthew  (1974-    ) --- 1996

“The Banner: A Satire that Changed Society.”

Aquisition Method: Gift of Gift of M. Admiraal

Physical Description: 29 leaves

Item 4: Admiraal, Philip Case --- 1999

"The Protestant Reformed Controversy of ’53"

Aquisition Information: Gift of P. Admiraal

Physical Description: 35 Leaves

Item 5: Afman, Dennis A.  (1955-    ) --- 1979
"The History and Tradition of the Liturgy in the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.A. Afman.
Physical Description: 10 Leaves
Item 6: Aldrink, Myron --- 1977

“The Christian Reformed Reaction to Prohibition.”

Physical Description: 21 leaves

Item 7: Altena, Hans Johan Frederick  (1945-    ) --- 1972
"A Case of Brotherly Love: USA and Canadian Christian Reformed Churches."
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J.F. Altena.
Physical Description: 24 Leaves
Item 8: Anderson, Richard Gregory   (1957-    ) --- 1983
"The Week that Shook Calvin."  (This Paper evaluates the Calvin student publication Chimes.)
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.G. Anderson.
Physical Description: 17 Leaves
Item 9: Anonymous --- u.d.
"Christian Reformed Church History"
Physical Description: 34 Leaves
Item 10: Anema, Gerald D.  (1958-    ) --- 1981
"Why Did Dutchmen Come to Colorado, 1890-1930?"
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.D. Anema.
Physical Description: 14 Leaves
Item 11: Apol, James Alan  (1965-    ) --- 1987
"Burton Heights Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan."
Acquisition Information: "Burton Heights Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan."
Physical Description: 4 Leaves
Series 2: B
Item 1: Bajema, Jack Andy   (1943-    ) --- 1962
"He Would Not Quit."  The Life of Rev. John B. Vanden Hoek, 1891-1969.
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. J. Bajema.
Physical Description: 7 leaves.
Item 2: Bajema, John Jay   (1947-    ) --- 1972
"The CRC and Labor."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.J. Bajema.
Physical Description: 8 Leaves
Item 3: Bajema, Paul J.   (1946-    ) --- 1966

"Counseling and Guidance in the Christian High Schools"

Acquisiton Information: Gift of P. J. Bajema

Physical Desciption: 23 leaves

Item 4: Bandstra, Barry   (1951-    ) --- 1975
"Elders and Deacons."
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Bandstra.
Physical Description: 5 Leaves
Item 5: Bartleson, Mimi --- 1991

"The Changing views of the Visual Arts in the CRC:  1930 to present"

Physical Description: 19 leaves

Item 6: Baum, James W.   (1960-    ) --- 1982
"The Shaping of Classis Hackensack."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.W. Baum.
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 7: Berghuis, Melvin Earl   (1915-1992) --- 1971

"Son by Father, to the Memory of My Son, Robert Earl Berghuis"

Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Slingeland

Physical Description: 66 leaves

Item 8: Berkompas, Joy --- 1978

"The Impact of Immigration on the First Christian Reformed Church of Chatham, Ontario, Canada"

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Item 9: Beuker, Gerrit Jan   (1957-    ) --- 1991

“Henricus Beuker, 1834-1900.”

Acquisition Information: Gift of G. J. Beuker

Physical Description: 326 leaves

Item 10: Beverly, Paul --- 1975

"The Banner, The Christian Century and the War, 1939-1941"

Physical Description: 15 leaves

Item 11: Bezuyen, A. --- 1987

"A History of Bethany Christian Services Residential Treatment Program"

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 12: Bielema, Ronald Dale   (1938-    ) --- 1960
"A Study of Scripture Texts Used as Basis for Sermons by Ministers of the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.D. Bielema
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 13: Bierma, Lyle Dean   (1950-    ) --- 1975 - 1976
"Calvin Theological Seminary:  A Historical Study of the 1949-1952 Crisis"
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.D. Bierma
Item 14: Bierma, Lyle Dean   (1950-    ) --- 1976 - 1976
"Religion and Politics in the Seventeenth Century:  A Critique of the Marxist View of the Relation of English Puritanism and French Jansenism to their Respective Revolutionary Milieux"
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.D. Bierma
Item 15: Biesheuvel, Barend   (1948-    ) --- 1975
"The Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada"
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Biesheuvel
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 16: Bijkerk, Roelof Jan --- 1967
Profile of a Seminary: Some Descriptive Statistics and Analyses, Based on Data Collected During 1962-1966 from Calvin College and Calvin Seminary Students
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. J. Bijkerk
Physical Description: 30 leaves
Item 17: Bingle, Karen   (1964-    ) --- 1987
Phoenix Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of K. Bingle
Physical Description: 42 leaves
Item 18: Blacquiere, Robert J.   (1952-    ) --- 1976
A Portrait in History: The Americanization Process of Henry John Blacquiere (1885-1974)
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Blacquiere
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 19: Bloem, Daniel F.   (1944-    ) --- 1966
The Origins of Pine Rest, the Christian Psychopathic Hospital
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.F. Bloem
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 20: Bloem, Randall H.   (1963-    ) --- 1981
Dutch Immigration to Whitinsville [Massachusetts]
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.H. Bloem
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 21: Blom, Patricia R. Vanden Berg   (1951-    ) --- 1974
The Architecture of Calvin College, the Outgrowth of a Christian Community
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Vanden Berg.
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 22: Blydorp, Janet Christine   (1962-    ) --- 1983
The Christian Reformed Church and Dancing
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Blydorp
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 23: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
A History and Evaluation of the Rights of Women in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 24: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
Hinduism, Christianity, and the Meeting Between the Hindu and the Christian
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 25: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
Pentecostalism and Evangelism
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 26: Boerman, Beverly   (1957-    ) --- 1980
Growth of Overisel Township from 1847-1870
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Boerman
Physical Description: 40 leaves
Item 27: Boersma, Martin --- 1979

The 1950 Banner Response to John T. Flynn’s, The Road Ahead

Physical Description: 17 leaves

Item 28: Boeve, Brian Clare   (1952-    ) --- 1976
The History of the CRC Christian Schools
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.C. Boeve
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 29: Bogeman, Patricia Kay  (1954-    ) --- 1974
Dutch American Folklore
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.K. Bogema
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 30: Boldenow, Kathy --- 1973

The Free Christian Schools’ Fight Against the Anti-parochial Sentiment after World War I

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Item 31: Bolt, Elizabeth --- 1978
The Assimilation of the Reformed Church in America
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 32: Boonstra, Harry (1935-    ) --- 2008
The Dutch Equation in the RCA Freemasonry, 1865-1885
Acquisition Information: Gift of Harry Boonstra
Physical Description: 43 pages
Item 33: Boorsma, Arlyn --- 1976

The Christian Reformed Church’s Response to the Modernist vs. Fundamentalist Controversy

Description: 19 leaves

Item 34: Booy, John David   (1951-    ) --- 1972
The Study of Membership Loss in the CRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Booy
Physical Description: 51 leaves
Item 35: Bordewyk, Herman Jay   (1934-    ) --- 1961
An Analysis of Banner Readership in the Christian Reformed Church."  Co-author:  Duane Kuizema
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J. Bordewyk
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 36: Borger, Jane W.   (1961-    ) --- 1981
Canadian Nationalism in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.W. Borger
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 37: Borst, Lawrence James (1933-    ) --- 1959
Study of the history of the Bethany Christian Home, Inc., a child welfare agency in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from its origins in 1944 through 1958
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.J. Borst
Physical Description: 60 pages
Item 38: Bosch, Meindert   (1920-    ) --- 1973
Transcribed oral history of Bethesda Hospital, as interviewed by J. Herbert Brink.
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 39: Bosma, Fred   (1934-    ) --- 1968
, "North America or Java:  The Emigration Pamphlet of Brummelkamp and van Raalte."  Translation of "Landverhuizing, of Waarom Bevorderen Wij de Volksverhuizing en wel naar Noord-Amerika en niet naar Java?"
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. Bosma
Physical Description: 41 leaves
Item 40: Bosma, Timothy D.   (1956-    ) --- 1978
Transforming or Conforming:  The History of the Dance in the Christian Reformed Church as Seen by the Writings of Denominational Leaders in The Banner, The Acts of Synod, and Three Books
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.D. Bosma
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 41: Botting, Anne Elizabeth   (1962-    ) --- 1984
"Children's Retreat," dealing with Pine Rest Christian Hospital
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.E. Botting
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 42: Bouma, Kenneth John   (1949-    ) --- 1970
"The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture:  A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth with a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth."  Co-authors:  Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Brian Dale De Kraker, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, Sharon Claire Ruiter, and Bennett John Wieringa.
Physical Description: 79 leaves
Item 43: Bouma, Wilma   (1926-    ) --- 1967
The Women's Missionary Union as an Aspect of Dr. Henry Beets's Program for Promoting Foreign Mission Work
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. Bouma
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 44: Bouwma, Richard   (1945-    ) --- 1967
The Influence of Abraham Kuyper on Christian Education in the United States Between 1890 and 1920
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Bouwma
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 45: Bouwman, Rebecca, E.   (1941-    ) --- 1964
Evolution and the Christian Reformed Church, 1922-1925
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.E. Bouwman
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 46: Brasser, Wayne R.   (1949-    ) --- 1970
Iglesia Evangelica Cristiana de Argentina
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.R. Brasser
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 47: Bratt, John Harvard   (1960-    ) --- 1982
The Continuity of Secession Rhetoric in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.H. Bratt
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 48: Braun, John Elliott   (1940-    ) --- 1964

A Study of Attitudes of Seminarians and Ministers in the Christian Reformed Church Toward Selected Speech Courses

Acquisiton Information: Gift of J. Braun

Physical Description: 25 leaves

Item 49: Breen, Stephen --- 1974

A Study of Calvary Reformed Church 1925-1929, the Stormiest Days

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 50: Breur, J. --- 1991

“De Sheboygan Nieuwsbode: Het eerste Nederlandstalige nieuwsblad in de Verenigde Staten, 1849-1861.”

Acquisiton Information: Gift of J. Breur

Physical Description: 45[18] pages

Item 51: Brinks, Gail --- 1997

“Accelerated Adult college Education: A Growth Market and Opportunity for Community Enrichment for Calvin College.” 

Acquisiton Information: Gift of G. Brinks

Physical Description: 112 leaves

Item 52: Brondyke, Carmen Jillaine   (1968-    ) --- 1987
"Changes in Spring Lake CRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.J. Brondyke
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 53: Brook, Richard --- 1979
The History of Bethany Christian Services
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 54: Brouwer, Jack --- 2007

The Brouwers’ Special Christian Radio Services” (History of the Dutch Radio Program “Zingend Geloven”)

Acquisiton Information: Grace CRC, Scarborough, ON

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Item 55: Bruinsma, Henry A. --- 1980-1982
The Song of an Emerging Nation: Music in the Works of Vondel
Acquisition Information: Gift of Howard Slenk
Physical Description: 283 leaves
Item 56: Brummel, Nathan Clay   (1970-    ) --- 1989
The Janssen Case Revisited in 1989
Acquisition Information: Gift of N.C. Brummel
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 57: Brunger, Judith L.   (1938-    ) --- 1964
Authur H. Vanden Berg:  Isolationist to Internationalist
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.L. Brunger
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 58: Buikema, Benjamin J.
Role of Religion in the Public Elementary Schools
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 59: Bult, Delores Lampen --- u.d.
Witch, Hex, Spells and Curses
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. L. Bult
Physical Description: 2 leaves
Item 60: Bulthuis, Dwayne --- 1992
In Union there is Strength
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 61: Bulthuis, Peter --- 1955-1968
To Keep Thee in All Thy Ways
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. Bulthuis
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 62: Bulthuis, Virginia   (1947-    ) --- 1968
The Christian Reformed Church, the Sudan United Mission, and Nigeria
Acquisition Information: Gift of V. Bulthuis
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 63: Burch, Pam --- 1986
History of the Netherlands:  Cornelius and Clara from Holland to Hoboken
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 64: Burghgraef, Frans   (1924-    ) --- 1964
"Albertus C. Van Raalte as a Minister in The Netherlands and America
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. Burghgraef
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 65: Burghgraef, Gary   (1968-    ) --- 1990
The Story of the Van Drunen Family
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Burghgraef
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 66: Burmanje, Piet Hein --- 1989
The Dutch Calvinist Press and Its Views of Emigration and Dutch American Calvinism
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. H. Burmanje
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 67: Busscher, James Carl   (1957-    ) --- 1981
The History of Christian Reformed Church Music
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Busscher
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 68: Buteyn, Greta Jo   (1967-    ) --- 1987
The History of Madison Square Christian Reformed Church." [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.J. Buteyn
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 69: Buti, S. --- 1981
The Task of the Church with Respect to Justice in South African Society
Physical Description: 4 leaves
Series 3: C
Item 1: Calsbeek, Benjamin C.   (1976-    ) --- 1997
Similar Worldviews, Opposing Political Views?: The Undermined Calvinist Experiment of the 1936 5th District Congressional Primary in Michigan
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. C. Calsbeek
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 2: Carpenter, Joel Allan   (1952-     ) --- u.d.
Fundamentalist Institutions and the Growth of Conservative Protestantism, 1929-1942
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Carpenter
Item 3: Carpenter, Joel Allan   (1952-     ) --- u.d.
A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Fundamentalist Institutions and the Rise of Evangelical Protestantism, 1929-1942
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Carpenter
Item 4: Carpenter, Joel Allan   (1952-     ) --- u.d.
Two Tasks for Calvin College
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Carpenter
Item 5: Cassidy, G. --- 1971
Dutch Canadians and their Organizations: An Alternative to the North American Way of Life?
Physical Description: 71 leaves
Item 6: Chung, Moses --- 1993
The Immigrant Church Experience within an American Denomination:  Koreans in the Christian Reformed Church
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 7: Clousing, Cheryl Beth   (1963-    ) --- 1983
The Sunday School:  Its Fight for Acceptance in the C.R.C. as Seen in The Banner from 1891 to 1922
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.B. Clousing
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 8: Cohen, Bernard C. --- 1982
The Dutch Disease: Fingers in the Dikes No More?
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. G. Harper
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 9: Cohen, David Steven   (1946-    )
Survivals of Dutch-American Folklore and Folklife in New York and New Jersey
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 10: Cole, David Michael   (1963-    ) --- 1983
Neo-Kuyperianism of Calvin College:  A Study of the Chimes Editorials During the 1950's
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.M. Cole
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 11: Colijn, Hendrikus   (1869-1944) --- 1928

“Colonization and Spiritual Care,” with original articles

Physical Description: 7 items

Item 12: Colsman, Bill --- 1999

"The 1930’s: A decade of change surrounding a great depression"

Physical Description: 34 leaves

Item 13: Cooper, Jeffrey C. --- 1978
The Christian Reformed Church and the First World War: A Study of Attitudes
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 14: Crushshon, Dennis A.   (1951-    ) --- 1975
The Christian Reformed Church and Race Relations
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.A. Chushshon
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 15: Cushman, Rebecca J. --- 1980
My Background
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. J. Cushman
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Series 4: D
Item 1: De Boer, Lyle Verl   (1934-    ) --- 1958
"Stereotypes about the Dutch in Grand Rapids."  Co-author:  John Rosier.
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.V. De Boer.
Physical Description: 28 leaves
Item 2: De Boer, Peter Eric   (1959-    ) --- 1980
Developing Professionalism Among Christian Educators:  A Brief Recent History
Acquisition Information: Developing Professionalism Among Christian Educators:  A Brief Recent History
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 3: De Boer, Theodore   (1944-    ) --- 1968
"Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte 1811-1876:  Views on Education, Politics, and the Civil War
Acquisition Information: Gift of Th. De Boer
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 4: DeBruyn, Han --- 1960 - 1970
Chimes 1960-1970, The Voice of Miniature Revolutionaries
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 5: De Groot, Marlene Annette   (1962-    ) --- 1983
Student Organizations at Calvin:  reflections
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.A. De Groot
Item 6: De Haan, John I.J.   (1932-    ) --- 1951
"Content Analysis Letters to Editor-The Banner, 1931-32; 1941-42; 1951-52."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.I.J. De Haan
Physical Description: 77 leaves
Item 7: DeHaan, Kathleen A. --- 2001
"Corresponding Calvinism and Capitalism:  The Letters of Teunis van den Hoek."
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 8: De Jager, Rodney (1974- ) --- 1998

"The History of Degage"

Acquisition Information: Gift of De Jager

Physical Description: 27 leaves

Item 9: De Jong, Christina Cornelia   (1962-    ) --- 1983
"Attitude Towards Synod's Act of 1928 on Worldly Amusements."
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.C. De Jong
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 10: De Jong, Dean   (1947-    ) --- 1968
"The Attempted Union Between the Reformed Church in America and the Reformed Church in the United States, 1886-1893."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. De Jong
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 11: De Jong, Grace Annette   (1963-    ) --- 1983
"Evaluating Christian Education."
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.A. De Jong
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 12: De Jong, Norman (1935- ) --- 1960

"German Calvinist Immigrant communities in the United States, 1875-1900."

Acquisition Information: Gift of N. De Jong

Physical Description: 66 leaves

Item 13: De Jong, Sandra, L.   (1966-    ) --- 1988
"The Americanization of Women at Calvin College."
Acquisition Information: Gift of S.L. De Jong
Physical Description: 35 leaves
Item 14: De Jonge, Thomas R. --- 1990

"Christian Reformed opinion concerning the Vietnam War."

Physical Description: 18 leaves

Item 15: Dekker, Christine Marie   (1966-    ) --- 1987
"An Evaluation of Trinity Christian Reformed Church, Artesia, California."
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.M. Dekker
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 16: Dekker, David   (1945-    ) --- 1967
"The Christian Reformed Ceylon Mission."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Dekker
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 17: Dekker, James Cornelius   (1948-    ) --- 1977
"Of Hollanders and Others-A Look at the History and Present Forms of Harbor Missions in the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Dekker
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 18: De Kok, Karol Joy   (1967-    ) --- 1987
, "A Study of Covenant Christian Reformed Church." [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.J. De Kok.
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 19: De Kraker, Brian Dale   (1948-    ) --- 1970
"The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture:  A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth With a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth."  Co-authors:  Kenneth John Bouma, Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, Sharon Claire Ruiter, and Bennett John Wieringa.
Physical Description: 79 leaves
Item 20: de Krester, Lorsesz Crosbie   (1943-    ) --- 1971
"A Paper on the Christian Reformed Church Mission in Ceylon."
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.C. de Krester
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 21: DeKryger, Matthew H. --- 2014
"Undefeated Since 1876:  College Football & Calvin College".
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. H. DeKryger
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 22: De Lange, Jacob C. (1925 - ) --- 1942 - 1943

Diary kept during De Lange's military service in Alaska.

Acquisition Information: Gift of J. C. De Lange.

Physical Description: 14 leaves

Item 23: Dempsey, Becky --- 1980

"Family History Paper"

Gift of B. Dempsey

Physical Description: 36 leaves

Item 24: Den Bleyker, Vern --- 1985

"The Dutch: Their Treatment of the Indians"

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Item 25: Deppe, Dean Brian   (1951-    ) --- 1976
"New Ministries."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.B. Deppe
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 26: deRegt, Ben --- 1992

“A Curricular Shift in Christian Education:  Kuyper through Dewey?”

Physical Description: 23 leaves

Item 27: DeRoo, Judy --- 1980

"My Family History"

Acquisition Information: Gift of J. De Roo

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Item 28: Devadatta, Daniel --- 1989

"Christian Reformed Beginnings in Sri Lanka: A Study of the Rev. John O. Schuring"

Physical Description: 19 leaves

Item 29: De Vries, Beverly Lenore   (1937-    ) --- 1957
"The Practices and Attitudes Concerning Movie Attendance of Calvin College Students-A Research Project."
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.L. De Vries
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 30: De Vries, Dirk   (1953-    ) --- 1981
"The Christian Reformed Church and its Ministry to Servicemen."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. de Vries
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 31: De Vries, Hille --- 1982

"The Labor Market in Dutch Agriculture and Emigration to the United States"

Acquisition Information: Gift of H. De Vries

Physical Description: 34 leaves

Item 32: De Vries, Paul Raymond   (1959-    ) --- 1983
"The 1950's and the Neo-Kuperians."
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.R. De Vries
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 33: De Vries, Peter Jr. --- 1973

"The Attitude of the Christian Reformed Church toward War from 1898 - 1973"

Physical Description: 20 leaves

Item 34: De Vries, Robert J. --- 1979

"Fuller Avenue's CRC attempts to Minister to its Community, 1950-1975"

Physical Description: 17 leaves

Item 35: Diening, Joseph A. --- 1966

"Contributions of the Dutch to the Cultural Enrichment of Canada."

Acquisition Information: Gift of J. A. Diening

Physical Description: 74 leaves

Item 36: Doezema, Linda A. Pegman   (1948-    ) --- 1975

“The Dutch in the United States: A Bibliography of Materials Printed Since 1900.”

Acquistion Information: Gift of L. A. Doezema

Physical Description: 121 leaves

Item 37: Doezema, Robert Ross   (1964-    ) --- 1987
"Ada Christian Reformed Church."  [Ada, Michigan].
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.R. Doezema.
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 38: Doty, Sonya --- 1994

“Visions for Worship:  Calvin Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. “

Physical Description: 25 pages

Item 39: Draugelis, Edward Mark   (1948-    ) --- 1976
"Church Schools."
Acquisition Information: Gift of E.M. Draugelis.
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 40: Duimstra, Robert   (1962-    ) --- 1984
"Social Concerns in the Christian Reformed Church During the Second World War."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Duimstra.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 41: Duinkerken, Bert   (1953-    ) --- 1978
"History of Japan Missions."
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Duinkerken.
Physical Description: 28 leaves
Item 42: Dykshoorn, Jan Gerard   (1958-    ) --- u.d.
"Shepherds and their sheep:  Leading to or away from the fold (A Study of independent pastors and their popularity."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.G. Dykshoorn.
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 43: De Wit, John --- 1986

"Dutch Immigration: A Personal Account"

Acquisition Information: Gift of J. De Wit

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Item 44: Dykstra, Judith Geptina (  -  ) --- 1980

"Dutch or Canadian?"

Acquisition Informtion: Git of J.G. Dykstra

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Item 45: Dykstra, Martin   (1943-    ) --- 1967
"The Church Schism of 1944 in the Netherlands."
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Dykstra
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 46: Dykstra, Melissa --- 1994

"From Rhetoric to Reality: Racism in the Christian Schools"

Physial Description: 16 pages

Item 47: Dykstra, Ralph  (1933-    ) --- 1964
"Groen Van Prinsterer, Defender of the Faith."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Dykstra.
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Series 5: E
Item 1: Eggebeen, Richard W.   (1953-    ) --- 1972
"The Christian Reformed Church in the Nineteenth Century.  A Study in Isolation."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.W. Eggebeen
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 2: Elffers, Douglas Mark   (1952-    ) --- 1984
"Christian Reformed Church Cleveland, Ohio-West Park."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.M. Elffers
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 3: Eppinga, Joyce E.   (1932-    ) --- 1988
"Sunshine CRC and Americanization in CRC."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Eppinga
Physical Description: 39 leaves
Item 4: Eppinga, Richard --- 1967

"The Christian Reformed Church and the Canadian Immigration, 1946 to 1957"

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 5: Erffmeyer, Paul A. --- 1977

"The Christian Reformed Church Faces the Depression"

Physical Description: 13 leaves

Item 6: Ester, Peter --- 2008

Lecture series titled "Growing Up Dutch-American: Cultural Identity and the Formative Years of Older Dutch-Americans."

Phsycial Description: 42 pages

Item 7: Evans, Martha Josephine   (1965-    ) --- 1987
"Mayfair Christian Reformed Church." [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.J. Evans
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 8: Evans, Mary Elizabeth   (1965-    ) --- 1987
"Woodlawn Christian Reformed Church:  A Generation of Growth."  [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.E. Evans
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Series 6: F
Item 1: Fauble, Douglas --- 1978
"History of the Christian Reformed Church in Zuni."
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 2: Feikema, Dick   (1969-    ) --- 1991
"WCAL, a Voice for Calvin."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Feikema
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 3: Feyen, Howard   (1952-    ) --- 1974
"A Study of Dutch migratory patterns."
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Feyen
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 4: Feyen, Mark Allan   (1956-    ) --- 1977
"Ethnicity and Mobility among Early Dutch-Americans."
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.A. Feyen
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 5: Fischer, James L.   (1944-    ) --- 1966
"The Christian Reformed Church and the Labor Movement."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.L. Fischer
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 6: Fischer, William A.   (1943-    ) --- 1960
"Origins of a Secession."
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.A. Fischer
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 7: Folgers, Neal (1965 -  ) --- 1987

"From 12th Street to Lombard: The History of Lombard CRC."

Acquisition Information: Gift of N. Folgers

Physial Description: 15 leaves

Item 8: Frizzell, Robert W. (  -  ) --- 1989

"Settlement Patterns Among Germans on the Illinois Prarie"

Acquistion Information: Gift of R. W. Frizzell

Physical Description: 28 leaves

Series 7: G
Item 1: Geerlings, Jan Carl   (1961-    ) --- 1982
"The Christian Reformed Church and Labor Unions:  a Continuing Debate."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Geerlings
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 2: Geelhoed, Thomas --- 1979

"The Origins of Camp Tall Turf"

Physc Desription: 13 leaves

Item 3: Gehring, Charles T. --- u.d.

"The Survival of Dutch in New York and New Jersey."

Acquisition Information: Gift of C. T. Gehring

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 4: Geleynse, Alida   (1951-    ) --- 1973
"A Study of the Image of Calvin College in the Canadian Constituency."
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Geleynse
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 5: Geleynse, Carel --- 1980

"The 'Vrijmaking' of 1944: A Question of Authority"

Physical Description: 47 leaves

Item 6: Gerritsen, Adrian G. D. IV (1933 -  ) --- 2004


Physical Description: 25 leaves

Item 7: Grassmid, Judson Wayne   (1948-    ) --- 1973
"A History of Adult Education in the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.W. Grassmid
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 8: Greenway, Yvonne Caroline   (1963-    ) --- 1983
"The History of the First Christian Reformed Church in Calgary, Alberta."
Acquisition Information: Gift of Y.C. Greenway.
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 9: Griffioen, Martheen Mae   (1932-    ) --- 1978
"Adult Education in the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of Ms. M.M. Griffioen
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 10: Grit, Susan Kaye   (1967-    ) --- 1987
"Second Christian Reformed Church." [Kalamazoo, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of S.K. Grit.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 11: Gritter, Daniel Alan   (1974-    ) --- u.d.
"A History of Evangelism in the CRC."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Gritter
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 12: Groelsema, Robert John   (1953-    ) --- 1985
"The Pioneer Christian Reformed Indian Mission and Christian Assimilation."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Groelsema.
Physical Description: 31 leaves
Item 13: Guetters, Henry C.   (1962-    ) --- 1982
"A Historical Analysis of KIDS/SVS:  organized Student Volunteerism at Calvin College."
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.C. Guetters
Physical Description: 41 leaves
Series 8: H
Item 1: Haan, Mark Allan   (1955-    ) --- 1979
"The Infallibility Case 1959-61."
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.A. Haan.
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 2: Haarsma, Loren Dean   (1963-    ) --- 1985
"The Calvinist Cadet Corps."
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.D. Haarsma
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 3: Hageman, Howard G., et al. --- u.d.

"The Relationship of Public and Parochial School Education," by Howard G. Hageman, Herman Fruizenga, Richard Oudersluys, Ernest Palen, Justin Vander Kolk, Gerrit T. Vander Lugt, Wynad Wichers.

Acquisition Information: Gift of William D. Buursma

Physical Description: 49 leaves

Item 4: Hall, Timothy Bryan   (1961-    ) --- 1981
"Christian Reformed Work Among the Navajo."
Acquisition Information: Gift of T. B. Hall
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 5: Hammink, Gerard --- 1991

"Chimes: Ever Engaging, Ever Enraging"

Physical Description: 24 leaves

Item 6: Hamstra, Gerald Peter   (1958-    ) --- 1986
"Membership in the Covenant of Grace." Winner of the Major Research
Access Restriction: Paper Award
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.P. Hamstra.
Physical Description: 60 leaves
Item 7: Harkema, Douglas James   (1967-    ) --- 1963
"Historical Analysis of River Terrace Church." [East Lansing, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.J. Harkema.
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 8: Harms, Gerald Edwin   (1937-    ) --- 1963
"The Locus of Control in the Christian Day School Movement-Parochial or Parental?"
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.E. Harms.
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 9: Haverkamp, Douglas John   (1958-    ) --- 1980
"A Study of Dutch Groningers:  The Relationship of Chicago Residents and Chicago-Bound Groningers to the Total Body of Groningers."
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.J. Haverkamp
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 10: Haverkamp, William C. --- 1967
"Dr Lee S. Huizenga and the China Mission:  1930-1939."
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. C. Haverkamp
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 11: Hekman, Andrew E.   (1945-    ) --- 1969
"A Consideration of the Calvin College Chimes."
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.E. Hekman
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 12: Heynen, Anthony James   (1945-    ) --- 1971
"A Report on the Back to God Hour."
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.J. Heynen
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 13: Hiemstra, Blake --- 1994

"Christian Education on the Calvin Campus: A Study of Distinctiveness"

Physical Description: 21 leaves

Item 14: Hlakanyana, Sipho --- 1981

"The Dutch Reformed Church Among the Xhosas, 1903 - 1979"

Physical Description: 82 leaves

Item 15: Hoekman, Greg --- 1977

"Development of the Christian Day School from 1892 - 1920"

Physical Description: 19 leaves

Item 16: Hoekstra, James A. --- 1983

"The Changing Attitude of the Christian Reformed Church in North America Towards the Use of Hymns in its Worship Services"

Physical Description: 21 leaves

Item 17: Hoffman, Kurtis T. --- 1993

"The Great Fear: White Flight and the Dutch-American Exodus from Roseland"

Physical Description: 35 leaves

Item 18: Hogenes, Arthur Ken   (1954-    ) --- 1979
"The History of the Janssen Controversy."
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.K. Hogens
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 19: Hoogendam-Reitsma, Jane Ann   (1954-    ) --- 1976
"The Change in Language Loyalty Among the Dutch-American Immigrants:  A Discussion of the Language Debate During the Assimilating Process of the Dutch-American Christian Reformed Communities as Expressed in the 1910-1920 Weekly Issues of The Banner and De Calvinist."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Hoogendam-Reitsma
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 20: Hoogland, Bill --- 1981

"Development of Calvinistic Christian Day Schools in Canada"

Physical Description: 38 leaves

Item 21: Horchner, Elske Bertine   (1963-    ) --- 1984
"Dutch Women and the American Dream."
Acquisition Information: Gift of E.B. Horchner
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 22: Horden, Arie --- 1973
"De Uittocht, Beknopte Geschiedenis van de Afgescheidenen die naar Amerika zijn Gegaan in het Bijzonden Noordelose Ingezetenen."
Physical Description: 85 leaves
Item 23: Horden, Arie --- 1983

De Twee Wilgen: het Verhaal van Twee Langerkase Boeren naar Amerika en hun Terugkomst." Part 1

Physical Description: 28 pages

Item 24: Horden, Arie --- 1983

"De Twee Wilgen: het Verhaal van Twee Langerakse Boeren naar Amerika en hun Terugkomst." Part 2

Physical Description: 44 leaves

Item 25: Hough, Robert Stephen   (1936-    ) --- 1970
"The Director of Christian Education in the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.S. Hough
Physical Description: 35 leaves
Item 26: Houseward, Jon --- 1979

"The Prophetic Message Concerning Watergate: A Survey of Three Reformed Christian Journals and their Address to the Watergate Affair"

Physical Description: 29 leaves

Item 27: Houskamp, John Richard   (1963-    ) --- 1983
"Henry Beets:  Visionary Leadership."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.R. Housekamp
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 28: Hughs, Lori Ann   (1963-    ) --- 1984
"Madison Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of  L.A. Hughs
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 29: Huisman, Mary Lappinga (1947-    ) --- 1983
The Americanization of the Christian Reformed Church and Its Effect upon Book Publishing Ventures in Western Michigan, 1900-1930.
Acquisition Information: Gift of Mary Lappinga Huisman.
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 30: Huizinga, Barb   (1960-    ) --- 1980
Vancouver Island and Dutchmen.
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Huizinga
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 31: Huizinga, Nick (1925-2016) --- 2010

"A Promise to Grandmother."

Acquisition Information: Gift of N. Huizinga

Physical Description: 16 leaves

Item 32: Hyde, Arthur A.   (1946-    ) --- 1979
Adult Education in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. A. Hyde
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Series 9: J
Item 1: Jacobs, Christine M. --- 1988
The Western Michigan Dutch During the American Civil War:  A Question of Loyalties.
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. M. Jacobs
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 2: James, Paul   (1956-    ) --- 1982
Madison Square on the Move, the Saga of the Little Church with a Big Vision. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. James
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 3: Jansma, Sidney J. --- 1900-1988

"Evolutionary Indoctinatrion at Calvin College"

Acqisition Informaton: Gift of S. J.Jansma

Physical Description: 9 leaves

Item 4: Jasperse, Linda   (1956-    ) --- 1978
The Christian Reformed Church:  An Architectural Study.
Acquisition Information: Gift of L. Jasperse.
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 5: Jellema, David Moe   (1964-    ) --- 1984
Impressions of Dirk Jellema.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.M. Jellema.
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 6: Jonkman, David John   (1951-    ) --- 1977
Reformed Church Architecture.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.J. Jonkman
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Series 10: K
Item 1: Kaastra, Randall S.   (1968-    ) --- 1988
Americanization of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church. [Roseville, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.S. Kaastra
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 2: Kaiser, David R.   (1969-    ) --- 1988
Technology and Entertainment.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Kaiser.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 3: Kamerman, Donna --- 1982

"Looking Back: A Brief Overview of the History of the CRC in Southwest Montana."

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Item 4: Kamphuis, L. A. --- 1983

"Israel and the Banner: A Christian Reformed Perspective?"

Physical Description: 26 leaves

Item 5: Kamphuis, William --- 1978

"Calvin College Student Reaction to the Vietnam War (1865-1970)"

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 6: Kamstra, William (1925-  ) --- 1967

"The Development of Christian Secondary Education in Grand Rapids"

Acquisition Information: Gift of E. R. Post

Physical Description: 19 leaves

Item 7: Karnemaat, John --- 1983

"Foreign Affairs: A Christian Reformed Outlook"

Physical Description: 21 leaves

Item 8: Kesten, Detlev   (1959-    ) --- 1985
The Oostfrisians in WWI:  Between the Fatherland and the Promised Land.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Kesten
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 9: Kiester, David W. --- 1984

"The School at the Rehoboth: From Mission School to Christian School."

Physical Description: 23 leaves

Item 10: Kim, Seyoon --- 1985

"Christianity and Culture in Korea I."

Physical Description: 29 leaves

Item 11: Kim, Seyoon --- 1986

"Christianity and Culture in Korea II."

Physical Description: 28 leaves

Item 12: Kingma, Arthur Ate   (1961-    ) --- 1982
Line of Reformed Tradition:  Study of the American Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.A. Kingma
Item 13: Kingma, Arthur Ate (1961 -  ) --- 1982

"The Banner on the Orthodox Presbyterian Church"

Acquisition Information: Gift of A. A. Kingma

Item 14: Klooster, David H.   (1966-    ) --- 1988
The Lee Street C.R.C.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.H. Klooster
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 15: Kloosterman, John   (1941-    ) --- 1965
Paulus Den Bleyker's Financial Activities in 1837-1857.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Kloosterman.
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 16: Klumpenhower, Gary (1937-  ) --- u.d.

"A Brief History of the Tohatchi Christian Reformed Church"

Physical Description: 10 leaves

Item 17: Knight, Keith --- 1985
Beyond Borders: The Development of the Christian Reformed Church in Canada.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K. Knight.
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 18: Knudsen, Robert D. --- 1953
Reflections on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd.
Physical Description: 39 leaves
Item 19: Koeman, Theodore Brian   (1946-    ) --- 1971
Laymen Movements Within the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.B. Koeman.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 20: Koning, Thomas   (1950-    ) --- 1975
Evangelism in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of T. Koning
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 21: Koyenbelt, Harvey --- 1978

"The Development of the Banner"

Physical Description: 17 leaves

Item 22: Koopmans, Beth --- 1990

"'He'd know where to find you, too' Housing Policies and Changing Attitudes towards Women at Calvin College 1965 to 1975"

Physical Description: 29 leaves

Item 23: Kornoelje, Edwin T. --- 1990

<br type="_moz" /> "Breaking New Ground"

Physical Description:18 leaves

Item 24: Kragt, David Lee   (1939-    ) --- 1962
A Study of the Attitude of the Calvinist Cadet Club Leaders.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.L. Kragt
Physical Description: 28 leaves
Item 25: Kragt, Michael T. --- 1987
Madison Square Christian Reformed Church:  A Case Study in Racial and Ethnic Relations.
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 26: Kralt, John Marinus   (1945-    ) --- 1969
Cultural Identification Among the Dutch Immigrants in Canada as it Relates to the Christian Reformed Church, the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship, and the Christian Labor Association of Canada, written with George Vander Shaaf
Acquisition Information: Gift of Jim Kralt and G. Van der Schaaf
Physical Description: 1 item in 4 parts
Item 27: Kroes, Robert Andrew (1970-  ) --- 1989

"Dutch Immigrants in Montana in America, But Not of America"

Acquisition Information: Gift of R. A. Kroes

Physical Description: 112 leaves

Item 28: Kroes, Robert Andrew   (1970-    ) --- 1992
Migrating Images: the Role of Photography in Immigrant Writing.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. A. Kroes.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 29: Krygsman, H.R. --- 1983
Doctrine, Ideology, and the Role of the Church :  The CRC, the WCC and the case of South Africa.
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 30: Kuiper, Judy F.   (1967-    ) --- 1988
From Dutch to American:  The Americanization Process.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.F. Kuiper
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 31: Kuiper, Shirley Van Someren   (1936-    ) --- 1967
An Evaluative Study of Business Education Programs and Business Teacher Qualifications in the National Union of Christian School Member High Schools.
Acquisition Information: Gift of S. Van Someren
Physical Description: 80 leaves
Item 32: Kuizema, Duane --- 1961
An Analysis of Banner Readership in the Christian Reformed Church.  Co-author:  Herman Jay Bordewyk.
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J. Bordewyk.
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Series 11: L
Item 1: Lagerwey, Peter A. --- 1974
Home Missions Program of the Christian Reformed Church, 1947-1974.
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 2: LaGrand, Jim --- 1990
Church and Stated Converge on the American Indian:  A Comparison of CRC and Federal Policies from 1920 to 1934.
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 3: LaGrand, Paul --- 1995
The Elmhurst Situation:  A Look at the Sentiments of a Denomination through the Eyes of its Periodicals.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 4: Langerak, Robert Harry   (1953-    ) --- 1973-1974
A Historical Review of the Old Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Item 5: Langerak, Robert Harry   (1953-    ) --- 1973-1975
A Historical Review of the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Item 6: Lanting, Frank Theodore   (1954-    ) --- 1979
A Historical Survey of Race Relations in the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of F.T. Lanting
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 7: Larsen, David Alan   (1947-    ) --- u.d.
History of Mystery?  The Christian Faith and Mystery Cults
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen
Item 8: Larsen, David Alan   (1947-    ) --- u.d.
Englewood and Roseland:  A Case Study in Church-Community Dynamics or Exodus Reconsidered.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen
Item 9: Larsen, David Alan (1947-  ) --- u.d.

Thesis, Loyola University of Chicago, "Evangelical Chrstian Higher Education, Culture, and Social Conflict: A Niebuhrian Analysis of Three Colleges in the 1960s" (p. 75-143 only, full dissertation in Hekman Library: LC 533.L 3771992)

Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen

Item 10: Last, Jonathan   (1962-    ) --- 1984
The History of the Preakness CRC and Dutch Immigration within Northern New Jersey.  Winner of the Major Research Paper Award
Access Restriction: Paper Award
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Last
Item 11: Lier, Martin --- 1986
The Journey to America of Jan Lier.
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 12: Lindemulder, Gerald Ray   (1957-    ) --- 1980
Dutch-Canadian Migration: A Study of Orthodox Calvinists.
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.R. Lindemulder.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 13: Lion, Jerald Derk   (1950-    ) --- 1979
A History of the Actions Taken Regarding the Liturgical Forms of the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Lion
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 14: Lise, Henry --- 1968
Groen van Prinsterer Evangelical Statesman, 1801-1876.
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Lise
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 15: Lodewyk, Kenneth Robert   (1963-    ) --- 1984
The Conflict Between the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and the Christian Reformed Missions Board.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.R. Lodewyk
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 16: Lodor, Arie   (1946-    ) --- 1972
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Lodor
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 17: Louis, Robert John II   (1958-    ) --- 1979
Struggle to Maturity:  A History of the First Christian Reformed Church of Grand Haven, Michigan.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Louis
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 18: Louis, Rob --- 1980

Attitudes Toward World War II Expressed in Eastern Avenue CRC's Publication

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Item 19: Luckey, Mark Weldon   (1964-    ) --- 1985
Sunshine Church :  Changing to Meet Needs
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.W. Luckey.
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 20: Luckey, Mark Weldon   (1964-    ) --- 1986
Early Response to Radio in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.W. Luckey.
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 21: Lutgendorff, Marilyn T.   (1967-    ) --- 1988
Christian Education in Canada.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.T. Lutgendorff
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 22: Luurtsema, Dawn --- 1987
Dutch Assimilation in Grand Rapids.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Luurtsema
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 23: Luymes, Robin --- 1988
Trenton Crossroads.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 24: Lyzenga, Amy J.   (1964-    ) --- 1984
A Brief Investigation into the History of the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.J. Lyzinga
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Series 12: M
Item 1: Machiele, Steven J. --- 1979
An Ecclesiastical History of Dutch Immigrants in Western Michigan, 1847-1862.
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 2: Maliepaard, Dwight --- 1978
An Evaluation of Two Charges Brought Against Dispensationalism by Presbyterian and Reformed Theologians.
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 3: Marsden, Brynne --- 1994
Calvin College Chimes: 1956-1958.
Physical Description: 24 pages
Item 4: Mast, Charles A.   (1939-    ) --- 1962
Christian Labor Association: A Case Study in Transplanting European Ideals in America.
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. A. Mast
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 5: Mast, Janet Rae   (1951-    ) --- 1980
Dutch-Mennonite Emigrants in Goshen, Indiana.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.R. Mast.
Physical Description: 4 leaves
Item 6: McCune, Jim --- 1991
A Short History of Curricular Development at Calvin Seminary.
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 7: Medenblik, Lauren P.   (1954-    ) --- 1979
An Idea in History:  South Christian High School at Cutlerville.
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.P. Medenblik
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 8: Meeter, Paul --- 1986
Free Market Religion and the Christian Reformed Church.
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 9: Mellema, Peter --- 1990
The Call to a Uniform Order of Worship in the Christian Reformed Church:  Controversy and Struggle.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 10: Menning, Marion (1945-    ) --- 1995
The Role of diaconal ministry in the CRC and its potential effects on people with disabilities and their families.
Physical Description: 54 leaves
Item 11: Mensah, Kwesi   (1946-    ) --- 1979
Neo-Pentecostalism. (CRC)
Acquisition Information: Gift of K. Mensah.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 12: Meppelink, Susan Joy   (1962-    ) --- 1984
Hopes and Fears:  Attitudes Toward Children in the Christian Reformed Church in the Years 1866-1918 as Reflected in The Banner of Truth and The Banner.
Acquisition Information: Gift of S. J. Meppelink
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 13: Mesaros, Elaine J. --- 1964
The American Negro and the Christian Reformed Church.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 14: Meyer, Marvin Wayne   (1948-    ) --- 1972
War and Peace in the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.W. Meyer
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 15: Michel, Catharine --- 1974
Calvin College Library:  A Study of Factors Influencing its Growth.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 16: Miedema, Sandy --- 1980

"Grandmother Mensch's History"

Physical Description: 8 leaves

Item 17: Minkema, Kenneth Peter --- 1980
Study of Dutch Immigrants in Alto and Green Bay.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.P. Minkema
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 18: Monsma, William Brink   (1942-    ) --- 1979
Neo-Pentecostalism in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.B. Monsma
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 19: Mouw, Dirk --- 1989
How to Pluck Tares:  The Ecclesiological Roots of the Secession of 1822 in the Reformed Dutch Church.
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 20: Moy, Russell Glenn   (1953-    ) --- 1979
Women in Office in the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.G. Moy
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 21: Mulder, Brenda Lou   (1963-    ) --- 1983
Nuclear Arms:  As Found in The Banner of 1960-1963 and The Banner of 1980-1982.
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.L. Mulder
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 22: Mulder, Daniel Lynn   (1950-    ) --- 1976
The Common Grace Controversy.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.L. Mulder
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Series 13: N
Item 1: Nagel, Karen Marie   (1961-    ) --- 1983
The Defense of Christian Education.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.M. Nagel
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 2: Nagle, Patrick Todd   (1964-    ) --- 1984
The Banner Controversy.
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.T. Nagle
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 3: Negen, Allen Leroy   (1946-    ) --- 1968
Evaluation of Research Project by Richard Housekamp, 1954.  'The Sociological Background of Calvin Seminary Students from 1951-1960.'
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.L. Negen
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 4: Niemeijer, Willem (1974-  ) --- 1999

"'De noeste vlijt van den ontginner,' Henry Beets en het missiewerk in Canada."

Acquisiton Information: Gift of W. Niemeijer

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 5: Nieuwenhuis, Ken Lee   (1965-    ) --- 1987
A History of Grandville Avenue Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.L. Nieuwenhuis
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 6: Nonnekes, Paul Gerard   (1961-    ) --- 1983
A Comparison of American Presbyterian Calvinism and Dutch Wetsidee Calvinism
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.G. Nonnekes
Item 7: Nonnekes, Paul Gerard   (1961-    ) --- 1983
The Common Grace Controversy in the Christian Reformed Church, 1920-1925
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.G. Nonnekes
Item 8: Nonnekes, Paul Gerard   (1961-    ) --- 1983
Common Grace or the Antithesis:  W.H. Jellema or H. Evan Runner.
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.G. Nonnekes
Item 9: Noordewier, Edwin Ross   (1959-    ) --- 1979
Roots and Role of the Third Christian Reformed Church of Denver, Colorado.
Acquisition Information: Gift of E.R. Noordewier
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 10: Noort, Gerald  (1966-    ) --- 1990
Martin Schoonbeek: A Journey Through His Story.
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Noort
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 11: Nyhof, Brenda --- 1984
Horseshoe Christian Reformed Church:  The Church that would not grow.
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Nyhof
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Series 14: O
Item 1: Oggel, Dirk Jan --- 1976
Uit de kerkelijke geschiedenis van Axelen de landverhuizing naar Noord Amerika in de 19de eeuw
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. J. Oggel
Physical Description: Written in Dutch
Item 2: O'Kones, Roger   (1949-    ) --- 1974
The Great Quest.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. O'Kones
Physical Description: 63 leaves
Item 3: O'Kones, Roger   (1949-    ) --- 1976
A History of Women's Rights in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. O'Kones.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 4: Olney, Kevin V.   (1959-    ) --- 1984
Should Women Hold Ecclesiastical Office in the CRC?  A Look at the Debate.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.V. Olney
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 5: Olson, Dan --- 1991
Sherman St. and Eastern Ave.:  Sister Churches with Different Visions.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Olson
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 6: Oosten, Sharon --- 1986
World War I and the Effect Americanization had on its Coverage:  A Comparison of the English Language Weeklies of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of S. Oosten
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 7: Ophoff, Daniel Arthur   (1946-   ) --- 1967
Frank Donald McKay: Republican Mystery Man.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Ophoff
Physical Description: 29 leaves
Item 8: Orlebeke, Alison --- u.d.
Jan Marinus Remein, 1840-1903.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Pletcher
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 9: Ouwinga, Marvin Thomas  (1941-   ) --- 1965
The Home Front and the Struggle Against Frank D. McKay.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Ouwinga
Physical Description: 36 leaves
Item 10: Overduin, Hans Johannes   (1954-    ) --- 1983
The Message of the Torch and Trumpet and of the Outlook
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J. Overduin
Item 11: Overduin, Hans Johannes   (1954-    ) --- 1983
Tensions with 1892.
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J. Overduin
Item 12: Overzet, Marion --- 1962
Calvin College Goes Through the Depression.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Overzet
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 13: Ozinga, Judy --- 1973
Chimes:  1907-1932
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Ozinga
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Series 15: P
Item 1: Persenaire, Bonnie Lynn --- 1981
Rev. Adam Persenaire:  The Story of One Dutch Immigrant
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 2: Persenaire, Robert A. --- 1966
Henry J. Kuiper and His Analysis of the New Deal as Presented in the Banner Editorials, 1930-1937.
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 3: Peters, Theodore John   (1944-    ) --- 1971
Rev. Bultema and the 'Maranatha' Controversy 1918-1920.
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.J. Peters
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 4: Petter, Gerald J.   (1941-    ) --- 1963
Common Grace.
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.J. Petter
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 5: Pettinga, Jeffrey Robert   (1941-    ) --- 1963
Emotionalism in the Dutch Community During the First World War.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.R. Pettinga
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 6: Piersma, Beth A.   (1967-    ) --- 1987
The Historical Growth of the Fruitport Christian Reformed Church. [Fruitport, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Piersma
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 7: Plaatsman, James P.   (1937-    ) --- 1959
An Attitude Study on Labor Unions.  A Study on the Attitude of Christian Reformed Men in Regard to Labor Unions.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.P. Plaatsman
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 8: Pohler, Robert Arnold   (1953-    ) --- 1977
Christian Schools.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.A. Pohler
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 9: Pols, William H. --- 1988
The Banner:  Giving Place to the Devil?
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.H. Pols
Physical Description: 15 pages
Item 10: Pontier, Ralph Andrew (1950-  ) --- 1977
The Reformed Ecumenical Synod.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.A. Pontier
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 11: Post, Ann Marie --- 1991
Sunshine Christian Reformed Church:  Microcosm of Macrocosm:  An Interpretive Study of Its History and Growth.
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 12: Post, Eunice H. --- 1967
Indians are People.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 13: Posthumus, Wes --- 1987
Dutch-Canadian Immigrant Mentality and Calvin College.
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. Posthumus
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 14: Postma, James --- 1986
From Friesland to Chicago.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 15: Postma, Thomas   (1938-    ) --- 1965
Dr Abraham Kuyper's Attitude Toward Germany and England during World War I.
Acquisition Information: Gift of T. Postma
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 16: Pusma, Richard H. (1892 - 1979) --- 1958

"Troubled Countries and the impressions they made on a New Mexico Legislator."

Physical Description: 96 leaves

Item 17: Powell, Lori --- 1996
The Rehoboth Battle:  The Medical Missionaries vs. the Navajo Medicine Man.
Physical Description: 28 leaves
Series 16: Q-R
Item 1: Quist, Diane Lyn --- 1988
The Brickyard, an historical account of the Mayfair Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.L. Quist
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 2: Rebel, John W.   (1956-    ) --- 1978
Labour Organizations
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. W. Rebel
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 3: Recker, William   (1894-1953) --- u.d.
"Wrong Side Up" and addendum by Robert R. Recker, 1995, and correspondence relating to the paper
Physical Description: 42 leaves
Item 4: Ridderbos, Herman Nicolaas   (1909-    ) --- 1975
A Partial Report on our Travels
Item 5: Ridderbos, Herman Nicolaas   (1909-    ) --- 1975
Family Visiting
Item 6: Rienstra, John Albert   (1949-    ) --- u.d.
The Christian Reformed Church and the Movies
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Rienstra
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 7: Ringnalda, Garry --- 1973
The Schism of 1924 in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Ringnalda
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 8: Ringnalda, Helen Regina   (1962-    ) --- 1983
Should a Christian Go to War?  The Christian Reformed Reaction
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.R. Ringnalda
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 9: Ritter, Karry   (1956-    ) --- 1978
Albertus C. van Raalte and His Settlement in Amelia County, Virginia
Acquisition Information: Gift of K. Ritter
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 10: Robbert, George

"Colonial Dutch Contributions to the American Vocabulary"

Untitled History of the Reformed Church

Item 11: Roberts, John Paul   (1946-    ) --- 1976
A Contextual View of the Christian Reformed Church Stance on Peace, Power, War, and Justice in the International Ordering of the 20th Century State-Life
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. P. Roberts
Physical Description: 32 leaves
Item 12: Romero, Ezequiel N --- 1988
A Study of the Development of The Good Shepherd Hispanic Christian Reformed Church based on an Analysis of the Minutes of the Meetings of its Consistory from November 1972 to December 1986.
Item 13: Ronda, Peter   (1946-    ) --- 1968
Political Ideas of the Reformed Faith as Reflected in Journal Articles
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. Ronda
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 14: Roukema, Henry   (1947-    ) --- 1968
The Views of H.P. Scholte
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Roukema
Physical Description: 30 leaves
Item 15: Rowe, Kay D. --- 1978
The Christian Day School Movement in America:  Origins and Growth of Protestant Non-Parochial Elementary and Secondary Schools
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Oosterman
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 16: Rozendal, Grace (1905-1993) --- 2000

"My Life's Reminiscences"

Physical Description: 80 leaves

Item 17: Rozendal, James A. --- 1976
Beaverdam Christian School:  A Rural  School in a Modern Age
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Rozendal
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 18: Ruark, James P. --- 1991
Charisma and Calvinism:  The Charismatic Movement at Calvin College, 1967-1977
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 19: Ruiter, Francis (1929 -    ) --- 2009
Journal of a Dutch Immigrant [Winnipeg, MB: Word Alive Press]
Acquisition Information: Gift of Ester Bos
Physical Description: 193 leaves
Item 20: Ruiz, David Enrique   (1960-    ) --- 1980
The History of the Miami Christian Reformed Church and the Good Samaritan Christian Reformed Church [Miami, Florida]
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. E. Ruiz
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Series 17: S
Item 1: Salomons, John   (1942-    ) --- 1969
Het Dompertje's Attitude towards Abraham Kuyper and his Followers, 1888-1905
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Salomons
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 2: Salverda, Diane   (1963-    ) --- 1987
The Past and Present of Alger Park Christian Reformed Church.  [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Salverda
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 3: Schaafsma, Janet Christine   (1963-    ) --- 1984
History of the Christian Reformed Church in Windsor
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Schaafsma
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 4: Schemper, Lugene L.   (1951-    ) --- 1973
Andrew Van der Wagen and His Mission Approach to the Zuni Indians, 1897-1906
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Ippel
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 5: Schenk, Gerrit   (1941-    ) --- 1966
Johanna Veenstra and the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Schenk
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 6: Schenk, William John, Jr.   (1964-    ) --- 1987
The History of the First Christian Reformed Church of Sarnia.  [Sarnia, Ontario]
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.J. Schenk, Jr.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 7: Schilperoort, Eric   (1947-    ) --- 1972
Acquisition Information: Gift of E. Schilperoort
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 8: Schipper, Aldert ( - ) --- 1984
Gereformeerde journalisten zijn wel goed, maar niet gek
Physical Description: 1 leaf with translation
Item 9: Schipper, Karen --- 1973
Dutch Political Affiliation in Ottawa County, 1851-1876:  A Reflection of Dutch Emigration Philosophy
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 10: Schorr, Todd --- 1989
The Christian Reformed Church and Conscientious Objection
Acquisition Information: Gift of T. Schorr
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 11: Schouls, Carl Adrian   (1942-    ) --- 1975
Church Political Aspects of the Schism of 1924
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.A. Schouls
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 12: Schut, Robert Lee   (1953-    ) --- 1978
History of Honduran Missions
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.L. Schut
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 13: Schutte, Melissa G. --- 1991
Calvin College: From Franklin to Knollcrest
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. G. Schutte
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 14: Schuurmans, Meinte --- 1941
The Church and Assimilation in an Isolated Nationality Group.  A Study of the Role of the CRC in the Dutch Community Near Manhattan, Montana
Physical Description: 117 leaves
Item 15: Seidel, Paige R.   (1965-    ) --- 1981
The Hollanders:  A Dutch-American Tradition. [Denver, Colorado]
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. J. Pasterkamp
Physical Description: 128 leaves
Item 16: Shrimer, Fred Henry   (1956-    ) --- 1980
Dutch Emigration Outside the United States During the Years 1836-1880
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. Shrimer
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 17: Slager, Carol   (1949-    ) --- 1979
A Sketchy History of the CRWRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. Slager
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 18: Slopsema, James Douglas   (1947-    ) --- 1968
Chimes Editorials, 1907-1947
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Slopsema
Physical Description: 29 leaves
Item 19: Smeda, Vivian --- 1986

"A View on Immigration - an Interview"

Physical Description: 15 leaves

Item 20: Smid, Dagmar Jocelyn   (1960-    ) --- 1983
The Psalter Hymnal:  Its Origins and Revisions
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.J. Smid
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 21: Smit, David William   (1944-    ) --- 1972
Preaching in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.W. Smit
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 22: Smit, Laura --- 1986
Violetta's Dilemma (winner of the  Research Paper Award)
Acquisition Information: Gift of L. Smit
Physical Description: 46 leaves
Item 23: Smith, Joanne   (1966-    ) --- 1987
The Americanization of the Christian Reformed Church, West Leonard:  Historical Analysis.  [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Smith
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 24: Snider, Sally Naomi   (1936-    ) --- 1958
Study of Political Atmosphere in Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church.  [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of S.N. Snider
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 25: Speldewinde, Eva --- u.d.
UNA, a Tale of Ceylon (written under pseudonum, Lewis Phillip)
Physical Description: 248 leaves
Item 26: Spoelhof, Peter --- 1973
The Story of De Vaux
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. Spoelhof
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 27: Spoelman, Ronald Jay   (1943-    ) --- 1978
The Common Grace Controversy
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. J. Spoelman
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 28: Spoelstra, Martin --- 2000
Worldly Amusements: Theater Attendance in the CRC and the Views of H.J. Kuiper, 1928-1956
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Spoelstra
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 29: Spriensma, Audred Timothy   (1954-    ) --- 1979
The Lodge Issue
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.T. Spriensma
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 30: Springvloed, Brent   (1972-    ) --- 2000
The Seminary Situation of 1952: An Explanation of Its Origins
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Springvloed
Physical Description: 31 leaves
Item 31: Sprunger, Keith L. --- u.d.
Dutch Forefears and Dutch Backgrounds of American Puritanism:  Toleration, Liberty And Inovation.
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. Bult
Physical Description: 25 pages
Item 32: Stadt, Albert --- 1987
The Career of an Ideal:  Church of the Servant CRC as a Case Study
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Stadt
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 33: Steegstra, J. Robert --- u.d.
How Does Premilliennialism Conflict With Our Confessional Standards?
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 34: Steenhof, John   (1949-    ) --- 1979
Infallibility-The Hoogland-Kromminga Case
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Steenhof
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 35: Steensma, Jennifer M. --- 1995
Alignment and Resistance:  Fundamentalism and the Christian Reformed Church
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 36: Steenwyk, Ronald Lee   (1949-    ) --- 1980
Report on the Back to God Hour
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.L. Steenwyk
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 37: Stek, Douglas J. --- 1973
Dutch Farming Settlements in the West, 1870-1920
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 38: Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van   (1929-    ) --- 1977
Origins and Settlement Patterns of Roman Catholic Dutch Immigrants to North America
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. A. V. M. van Stekelenburg
Item 39: Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van   (1929-    ) --- 1980
Tracing the Dutch Roman Catholic Immigrants to North America in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. A. V. M. van Stekelenburg
Item 40: Stekelenburg, Henri Albert Victor Marie van   (1929-    ) --- 1991
A Priest in the Woods:  The Journal of Fr. Adrianus Dominicus Godthardt, O. F. H., 1848-1850
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. A. V. M. van Stekelenburg
Item 41: Sterk, Calvin Jay   (1950-    ) --- 1977
History of the Communion Tradition and the Christian Reformed Church 1922-1928
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.J. Sterk
Physical Description: 29 leaves
Item 42: Sternberg, Fredrich J. --- 1973
The Government and the Church Among the American Indians
Acquisition Information: Gift of F.J. Sternberg
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 43: Stevens, Elizabeth --- 2024

"Drowned in Sloganeering": David Noebel, Calvin College, Evangelicalism, and Homosexuality

Acquisition Information: Gift of E. Stevens

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Item 44: Stoel, Jeffrey (1983-     ) --- 2005
Women of the CRC Take Civil Rights into the Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Stoel
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 45: Stoltenberg, Sadye Westra --- u.d.
A Dutch Family in America
Acquisition Information: Gift of S. W. Stoltenberg
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 46: Stout, Deborah J. --- 1991
Religion and War:  Chimes in World War I and Vietnam
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 47: Strangfeld, Julie Ann   (1973-    ) --- 1998
Student Discipline at Calvin College: A History
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. A. Strangfeld
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 48: Stravers, Richard --- 1973

"Christian Reformed Missionaries and the Japanese Invasion of China in the Late 1930's"

Physical Description: 9 leaves

Item 49: Swets, Roger Allen   (1964-    ) --- 1987
History of the First Cutlerville Christian Reformed Church.  [Cutlerville, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. A. Swets
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 50: Sysling, Tina Jacqueline   (1944-    ) --- 1966
The Frequency of Teenage Movie Attendance
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.J. Sysling
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Series 18: T-U
Item 1: Talstra, Jack --- 1968
A Brief History of the National Union of Christian Schools
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Talstra
Item 2: Talstra, Jack --- 1968
Effects of World War II on Attitudes of Calvin College Students: A Study of Chimes' Articles 1939-1947
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Talstra
Item 3: Tanis, James   (1928-   ) --- u.d.
Frelinghuysen, the Dutch Clergy and the Great Awakening in the Middle Colonies
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Tanis
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 4: Tans, Mark Steven   (1959-    ) --- 1980
Burton Heights Christian Reformed Church, 1905-1980:  75 Years of Ministry. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. S. Tans
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 5: Taylor, Cynthia Clara   (1958-    ) --- 1980
Zeeland:  CRC, RCA, and History
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.C. Taylor
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 6: Ten Brink, Lynnette   (1962-    ) --- 1984
Albertus C. Van Raalte
Acquisition Information: Gift of L. Ten Brink
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 7: 't Hoen, Peter Jr.   (1947-    ) --- 1973
Inter-Church:  Ecumenical Relations (Gereformeerde Kerken)
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. 't Hoen Jr.
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 8: Thompson, Kendall Dean   (1950-    ) --- 1983
Rev. Harry Bultema:  Scripture of Man-Made Creeds?
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.D. Thompson
Physical Description: 21 leaves
Item 9: Thompson, Thomas Robert   (1956-    ) --- 1984
The Emergence of the Calvinist Day School Movement
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.R. Thompson
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 10: Tiesma, Arthur George   (1931-    ) --- 1970
Paulus Den Bleyker, a Religious Conflict
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.G. Tiesma
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 11: Tiesma, Peter P.   (1943-    ) --- 1968
Brampton Christian Reformed Church, 1951-1953 [Brampton, Ontario]
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.P. Tiesma
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 12: Timmer, Jayne Ellen (Wierenga)   (1966-    ) --- 1987
Americanization:  How Has it Affected the Christian Reformed Church?
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Timmer
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 13: Timmerman, Gary R.   (1961-    ) --- 1982
The Role of American Voluntary Foreign Aid to the Netherlands Following World War II
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.R. Timmerman
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 14: Tinklenberg, Perry Jon  (1955-    ) --- 1981
The Christian Reformed World Missions in Africa
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.J. Tinklenberg
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 15: Tinklenberg, Perry Jon  (1955-    ) --- 1981
The Indigenization Principle in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.J. Tinklenberg
Physical Description: 83 leaves
Item 16: Tong, Joseph   (1942-    ) --- 1975
Christian Reformed Church China Mission
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Tong
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 17: Tosi, Greg --- 1979
Attitudes Toward Fitness, Sport, and Recreation in the CRC as seen in Periodicals Commonly Read within the Denomination
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 18: Triemstra, Loren Bruce   (1947-    ) --- 1969
The Christian Reformed Church:  A Statistical Study
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.B.  Triemstra
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 19: Tryon, Steven Frank   (1950-    ) --- 1983
Rev. Bultema and the Creeds
Acquisition Information: Gift of S.F. Tryon
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 20: Uken, Elizabeth A. --- 1991
The Anema Family in the Netherlands and the U.S.
Acquisition Information: Gift of E. A. Uken
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 21: Uyl, Lawrence John  (1946-    ) --- 1968
Ministers of the Christian Reformed Church, 1925-1964
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.J. Uyl
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 22: Uzel, Paul Kenneth   (1949-    ) --- 1973
The Evolution of Evolutionary Thought in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.K. Uzel
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Series 19: V
Item 1: Van Arragon, William G. --- 1994
Hollanders and Jews:  Dutch Reformed Attitudes Toward Jews, Judaism, and Zionism, 1917-1948
Physical Description: 29 leaves
Item 2: Van Beek, Paul --- 1976
"Changes in The Banner's Display Advertisements from 1915-1975"
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 3: Van Beilen, Aileen --- 1978
Ecumenicity and Pluriformity:  The Christian Reformed Church and the World Council of Churches
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 4: Van Belle, Harry Albert --- 1992
You Are Never Alone:  The Journey of the Reformed Dutch in Canada
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. A. Van Belle
Physical Description: 79 leaves
Item 5: Vanden Berge, Jane Alyce   (1965-    ) --- 1987
History of Coldbrook/Beckwith Hills Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Vanden Berge
Physical Description: 9 leaves with research materials
Item 6: Vanden Boogaard, Alfred Theodore   (1955-    ) --- 1979
The Janssen Controversy
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.T. Vanden Boogaard
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 7: Vanden Bos, John Ralph, Jr.   (1956-    ) --- 1977
Realism in the Writings of Henry Zylstra
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Vanden Bos
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 8: Vanden Bosch, Glenn A. --- 1970
A Population Study of the Christian Reformed Church in America, 1931-1969
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. A. Vanden Bosch
Physical Description: 51 leaves
Item 9: Vander Baan, Christopher John   (1959-    ) --- 1982
The Banner, 1904-1918.  Influences on the Americanization Process of the Dutch Christian Reformed Community
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.J. Van der Baan
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 10: Vanderdeen, Arlene Mae   (1964-    ) --- 1987
Sunshine Christian Reformed Church.  [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.M. Vanderdeen
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 11: Vander Goot, David --- 1968
The Lenni-lenape Indian nation and its relations with the Dutch, Swede, English, and Iroquois in America
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 12: Vanderhoven, Cornelia Feringa (1894-1978) --- ca. 1973-1978
Early years in Lucas, Michigan
Acquisition Information: Gift of Paula Katherine Vander Hoven
Physical Description: 31 leaves
Item 13: Vander Kam, David John   (1947-    ) --- 1968
Paulus Den Bleyker
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.J. Van der Kam
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 14: Vander Kamp, James --- 1971
The Role of Churches in Woodlawn in the Formation and Growth of the Woodlawn Organization
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 15: Vander Klipp, Jill --- 1979
Breaking Out of the Stereotype:  A Study of Mission Involvement in the Highland Hills CRC, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 16: Vander Kooi, Ann   (1954-    ) --- 1977
De Nederlanders Trekken Edgerton Binnen, or the Dutch Infiltration of Edgerton, Minnesota
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Van der Kooi
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 17: Vanderlaan, Clarissa Jan   (1949-    ) --- 1979
Notes on Origin and Purpose of a Number of Christian Organizations in Canada, Established After World War II
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. J. Vanderlaan
Physical Description: 16 pages
Item 18: Vander Laan, Keith --- 1977
The Christian School and the Christian Reformed Church:  A Study of the Origin of Dutton Christian School
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 19: VanderLaan, Ronald Theodore   (1962-    ) --- 1984
The Life of Rev. J.R. Brink, 1872-1960
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.T. Vander Laan
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 20: Vandermeer, Marcia Kay   (1958-    ) --- 1980
Friesland:  Emigration Rationale 1845-1880
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.K. Vander Meer
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 21: Vander Plaats, David --- 1969
"Evolutionary 'Weltanschauung' and the task of the Pastor." Presented in Kuyper Club on November 7, 1969
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 22: Vander Slik, Julie R. --- 1987
West Side Christian School
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 23: Vander Stelt, Ruth Elaine   (1963-    ) --- 1984
Leaving More than a Country
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.E. Van der Stelt
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 24: Vander Veen, Rinke   (1953-    ) --- 1977
The Dutch Immigrant:  The Tensions Evolving When He Integrates into Calvin College, 1950-1960
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Vander Veen
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 25: VanderWall, William J. --- 1986
"Dutch Immigration of the 1880's: The Immigration of Sir Henry Beets to Luctor, Kansas"
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 26: Vander Weert, Timothy --- u.d.
"The Christian School Movement Among the Christian Reformed Church in Northern New Jersey: Charting the 'Americanization' of a Dutch Calvinist Immigrant Community, 1892-1890"
Physical Description: 120 leaves
Item 27: Vander Zee, Margaret M.   (1949-    ) --- 1970
The Navajo:  Defeat to Reservations
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.M. Vander Zee
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 28: Van de Weijer, Renate --- 2017
Cornelis Teurlincx and Willem Meyers in America
Physical Description: 2 leaves
Item 29: Van de Werken, George J.   (1948-    ) --- 1969
H.J. Kuiper on Christian Education
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.J. Van de Werken
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 30: Van Dobbenburgh, Hans   (1921-     ) --- 1996
Aspecten van cultuurontmoeting als gevolg van migratie naar Noord-Amerika door Nederlanders na het beeindigen van de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Acquisition Information: Gift of John De Witt
Physical Description: 123 pages, illustrated
Item 31: Van Dyk, James Yme   (1940-    ) --- 1964
The Janssen case in Retrospect
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.Y. Van Dyk
Physical Description: 31 leaves
Item 32: Van Dyk, William James   (1961-    ) --- 1983
The Young Calvinist from 1927-1931
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.J. Van Dyk
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 33: Van Dyke, Harry   (1925-    ) --- 1964
'Common Grace' and Religion and Culture
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Van Dyke
Physical Description: 31 leaves
Item 34: Van Dyken, Jack Jan   (1952-    ) --- 1974
The History of Chaplaincy in the CRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.J. Van Dyken
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 35: Van Edd, Carolyn (1935-    ) --- 2013
My Medical Memories
Acquisition Information: Gift of Carolyn Van Ess
Physical Description: 71 leaves
Item 36: Van Essendelft, Theodore John   (1966-    ) --- 1987
Calvin Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.J. Van Essendelft
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 37: Van Ginkel, Aileen Marilyn (Van Bielen)   (1957-   ) --- 1978
Ecumenicity and Pluriformity: The Christian Reformed Church and the World Council of Churches
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 38: Van Ginkel, Aileen Marilyn (Van Bielen) (1957-  ) --- 1982
"Ethnicity in the Reformed Tradition: Dutch Calvinist Immigrants in Canada, 1946-1960"
Physical Description: 177 leaves
Item 39: Van Harmelen, H.A. Peter --- 1986
Origins, Nature and Reactions to Report 44
Physical Description: 29 leaves
Item 40: Van Houten, Janice Lynn   (1944-    ) --- 1966
The Role of Orthodoxy in the Development of the Social Gospel
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.L. Van Houten
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 41: Van Leenen, Karen T.   (1964-    ) --- 1987
First Netherlands Reformed Congregation:  Yesterday and Today. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.T. Van Leenen
Physical Description: 9 leaves plus surveys
Item 42: Van Loon, A. --- u.d.
Thus Were Our Experiences in Indonesia
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Van Daalen
Physical Description: 124 pages
Item 43: Van Mouwerik, Doris (Wyngaarden)   (1931-    ) --- 1952
Trends in Church Life
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Van Mouwerik
Physical Description: 2 leaves
Item 44: Van Oord, Melody Ann   (1961-    ) --- 1987
Growing Through the Changes.  The Life and History of First Christian Reformed Church of Calgary, Alberta
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.A. Van Oord
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 45: Van Someren, Mary S.   (1953-    ) --- 1974
The Academic Study of Religious Programs at Calvin College
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.S. Van Someren
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 46: Van Sprange, Robert Lynn   (1946-    ) --- 1968
The Attitudes of the Dutch Reformed in America Concerning the Fine Arts
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.L. Van Sprange
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 47: Van Til, Cheryl   (1960-    ) --- 1980
A History of Covenant Christian Reformed Church, Cutlerville, Michigan, 1962-1980
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. Van Til
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 48: Van Veldhuizen, Henry   (1908-    ) --- 1961
A Study Concerning the Shortage of Ministers
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Van Veldhuizen
Physical Description: 5 leaves
Item 49: Van Vliet, John Edward   (1965-    ) --- 1987
Bethany Christian Reformed Church, Bloomfield, Ontario, 1949-
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.E. Van Vliet
Physical Description: 15 leaves with research materials
Item 50: Van Vugt, Willem   (1944-    ) --- 1968
Political Isolationism by the Dutch in America
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. Van Vugt
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 51: Van Zee, Kevin M. --- 1993
The History of the Christian Reformed Board of Publications - 1950-1980: A Ministry That's Making its Mark
Physical Desciption: 20 leaves
Item 52: Veen, Jeff --- 1991
Student Opposition to the Commons Annex:  Should They Have Just Kept Quiet?
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 53: Veeneman, James E.   (1963-    ) --- 1987
A Historical Look at Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.E. Veeneman
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 54: Veenstra, Andrew --- 1992
A Few Outspoken Men:  A Perspective on the CRC
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 55: Velders, Fred Eugene   (1909-    ) --- 1953
The Reformed Heritage and Historical Background Leading to the Founding of the Christian Reformed Church in America
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. E. Velders
Physical Description: 104 leaves
Item 56: Veldheer, Joel David   (1948-    ) --- 1969
The Attitude of the Christian Reformed Church toward War:  World War II and Vietnam
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Veldheer
Physical Description: 27 leaves; Includes an audio tape with interviews in connection with the paper
Item 57: Venema, Claude John (1926-  ) --- 2000
A Trip Down Memory Lane. A Gift to My Family and Their Families
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 58: Venema, Claude John (1926-  ) --- 2000
A Trip Down Memory Lane. A Gift to My Family and Their Families
Item 59: Verhave, Jan Peter (1942-    ) --- 2007
Lecture Series titled, "Disease and death among the early settlers in Holland, Michigan"
Acquisition Information: Gift of Van Raalte Institute, 2007
Physical Description: 84 pages, illustrated
Item 60: Ver Laar, Anne Marie   (1955-    ) --- 1983
De Emigratie van Nederlanders naar Amerika, 1845-1900
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.M. Ver Laar
Physical Description: 46 leaves, written in Dutch
Item 61: Versluys, Julie A. --- 1991
La Iglesia Christiana Reformada Hispana
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 62: Vink, Daniel G. --- 1992
Divided They Stood:  The Ideological Struggle of the West Michigan Christian Reformed Committee During the Early Years of WWII
Physical Description: 41 leaves
Item 63: Vlietstra, Ronald J.   (1963-    ) --- 1975
A Look at the Growth and Development of Westwood Christian Reformed Church with an Emphasis on its Origins.  (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Vlietstra
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 64: Volger, Conrad C. --- 1969
Some Social Factors Contributing to a Church's Ability to Maintain and Hold its Membership: A Pilot Study Report
Physical Description: 55 leaves
Item 65: Voorhees, Karla Joy   (1962-    ) --- 1984
Post World War II Exodus from the Netherlands
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.J. Voorhees
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 66: Vos, Clarence Peter   (1957-    ) --- 1979
Dutch-Canadian Periodicals:  Their Relationship and Development to the Dutch-Canadian Ethnic Group
Acquisition Information: Gift of C. P. Vos
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 67: Vosteen, David C.   (1962-    ) --- 1988
The Immigration of the Dutch in the Early 1600s
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.C. Vosteen
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 68: Vriend, Ben --- 1967
The Construction of a Christian Curriculum:  A Study of the Change in the Calvin College Curriculum
Physical Description: 28 leaves
Item 69: Vrolyk, Beth --- 1993
God's Missionaries: Johanna Veenstra and Lee Huizenga
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Series 20: W-Z
Item 1: Wageningen, Gerrit J. van --- 1984
The Life of Gerrit van Wageningen Verbi Divini Minister, 1830-1908: A Netherlands Minister of the Churches of the Disent of 1834
Physical Description: 40 leaves
Item 2: Walter, Christopher D. --- 1993
Calvin College in the 1950s: Student's Roles as Reformed Christians in American Culture
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 3: Walter, Ted --- 1994
A Denomination Seeking Definition:  Fundamentalism and the Christian Reformed Church in the 1960s
Physical Description: 15 pages
Item 4: Warsen, Arlene Faye   (1946-    ) --- 1968
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.F. Warsen
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 5: Weeda, Stephen --- 1989
Changing Educational Policy of the Christian Reformed Mission to the Navajo and Zuni
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 6: Weidenaar, James B. (1965-  ) --- 1993
Augustine's Concupiscence
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 7: West, Timothy   (1961-    ) --- 1985
John Alexander Mackay and the Princeton Seminary Tradition
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 8: West, Timothy   (1961-    ) --- 1986
The Theology of Fountain Street Church in Historical Context
Physical Description: 38 leaves
Item 9: White, Raleigh --- 1992
Conservative Denominations and Chinese Communists
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 10: Wieland, Lindsay (1982-  ) --- 2004
"Won't You Be My Neighbor?: Interactions Between Calvin College and Its Neighbors"
Acquisition Information: Gift of L. Wieland
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 11: Wierenga, Herman E. --- u.d.
The Dynamics of Emigration from the Netherlands to Canada:  1945-1960
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 12: Wierenga, Ralph --- 1989
Homosexuality and the Christian Reformed Church
Physical Description: 24 leaves
Item 13: Wieringa, Bennett John   (1947-    ) --- 1970
The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture:  A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth With a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth.  Co-authors:  Kenneth John Bouma, Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Brian Dale De Kraker, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, and Sharon Claire Ruiter.
Physical Description: 79 leaves
Item 14: Wiersma, Christine M. --- 1993
Wooden Shoes and Woman Suffrage:  Woman Suffrage in the Christian Reformed Church
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 15: Willems, Theresa   (1936-    ) --- 1957
The Christian Reformed People and the Community
Acquisition Information: Gift of T. Willems
Physical Description: 55 leaves
Item 16: Wilson, [William] Bill --- 2010
The Conservative Progressives: The Christian Reformed Church and the Grand Rapids Furniture Strike of 1911. [Central Michigan University]
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Wilson
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 17: Wind, Fred (1942-    ) --- 1982
Poem titled: 'To Sietze Buning:  Thanks for the Reading'; Presented at Calvin College Alumni Banquet in honor of Queen Beatrix visit in 1982
Item 18: Wintle, Michael --- 1990
Push-factors in Emigration:  The Case Province of Zeeland in the Nineteenth Century
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 19: Witteveen, Fred --- 1985
Christian Reformed Church and the Social Gospel
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 20: Witvoet, Marguerite   (1966-    ) --- 1984
Praising God in Music.  An Essay on John Calvin and the Role of Music in Public Worship
Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Witvoet
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 21: Wolff, Jim --- 1975
Aftermath of 1924
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 22: Wyngarden, Muriel Kay   (1965-    ) --- 1987
An Analysis:  Brookside Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.K. Wyngarden
Physical Description: 10 leaves and research files
Item 23: Youngsma, Julie Anne   (1963-    ) --- 1983
Movies:  Redefining Perimeters
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Youngsma
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 24: Zigterman, Paul Kevin   (1957-    ) --- 1979
The Reformed Journal and the Torch and Trumpet
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.K. Zigterman
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 25: Zondag, Jacob Adrianus   (1943-    ) --- u.d.
Equity and Justice in Education:  Statement of Views on Support of Education in America:  Its Impact on Religious Freedom
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. A. Zondag
Item 26: Zoodsma, Cathy Lynn   (1962-    ) --- 1983
Item 27: Zwiers, James D. --- 1990
History of the Netherlands
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 28: Zylstra, Ann Elizabeth   (1962-    ) --- 1984
The Development of Christian Schools in the United States
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.E. Zylstra
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 29: Zylstra, Sandra Johanna   (1965-    ) --- 1987
Kelloggsville Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of S.J. Zylstra
Physical Description: 9 leaves and research material

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

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