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Campus Ministries


Detailed Description

Box 391

Box 1503

Box 1504

Box 1505

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Campus Ministries | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Campus Ministries

ID: CU/C8/C8.1

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 391],
[Box 1503],
[Box 1504],
[Box 1505],

Box 391
Folder 1: Subject File: Chapel Readings; From our Calvin College Chapel --- 1959, 1962, 1965, 1966
Folder 2: Subject File: Synod and Classis material re. Spiritual Care of Calvin Students --- 1961-1962
Folder 3: Subject File: Chapel Matters --- 1967
Folder 4: Subject File: Responsibilities of the College Chaplain --- 1961
Folder 5: Correspondence-Bernard Pekelder --- 1972-1975
Folder 6: Correspondence-Dale Cooper --- 1983
Folder 7: Reports to Vice President of Student Affairs --- 1968, 1970, 1971, 1981
Folder 8: Agreement with Woodlawn CRC re: College Chaplain --- 1979-1980
Folder 9: Proposal for Sundays at Calvin; Chaplain's Group Accomplishments, Vision for 2004-2005 --- 1995-1996, 2003-2005
Folder 10
Item 1: Materials, Flyer Used for Stations of the Cross --- 2008
Item 2: Tenebrae Worship Service Bulletin; Program for Chapels for Holy Week, "From Gethsemane to Golgatha;" --- 2009
Item 3: "Philippians Campus Bible Study" --- undated
Folder 11: College Chaplain job description --- undated
Folder 12: Chapel CD: Randall Jelks --- 2006 February 8
Folder 13: Chapel: Jazz Vespers presentation "What I Long For" --- 2003
Folder 14: Planning documents for Dale Cooper's retirement / tribute events --- 2006-2007
Folder 15: Correspondence re: Dale Cooper's retirement / tribute events --- 2006-2007
Folder 16: Chapel and prayer requests following events of 2001 September 11 --- 2001 September 11
Folder 17: Obey God Faculty Letter --- 2005
Box 1503
Folder 1: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete) --- 1991, 1992
Folder 2: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 3: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 4: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 5: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 6: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 7: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 8: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 9: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 10: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Folder 11: Chapel monthly schedules, chapel service outlines --- 1993 September-1988 May
Box 1504
Folder 1: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 2: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 3: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 4: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 5: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 6: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 7: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 8: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 9: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Folder 10: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 1998 September-2003 May
Box 1505
Folder 1: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 2: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 3: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 4: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 5: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 6: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 7: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 8: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 9: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 10: Chapel monthly schedules (incomplete), chapel service outlines --- 2003 September-2008 May
Folder 11: Tentative preaching schedule LOFT --- 2009-2010

Browse by Box:

[Box 391],
[Box 1503],
[Box 1504],
[Box 1505],

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