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Henry Beets Collection



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Henry Beets Collection, 1824-1981 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Henry Beets Collection, 1824-1981

Predominant Dates:1910-1945

ID: COLL/011

Primary Creator: Beets, Henry (1869-1947)

Extent: 34.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: The collection is arranged according to record type since the material was sorted several times prior to deposit in the Archives. No indication of the original order remains.

Date Acquired: 00/00/1962

Subjects: Banner, Calvinism, Christian Reformed Church, Immigrants - North America, Missionary Monthly, Navajo Indians, Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk - History - Secession, 1834, Zuni Indians

Forms of Material: Photographs, Sermons

Languages: English, Dutch;Flemish


Henry Beets (1869-1947) was born in Koedijk, the Netherlands. He emigrated to the United States and was a minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection details his theological training, his parish ministries in Pella, Iowa, and Grand Rapids, Michigan, and his interests in ecumenical contacts and mission outreach, particularly to the Zunis and Navajos of the western United States. He was a prolific writer on the Christian Reformed Church, Reformed religion, Dutch Calvinism, Dutch immigrants to North America, and related topics. The collection also contains his research notes, drafts, and final publications on these topics and a large collection of pamphlets on the Reformed churches following the secession of the State Church in the Netherlands in 1834.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Henry Beets (1869-1947) was born in Koedijk, the Netherlands. He emigrated to the United States and was a minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection details his theological training, his parish ministries in Pella, Iowa, and Grand Rapids, Michigan, and his interests in ecumenical contacts and mission outreach, particularly to the Zunis and Navajos of the western United States. He was a prolific writer on the Christian Reformed Church, Reformed religion, Dutch Calvinism, Dutch immigrants to North America, and related topics. The collection also contains his research notes, drafts, and final publications on these topics and a large collection of pamphlets on the Reformed churches following the secession of the State Church in the Netherlands in 1834.

The correspondence details Beets's extensive contacts and interests in denominational and church histories. An index of significant correspondents is available. Of note are his biographical notes on Christian Reformed Church (CRC) ministers and mission efforts, particularly regarding Johanna Veenstra. The sermons reflect Dutch Reformed Calvinism as it took root in North America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The speeches reflect a wide range of topics varying from missions in the United States, Canada, China, and Africa to arriving Dutch immigrants. There are speeches and articles on patriotism during the WW I years. His research and manuscripts present a wide range of subjects. Especially noteworthy are those on the history and development of the CRC. Beets gathered together a sizable pamphlet collection which he had bound. An alphabetical index by author is available.

Collection Historical Note

Henry Beets (b. Koedijk, Noord-Holland, the Netherlands, 5 January 1869; d. Grand Rapids, MI, 29 October 1947) graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1895. He immigrated to Luctor, Kansas, in 1886. After graduating he served as a parish minister in the Christian Reformed Church. He served the congregations of Sioux Center, Iowa, 1895-1899; LaGrave Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1899-1915; and Burton Heights, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1915-1920. A prolific writer, he began his writing as the associate editor of Gereformeerde Amerikaan. In 1902 he headed a group that purchased The Banner, and served as its editor for twenty-five years. During this time the periodical became the official English-language publication of the Christian Reformed Church. Later he also became editor and publisher of the Reformed Review and De Heidenwereld (Missionary Monthly). In addition, he published a number of pamphlets and books. Interested in missions, he became the denominational secretary of the Board of Missions in 1901, a position that became full time in 1920. At the same time, he served for forty years as the denomination's first stated clerk. He also served as a member of a joint committee to revise the metrical versions of the Psalms for which he was awarded an honorary doctorate of letters by Muskingum College. In 1934 he was knighted by Queen Wilhelmina and awarded the Order of Orange Nassau for his support of Dutch culture. He retired in 1939. Beets married Clara Poel on 11 September 1895. They had three sons: Henry Nicholas, Abel Jasper, and William Clarence.

Biographical Note

Henry Beets (b. Koedijk, Noord-Holland, the Netherlands, 5 January 1869; d. Grand Rapids, MI, 29 October 1947) graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1895. He immigrated to Luctor, Kansas, in 1886. After graduating he served as a parish minister in the Christian Reformed Church. He served the congregations of Sioux Center, Iowa, 1895-1899; LaGrave Avenue, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1899-1915; and Burton Heights, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1915-1920. A prolific writer, he began his writing as the associate editor of Gereformeerde Amerikaan. In 1902 he headed a group that purchased The Banner, and served as its editor for twenty-five years. During this time the periodical became the official English-language publication of the Christian Reformed Church. Later he also became editor and publisher of the Reformed Review and De Heidenwereld (Missionary Monthly). In addition, he published a number of pamphlets and books. Interested in missions, he became the denominational secretary of the Board of Missions in 1901, a position that became full time in 1920. At the same time, he served for forty years as the denomination's first stated clerk. He also served as a member of a joint committee to revise the metrical versions of the Psalms for which he was awarded an honorary doctorate of letters by Muskingum College. In 1934 he was knighted by Queen Wilhelmina and awarded the Order of Orange Nassau for his support of Dutch culture. He retired in 1939. Beets married Clara Poel on 11 September 1895. They had three sons: Henry Nicholas, Abel Jasper, and William Clarence.

Subject/Index Terms

Christian Reformed Church
Immigrants - North America
Missionary Monthly
Navajo Indians
Nederlandse Hervormde Kerk - History - Secession, 1834
Zuni Indians

Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Alternate Extent Statement: 72 boxes

Access Restrictions: This collection is open to research. Materials do not circulate.

Acquisition Source: Gift of William B. Eerdmans, 1962

Preferred Citation: [item], folder, box, Henry Beets Collection, Heritage Hall (Hekman Library), Calvin University

Other Note: Collection partly in Dutch

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1875-1947],
[Series 2: Sermons, 1887-1945, undated],
[Series 3: Speeches, 1900-1940, undated],
[Series 4: Articles, 1900-1981, undated],
[Series 5: Biographical Files],
[Series 6: Research],
[Series 7: Manuscripts],
[Series 8: Christian Reformed Church Missions, 1918-1947, undated],
[Series 9: Various Organizations and Events],
[Series 10: Clippings, Miscellaneous],
[Series 11: Photos],
[Series 12: Personal Files],
[Series 13: Emigration to Canada, 1925-1932],
[Series 14: Pamphlets, 1902-1950],
[Series 15: Marriage Licenses, 1896-1913],
[Series 16: Scrapbooks, 1846- [1942]],
[Series 17: Bound Volumes],
[Series 18: Microfilm],

Series 7: Manuscripts
Box 30
Folder 1: Abraham Lincoln. Zijn tijd en Leven voor ons Hollandsch Yolk Geschetst
Folder 2: Algeemene Geschiedenis --- 1890
Folder 3: Alphabetical index of names and subjects
Folder 4: Ambt der geloovigen
Folder 5: Catechisatie Lijst --- 1898
Folder 6: Christian Reformed Manual --- 1922
Folder 7: De Christelljk Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika
Folder 8: De Christelljk Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika
Folder 9: De Christelljk Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika
Folder 10: De Christelljk Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord Amerika
Folder 11: Christian Reformed Church in America
Box 31
Folder 1: De Christelljk Gereformeerde Kerk in Noord-Amerika
Folder 2: Church and Its Benefits
Folder 3: Compendium Explained
Folder 4: Compendium Explained
Folder 5: Compendium of the Christian Religion
Folder 6: Doctrinal Standards and Liturgy of the Reformed Church in America
Folder 7: Dogmatiek; Theologie
Folder 8: Geschiedenis van de scheiding der Gemeente Coldbrook in Grand Rapids, Michigan, van de Reformed Church in Amerika
Folder 9: Herinneringen: Holland-America songs
Folder 10: Library list
Folder 11: Memories of a Dutchman --- 1886-1890
Box 32
Folder 1: Monuments Reared by the Holland-Americans
Folder 2: Notebook
Folder 3: Oppasser van de Luitenant: oorspronkelijk blijspel met zany in twee bedrijven
Folder 4: Rhetorica --- 1890
Folder 5: Sacred History for Seniors (draft)
Folder 6: Sacred History for Intermediates . . . --- 1934
Folder 7: Science of Missions
Folder 8: Students Compendium
Folder 9: Theopneustia of letterlijke inspiratie der Heilige Geschriften
Folder 10: Theopneustia of letterlijke inspiratie der Heilige Geschriften
Folder 11: Theopneustia of letterlijke inspiratie der Heilige Geschriften
Folder 12: There Is Only One God
Folder 13: There Is Only One God
Folder 14: There Is Only One God
Box 33
Item 1: De Chr. Geref. Kerk Zestig jaren van strUd en zegen, door Dr. Henry Beets
Item 2: Johanna of Nigeria
Item 3: The Christian Reformed Church Sketched for Our Young People, Henry Beets
Item 4: Dictateten over Hermeneutiek, Liturgiek, Catechiek, Poimeniek . . . , Henry Beets
Item 5: The Dutch in the U.S., part of book presented to Queen Wilhelmina on 25th anniversary
Item 6: Overdruk uit Nederlandsch Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis, H. P. Scholte
Box 34
Item 1: lnleiding op de Dogmatiek, Geerhardus Vos, PhD
Item 2: Kerken-ordening van Dordrecht, Ao 1618-19 benevens de daaraan verbonden Bepalingen der Christelijke Gereformeerd Kerk in Amerika, Hulst, J. B. --- 1897
Item 3: Landmarks of the Reformed Fathers or What Dr. Van Raalte's People Believed by William O. Van Eyk
Item 4: Natuurlijke Theologie/Natural Theology by G. Vos, PhD
Item 5: Notes on the History of Christian Missions and the Spread of Christianity, D. W. Kromminga
Item 6: Psalmen Lijst
Item 7: The Reformed Confession Explained: A Popular Commentary and Textbook on the Netherland or Belgic Confession of Faith by Rev. Henry Beets, LL.D.
Item 8: Report to the Curatorium of the Christian Reformed Church in North America Concerning the Teachings of Dr. Janssen
Box 35
Item 1: Roll-Book of Catechetical Classes of the LaGrave Avenue Chr. Ref. Church taught from 26 September 1899 by Henry Beets
Item 2: Toiling and Trusting: 50 Years of Kingdom Work of the CRC Board of Missions, Henry Beets.
Item 3: Uittreksel van Dr. A. Kuyper's Encyclopie der H. Godgeleerdheid, Henry Beets
Item 4: Questions for Young Children and Hellenbroeks Catechism, Henry Beets --- 1899
Item 5: Queen Wilhelma Fund Inc. for War Relief, Netherlanders Grand Rapids Affiliate and newspaper clippings, Henry Beets
Item 6: Antique book, Catalogus, 1586

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Correspondence, 1875-1947],
[Series 2: Sermons, 1887-1945, undated],
[Series 3: Speeches, 1900-1940, undated],
[Series 4: Articles, 1900-1981, undated],
[Series 5: Biographical Files],
[Series 6: Research],
[Series 7: Manuscripts],
[Series 8: Christian Reformed Church Missions, 1918-1947, undated],
[Series 9: Various Organizations and Events],
[Series 10: Clippings, Miscellaneous],
[Series 11: Photos],
[Series 12: Personal Files],
[Series 13: Emigration to Canada, 1925-1932],
[Series 14: Pamphlets, 1902-1950],
[Series 15: Marriage Licenses, 1896-1913],
[Series 16: Scrapbooks, 1846- [1942]],
[Series 17: Bound Volumes],
[Series 18: Microfilm],

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