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Sociology 320 Projects


Detailed Description

Box 707

Box 708

Box 709

Box 710

Box 711

Box 712

Box 713

Box 714

Box 715

Box 716

Box 717

Box 718

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Sociology 320 Projects | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Sociology 320 Projects

ID: CU/C9/C9.24/C9.24.1

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 707],
[Box 708],
[Box 709],
[Box 710],
[Box 711],
[Box 712],
[Box 713],
[Box 714],
[Box 715],
[Box 716],
[Box 717],
[Box 718],

Box 714
Folder 1
Item 1: Does the Philosophy of Education of a School Effect the Values of Its Students --- 1974
By: Todd Denton, Chuck Garehan, Chris Medendorp, Theda Post, Jim Veltman
Item 2: Transracial and Inracial Adoptions: A Comparative Study --- 1974
By: George Bazuin, Marci Boelema, David Eggeben, Ken Hekman, Vicki Kibben, Marianne Rosenwinkel
Item 3: Program Effectiveness: A Study of Two Work Activities Center --- 1974
By: Bill Liene, Mary Monsma, Tom Siewenga, Bill Lopik, Clare Vroom
Item 4: An Attitudinal Study of Altruism --- 1974
By: Ronald Bosch, Douglas Hoek, Therese V anden Akker
Item 5: Attitudinal Study of Child Placement in Kent County --- 1974
By: Norm Baker, Dave Deur, Tom Huyser, Mary Kamphuis, Janice Kwasteniet, Don Lappinga, Bruce Tuiner
Folder 2
Item 1: A Research Study on the Release on Recognizance Program in Grand Rapids, MI --- 1974
By: David Medema, William Rienstra
Item 2: Calvin Women Studies --- 1974
By: Adrian Dieleman, Annette Kooy, Bev Mulder, Mel Swets, Jan Van Hof
Item 3: Study of Variables Influencing Adjustment to Old Age --- 1975
By: Brenda L. Eenigenburg, Ellen J. Kuizema, David L. Vander Puy, Thomas A. Van Tongeren
Item 4: Shoplifting Among Teenagers --- 1975
By: Dennis Persenaire, Tim Teunis, Karen Former, Kay Heidinga, Linda Offeringa
Folder 3
Item 1: A Study of Mary Free Bed Hospital: The Effect of Rehabilitation on Self-Concept --- undated
By: Tim Abbring, Mark Deters, Linda Docter, Marlys Vander Linden, Rosemary Van Noord, Rosemary Zylstra
Item 2: An Attitudinal Study on Intentional Communities --- 1975
By: Ginger Bruinooge, Sheryce Brummel, Karen Wiers, Allen Van Wyk
Item 3: Religiosity and Attitudes Towards Race Relations and Homosexuality --- 1975
By: Brenda Groendyke, Dave Hesselink, Willie Hultink, Scott Robinson, John Valk, Gary Veurink
Item 4: Extent of Readership of Student Publications at Calvin College --- 1975
By: Dennis Meyer, Henry Schemper, Craig Vander Vlies, Paul Vander Zee
Folder 4
Item 1: The Effect of Personal Dissatisfaction on Residential Mobility --- 1975
By: Pete DeJong, Jack Harriff, Rick Posthuma, Marv Schouten
Item 2: Study of Urban and Suburban Church Membership in Grand Rapids Area Christian Reformed Churches --- undated
By: Dave Beelen, Sandy Geerdes, Jim Kouwe, Roger Oosterhouse, Mary Vander Veen, Sharon Vos
Item 3: Study of the Characteristics of Calvin College Student Volunteers --- 1975
By: Ron Baker Luci Bosch, Joyce DeVries, Tim Hibma, Kathy Hoekstra
Item 4: Study of Senior Citizens Attitude Towards Death --- 1975
By: Carl Bergman, Mari Kooiman, Irene Morris, Steve Van Noord
Folder 5
Item 1: A Study of Vocational Aspirations of Calvin Women --- 1976
By: Susan Holwerda, Jackie Marsh, Dave Oosterhouse, Susanne Vandyk, Barb Van Heukelem, Alex Wagenaar
Item 2: Evaluative Study of the diversion Program in the 61st District Court --- 1976
By: Stephanie Baker, Laura Hekman, Sylvia Tos
Item 3: The Influence of Age, Education, and Social Self-Concept on leisure Activity Selection Among the Aged in Institutions --- 1976
By: Pat Olson, Beth Swagman
Folder 6
Item 1: Foster Home License Termination Research --- undated
By: Randall L. Huizenga, Helen Parker, Kathy Van Volkinburg
Item 2: The 1976 Bicentennial and Grand Rapids Residents --- 1976
By: Ken Boonstra, Ruth Minnema, Doug Nienhuis, Harvey Scott, Sheryl Veenstra
Item 3: Church Membership Change and its Relationship in the Search for Community --- 1976
By: Becky Frevert, Pat Triemstra, Linda Veldman, Jenny Zomer

Browse by Box:

[Box 707],
[Box 708],
[Box 709],
[Box 710],
[Box 711],
[Box 712],
[Box 713],
[Box 714],
[Box 715],
[Box 716],
[Box 717],
[Box 718],

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