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Calvin College Student Senate


Detailed Description

Box 752

Box 753

Box 754

Box 755

Box 756

Box 1191

Box 1192

Box 636

Box 975

Box 1193

Box 757

Box 762

Box 758

Box 759

Box 760

Box 761

Box 803

Box 845

Box 1024

Box 1023

Box OS

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Calvin College Student Senate | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Calvin College Student Senate

ID: CU/C13/C13.5

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 752],
[Box 753],
[Box 754],
[Box 755],
[Box 756],
[Box 1191],
[Box 1192],
[Box 636],
[Box 975],
[Box 1193],
[Box 757],
[Box 762],
[Box 758],
[Box 759],
[Box 760],
[Box 761],
[Box 803],
[Box 845],
[Box 1024],
[Box 1023],
[Box OS],

Box 752
Folder 1: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 2: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 3: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 4: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 5: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 6: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 7: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 8: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 9: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Folder 10: Minutes and back up documents --- 1924-1928, 1956-1967
Box 753
Folder 1: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 2: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 3: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 4: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 5: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 6: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Folder 7: Minutes and back up documents --- 1967-1973
Box 754
Folder 1: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Folder 2: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Folder 3: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Folder 4: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Folder 5: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Folder 6: Minutes and back up documents --- 1972-1976
Box 755
Folder 1: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 2: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 3: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 4: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 5: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 6: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 7: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 8: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Folder 9: Minutes and back up documents --- 1976-1985
Box 756
Folder 1: Minutes and back up documents --- 1985-1988 May
Folder 2: Minutes and back up documents --- 1985-1988 May
Folder 3: Minutes and back up documents --- 1985-1988 May
Box 1191
Folder 1: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Folder 2: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Folder 3: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Folder 4: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Folder 5: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Folder 6: Minutes --- 1989-2001 May
Box 1192
Folder 1: Agendas --- 1989 May-2003 April, 2004 December
Folder 2: Agendas --- 1989 May-2003 April, 2004 December
Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1990-2002
Folder 4
Item 1: Sunday Hours for FAC and PE facilities, Proposal from Student Senate to Student Life Comm --- 2000
Item 2: Recommendation Proposal or the Implementation of a Mandatory Anti-Racism Training Seminar for all Faculty and Staff Members --- 2003
Item 3: Declation of Unity Against War in Iraq --- 2003
Box 636
Folder 1: Reports --- 1967-1970
Folder 2: Reports --- 1967-1970
Folder 3: Reports --- 1967-1970
Folder 4: Reports to the faculty --- 1977-1979
Folder 5: Reports --- 1989-2002
Folder 6: Back up documents --- 1932-1935
Folder 7: Back up documents --- 1967-1968
Folder 8: Back up documents --- 1968-1969
Folder 9: Back up documents --- 1968-1969
Folder 10: Back up documents --- 1968-1969
Folder 11: Back up documents --- 1968-1969
Folder 12: Back up documents --- 1987-1988
Box 975
Folder 1: Student Memorabilia of the 1930s and 1940s --- 1930-1940
Box 1193
Folder 1: Back up Documents --- 1989-1998
Folder 2: Back up Documents --- 1989-1998
Folder 3: Back up Documents --- 1989-1998
Folder 4: Proposal for a Student Senate Multiculturalism Ad Hoc Committee --- 1992 January
Folder 5: State of the Student Senate --- 2023-2024
Box 757
Folder 1: Academic Affairs Caucus minutes and back up documents --- 1977-1986
Folder 2: Cultural Affairs Caucus minutes and back up documents --- 1979-1986
Folder 3: Student Affairs Caucus Minutes and back up documents --- 1978-1984
Folder 4: Divisional Caucus Executive Committee minutes --- 1985-1996
Folder 5: Caucus back up documents --- 1981-1984
Folder 6: Ad hoc Committee on Pollution and Ecology --- 1970
Folder 8
Item 1: Associated Women Students --- 1962-1970
Item 2: Journal of associated women students (JAWS) --- 1966-1967
vol. 1, no.1 (Oct. 1966) - vol. 1, no. 3 (Feb. 1967)
Folder 9: Association of Student Governments --- 1964-1971
Folder 10: Blood Donor Club --- 1989-1990
Folder 11: Book sale --- 1960-1984
Folder 12: Calvin Christian Fellowship --- 1977
Folder 13: Calvin Video Network --- 1986-1987
Folder 14: Chapel --- 1970-1971
Folder 15: Cheerleading Committee --- undated
Folder 16: Christian Fellowship Club --- 1978
Folder 17: Class organization Reports --- 1935-1964
Folder 18: Committee membership --- 1973-1985
Folder 19: Committee reports --- 1964-1987
Folder 20: Commons Expansion—student opposition --- 1977-1979
Folder 21: Computer Science Club --- 1986
Folder 22: Concerts --- 1973-1975
Folder 23: Conduct Code revision --- 1983-1984
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 24: Committee Handbooks --- 1981-1988
Folder 25: Committee Handbooks --- 1981-1988
Folder 26: Committee Handbooks --- 1990-1993, 1994-1995, 1997-1998, 2000-2001
Box 762
Folder 3: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Student Chapter Tri-Conference Planning Committee Materials --- 2003-2004
Folder 1: Constitutions, Bylaws --- 1997-1998, 1999-2002
Folder 2: Constitutions and Bylaws of the Calvin College Student Senate --- 2002-2005, 2006-2007
Box 758
Folder 1: Constitutions --- 1931-1933
Folder 2: Constitutions --- 1938-1969
Folder 3: Constitutions, Bylaws --- 1972-1980, 1982-1983
Folder 4: Constitutions, Bylaws --- 1987, 1989-1992
Folder 5: Constitutions, Bylaws --- 1993-1997
Folder 6: Course Descriptions --- 1969-1972
Folder 7: Demonstrations --- 1967
Folder 8: Discipline --- 1960-1977
Folder 9: Drugs --- 1967-1968
Folder 10: Ecology --- 1970
Folder 11: Elections --- 1974-1980
Folder 12: Elections --- 1982-1984
Folder 13: Faculty Evaluation project --- 1974
Folder 14: Financial records --- 1945-1960
Box 759
Folder 1: Financial records --- 1960-1968
Folder 2: Financial records --- 1968-1969
Folder 3: Fine Arts Festival --- 1959-1961
Folder 4: Fine Arts Festival --- 1962-1966
Folder 5: Fine Arts Festival programs --- 1959-1974
Folder 6: Focus: Student Senate Newsletter, scattered issues --- 1964-1965, 1981-1988
Folder 7: Forum Club --- 1968
(See C13.25)
Folder 8: FOSCO, Chimes comments --- 1971-1973
Folder 9: Freshman elections --- 1982
Folder 10: Governmental Relations Committee --- 1974-1975
Folder 11: Grand Rapids Area Coalition of College Students --- 1980
Folder 12: Gregory, Dick --- 1967
Folder 13: Harambe Jahard --- undated
Folder 14: The Spot Light (Harambe Jahard publication) --- 1987 October-December
[HERH LH1.C3 S63]
Folder 15: Hershey case --- 1967-1968
Folder 16: High School Communications Committee --- 1973-1974
Folder 17: Honors program --- 1968-1969
Folder 18: Human Relations --- 1969
Box 760
Folder 1: Interim Activities Committee --- 1974, 1984
Folder 2: Intern programs --- 1968-1969
Folder 3: Intra-collegiate events --- 1937-1962
Folder 4: Knight Line --- 1963-1969
HERH LD791 .K65]
Folder 5: Mass Communication --- 1978
Folder 6: MIAA --- 1960-1973
Folder 7: Mission Club --- 1961-1965
(See C13.34)
Folder 8: Moratorium Day --- 1969
Folder 9: National Student Congress --- 1967-1968
Folder 10: National Student Congress --- 1967-1968
Folder 11: National Student Congress --- 1967-1968
Folder 12: National Student Congress --- 1967-1968
Folder 13: National Student Congress --- 1967-1968
Folder 14: National Student Congress --- undated
Folder 15: National Student Congress and the CIA --- undated
Folder 16: "New Wine" --- 1987
Folder 17: Political organizations --- undated
Folder 18: Publications --- 1939-1956
Folder 19: Publications --- 1957-1959
Folder 20: Publications --- 1967-1968
Folder 21: Publications—rules --- 1960
Folder 22
Item 1: Rangeela Article --- 1998
Item 2: Rangeela Programs --- 2002-2010
Item 3: Photo copies --- 2002
Folder 23: Revival at Calvin --- 1995
Folder 24: Spring Arts Festival --- 1959, 1986
Folder 25: Student employment --- 1974-1981
Folder 26: Student Leadership Conference --- 1979
Box 761
Folder 1: Student Senate Manuals --- 1968-1969, 1975
Folder 2: Student Transit System --- 1974-1975
Folder 3: "The Student Voice" Student Senate newsletter --- 1993
Folder 4: Sunday Night Coffees --- 1967-1968
Folder 5: Sunday Night Entertainment Committee --- 1973
Folder 6: Where Is Calvin? Skit --- undated
Folder 7: World Relief fund drives, etc. --- 1971-1975
Folder 8: Writers Guild anthology --- 1980-1986
Folder 9: Writers Guild anthology --- 1990-1994
Folder 10
Item 1: Young Republicans’ Newsletter, "The Conservative Report" --- 1993-1994
Item 2: Christianity, Homosexuality - Contradiction?  David Noebel, speaks on Colorado's Second Amendment:  Should Homosexuals be Given Ethnic or Minority Status? --- 1993 April
Folder 11: Correspondence --- 1971-1972, 1974-1977
Folder 12: Correspondence --- 1979-1980
Folder 13: Correspondence --- 1980-1982
Folder 14: Correspondence --- 1985-1986
Folder 15: Correspondence --- 1986-1987
Folder 16: Correspondence --- 1987-1988
Folder 17
Item 1: Panel Discussions for Students:  Progressives Invitation:  Panel Discussion on the Legal and Political Implications Surrounding the Question of  Homosexual Right --- 1993 May
Item 2: Ain't Dutch. Ain't Much --- 1991 December
Box 803
Folder 1: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 2: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 3: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 4: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 5: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 6: Extinct organizations --- undated
Box 845
Folder 1: Extinct organizations --- undated
Folder 2: Extinct publications --- undated
Box 1024
Folder 1: Literary Chimes --- 1947-1949
HERH LD791 .C255]
Folder 2: Calvin Literary Review/Literary Review --- 1950-1952
HERH LD791 .C255]
Box 1023
Folder 3: Literary Review --- 1953-1962
HERH LD791 .C255]
Folder 1
Item 1: Arts Festival Anthology --- 1959-1960
HERH LD791 .C255]
Item 2: Calvin Fine Arts Review --- 1962-1964
HERH LD791 .C255]
Folder 2: Loci: fine arts review --- 1961-1968
HERH LD791 .C255]
Folder 4: Fine Arts Review and Arts Festival Anthology --- 1959 May, 1963 May
HERH LD791 .C255]
Box OS
Folder 9
Item 1: Poster: Calvin College 1st Powderpuff Football Game --- 2011
Item 2: Candidate for student senate poster (Marshall Bakker) --- 2011

Browse by Box:

[Box 752],
[Box 753],
[Box 754],
[Box 755],
[Box 756],
[Box 1191],
[Box 1192],
[Box 636],
[Box 975],
[Box 1193],
[Box 757],
[Box 762],
[Box 758],
[Box 759],
[Box 760],
[Box 761],
[Box 803],
[Box 845],
[Box 1024],
[Box 1023],
[Box OS],

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