Collection Overview
Title: Center for Social Research
ID: CU/C13/C13.11
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 340],
Box 966],
Box 976],
Box 481],
Box 482],
Box 483],
Box 484],
Box 485],
Box 959],
Box 967],
Box 968],
Box 969],
Box 970],
Box 971],
Box 1183],
Box 1261],
Box 1789],
- Box 340

- Folder 1: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1967-1974

- Folder 2: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1977-1980

- Folder 3: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1981-1985

- Folder 4: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1986-1990

- Folder 5: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1991-2000

- Folder 6: Governing Board Committee Minutes --- 1982-1988

- Folder 7: Governing Board Committee Minutes --- 1989-2021

- Folder 8: Agendas of Director’s Monthly Report to the Governing Board --- 1989-1999 October

- Folder 9: Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of the SRC (now CSR): Mandate and Report --- 1980-1982

- Folder 10: Constitution --- undated

- Folder 11: Annual report to faculty senate --- 2009-2010

- Box 966

- Folder 1: Tentative Proposal and Proposal for the Establishment of a Center for Social Research --- 1967, 1970

- Folder 2: Documents re. History, Framework, Structure and Future of the SRC --- 1970-1982

- (some documents not dated)
- Folder 3: 20th Anniversary --- 1990

- Folder 4: Proposal to Expand the Calvin College Social Research Center --- 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Mission Statement --- 1991, 2001

- Folder 6: Director Search --- 1988

- Folder 7: Director Search --- 1999-2003

- Folder 8: Evaluation by Consultants, Includes Center for Social Research External Review and Proposal for Future Development --- 1999-2000 November

- Folder 9: Plan for SRC for 2000 and Beyond --- 1999

- Folder 10: Short and Long-Term Planning --- 2001

- Folder 11: Speeches given By Anne Schreuder, Director of SRC --- 1981

- (some documents not dated)
- Folder 12: Manual of Office Procedures --- 1982

- Folder 13: The Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus and the Comprehensive Plan: A Questionnaire for Calvin Students --- 1989-1992

- Folder 14: The Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus and the Comprehensive Plan: A Survey of Calvin Faculty --- 1990

- Folder 15: Budgeting Policy for SRC and Institutional Research --- 1992-1997

- Folder 16: Budget --- 1988-2001

- Folder 17: Budget --- 1988-2001

- Folder 18: Institutional Research Budget --- 1991-1996

- Folder 19: Deur Fund & Seperating CSR-Soc/Social Work Budgets --- 2003

- Folder 20: CSR Budget --- 2004

- Folder 21: Concept Proposal for an Adopt-A-School Program with Grand Rapids Public Schools --- 1989

- Folder 22: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus --- 1999

- Folder 23: Client Evaluation of the SRC Services --- 1991

- Folder 24: Communications --- 1986-1992

- Including "Social Research Center" brochure
- Box 976

- Folder 1: Financial Statements --- 1982-1997

- Folder 2: Record of Expenditures of Studies 99, 143-255 --- 1983-1991

- Folder 3: Project Expense Record of Studies 99-430 --- 1982-2000

- Folder 4: Report on Space Use for "Main Street" Remodeling Project --- 1999

- Folder 5: Rationale for SRC’s Use of (Room) SCC 206 --- 1998

- Folder 6

- Item 1: Use of Student Assistants --- undated

- Item 2: Job Description --- 1989-1996

- Folder 7: Student Assistant Meetings --- 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Student Assistant Evaluation Form --- undated

- Folder 9: Student Handbook --- 1997

- Folder 10: New SRC Brochure --- undated

- Folder 11: Administrative Overhead --- 1983

- Folder 12: Use of Denominational Research Data --- 1993

- Folder 13: Synodical Mailing File Access Policy --- 1997

- Folder 14: Job Description of Director, Assistant Director Handbook --- 1998

- Folder 16: Computer Equipment Requests --- 1990-1997

- Folder 17: Computer Lab --- 1997

- Folder 18: Back up Documents --- 1975-2001, 2009

- Folder 19: Back up Documents --- 1975-2001, 2009

- Folder 20

- Item 1: Back up Documents: Director’s Reports --- 2002-2003

- Item 2: Research Assistant Reports --- 2002-2003

- Item 3: Monthly Project Status --- 2002-2003

- Item 4: Applied and Community-Based Research Progress Reports --- 2002-2003

- Item 5: Small Grants Applications --- 2002-2003

- Item 6: Miscellaneous --- 2002-2003

- Folder 21: Calvin College Center for Social Research Strategic Plan --- 2003-2007

- Folder 22: 2004 CSR Tactical Plan --- January 12, 2004

- Box 481

- Folder 1: Crime Report of Grand Rapids Metropolitan area --- 1960

- Folder 2: Calvin College Annual Student Survey --- 1972

- Folder 3: Newsletter (spring 1975) --- 1974 February, 1975

- Folder 4: Calvin Alumni Survey (spring) --- 1984

- Folder 5: Calvin Alumni Survey: Open-Ended Responses and Comments (spring) --- 1984

- Folder 6: Organizational Policy Manual --- 1983 May

- Folder 7: Survey of Christian Reformed Church Councils/Consistories and Classes Regarding Women in Office --- 1999 July

- Folder 8: Publications --- 1996 March

- Folder 9: Content Analysis of Church Publications --- 1970 October

- Folder 10: Inventory of Race-Related Pronouncements and Programs --- 1971 July

- Folder 11: Attitude Survey of Christian Reformed Church Minority Group Members --- 1972 December

- Folder 12: Inventory of Personnel Practices --- 1972 February

- Folder 13: Inventory of Institutional Admissions Practices --- 1972 July

- Folder 14: Evaluation of the Wealthy-Ethel-Franklin-Fuller Neighborhood Steward Program --- 1972 March

- Folder 15: The Christian Reformed Mission to Reservation and Urban Indians --- 1975 August

- Part I: The Christian Reofrmed Church on the Reservation
- Folder 16: The Christian Reformed Mission to Reservation and Urban Indians --- 1977 October

- Part II: The Christian Reformed Church in the City
- Box 482

- Folder 1: Perceptions of Grand Rapids Area Social Work Agency --- 1976 January

- Folder 2: Understanding Your Changing World: A Manual for Grand Rapids Senior Citizens --- undated

- Folder 3: Technical Report #1: Christian Reformed Congregation with Minority Group Members or attenders --- 1973 March

- Folder 4: Calvin College Student Religious Survey --- 1975

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids Women’s Resource Center: A Survey of Clients --- 1976 February

- Folder 6: A Study of Attitudes within the Criminal Justice System --- undated

- Folder 7: Home Financing and House Prices --- 1980 July

- Folder 8: Christian Reformed Charity: A Study of Behavior and Attitudes --- 1979, February

- Folder 9: A Report of the Questionnaire Study of Mayfair Christian Reformed Church --- 1978 December

- Folder 10: Grand Rapids Real Estate Board’s Equal Opportunity Project: Summary Report of Test Results --- 1983 April

- Folder 11: Classical Study of the Need for additional Christian Counseling in the Kalamazoo Area --- 1980 July

- Folder 12: Community Survey on Perceptions of Pine Rest --- 1981 January

- Folder 13: The Role of Local Colleges in Training Correctional Officers, by Theodore A. Rottman, Henry Holstege and Anne Schreuder --- 1978

- Folder 14: Survey of Non-Faculty Calvin College Employees, including Summary Findings --- 1988

- Folder 15: An Overview of Social Research Center Projects and Publications --- 1970-1980

- List of Organizations which have Utilized the Center from 1969-1979
- Folder 16: The Grand/Kent Community Reconciliation Center Project --- 1987

- Folder 17: Project Impact: A Cost-Effective Community-Based Approach to Criminal Justice --- undated

- Box 483

- Folder 1: Survey of Calvin Students from other than Christian Reformed Backgrounds --- 1980 April

- Folder 2: United Way’s Allocations and Review Process: An Evaluation by Panel Members and Agency Representatives --- 1980 December

- Folder 3

- Item 1: A Study of Non-Returning Calvin Students --- 1981 September

- Item 2: Non-Returning Calvin Students from 1988-89: a Telephone Survey --- 1990

- Folder 4: A Study of the Continuing Education Needs of Local Calvin Alumni --- 1982 September

- Folder 5: Grand Rapids Real Estate Board’s Equal Opportunity Project: Summary Report of Test Results --- 1983 April

- Folder 6: Calvin College Teacher Education: A Survey of 1982-83 Graduating Seniors --- 1983 September

- Folder 7: Race and Residence in Kent and Ottawa Counties: A Comparison of 1970 and 1980 Census Data --- 1983 April

- Folder 8: Calvin College Teacher Education: A Survey of 1981-82 Graduates and their Principals --- 1984 March

- Folder 9

- Item 1: 4-1-4 Questionnaire for Faculty: Office of the Provost Calvin College --- 1986 March

- Item 2: 4-1-4 Questionnaire to Current Students --- 1986 April

- Folder 10: A Reader Evaluation of the Mission Courier --- 1986 August

- Folder 11: Summary Report: 1987 Survey of Christian Reformed Church Members --- 1987

- Folder 12: The Creation Issue: A Survey of Calvin Donors and Parents of High School Seniors who have expressed Interest in Calvin --- 1988

- Folder 13: A Survey of Graduates of Calvin’s Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) Program --- 1990

- Box 484

- Folder 1: A Survey of Members of the Christian Reformed Church for the Inter-Agency Advisory Council --- 1987 August

- Folder 2: A Study of Pastor-Church Relations in Christian Reformed Congregations --- 1987 November

- Folder 3: A Survey of Graduates of Calvin’s Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) Program --- 1990 February

- Folder 4: Survey of Young Adults --- 1990 January

- Folder 5: Toward More Effective Ministry: A Survey of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1992 December

- Folder 6: A Survey of Abuse in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1991-1992 November

- Folder 7: A Survey of Abuse in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1991-1992 November

- Folder 8: Client Follow-up Survey for Vision Enrichment Services --- 1990 February

- Folder 9: A Follow-up of 1989-90 Calvin Graduates --- 1991 February

- Folder 10: A Study of Abuse, Religion and Church (winter) --- 1994

- Box 485

- Folder 1: A Survey of 1991-92 Calvin Graduates (fall) --- 1992

- Folder 2: 1993 Survey of Adoptive Parents (winter) --- 1993

- Folder 3: Follow-up of 1992-93 Calvin Graduates (fall) --- 1993

- Folder 4: Bethany Christian Reformed Church Membership Survey --- 1993 October

- Folder 5: Alcohol and Drug Use and Sexuality: A Survey of South Christian High School Students (spring) --- 1994

- Folder 6: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1993-94 Calvin Graduates --- 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Student Questionnaire on Academic Dishonesty (spring) --- 1995

- Folder 8: Student Needs Survey for Broene Counseling Center (fall) --- 1995

- Folder 9: Christian Schools International Member Survey (spring) --- 1996

- Folder 10: Giving Levels and Giving-Related Attitudes and Patterns in the Christian Reformed Church (spring) --- 1997

- Box 959

- Folder 1: An Analysis of 1990-91 Calvin First-Time Freshmen --- 1990-1991

- Folder 2: College Choice Survey: FTIACs (fall) --- 1996

- Folder 3: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1995-96 Calvin Graduates (spring) --- 1997

- Folder 4: Foundations for the Future: The 1997 Survey of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1997 December

- Folder 5: Forward in Faith: 2000 and Beyond; Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (spring) --- 1997

- Folder 6: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1996-97 Calvin Graduates --- 1998 March

- Folder 7: Selected Information from a Follow-Up Questionnaire for 1986-87 Calvin Graduates --- 1988 May

- (includes: Follow-Up Questionnaire for Recent Calvin Graduates, Feb, Fall 1988)
- Folder 8: Spanish Department Evaluation (spring) --- 1998

- Folder 9: Faculty Senate Evaluation (spring) --- 1998

- Box 967

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Content Analysis of Church Publications --- 1970 October

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Item 2: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Race-Related Pronouncements and Programs of the CRC --- 1971 July

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Item 3: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Attitudes of White CRC leaders and members --- 1974 June

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Item 4: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Attitude survey of CRC Minority Group Members --- 1972 December

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Item 5: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Personnel Practices --- 1972 February

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Item 6: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Institutional Admissions practices --- 1972 July

- Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
- Folder 2: How to begin and maintain a neighborhood organization --- 1974

- Study #42
- Folder 3: Mobilization and Institutionalization of Community Resources for Senior Citizen Consumer and Retirement Education Programs --- 1975

- Study #46
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs --- 1980

- Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
- Item 2: A Study of Attitudes within the Criminal Justice Systems --- undated

- Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
- Item 3: The Role of Local Colleges in Training Correctional Officers --- 1978 October

- Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
- Box 968

- Folder 1: Who comes to Calvin? Attenders vs. Non-Attenders --- 1981 February

- Folder 2: We missed you last month. What happened? A Study of the factors influencing attendance patterns at board of directors meetings of voluntary community service agencies --- 1980 April

- Folder 3: Interests and Directions in Aging Education --- undated

- Folder 4: In Search of the Counterstream to Suburbanization --- 1977 May

- Folder 5: A Profile of the Partial Skid Rows of Grand Rapids: Their Residents, Businesses, and Social Agencies --- undated

- Folder 6: Does anyone want to Volunteer? CRC members interest in volunteering for denominational Agencies and Programs --- undated

- Folder 7: College choice among Calvin-bound and non-bound high school seniors --- 1979 February

- Folder 8: Probationer Education Program Manual: Self-Awareness Through Values Clarification --- 1980

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Calvin College Teacher Education: An Evaluation Based on a Survey of those certified --- 1973-1978

- Item 2: Evaluation of Calvin College Teacher Education Programs by Graduates and their Principals --- 1995

- Box 969

- Folder 1: Survey on Calvin Theological Seminary Admission Requirements (spring) --- 1994

- Folder 2: Project Intercept: Community Based Alternative Educational Programs to the Traditional Criminal Justice System --- 1965

- Folder 3: Survey Analysis of the Role of Sheldon Complex. Evaluation Report no. 4, Aug 28 --- 1967

- Folder 4: Resource Manual for Race Relations in the Christian School --- undated

- Folder 5: A Study of Special Education Needs in Christian Schools --- 1976 March

- Box 970

- Folder 1: Church Attenders’ and Staff Questionnaires (Scorr) --- undated

- Study #31
- Folder 2: Prospective Teachers Survey --- undated

- Study #36
- Folder 3: Social Work Alumni --- undated

- Study #43
- Folder 4: Reformed Journal Questionnaire Evaluation --- undated

- Study #45
- Folder 5: Comparison of Mover Types. Grand Rapids/Surburb Mobility --- undated

- Study #47
- Folder 6: The CRC: What is happening to us? --- undated

- Study #53
- Folder 7: WRC: Client Evaluation Interview and Profile --- undated

- Study #62
- Folder 8: Scan Questionnaire --- undated

- Study #66
- Folder 9: Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church’s Community Needs Survey --- undated

- Study #78
- Folder 10: Scorr on the Christian Reformed Church and Changing Neighborhoods --- undated

- Study #81
- Folder 11: Disaster Relief --- undated

- Study #82
- Box 971

- Folder 1: Current and Potential Calvin Students --- undated

- Study #85
- Folder 2: A Study of Denominational Attitudes Toward Giving --- undated

- Study #86
- Folder 3: Congregational Survey of the Mayfair Christian Reformed Church --- undated

- Study #87
- Folder 4: A Study of Christian Reformed Congregations in Racially Transitional Neighborhoods --- undated

- Study #90
- Folder 5: Woodlawn, CRC --- undated

- Study #95
- Folder 6: A Survey of Marital Relationships in Four Christian Reformed Churches --- 1979

- Study #98
- Folder 7: Gerontology Program Survey Agency Form --- undated

- Study #101
- Folder 8: Mission Courier --- undated

- Study #102
- Folder 9: Code Manual Client Profile --- undated

- Study #103
- Folder 10: Retarded People in CRC --- undated

- Study #107
- Folder 11: Women as Deacons in the Christian Reformed Church --- undated

- Study #122
- Folder 12: Law Enforcement Study: A Study of Region 8 Priorities --- 1970

- Folder 13: A Self Study Report of the Social Research Center for the North Central Accreditation Study --- 1984

- Folder 14: Study 237: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Questionnaire and Survey of Calvin Students --- 1993

- Folder 15

- Item 1: Study 237: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Survey of Calvin Students --- 1993

- Item 2: Preliminary Report --- 1993

- Folder 16: Study 395: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Survey of Calvin Students --- 1999

- Folder 17: Study 237 and 395: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: Summary Results from the Student Surveys of 1999 and 1993 --- 1999, 1993

- Folder 18: History Department of Calvin College: A Survey of Graduates --- 1996

- Folder 19: 1989-90 Student Evaluation of Academic Advising at Calvin --- 1990

- Box 1183

- Folder 1: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1999-2000 Calvin Graduates --- 2000

- Folder 2: Follow-up Questionnaire for 2000-2001 Calvin Graduates --- 2001

- Folder 3: 2002 Survey of Students Living on the Calvin College Campus, Part 1: Residence Halls --- 2002

- Folder 4: 2002 Survey of Students Living on the Calvin College Campus, Part 2: Knollcrest East Apartments --- 2002

- Folder 5: Faculty Advising Evaluation Pilot Study --- 2002

- Box 1261

- Folder 1: An Appraisal of the Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing and its Graduates --- 1991

- Folder 2: Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: A Survey of One- and Five-Year Graduates and their Supervisors --- 1992

- Folder 3: Evaluation of Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: by Graduates and their Supervisors --- 1993

- Folder 4: Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: Graduate Survey --- 1995

- Folder 5: Survey of 1995 Nursing Graduates --- 1996

- Folder 6

- Item 1: Calvin College-Grand Rapids Community College Consortium on Aging --- 1997-1999

- Item 2: Proposed Agreement --- 1997-1999

- Item 3: History --- 1997-1999

- Item 4: Report --- 1997-1999

- Item 5: Correspondence --- 1997-1999

- Folder 7: Study 362: CRC Source Survey --- 1997

- Folder 8: Study 429: GRCSA Extended Year Survey --- 2000-2001

- Folder 9: Pre-Architecture Program of Calvin College: Graduate Survey --- 1997

- Folder 10: Calvin College Student Survey on Sexuality (Spring) --- 2003

- Folder 11: Gender and Professors in the Calvin College, Life Path Survey (Fall) --- 2004

- Folder 12: Preaching Survey --- 2004

- Box 1789

- Folder 1: 2002mn Survey of Mewsmbers of the Christian Reformed Church in North America --- 2002

- Folder 2: Spiritual and Social Trends and Patterns in the Christian Reformed Church in North America --- 2009

Browse by Box:
Box 340],
Box 966],
Box 976],
Box 481],
Box 482],
Box 483],
Box 484],
Box 485],
Box 959],
Box 967],
Box 968],
Box 969],
Box 970],
Box 971],
Box 1183],
Box 1261],
Box 1789],