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Center for Social Research


Detailed Description

Box 340

Box 966

Box 976

Box 481

Box 482

Box 483

Box 484

Box 485

Box 959

Box 967

Box 968

Box 969

Box 970

Box 971

Box 1183

Box 1261

Box 1789

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Collection Overview

Title: Center for Social Research

ID: CU/C13/C13.11

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 340],
[Box 966],
[Box 976],
[Box 481],
[Box 482],
[Box 483],
[Box 484],
[Box 485],
[Box 959],
[Box 967],
[Box 968],
[Box 969],
[Box 970],
[Box 971],
[Box 1183],
[Box 1261],
[Box 1789],

Box 340
Folder 1: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1967-1974
Folder 2: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1977-1980
Folder 3: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1981-1985
Folder 4: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1986-1990
Folder 5: Director’s Annual Reports --- 1991-2000
Folder 6: Governing Board Committee Minutes --- 1982-1988
Folder 7: Governing Board Committee Minutes --- 1989-2021
Folder 8: Agendas of Director’s Monthly Report to the Governing Board --- 1989-1999 October
Folder 9: Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of the SRC (now CSR): Mandate and Report --- 1980-1982
Folder 10: Constitution --- undated
Folder 11: Annual report to faculty senate --- 2009-2010
Box 966
Folder 1: Tentative Proposal and Proposal for the Establishment of a Center for Social Research --- 1967, 1970
Folder 2: Documents re. History, Framework, Structure and Future of the SRC --- 1970-1982
(some documents not dated)
Folder 3: 20th Anniversary --- 1990
Folder 4: Proposal to Expand the Calvin College Social Research Center --- 1992-1993
Folder 5: Mission Statement --- 1991, 2001
Folder 6: Director Search --- 1988
Folder 7: Director Search --- 1999-2003
Folder 8: Evaluation by Consultants, Includes Center for Social Research External Review and Proposal for Future Development --- 1999-2000 November
Folder 9: Plan for SRC for 2000 and Beyond --- 1999
Folder 10: Short and Long-Term Planning --- 2001
Folder 11: Speeches given By Anne Schreuder, Director of SRC --- 1981
(some documents not dated)
Folder 12: Manual of Office Procedures --- 1982
Folder 13: The Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus and the Comprehensive Plan: A Questionnaire for Calvin Students --- 1989-1992
Folder 14: The Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus and the Comprehensive Plan: A Survey of Calvin Faculty --- 1990
Folder 15: Budgeting Policy for SRC and Institutional Research --- 1992-1997
Folder 16: Budget --- 1988-2001
Folder 17: Budget --- 1988-2001
Folder 18: Institutional Research Budget --- 1991-1996
Folder 19: Deur Fund & Seperating CSR-Soc/Social Work Budgets --- 2003
Folder 20: CSR Budget --- 2004
Folder 21: Concept Proposal for an Adopt-A-School Program with Grand Rapids Public Schools --- 1989
Folder 22: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus --- 1999
Folder 23: Client Evaluation of the SRC Services --- 1991
Folder 24: Communications --- 1986-1992
Including "Social Research Center" brochure
Box 976
Folder 1: Financial Statements --- 1982-1997
Folder 2: Record of Expenditures of Studies 99, 143-255 --- 1983-1991
Folder 3: Project Expense Record of Studies 99-430 --- 1982-2000
Folder 4: Report on Space Use for "Main Street" Remodeling Project --- 1999
Folder 5: Rationale for SRC’s Use of (Room) SCC 206 --- 1998
Folder 6
Item 1: Use of Student Assistants --- undated
Item 2: Job Description --- 1989-1996
Folder 7: Student Assistant Meetings --- 1995-1996
Folder 8: Student Assistant Evaluation Form --- undated
Folder 9: Student Handbook --- 1997
Folder 10: New SRC Brochure --- undated
Folder 11: Administrative Overhead --- 1983
Folder 12: Use of Denominational Research Data --- 1993
Folder 13: Synodical Mailing File Access Policy --- 1997
Folder 14: Job Description of Director, Assistant Director Handbook --- 1998
Folder 16: Computer Equipment Requests --- 1990-1997
Folder 17: Computer Lab --- 1997
Folder 18: Back up Documents --- 1975-2001, 2009
Folder 19: Back up Documents --- 1975-2001, 2009
Folder 20
Item 1: Back up Documents: Director’s Reports --- 2002-2003
Item 2: Research Assistant Reports --- 2002-2003
Item 3: Monthly Project Status --- 2002-2003
Item 4: Applied and Community-Based Research Progress Reports --- 2002-2003
Item 5: Small Grants Applications --- 2002-2003
Item 6: Miscellaneous --- 2002-2003
Folder 21: Calvin College Center for Social Research Strategic Plan --- 2003-2007
Folder 22: 2004 CSR Tactical Plan --- January 12, 2004
Box 481
Folder 1: Crime Report of Grand Rapids Metropolitan area --- 1960
Folder 2: Calvin College Annual Student Survey --- 1972
Folder 3: Newsletter (spring 1975) --- 1974 February, 1975
Folder 4: Calvin Alumni Survey (spring) --- 1984
Folder 5: Calvin Alumni Survey: Open-Ended Responses and Comments (spring) --- 1984
Folder 6: Organizational Policy Manual --- 1983 May
Folder 7: Survey of Christian Reformed Church Councils/Consistories and Classes Regarding Women in Office --- 1999 July
Folder 8: Publications --- 1996 March
Folder 9: Content Analysis of Church Publications --- 1970 October
Folder 10: Inventory of Race-Related Pronouncements and Programs --- 1971 July
Folder 11: Attitude Survey of Christian Reformed Church Minority Group Members --- 1972 December
Folder 12: Inventory of Personnel Practices --- 1972 February
Folder 13: Inventory of Institutional Admissions Practices --- 1972 July
Folder 14: Evaluation of the Wealthy-Ethel-Franklin-Fuller Neighborhood Steward Program --- 1972 March
Folder 15: The Christian Reformed Mission to Reservation and Urban Indians --- 1975 August
Part I: The Christian Reofrmed Church on the Reservation
Folder 16: The Christian Reformed Mission to Reservation and Urban Indians --- 1977 October
Part II: The Christian Reformed Church in the City
Box 482
Folder 1: Perceptions of Grand Rapids Area Social Work Agency --- 1976 January
Folder 2: Understanding Your Changing World: A Manual for Grand Rapids Senior Citizens --- undated
Folder 3: Technical Report #1: Christian Reformed Congregation with Minority Group Members or attenders --- 1973 March
Folder 4: Calvin College Student Religious Survey --- 1975
Folder 5: Grand Rapids Women’s Resource Center: A Survey of Clients --- 1976 February
Folder 6: A Study of Attitudes within the Criminal Justice System --- undated
Folder 7: Home Financing and House Prices --- 1980 July
Folder 8: Christian Reformed Charity: A Study of Behavior and Attitudes --- 1979, February
Folder 9: A Report of the Questionnaire Study of Mayfair Christian Reformed Church --- 1978 December
Folder 10: Grand Rapids Real Estate Board’s Equal Opportunity Project: Summary Report of Test Results --- 1983  April
Folder 11: Classical Study of the Need for additional Christian Counseling in the Kalamazoo Area --- 1980 July
Folder 12: Community Survey on Perceptions of Pine Rest --- 1981 January
Folder 13: The Role of Local Colleges in Training Correctional Officers, by Theodore A. Rottman, Henry Holstege and Anne Schreuder --- 1978
Folder 14: Survey of Non-Faculty Calvin College Employees, including Summary Findings --- 1988
Folder 15: An Overview of Social Research Center Projects and Publications --- 1970-1980
List of Organizations which have Utilized the Center from 1969-1979
Folder 16: The Grand/Kent Community Reconciliation Center Project --- 1987
Folder 17: Project Impact: A Cost-Effective Community-Based Approach to Criminal Justice --- undated
Box 483
Folder 1: Survey of Calvin Students from other than Christian Reformed Backgrounds --- 1980 April
Folder 2: United Way’s Allocations and Review Process: An Evaluation by Panel Members and Agency Representatives --- 1980 December
Folder 3
Item 1: A Study of Non-Returning Calvin Students --- 1981 September
Item 2: Non-Returning Calvin Students from 1988-89: a Telephone Survey --- 1990
Folder 4: A Study of the Continuing Education Needs of Local Calvin Alumni --- 1982 September
Folder 5: Grand Rapids Real Estate Board’s Equal Opportunity Project: Summary Report of Test Results --- 1983 April
Folder 6: Calvin College Teacher Education: A Survey of 1982-83 Graduating Seniors --- 1983 September
Folder 7: Race and Residence in Kent and Ottawa Counties: A Comparison of 1970 and 1980 Census Data --- 1983 April
Folder 8: Calvin College Teacher Education: A Survey of 1981-82 Graduates and their Principals --- 1984 March
Folder 9
Item 1: 4-1-4 Questionnaire for Faculty: Office of the Provost Calvin College --- 1986 March
Item 2: 4-1-4 Questionnaire to Current Students --- 1986 April
Folder 10: A Reader Evaluation of the Mission Courier --- 1986 August
Folder 11: Summary Report: 1987 Survey of Christian Reformed Church Members --- 1987
Folder 12: The Creation Issue: A Survey of Calvin Donors and Parents of High School Seniors who have expressed Interest in Calvin --- 1988
Folder 13: A Survey of Graduates of Calvin’s Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) Program --- 1990
Box 484
Folder 1: A Survey of Members of the Christian Reformed Church for the Inter-Agency Advisory Council --- 1987 August
Folder 2: A Study of Pastor-Church Relations in Christian Reformed Congregations --- 1987 November
Folder 3: A Survey of Graduates of Calvin’s Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) Program --- 1990 February
Folder 4: Survey of Young Adults --- 1990 January
Folder 5: Toward More Effective Ministry: A Survey of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1992 December
Folder 6: A Survey of Abuse in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1991-1992 November
Folder 7: A Survey of Abuse in the Christian Reformed Church --- 1991-1992 November
Folder 8: Client Follow-up Survey for Vision Enrichment Services --- 1990 February
Folder 9: A Follow-up of 1989-90 Calvin Graduates --- 1991 February
Folder 10: A Study of Abuse, Religion and Church (winter) --- 1994
Box 485
Folder 1: A Survey of 1991-92 Calvin Graduates (fall) --- 1992
Folder 2: 1993 Survey of Adoptive Parents (winter) --- 1993
Folder 3: Follow-up of 1992-93 Calvin Graduates (fall) --- 1993
Folder 4: Bethany Christian Reformed Church Membership Survey --- 1993 October
Folder 5: Alcohol and Drug Use and Sexuality: A Survey of South Christian High School Students (spring) --- 1994
Folder 6: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1993-94 Calvin Graduates --- 1993-1994
Folder 7: Student Questionnaire on Academic Dishonesty (spring) --- 1995
Folder 8: Student Needs Survey for Broene Counseling Center (fall) --- 1995
Folder 9: Christian Schools International Member Survey (spring) --- 1996
Folder 10: Giving Levels and Giving-Related Attitudes and Patterns in the Christian Reformed Church (spring) --- 1997
Box 959
Folder 1: An Analysis of 1990-91 Calvin First-Time Freshmen --- 1990-1991
Folder 2: College Choice Survey: FTIACs (fall) --- 1996
Folder 3: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1995-96 Calvin Graduates (spring) --- 1997
Folder 4: Foundations for the Future: The 1997 Survey of the Christian Reformed Church --- 1997 December
Folder 5: Forward in Faith: 2000 and Beyond; Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (spring) --- 1997
Folder 6: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1996-97 Calvin Graduates --- 1998 March
Folder 7: Selected Information from a Follow-Up Questionnaire for 1986-87 Calvin Graduates --- 1988 May
(includes: Follow-Up Questionnaire for Recent Calvin Graduates, Feb, Fall 1988)
Folder 8: Spanish Department Evaluation (spring) --- 1998
Folder 9: Faculty Senate Evaluation (spring) --- 1998
Box 967
Folder 1
Item 1: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Content Analysis of Church Publications --- 1970 October
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Item 2: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Race-Related Pronouncements and Programs of the CRC --- 1971 July
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Item 3: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Attitudes of White CRC leaders and members --- 1974 June
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Item 4: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Attitude survey of CRC Minority Group Members --- 1972 December
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Item 5: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Personnel Practices --- 1972 February
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Item 6: Racism in the Christian Reformed Church: Inventory of Institutional Admissions practices --- 1972 July
Bound within "Racism in the Christian Reformed Church," Study #20
Folder 2: How to begin and maintain a neighborhood organization --- 1974
Study #42
Folder 3: Mobilization and Institutionalization of Community Resources for Senior Citizen Consumer and Retirement Education Programs --- 1975
Study #46
Folder 4
Item 1: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs --- 1980
Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
Item 2: A Study of Attitudes within the Criminal Justice Systems --- undated
Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
Item 3: The Role of Local Colleges in Training Correctional Officers --- 1978 October
Bound within "Project Impact: Influencing the Criminal Justice System Through Educational Programs, Project Materials, Volume 1"
Box 968
Folder 1: Who comes to Calvin? Attenders vs. Non-Attenders --- 1981 February
Folder 2: We missed you last month. What happened? A Study of the factors influencing attendance patterns at board of directors meetings of voluntary community service agencies --- 1980 April
Folder 3: Interests and Directions in Aging Education --- undated
Folder 4: In Search of the Counterstream to Suburbanization --- 1977 May
Folder 5: A Profile of the Partial Skid Rows of Grand Rapids: Their Residents, Businesses, and Social Agencies --- undated
Folder 6: Does anyone want to Volunteer? CRC members interest in volunteering for denominational Agencies and Programs --- undated
Folder 7: College choice among Calvin-bound and non-bound high school seniors --- 1979 February
Folder 8: Probationer Education Program Manual: Self-Awareness Through Values Clarification --- 1980
Folder 9
Item 1: Calvin College Teacher Education: An Evaluation Based on a Survey of those certified --- 1973-1978
Item 2: Evaluation of Calvin College Teacher Education Programs by Graduates and their Principals --- 1995
Box 969
Folder 1: Survey on Calvin Theological Seminary Admission Requirements (spring) --- 1994
Folder 2: Project Intercept: Community Based Alternative Educational Programs to the Traditional Criminal Justice System --- 1965
Folder 3: Survey Analysis of the Role of Sheldon Complex. Evaluation Report no. 4, Aug 28 --- 1967
Folder 4: Resource Manual for Race Relations in the Christian School --- undated
Folder 5: A Study of Special Education Needs in Christian Schools --- 1976 March
Box 970
Folder 1: Church Attenders’ and Staff Questionnaires (Scorr) --- undated
Study #31
Folder 2: Prospective Teachers Survey --- undated
Study #36
Folder 3: Social Work Alumni --- undated
Study #43
Folder 4: Reformed Journal Questionnaire Evaluation --- undated
Study #45
Folder 5: Comparison of Mover Types. Grand Rapids/Surburb Mobility --- undated
Study #47
Folder 6: The CRC: What is happening to us? --- undated
Study #53
Folder 7: WRC: Client Evaluation Interview and Profile --- undated
Study #62
Folder 8: Scan Questionnaire --- undated
Study #66
Folder 9: Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church’s Community Needs Survey --- undated
Study #78
Folder 10: Scorr on the Christian Reformed Church and Changing Neighborhoods --- undated
Study #81
Folder 11: Disaster Relief --- undated
Study #82
Box 971
Folder 1: Current and Potential Calvin Students --- undated
Study #85
Folder 2: A Study of Denominational Attitudes Toward Giving --- undated
Study #86
Folder 3: Congregational Survey of the Mayfair Christian Reformed Church --- undated
Study #87
Folder 4: A Study of Christian Reformed Congregations in Racially Transitional Neighborhoods --- undated
Study #90
Folder 5: Woodlawn, CRC --- undated
Study #95
Folder 6: A Survey of Marital Relationships in Four Christian Reformed Churches --- 1979
Study #98
Folder 7: Gerontology Program Survey Agency Form --- undated
Study #101
Folder 8: Mission Courier --- undated
Study #102
Folder 9: Code Manual Client Profile --- undated
Study #103
Folder 10: Retarded People in CRC --- undated
Study #107
Folder 11: Women as Deacons in the Christian Reformed Church --- undated
Study #122
Folder 12: Law Enforcement Study: A Study of Region 8 Priorities --- 1970
Folder 13: A Self Study Report of the Social Research Center for the North Central Accreditation Study --- 1984
Folder 14: Study 237: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Questionnaire and Survey of Calvin Students --- 1993
Folder 15
Item 1: Study 237: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Survey of Calvin Students --- 1993
Item 2: Preliminary Report --- 1993
Folder 16: Study 395: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: A Survey of Calvin Students --- 1999
Folder 17: Study 237 and 395: Multicultural Climate of Calvin’s Campus: Summary Results from the Student Surveys of 1999 and 1993 --- 1999, 1993
Folder 18: History Department of Calvin College: A Survey of Graduates --- 1996
Folder 19: 1989-90 Student Evaluation of Academic Advising at Calvin --- 1990
Box 1183
Folder 1: Follow-up Questionnaire for 1999-2000 Calvin Graduates --- 2000
Folder 2: Follow-up Questionnaire for 2000-2001 Calvin Graduates --- 2001
Folder 3: 2002 Survey of Students Living on the Calvin College Campus, Part 1: Residence Halls --- 2002
Folder 4: 2002 Survey of Students Living on the Calvin College Campus, Part 2: Knollcrest East Apartments --- 2002
Folder 5: Faculty Advising Evaluation Pilot Study --- 2002
Box 1261
Folder 1: An Appraisal of the Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing and its Graduates --- 1991
Folder 2: Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: A Survey of One- and Five-Year Graduates and their Supervisors --- 1992
Folder 3: Evaluation of Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: by Graduates and their Supervisors --- 1993
Folder 4: Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing: Graduate Survey --- 1995
Folder 5: Survey of 1995 Nursing Graduates --- 1996
Folder 6
Item 1: Calvin College-Grand Rapids Community College Consortium on Aging --- 1997-1999
Item 2: Proposed Agreement --- 1997-1999
Item 3: History --- 1997-1999
Item 4: Report --- 1997-1999
Item 5: Correspondence --- 1997-1999
Folder 7: Study 362: CRC Source Survey --- 1997
Folder 8: Study 429: GRCSA Extended Year Survey --- 2000-2001
Folder 9: Pre-Architecture Program of Calvin College: Graduate Survey --- 1997
Folder 10: Calvin College Student Survey on Sexuality (Spring) --- 2003
Folder 11: Gender and Professors in the Calvin College, Life Path Survey (Fall) --- 2004
Folder 12: Preaching Survey --- 2004
Box 1789
Folder 1: 2002mn Survey of Mewsmbers of the Christian Reformed Church in North America --- 2002
Folder 2: Spiritual and Social Trends and Patterns in the Christian Reformed Church in North America --- 2009

Browse by Box:

[Box 340],
[Box 966],
[Box 976],
[Box 481],
[Box 482],
[Box 483],
[Box 484],
[Box 485],
[Box 959],
[Box 967],
[Box 968],
[Box 969],
[Box 970],
[Box 971],
[Box 1183],
[Box 1261],
[Box 1789],

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