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Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity


Detailed Description

Box 1607

Box 1608

Box 1609

Box 1610

Box 1611

Box 1612

Box 1613

Box 1614

Box 1615

Box 1616

Box 1617

Box 1618

Box 1619

Box 1620

Box 1621

Box 1622

Box 1862

Box 1863

Box 1864

Box 1865

Box 1866

Box 1868

Box 1869

Box 1870

Box 1871

Box 1872

Box 1873

Box 1895

Box 1896

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Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity

ID: CU/C13/C13.64

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 1607],
[Box 1608],
[Box 1609],
[Box 1610],
[Box 1611],
[Box 1612],
[Box 1613],
[Box 1614],
[Box 1615],
[Box 1616],
[Box 1617],
[Box 1618],
[Box 1619],
[Box 1620],
[Box 1621],
[Box 1622],
[Box 1862],
[Box 1863],
[Box 1864],
[Box 1865],
[Box 1866],
[Box 1868],
[Box 1869],
[Box 1870],
[Box 1871],
[Box 1872],
[Box 1873],
[Box 1895],
[Box 1896],

Box 1607
Folder 1: Minutes --- 2006 November 1-2019 May 16
Folder 2
Item 1: Dedication Ceremony --- 2006 May 16
Item 2: Bylaws --- 2006
Folder 3
Item 1: Director’s Report to the Governing Board --- 2008 October
Item 2: Back up Documents --- 2008 October
Folder 4: Proposal to Planning and Priorities Committee to Form a Task Force to Develop a Plan for the Institute made by Joel Carpenter (with his notes) --- 2004 October
Folder 5: Minutes of the Ad Hoc Planning Committee for an Institute for the Study of World Christianity, including Reading Materials --- 2004 October-2005 March
Folder 6: Early Draft Proposals for the Institute --- 2005
Folder 7: Report and Proposal to PPC from the Task Force on an Institute for the Study of World Christianity --- 2005 March
Folder 8: Annual report to faculty senate --- 2010
Folder 9: American Historical Association Conference, Presentation (Joel Carpenter) --- 2006
Folder 10: Apologetics workshop proposal --- 2001
Folder 11: Biology and Purpose: Altruism, Morality, and Human Nature Seminar --- 1998-2003
Folder 12: Budgets; Governing Board --- 2007-2009
Folder 13: Christianity and Democracy Seminar, South Africa --- 2009
Folder 14: Christianity and the Visual Arts in Indonesia --- 2008
Folder 15: Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) --- 2003-2007
Folder 16: Cross-cultural engagement implementation proposal --- 2001
Box 1608
Folder 1: CRC: Sesquicentennial Celebration --- 2007
Folder 2: Cushwa Seminars on American Religion --- 1996-2004
Folder 3: Dr. Solomon Nkesiga Lecture --- 2006
Folder 4: Ethiopian Leadership Conference --- 2005-2006
Folder 5: Evangelicals for Social Actions (ESA) 30th Anniversary Conference (Joel Carpenter) --- 2003
Folder 6: Freeing Religion Resource Book --- 1998
Folder 7: Governing Board --- 2006-2007
agendas, reports, minutes, members, communications, etc.
Folder 8: Hispanic Theological Initiative --- 1998-1999
Folder 9: IAPCHE: International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education --- 2006-2007
Box 1609
Folder 1: ISAE: Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals - consultation (1) --- 1998
Folder 2: ISAE: Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals - consultation (2) --- 1998
Folder 3: ISAE: Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals - communications --- 1995-1998
Folder 4
Item 1: Joel Carpenter: articles & essays --- 1999-2006
Item 2: Joel Carpenter: Chapel talk --- 1999-2006
Item 3: Joel Carpenter: Church history articles --- 1999-2006
Folder 5
Item 1: Joel Carpenter: correspondence with Mark Noll --- 1996-2005
Item 2: Joel Carpenter: Misc. documents --- 1996-2005
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: notes to faculty --- 1993-2006
Folder 7: Joel Carpenter: reviews and responses to essays and books --- 1998-2005
Box 1610
Folder 1: Nagel Institute "To Do" lists --- 2007-2009
Folder 2: Nature in Belief --- 2004
Folder 3: Primal Religions as the Substructure of Christianity: Project --- 2007-2009
Folder 4: Science, Philosophy, and Belief: A Program for Chinese Scholars --- 1999-2010
Folder 5: Seminar on Naturalism, Science, and Religion - Fudan University --- 2007
Folder 6: Startup year, bylaws --- 2005-2006
Folder 7: Templeton Grant: Advancing Scholarship on Science and Religion in Chinese Philosophy/Religion Studies --- 2006-2009
Folder 8: Toward a New Christianity Film info/communications --- 2006-2007
Folder 9: Visiting speakers/lectures --- 2006-2007
Folder 10: 2004 CSBV/CIRP report, survey on student beliefs --- 2004-2005
Box 1611
Folder 1: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 1995-1996
Folder 2: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 1997-1998
Folder 3: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 1999-2000
Folder 4: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2001
Folder 5: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2002
Folder 6: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2003
Folder 7: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2004
Folder 8: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2005
Box 1612
Folder 1: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2005
Folder 2: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2006
Folder 3: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2007
Folder 4: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2008
Folder 5: Nagel Institute for the Study of World Christianity, Back up documents --- 2009-2010
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "A" --- 1996-2004
Folder 7: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "B" --- 1996-2004
Folder 8: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "C" --- 1996-2004
Box 1613
Folder 1: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "D" & "E" --- 1996-2004
Folder 2: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "F" --- 1996-2004
Folder 3: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "G" --- 1996-2004
Folder 4: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "H" --- 1996-2004
Folder 5: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "I" and "J" --- 1996-2004
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "K" --- 1996-2004
Folder 7: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "L" --- 1996-2004
Box 1614
Folder 1: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "M" --- 1996-2004
Folder 2: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "N" --- 1996-2004
Folder 3: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "O" and "P" --- 1996-2004
Folder 4: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "R" --- 1996-2004
Folder 5: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "S" --- 1996-2004
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "T" - "V" --- 1996-2004
Folder 7: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "W" --- 1996-2004
Folder 8: Joel Carpenter: correspondence "X" - "Z" --- 1996-2004
Box 1615
Folder 1: Joel Carpenter, speech: "21st Century Christianity" --- 1999
Folder 2: Abounding in Knowledge and Depth of Insight --- 2005
Folder 3: Agents of the Great Commission --- 2000-2002
Folder 4: "Building Bridges, Not Walls" --- 2001
Folder 5: "The Christian Scholar in an Age of Global Christianity" --- 2004
Folder 6: "Christian Scholarship as a Worldwide Project" --- 2002
Folder 7: "Fellowship of Kindred Minds" --- 2001
Folder 8
Item 1: "Governance at Calvin" --- 1997
Item 2: "A Great Christian University" --- 1998
Folder 9: January Series: "Hope for Africa" --- 1998-2004
Folder 10: ESA speech and research, "How Much Has Changed?" --- 2003
Folder 11: Kiwanis Lecture + certificate --- 2001
Folder 12: "The Language and Literature of the Babylonians" --- 2002
Folder 13: "Making a career that makes a difference" --- 2000
Folder 14: "The Mission of Christian Scholarship in the New Millennium" --- 2000
Folder 15: "New Evangelical Universities" --- 2001
Folder 16
Item 1: "The Perils of Prosperity…" --- 2000
Item 2: Synopis of "The Perils of Prosperity" --- undated
Folder 17: Resource Guide to Speakers and Programs --- 1995-1996
Folder 18: Response to Harry Fernhout’s Through the Needle’s Eye --- 2000
Folder 19: Response to Michael Hamilton’s "Elusive Idea of Christian Scholarship" --- 2001
Folder 20: Strengthening Christian Scholarship --- 1997
Folder 21: Speech and book chapter: "Sustaining Christian Intellectual Commitments" --- 1997-1999
Folder 22: "Unbelief in late 19th century America" --- undated
Box 1616
Folder 1: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Books --- 2003-2004
Folder 2: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Lilly Endowment --- 2001-2002
Folder 3: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Henry Luce Foundation --- 1999-2003
Folder 4: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Post Seminar --- 2004
Folder 5: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Pew Foundation --- 1999-2003
Folder 6: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Fieldstead --- 1998-2002
Folder 7: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- 1998
Folder 8: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- 1999-2002
Folder 9: Nagal Institute, Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- 2003-2004
Box 1617
Folder 1: Seminars in Christian Scholarship: Transition and New Mandate --- 2003
Folder 2: Seminar Handbook --- 2004
Folder 3: Annual and Director’s Reports --- 2004-2005
Folder 4: Plans/budgets --- 2006-2007
Folder 5: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 1997
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 1998
Folder 7: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 1998
Box 1618
Folder 1: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 1999
Folder 2: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2000
Folder 3: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2000
Folder 4: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2001
Folder 5: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2001
Folder 6: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2001
Box 1619
Folder 1: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2002
Folder 2: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2003-2004
Folder 3: Joel Carpenter: Trips & Conferences --- 2005
Folder 4
Item 1: Joel Carpenter, Percy Crawford book, "A Thirst for Souls…" proposal --- 2006
Item 2: Joel Carpenter, Percy Crawford book, "A Thirst for Souls…" excerpts --- 2006
Folder 5: Statements of Release/copyright, Joel Carpenter books --- 1997-2005
Folder 6: Piece: "The Fundamentalist Initiatve in the National Assocation of Evangelicals" --- circa 1980s
Box 1620
Folder 1: Book: Revive Us Again --- undated
Folder 2: Publication process --- 1996-1999
Folder 3: galleys/proofs --- 1997
Folder 4: Index (edited) --- 1997
Folder 5: early notes/communications --- 1982-1991
Folder 6: permissions --- 1997
Folder 7: permissions --- 1997
Folder 8: book reviews --- 1997-2001
Box 1621
Folder 1: Book: Revive Us Again --- 1997-2001
Publicity communications, reception
Folder 2: Book: Revive Us Again --- 1997-2001
Publicity communications, reception
Folder 3
Item 1: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, maps --- 2004
Item 2: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, brochures --- 2004
Item 3: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, copyright --- 2004
Item 4: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, correspondence --- 2004
Folder 4: Book proof: The Changing Face of Christianity --- 2004
Folder 5: Book proof: The Changing Face of Christianity --- 2004
Folder 6: Book draft: The Changing Face of Christianity --- 2004
Folder 7
Item 1: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, Communications --- 2004
Item 2: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, Disc --- 2004
Item 3: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, Pages --- 2004
Item 4: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, Address --- 2004
Box 1622
Folder 1: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity --- 2004
Edited draft
Folder 2: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, additional edits/unused chapters --- 2004
Folder 3: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, additional edits/unused chapters --- 2004
Folder 4: Book: The Changing Face of Christianity, edited version with corrections --- 2003
Box 1862
Folder 1: Values & Virtues in Contemporary China - 2009 Proposal Request --- 2009
Folder 2: Values & Virtues in Contemporary China - 2010 Approved Proposal --- 2010
Folder 3: Values & Virtues - China Project - K. Clark Correspondence --- Clark Correspondence
Folder 4: Values & Virtues - China Project - Templeton Foundation Reports, 1-12 --- 2010-2012
Folder 5: Values & Virtues - Integrative Philosophy for Contemporary China - Templeton Grant --- Templeton Grant
Folder 6: Values & Virtues - Budget Items --- 2010-2012
Folder 7: China - Part 3 Components --- undated
Folder 8: China - Part 3 Dialogue and Budget --- 2013
Folder 9: Values & Virtues - China Project - End of Year Reports --- 2012-2013
Folder 10: Values & Virtues - Financial Status Reports --- 2009-2013
Folder 11: Values & Virtues - Sign-off --- 2013
Folder 12: Values & Virtues - University Agreements --- 2012-2013
Folder 13: Values & Virtues - University Agreements --- 2011-2012
Folder 14: Values & Virtues - University Agreements --- 2010-2011
Box 1863
Folder 1: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Hong-Hao (Univ of Indiana)
Folder 2: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Wang Shi (Notre Dame)
Folder 3: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Huang Wei (Notre Dame)
Folder 4: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Yuan Yuan (Calvin)
Folder 5: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Tian Yuxi (Baylor University)
Folder 6: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Liao Wenheng (Hope College)
Folder 7: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Wei Yi (Hope College)
Folder 8: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Sun Huijuan (Hope College)
Folder 9: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Chen Hong (Calvin)
Folder 10: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Zhang Yin (Calvin)
Folder 11: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Yan Mengyao (Baylor University)
Folder 12: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2010-2011
Quan Jin (Calvin)
Folder 13: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Liu Manzin (Notre Dame)
Folder 14: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Hu Xueyuan (Hope College)
Folder 15: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Shen Qian (Hope College)
Folder 16: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Zhong Huanlin (Hope College)
Folder 17: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Song Ziming (Calvin)
Folder 18: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Hao Chenfeng
Folder 19: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Liang Chen (Notre Dame)
Folder 20: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Chen Lu (Calvin)
Folder 21: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
An Dong (Baylor University)
Folder 22: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2011-2012
Lu Qiaoying (Calvin)
Folder 23: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2012-2013
Li Jiayu (Calvin)
Folder 24: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2012-2013
Li Lin (Calvin)
Folder 25: Values & Virtues - Visiting Chinese Students --- 2012-2013
Guo Mengdi (Calvin)
Folder 26: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Wu Tianju (Notre Dame)
Folder 27: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Ge Siyou (Calvin)
Folder 28: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Ge Siyou (Calvin)
Folder 29: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Yang Yunfei (Yale University)
Folder 30: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Cai Zhen (Baylor University)
Folder 31: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Chen Jiangjin (Notre Dame)
Folder 32: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Zhang Lifeng (Calvin)
Folder 33: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2012-2013
Jue Wang (Notre Dame)
Folder 34: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2012-2013
Ke Xiaogang (Notre Dame)
Folder 35: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2012-2013
Li Yong (Cornelle University)
Folder 36: Values & Virtues - Post Docs --- 2012-2013
Li Xi (Baylor University)
Folder 37: Values & Virtues - Visiting Students and Post Docs --- 2009-2010
Folder 38: Values & Virtues - Visiting Students and Post Docs --- 2010-2011
Folder 39: Values & Virtues - Visiting Students and Post Docs --- 2011-2012
Folder 40: Values & Virtues - Visiting Students and Post Docs --- 2012-2013
Folder 41: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Prof: Mike Beaty --- 2011
Box 1864
Folder 1: Values & Virtues - Post Doc --- 2012-2013
Xiaofel Liu (Calvin College)
Folder 2: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Jeffry Koperski
Folder 3: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Listing and correspondence
Folder 4: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Scott Davidson
Folder 5: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Ruth Groenhout
Folder 6: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Christina Van Dyke
Folder 7: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Jason Eberl
Folder 8: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Lynne Rudder-Baker
Folder 9: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Steve Wykstra
Folder 10: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Kevin Tempe
Folder 11: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2011
Tim O'Connor
Folder 12: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2011
Jay Wood
Folder 13: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2011
Steve Evans
Folder 14: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2011
Daniel Speak
Folder 15: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2012
Scott Davidson
Folder 16: Values & Virtues - Visiting US Profs --- 2010
Kelly Clark and Hans Halvorson
Folder 17: John Templeton Foundation - 25 Years Booklet --- undated
Folder 18: Values & Virtues - Competitive Project Award - Cal Zhen - ECNU --- 2010-2011
Folder 19: Values & Virtues - Competitive Project Award - Non-selected entries --- 2010-2011
Folder 20: Values & Virtues - Competitive Project Award - "What is Good Life?" - Shadong University --- 2010-2011
Folder 21: Values & Virtues - Competitive Project Award - Kretzmann Institute - Wuhan --- 2010-2011
Folder 22: Values & Virtues - Competitive Project Award - Plantinga Center - PKU --- 2011-2012
Folder 23: Book - Science and Religion: Current Dialogue
Folder 24: Book - Science and Religion: Current Debate
Box 1865
Folder 1: Values & Virtues - Grant to Melville Y. Stewart --- 2010-2011
(Book Distribution)
Folder 2: Values & Virtues - China Book Distribution Project --- 2010-2012
Folder 3: Values & Virtues - "Evolution and Ethics" Seminar (Oxford, London) --- 2010 January
Folder 4: Values & Virtues - Seminar on "The Foundations of Morality" (Athens, Greece) --- 2011 January
Folder 5: Values & Virtues - Summer Seminar at Calvin --- 2011
Folder 6: Values & Virtues - Seminar: "Creating Character"  (Rome, Italy) --- 2012 January
Folder 7: Values & Virtues - 2012 Seminar (Chicago) --- 2012
Folder 8: Values & Virtues - "Evolution and Ethics" Conference (PeKing University) --- 10-Oct
Folder 9: Values & Virtues - "Creating Character" Conference (PeKing University) --- 12-Nov
Folder 10: Values & Virtues - Science, Philosophy and Belief Conference (PeKing University) --- 2009
Folder 11: Beijing International Conference - "Creating Character" --- 2012
Folder 12: Beijing International Conference on Evolution and Ethics --- 2010
Box 1866
Folder 1: Values & Virtues - International Symposium on "The Foundations of Morality" (Wuhan University) --- 2011 October
Folder 2: Values & Virtues - Booklet: The Foundations of Morality, Symposium --- 2011 October
Folder 3: Values & Virtues - Retreat (Sarasota, FL) --- 2011 February
Folder 4: Values & Virtues - "Meiguo Metaphysical Mayhem" (Beijing, China) --- 2012 June
Folder 5: Values & Virtues - Retreat (Gulfport, MS) --- 2012 February
Folder 6: Values & Virtues - Retreat (New Orleans, LA) --- 2013 February
Folder 7: Teaching Science, Philosophy & Belief - 2011 Calvin College Reading Packet --- 2011
Folder 8: Virtues & Values - 2012 Calvin College Reading Packet --- 2012
Box 1868
Folder 1: Nagel Fellowships - Various Awards --- 2009-2011
Folder 2: Nagel Fellowships - Mack Fackler --- 2011-2012
Folder 3: Nagel Fellowships - Won Lee (Korea) --- 2011-2012
Folder 4: Nagel Fellowships - David Dornbos (Cambodia) --- 2010-2011
Folder 5: Nagel Fellowship - Mariano Avila, David Roladan, Leopoldo Cervates-Ortiz (Latin America) --- 2011-2012
Folder 6: Nagel Fellowship - Pearl Shangkuan, Mollie Stone, Johann Buis (South Africa) --- 2011-2012
Folder 7: Nagel Fellowship - Tracy Kuperus, Amy Patterson (Africa) --- 2012-2013
Folder 8: Nagel Fellowship - James Smith (South America) --- 2013-2014
Folder 9: Nagel Fellowship - David Hoekema, Margaret Ntaraangwi (Uganda) --- 2013-2014
Folder 10: Nagel Fellowship - Marj Smith (Zambia) --- 2014-2015
Folder 11: Children of Abraham - Templeton Grant Acceptance Agreement --- 2011 January
Folder 12: Children of Abraham: Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict  (Georgetown Conference) --- 2011 September
Folder 13: Children of Abraham: Christian-Muslim-Jewish Defenses of Religious Liberty and Tolerance --- 2011-2012
Templeton Grant Proposal ID: 20366 Approval
Folder 14
Item 1: Book - Abraham’s Children: Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict, Publishing Agreements --- 2010 March
edited by Kelly Clark
Item 2: Book - Abraham’s Children: Liberty and Tolerance in an Age of Religious Conflict, Related Documents --- 2010-2011
Folder 15: Children of Abraham - Templeton Grant Progress Reports --- 2011-2012
Folder 16: Correspondence - Douglas and Lois Nagel --- 2009-2011
Folder 17: Correspondence --- 2009-2010
Folder 18: Correspondence --- 2011-2012
Folder 19: Correspondence --- 2013-2014
Folder 20: Visitng Scholar - Richard Nenge (Zimbabwe) --- 2012-2013
Folder 21: Visiting Scholar - William Mbuluku --- 2014
Box 1869
Folder 1: Belhar Confession --- 1986 September
Folder 2: Nellie Kooistra - Department Assistant Appointment --- 2009
Folder 3: Jim Ault Productions, Screening --- 2009 November 18
Folder 4: Kelly Clark Sabbatical --- 2009-2010
Folder 5: Board of Trustees Reports --- 2010
Folder 6: 2041 Raybrook Office Layout --- 2010
Folder 7: Manuscript - "I Can Never Leave" by Dolphus Weary --- 2010
Folder 8: Scholar Leaders International --- 2010-2011
Folder 9: Missionary Debate over Women’s Education in British Colonial Africa (Mabel Shaw) --- undated
Folder 10: AIDS and the Church in Africa --- undated
(From book by Patterson)
Folder 11: Nagel Institute Christian Study Centers Database --- 2011
Folder 12: Donors and Gifts --- 2009-2013
Folder 13: Performance Reviews --- 2010-2013
Folder 14: "Issues and Trends in Latin America Higher Education" by Abraham Ceballos --- 2010
Folder 15: Funding Inquiry --- 2013-2016
Folder 16: John Stott Ministries --- 2013-2014
Folder 17: "Surviving the State, Remaking the Church: An Oral History of China’s Protestant Churches 1978-2012" by Li Ma and Jin Li
Folder 18: "Between the Shadow and the Light " --- 2013
Touring Art Exhibit Proposal
Folder 19: American Religious History --- 2013 September 9
Folder 20: Grand Summary Nagel Institute Projects --- 2007-2012
Folder 21: Job Descriptions --- undated
Folder 22: Joel Carpenter - Speaking and Writing --- 2012-2013
Box 1870
Folder 1: China Seminar - "Religion, Society, and Rule of Law" --- 2011 June
Pushi Institute
Folder 2: Proposal: Cultivating Reformed Christian Scholarship in China and North America: A Three-Step Program Over Five Years --- undated
Folder 3: China Seminar - Applicant: Kevin Cooney --- 2011 June
Folder 4: China Seminar - Applicant: Maria Lai-Ling Lam --- 2011 June
Folder 5: China Seminar - Applicant: Craig Cook --- 2011 June
Folder 6: China Seminar - Applicant: Jim Dahlman --- 2011 June
Folder 7: China Seminar - Applicant: Mark Carlton --- 2011 June
Folder 8: China Seminar - Applicant: Daniel Scott --- 2011 June
Folder 9: China Seminar - Applicant: David Meyer --- 2011 June
Folder 10: China Seminar - Applicant: Autumn Witt --- 2011 June
Folder 11: China Seminar - Applicant: Hunter Baker --- 2011
Folder 12: China Seminar - Applicant: Melissa Croteau --- 2011
Folder 13: China Seminar - Applicant: Stacey Hunter Hecht --- 2011
Folder 14: China Seminar - Applicant: Jennifer Walsh --- 2011
Folder 15: China Seminar - Applicant: Jay Bruce --- 2011
Folder 16: China Seminar - Applicant: Ezekiel Olagoke --- 2011
Folder 17: China Seminar - Applicant: Scott Waalkes --- 2011
Folder 18: China Seminar - Applicant: Mark Roberts --- 2011 June
Folder 19: China Seminar - Applicant: Michael Ferber --- 2011 June
Folder 20: China Seminar - Applicant: Mary Manjikian --- 2011 June
Folder 21: China Seminar - Applicant: Mark Hal --- 2011 June
Folder 22: China Seminar - Applicant: Kevin Den Dulk --- 2011 June
Folder 23: IAPCHE (International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education) --- 2010-2011
Folder 24: IAPCHE - Search for Executive Director --- 2011
Folder 25: IAPCHE - Strategic Thinking Meeting --- 2013 September 19
Folder 26: IAPCHE - Book Project - "Global Christian Higher Education" --- undated
Folder 27: Governing Board Minutes --- 2009-2014
Folder 28: Governing Board Members --- 2009-2014
Box 1871
Folder 1: Gospel and Culture Seminars --- undated
Folder 2: Grant #12232 - "Science, Philosophy and Belief: A Program for Chinese Scholars" --- 2007-2009
Folder 3: Pamphlets --- undated
Folder 4: Budget and Financial Reports --- 2009-2014
Folder 5: Conference on Faith and History Grant --- 2010-2011
Folder 6: The Social Impact of Christianity in Africa - Conference --- 2009 August
Folder 7: Combined Session of Midwest and East Coast Regional Councils --- 2010 May 13-14
Folder 8: Conference - "Reformed Mission in an Age of World Christianity" - Calvin College --- 2010 June 15-17
Folder 9: Charis Exhibit --- 2009-2012
Folder 10: Faculty Workshop - "Christian Engagement With People of Other Faith Traditions" --- 2012 June 4
Folder 11: Conference - "Religious Liberty in an Age of Religious Conflict" (Jakarta, Indonesia) --- 2013 June
Folder 12: Nagel Lecture - Dr. Mark Noll, "God and Race in American Politics" --- 2009 September 17
Folder 13
Item 1: Nagel Lectures - Dr. Xi Lian - "Filling in the Gaps in Modern Chinese History" --- 2010 April 19
Item 2: "The Christian Movement in Modern China" --- 2010 April 20
Folder 14: Nagel Lecture - Dr. Ben Quarshie, "Shaping the Future of Christianity: A Collective Responsibility" --- 2009 October 29
Folder 15: Nagel Lecture - Donald M. Lewis, "Evangelicals and Jews Together: The Origins of Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland" --- 2009 October 14
Folder 16: Nagel Lecture - Dr. Andrew Wells, "World Christianity in the Early Church and Today" --- 2010 November 5
Folder 17: Documentary Screening - "Traces of the Trade" --- 2010  September 28
Folder 18: Visiting Lecturer - Andrew Barnes --- 2011
Folder 19: Visiting Lecturer - Professor Pillay --- 2011
Folder 20: Nagel Lecture - Brian Stanley, "Mission to the World - Changing Perspectives in America Protestantism, 1910-2010" --- 2011 March 31
Folder 21: Nagel Lecture - Samuel Grottis and Tinashe Chitambria, "Africa Works" --- 2011 October 19
Folder 22: Visiting Lecturer - Robert Evans --- 2011
Folder 23: Visiting Lecturer - Jay Case --- 2012
Folder 24: Visiting Scholar - Richard Nenge (Zimbabwe) --- 2012
Folder 25: Nagel Fellowship Hour - Speakers Susan Felch, Xing Ling, David Dornbos, Leonard De Rooy --- 2012 April 9
Folder 26: Nagel Lecture - Richard Nenge --- 2012 October 1
Folder 27: Nagel Lecture - Mwenda Ntarangwi, "The Street is My Pulpit" --- 2013 February 27
Folder 28: Nagel Lecture - Manoj Shrestha, "The Nepali Church: Gospel Culture at the End of the World" --- 2014 February 27
Folder 29: Nagel Lecture - Pearl Shangkuan, "Amazing Grace - A Pilgrimmage to South Africa" --- undated
Lecture given on April 10th of unspecified year
Folder 30: Lecture by Lamin Sanneh, "Christianity, Politics, and Citizenship with Reference to Africa: A Comparative Inquiry" --- Probably 2012
Box 1872
Folder 1: South Africa Seminar --- 2009 June 2-16
Folder 2: Primal Religion Seminar Part III (Peru) --- 2009 July
Folder 3: Primal Religion Seminar Part IV (Samoa) --- 2010 July
Folder 4: CCCU Seminar - "Religion, Society and Rule of Law" (China) --- 2011 June
Folder 5: Seminar: "Justice: Theory Meets Practice" (Honduras) --- 2012
Folder 6: CCCU Seminar - "Holy Spirit and Social Change: Pentacostals and Society in Brazil" (Brazil) --- 2013 June
Folder 7: Brazil Seminar: "Evangelical Christianity and Social Change in Brazil" --- 2013 July 8-22
Folder 8: Brazil Seminar: Required Readings --- 2013
Folder 9: R5 South African Seminar --- 2013
Folder 10: R5 South Africa Seminar - Applicants --- 2013
Folder 11: R5 South Africa Seminar - Waivers and Release Forms --- 2013
Folder 12: R5 South Africa Seminar for Artists --- 2013 May 31-June 15
Folder 13: R5 South Africa Seminar - Tour Sites and Suggested Readings --- undated
Folder 14: World Christianity - Book Series with Baylor University Press --- 2010
Folder 15: Book - Turning South Series --- 2012-2013
Folder 16: Book - Walking Together: Christian Thinking and Public Life in South Africa --- 2010-2012
Folder 17: Book - Christianity in Chinese Public Life --- 2013
Box 1873
Folder 1: Book - Converts to Civil Society by Lida Nedilsky, Baylor University Press --- undated
Folder 2: Grant to City Seminary of New York --- 2012
Folder 3: Clark/Barrett - Templeton Grand ID #14951 --- 2010-2011
Folder 4: Manuscript Proposal for World Christianity Series of Baylor University - "Missionary Christianity as Indiginous Religion: The Case of Evangelicals in North India --- 1835-1870
Folder 5: Prophet’s Chamber Proposal - Blankemeyer Foundation --- 2014 June
Folder 6: Grant - "Ancient Chinese Conceptions of Divinity (China’s High God)" --- 2011
Folder 7: Grant for "Accra Charter of Religions Freedom and Citizenship" --- 2011
Folder 8: Grant to Philip Laryea - "An African Theological Workbook of the Bible" Project --- 2012
Folder 9: Grant - "The Text in Context - Perspectives on Contextualization from Asian Eyes" --- 2012-2013
Folder 10: Grant #14952 -Advancing Alvin Plantinga’s Work and Legacy on the Big Questions --- 2010
Folder 11: African Grant Possibilities --- 2012
Folder 12: Templeton Grant Request - "Engaging Africa" --- 2013
Folder 13: Grant Proposal - "Arabic Translation of An Introduction to Christian Theology" --- 2013-2014
Folder 14: Grant Making --- 2013-2014
Box 1895
Folder 1: “Christian Schooling: Telling a Worldview Story”, Harry Fernhout --- 1996
Folder 2: "The Perils of Prosperity: Neo-Calvinism and the Future of Religious Colleges", J. Carpenter --- 2000
Folder 3: “New Evangelical Universities: Cogs in a World System, or Players in a New Game?”, J. Carpenter --- 2003
Folder 4: “Is Intelligent Design Theory an Appropriate Response to Evolutionary Naturalism?”, Uko Zylstra --- 2005
Folder 5: “Christian Higher Education as a Worldwide Movement”, J. Carpenter, Nicaragua Congress Internacional --- 2006
Folder 6: “Christianity and the Soul of the Universe”, J. Carpenter --- 2006
Folder 7: Murray Lectures --- 2006
Folder 8: Proposal to Louisville Institute – Seminar on Christian-Muslim Relationships in the United States --- 2006
Folder 9: List of Seminars in Christian Scholarship --- 1996-2006
Folder 10: “Give We Sense: Seeking to be Wise in a Shrinking World”, J. Carpenter --- 2006
Folder 11: Nagel Seminar to Indonesia --- 2008
Folder 12: “World Christianity:  Upside-Down Ecumenism”, J. Carpenter --- 2007
Folder 13: Reading packet - "Christianity, Contextualization and the Arts”, Nagel Institute Seminar, Indonesia --- 2008
Folder 14: Research request for “Global Christian Higher Education” Project --- 2008
Folder 15: International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE) --- 2009
Folder 16: Long range plan for International Association for the Promotion of Christian Higher Education (IAPCHE) --- 2007
Folder 17: Indonesia Seminar - Participant biographies and art examples --- 2008
Folder 18: "The Christian Historian in an Age of World Christianity" --- 2008
Folder 19: "New Christian Universities and the Future of Christian Scholarship", J. Carpenter --- 2010
Folder 20: "Academic Leadership: for mature adults only". by J. Carpenter --- 2010
Folder 21: "Is Christian Higher Education Private?" J. Carpenter --- 2010
Folder 22: NACFLA keynote address: "Found in Translation: Faith and Scholarship in an age of Christianity" --- 2012
Folder 23: Nagel Institute Newsletter --- 2017-
Box 1896
Folder 1: Report on Accra Consultation,” Engaging Africa” --- 2013
Folder 2: Christian Universities Institute – Nairobi --- 2012
Folder 3: Notes on Brazil Seminar --- 2013
Folder 4: “Worlds of Billy Graham” Conference, Wheaton, IL --- 2013
Folder 5: World Christianity Forum – Boston University --- 2013
Folder 6: “Funding, Hosting and Promoting Evangelical Scholarship:  What are the Prospects?” ISAE Consultation, J. Carpenter --- 2014
Folder 7: “Mr. Gordon’s College – Going Where Jesus Leads”, J. Carpenter --- 2014
Folder 8: “Getting Real with Grant Wacker”, J. Carpenter --- 2015
Folder 9: “New Mandates for Christian Scholarship”, J. Carpenter --- 2015
Folder 10: “Social Science and African Agency”, Mwenda Ntarangwi --- Undated
Folder 11: “Westmont College in an Age of Christianity”, J. Carpenter --- 2016
Folder 12: “A Center for Global Theology:  Fresh Opportunities for Christian Thinking in America”, J. Carpenter --- 2017
Folder 13: Proposal:  World Christianity – Studies from the Global South and East --- Undated
Folder 14: “Christian Thinking in a Age of World Christianity”, J. Carpenter --- 2017
Folder 15: Matter and Spirit – Seminar on Contemporary Chinese Art and Society --- 2018
Folder 16: Comments on the paper by Grant Walker “Billy Graham and the Making of Modern America”, Henry Luce III Fellows Conference --- 2010
Folder 17: “Kings University in an Age of Christianity”, J. Carpenter, Edmonton AB --- 2010
Folder 18: Dubuque Theological Seminary – Chapel Address and Lecture, Joel Carpenter --- 2010
Folder 19: “Religion, Freedom and Citizenship:  New World Bearings”, (Accra, Ghana), J. Carpenter --- 2011
Folder 20: Commencement Address, “African Thinking for a Rapidly Changing Continent” Akrofi–Christaller Institute, Ghana, J. Carpenter --- 2012
Folder 21: Beijing Forum --- 2012
Folder 22: Inaugural Address – Nyack College, J. Carpenter --- 2012
Folder 23: China Seminar in Shanghai and Beijing --- 2011

Browse by Box:

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