Collection Overview
Title: Uncategorized Provost Files
ID: CU/C3/C3.0
Extent: 0.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 331],
Box 332],
Box 333],
Box 334],
Box 335],
Box 321],
Box 1320],
Box 1438],
Box 1439],
Box 1440],
Box 1564],
Box 1565],
Box 807],
Box 822],
Box 915],
Box 916],
Box 917],
Box 918],
Box 919],
Box 920],
Box 921],
Box 922],
Box 923],
Box 924],
Box 925],
Box 1366],
Box 1510],
Box 909],
Box 914],
Box 1791],
Box 913],
Box 1558],
Box 1784],
Box 1567],
Box 1326],
Box 18],
Box 781],
Box 1154],
Box 277],
Box 278],
Box 279],
Box 280],
Box 281],
Box 282],
Box 283],
Box 284],
Box 285],
Box 286],
Box 287],
Box 288],
Box 289],
Box 290],
Box 291],
Box 292],
Box 293],
Box 294],
Box 295],
Box 296],
[Box 297],
Box 298],
Box 299],
Box 300],
Box 301],
Box 302],
Box 303],
Box 304],
Box 305],
Box 306],
Box 307],
Box 308],
Box 309],
Box 310],
Box 311],
Box 312],
Box 809],
Box 808],
Box 810],
Box 811],
Box 812],
Box 813],
Box 814],
Box 815],
Box 816],
Box 817],
Box 818],
Box 819],
Box 820],
Box 821],
Box 823],
Box 824],
Box 825],
Box 826],
Box 827],
Box 877],
Box 878],
Box 879],
Box 880],
Box 881],
Box 882],
Box 883],
Box 1298],
Box 1299],
Box 1300],
Box 1301],
Box 1302],
Box 1303],
Box 313],
Box 314: Appointment Records],
Box 316: Faculty Performance],
Box 317: Faculty Data, 1945-1989],
Box 318: Faculty/Employee Handbooks],
Box 949],
Box 950],
Box 951],
Box 953],
Box 319],
Box 320],
Box 954],
Box 1771],
Box 1772],
Box 907],
Box 908],
Box 1282],
Box 1284],
Box 1812],
Box 1285],
Box 1306],
Box 1309],
Box 1813],
Box 1487],
Box 1488],
Box 1489],
Box 1490],
Box 1814],
Box 1568],
Box 1569],
Box 1570],
Box 1197],
Box 1686],
Box 1687],
Box 1688],
Box 1931],
- Box 297

- Folder 1: Griffioen, Sander --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 2: Griffis, Nelson - Sociology --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 3: Grissen, Lillian --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 4: Gritter, Marianne - Nursing --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 5: Groen, Gerrit - History and Political Science --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 6: Groenewold, Harm Jan - History --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 7: Groot, Cindy --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 8: Gropp, Douglas --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 9: Gropp, Robin - English --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 10: Gsell, Raymond --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 11: Guikema, Dale - VP for Admin and Finance --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 12: Gundy, Mary Ann - Spanish --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 13: Gunnink, Loren - CAS --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 14: Gunroe, Charles - History --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 15: Guthrie, David --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 16: Haagsma, James - Speech --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 17: Haan, Hollis --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 18: Haan, Sharon - Education --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 19: Haan, Stanley - Math --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 20: Haan, Stanley L --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 21: Haan, Steve - Math --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 22: Haan, Trena - Music --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 23: Hageman, Delores --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 24: Hakkenburg, Dawn De Haan - Social Work --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 25: Hakkenburg, Michael --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 26: Hamersma, John --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 27: Hamilton, Joseph --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 28: Han, Youn-Sik - Visiting Scholar Professor, Engineering and Computer Science --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 29: Harding, Karalee - Classical Languages --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 30: Hardy, Lee --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 31: Hare, John E --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 32: Harkema, Peter --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
- Folder 33: Harlow, Daniel --- undated

- Access Restriction: Restricted
Browse by Box:
Box 331],
Box 332],
Box 333],
Box 334],
Box 335],
Box 321],
Box 1320],
Box 1438],
Box 1439],
Box 1440],
Box 1564],
Box 1565],
Box 807],
Box 822],
Box 915],
Box 916],
Box 917],
Box 918],
Box 919],
Box 920],
Box 921],
Box 922],
Box 923],
Box 924],
Box 925],
Box 1366],
Box 1510],
Box 909],
Box 914],
Box 1791],
Box 913],
Box 1558],
Box 1784],
Box 1567],
Box 1326],
Box 18],
Box 781],
Box 1154],
Box 277],
Box 278],
Box 279],
Box 280],
Box 281],
Box 282],
Box 283],
Box 284],
Box 285],
Box 286],
Box 287],
Box 288],
Box 289],
Box 290],
Box 291],
Box 292],
Box 293],
Box 294],
Box 295],
Box 296],
[Box 297],
Box 298],
Box 299],
Box 300],
Box 301],
Box 302],
Box 303],
Box 304],
Box 305],
Box 306],
Box 307],
Box 308],
Box 309],
Box 310],
Box 311],
Box 312],
Box 809],
Box 808],
Box 810],
Box 811],
Box 812],
Box 813],
Box 814],
Box 815],
Box 816],
Box 817],
Box 818],
Box 819],
Box 820],
Box 821],
Box 823],
Box 824],
Box 825],
Box 826],
Box 827],
Box 877],
Box 878],
Box 879],
Box 880],
Box 881],
Box 882],
Box 883],
Box 1298],
Box 1299],
Box 1300],
Box 1301],
Box 1302],
Box 1303],
Box 313],
Box 314: Appointment Records],
Box 316: Faculty Performance],
Box 317: Faculty Data, 1945-1989],
Box 318: Faculty/Employee Handbooks],
Box 949],
Box 950],
Box 951],
Box 953],
Box 319],
Box 320],
Box 954],
Box 1771],
Box 1772],
Box 907],
Box 908],
Box 1282],
Box 1284],
Box 1812],
Box 1285],
Box 1306],
Box 1309],
Box 1813],
Box 1487],
Box 1488],
Box 1489],
Box 1490],
Box 1814],
Box 1568],
Box 1569],
Box 1570],
Box 1197],
Box 1686],
Box 1687],
Box 1688],
Box 1931],