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Uncategorized Vice President for Administration and Finance Files


Detailed Description

Box 349

Box 833

Box 832

Box 350

Box 664

Box 845

Box 830

Box 831

Box 351

Box 352

Box 353

Box 1626

Box 1627

Box 1628

Box 1629

Box 1630

Box 1631

Box 1632

Box 1633

Box 1634

Box 1322

Box 1323

Box 1355

Box 1583

Box 1584

Box 1585

Box 1586

Box 1587

Box 1588

Box 1589

Box 1595

Box 1598

Box 1599

Box 1600

Box 1601

Box 1602

Box 1603

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Uncategorized Vice President for Administration and Finance Files | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Uncategorized Vice President for Administration and Finance Files

ID: CU/C4/C4.0

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Box:

[Box 349],
[Box 833],
[Box 832],
[Box 350],
[Box 664],
[Box 845],
[Box 830],
[Box 831],
[Box 351],
[Box 352],
[Box 353],
[Box 1626],
[Box 1627],
[Box 1628],
[Box 1629],
[Box 1630],
[Box 1631],
[Box 1632],
[Box 1633],
[Box 1634],
[Box 1322],
[Box 1323],
[Box 1355],
[Box 1583],
[Box 1584],
[Box 1585],
[Box 1586],
[Box 1587],
[Box 1588],
[Box 1589],
[Box 1595],
[Box 1598],
[Box 1599],
[Box 1600],
[Box 1601],
[Box 1602],
[Box 1603],

Box 349
Folder 1: Reports to President --- 1957-1965
Folder 2: Reports to President --- 1966-1974
Folder 3: Report of Health Care Task Force --- 1992
Folder 4: Reports re. Facilities Planning and Accomplishments; Facility Projects Procedures; Facilities Projects --- 1995, 1996
Folder 5: Reports to the Stewardship Comm. of the Board of Trustees --- 1994 February, 1994 October, 1995 February
Folder 6: Report to the Board of Trustees --- 2001
Folder 8: Trusteeship Committee minutes --- May 2000, May 2002
Folder 9: Administration, Finance, and Information Services Report to the BOT --- 2001 October
Folder 10: Administration, Finance, and Information Services Report to the BOT --- 2001 October
Folder 11: Correspondence --- 1959-1974
Box 833
Folder 1: Abstracts of Title, Franklin Campus --- undated
Subject Files
Folder 2: Property Records re: Franklin Campus --- undated
Folder 3: Property Records re: Franklin Campus --- undated
Folder 4: Property Records re: Franklin Campus --- undated
Box 832
Folder 1
Item 1: Annual audit reports --- 1960, 1961, 1962
Subject Files
Item 2: Accountants’ Report --- 1968 August 31
Subject Files
Item 3: Accountants’ Report --- 1973 August 31
Subject Files
Box 350
Folder 1: Bequests --- 1908, 1922, 1966, 1973
Subject Files
Folder 2: Bid Tabulation Calvin College Commons Building --- 1951
Subject Files
Folder 3
Item 1: Calvin College Fund Campaign Committee, Building Expansion Drive --- 1947
Subject Files
Item 2: Banner article: " Forward in Faith Calvin" --- 1947
Subject Files
Folder 4: Procedure for appointment of Business Manager and Development Secretary --- undated
Subject Files
Folder 5: Columbia Research Assoc. project; The Cost of College, I --- 1971
Subject Files
Folder 6: Columbia Research Assoc. project: The Cost of College, II --- 1971
Subject Files
Folder 7: Contract for Knollcrest Campus --- 1957
Subject Files
Folder 8: Comments on Financial Report of Calvin College and Seminary and Auditor’s Report --- 1956
Subject Files
Folder 9: Gezon Estate --- 1957
Folder 10: Gifts for Calvin College and Seminary --- 1956
Folder 11: Kas Book, Administratie der Studentenkas --- 1863-1989
Box 664
Folder 1: Correspondence with J.W. Cravens --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 2: Correspondence with attorneys --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 3: Outstanding loan on property --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 4: Correspondence re: auctioneer --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 5: Correspondence re: tenants --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 6: Correspondence with public --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 7: Reports to Board of Trustees --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 8: Trust Agreement and Real estate contracts --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Folder 9: Auction advertisements --- 1976-1978
De Young farm sale
Box 845
Folder 1: Dollarfonds tot Opleiding voor de Evangeliebediening, Dollar Funds for the Training of Ministers --- 1877-1913
Box 830
Folder 1: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 2: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restricted: RESTRICTED
Folder 3: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 4: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 5: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 6: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 7: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 8: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 9: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 10: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 11: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 12: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 13: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 14: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 15: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 16: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 17: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 18: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 19: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 20: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 21: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 22: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 23: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 24: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1947-1968
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Box 831
Folder 1: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 2: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 3: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 4: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 5: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 6: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 7: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 8: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 9: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 10: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 11: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Folder 12: Faculty Salary Schedules --- 1968-1980
Access Restriction: RESTRICTED
Box 351
Folder 1: Michigan Higher Education; Facilities Authority Limited Obligation Bonds - Calvin College --- 1994
Box 352
Folder 1: Controversy - "My Heart I Offer" Film --- 1992
Folder 2: Needs of Today Campaign --- 1953
Folder 3: Pension Plan, Non-Faculty --- circa 1930
Folder 4: Promissory Notes --- 1935-1941
Folder 5: Property --- 1943
Folder 6: Quota --- 1956-1957
Folder 7: Quota Yield percentage, comparing 1970-1975 with 1985-1986 --- 1970-1975, 1985-1986
Folder 8: Use of Quota Allocation --- 1988
Folder 9: Quota Receipts --- 1989
Folder 10: Quota Changes, Calvin College Reaction to --- 1992
Folder 11: Salary Adjustment, Guiding Principles --- undated
Folder 12: Social Security Tax and Self-employed Ministers --- 1986
Folder 13: Proposed Constitution and Bylaws of Synodical Ministries Comm. --- 1992
Folder 14: Travel Policy and Procedures Handbook of Calvin College and Seminary; Includes revision --- 1990, 1999 April
Folder 15: Tuition History --- 1941-1960
Box 353
Folder 1: Hekman Brothers --- 1930-1936
Folder 2: Tony Noordewier --- 1922-1927
Folder 3: R. Vander Mey --- 1923
Folder 4: Yale Manor apt. Hotel --- 1930-1941
Folder 5: Henry Voss --- 1931-1950
Folder 6: Request for building 20-apartment unit at Knollcrest East --- 1986
Folder 7: Physical Education Building --- 1984-1985
Folder 8: Subject File: Wood Plaque, inscripted with: In Memory of Henry J.Voss, Assistant Treasurer of Calvin College and Seminary --- 1925-1951, 1951
Box 1626
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, A-B --- 1985-1987
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, C-D --- 1984-1989
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, E-F --- 1983-1988
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, G --- 1985-1988
Folder 5: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, H-J --- 1986-1988
Folder 6: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, K-L --- 1985-1987
Box 1627
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, M --- 1984-1987
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, M-O --- 1984-1986
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, P-R --- 1984-1988
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, S --- 1985-1988
Folder 5: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, T-U --- 1986-1989
Folder 6: Henry DeVries: Plant Science Research Files, V-Z --- 1984-1988
Folder 7: Henry DeVries: Slides, research --- undated
Box 1628
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: databook I --- 1986-1987
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: databook II --- 1986-1988
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: databook III --- 1988
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: databook IV --- 1989-1990
Folder 5: Henry DeVries: databook V --- 1988-1990
Folder 6: Henry DeVries: databook VI --- 1991
Box 1629
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: databook VII --- 1992
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: databook: "Fungi" --- 1989
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: A-B --- circa 1988-1992
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: C-G --- circa 1988-1992
Folder 5: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: H-L --- circa 1988-1992
Folder 6: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: M-P --- circa 1986-1988
Folder 7: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: R --- circa 1988
Box 1630
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: S --- circa 1992
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: pltyphs research: T-Z --- 1985-1987
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: research --- circa 1985-1992
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: plant research and information --- 1987-1992
Folder 5: Henry DeVries: plant research and information --- 1987-1992
Box 1631
Folder 1: Henry DeVries: research --- circa 1985-1992
Folder 2: Henry DeVries: research --- circa 1985-1992
Folder 3: Henry DeVries: research --- circa 1985-1992
Folder 4: Henry DeVries: research --- circa 1985-1992
Folder 5: Report: 2003 Survey Report, Christianity Today --- 2003
Folder 6: Follow-up questionnaire for Calvin graduates --- 2001-2002, 2003
Folder 7: Follow-up questionnaire for Calvin graduates --- 2000-2001
Folder 8: Follow-up questionnaire for Calvin graduates --- 1999-2000
Folder 9: Report: 1998-1999 recent college graduates --- 1998-1999, 2000
Box 1632
Folder 1: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1991
Folder 2: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 3: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 4: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 5: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 6: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 7: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 8: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Folder 9: Vice president for administration and finance, back up documents --- 1994-1999
Box 1633
Folder 1: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2000
Folder 2: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2000
Folder 3: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2000
Folder 4: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2001
Folder 5: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2001
Folder 6: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2001
Folder 7: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2002
Folder 8: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2002
Box 1634
Folder 1: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2002
Folder 2: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2003
Folder 3: Vice president for administration and finance back up documents --- 2003
Folder 4: Task force on the issues of sexuality --- 2002-2003
Folder 5: Conference on the future of religious colleges: Harvard; Noll, Marsden papers --- 2002
Folder 6: Administration and Finance Committee minutes --- 1997-2001
Folder 7: Administration and Finance Committee documents --- 2000
Folder 8: Administration and Finance Division Report to the BOT --- 2000
Folder 9: Administration, Finance, and Information Committee, Minutes and Back Up Documents --- 2006-2012
Folder 10: Administration, Finance, and Informtion Committee, Documents --- 2002
Folder 11: Service Master Education Management Review --- 1997
Folder 12: Financial statements --- 1997-1999
Box 1322
Folder 1: Project Manual for the Meeter Center Renovation --- 2002
Folder 2
Item 1: Pedestrian Overpass: Minutes for Design Meetings and Project Meetings --- 1999 December-2001 March
Item 2: Senate Bill No. 977 --- undated
Folder 3
Item 1: Pedestrian Overpass: Minutes, --- 2001 June-2002 July
Item 2: Pedestrian Overpass: Progress Meetings --- 2001 June-2002 July
Folder 4: Pedestrian Overpass: Back up Documents --- 2001 January-2002 September
Folder 5: Pedestrian Overpass: Back up Documents --- 2001 January-2002 September
Folder 6: Pedestrian Overpass: Back up Documents --- 2001 January-2002 September
Folder 7: Envirommental Permit and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Reports, Gainey Facility --- 2001-2003
Folder 8: Cross Country Course, Budget and Diagrams --- 2002
Folder 9
Item 1: Prince Conference Center: Conference Center Task Force Report --- 1994 September
Item 2: Prince Conference Center: Planning Committee Minutes --- 2000 June-2001 January
Folder 10
Item 1: Prince Conference Center: Back up Documents --- 1999 December-2001 March
Item 2: Prince Conference Center: Correspondence --- 1999 December-2001 March
Folder 11: DeVos Communication Center: Committee Minutes --- 2000 February-2001 February
Folder 12: DeVos Communication Center: Back up Documents --- 2000 February-2001 April
Box 1323
Folder 1
Item 1: East Campus Site Work --- 2001
Item 2: Construction Closeout --- 2003 February
Folder 2: East Campus Construction: Team Meeting Minutes --- 2001 July-2002 September
Folder 3: East Campus Construction: Progress Meeting Minutes --- 2001 July-2002 September
Folder 4: East Campus Construction: Back up Documents --- 2001 July-2002 August
Folder 5: East Campus Construction: Back up Documents --- 2001 July-2002 August
Folder 6: Audiovisual Consulting Services, Proposal for DeVos/Prince Centers --- 2001 February
Proposal by Shen, Milsom, and Wilke, Inc.
Folder 7
Item 1: Audiovisual Proposal Costs, Changes --- 2001-2002
Item 2: DeVos/Prince Centers, Triangle Associates --- 2001-2002
Folder 8
Item 1: DeVos/Prince Centers Audiovisual Proposal by Roscor Corp: Introduction --- 2002
Item 2: DeVos/Prince Centers Audiovisual Proposal by Roscor Corp: Bid Bond --- 2002
Item 3: DeVos/Prince Centers Audiovisual Proposal by Roscor Corp: Bid Documents --- 2002
Folder 9
Item 1: DeVos/Prince Centers Audiovisual Proposal by Roscor Corp: Equipment List --- 2002
Item 2: DeVos/Prince Centers Audiovisual Proposal by Roscor Corp: Literature --- 2002
Folder 10
Item 1: Subcontractor Waivers of Lien --- 2002
Item 2: Punch Lists for Prince Conference Center and DeVos Communication Center --- 2002
Box 1355
Folder 1: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Preliminary Documents --- 2002-2003
Folder 2: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 3: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 4: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 5: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 6: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 7: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Folder 8: Prince Conference Center Tax Status: Correspondence and Legal Documents --- 2004-2005
Box 1583
Folder 1: Fine Arts Center (FAC) Construction --- 2007
Folder 2: Fine Arts Center (FAC) Construction --- 2007-2008
Folder 3: Fine Arts Center (FAC) Construction --- 2008
Folder 4: Fine Arts Center (FAC) Construction --- 2008
Folder 5: Fine Arts Center (FAC) Construction --- 2009
Box 1584
Folder 1: Residence Halls construction projects --- 2001-2004
Folder 2: Residence Halls construction projects --- 2005-2006
Folder 3: Residence Halls construction projects --- 2007
Folder 4: Residence Halls construction projects --- 2008
Folder 5: North Hall construction project --- 2009
Folder 6: Ladies Literary Club construction/renovation --- 2007
Box 1585
Folder 1: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 1995-2006
Folder 2: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 1995-2006
Folder 3: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 1995-2006
Folder 4: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2005-2007
Folder 5: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2005-2007
Folder 6: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2006
Box 1586
Folder 1: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2006-2007
Folder 2: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2006-2007
Folder 3: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2007
Folder 4: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2007
Box 1587
Folder 1: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2007
Folder 2: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2007
Folder 3: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008
Folder 4: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008
Folder 5: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008
Folder 6: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008
Box 1588
Folder 1: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008-2009
Folder 2: Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex (HPERDS) Construction --- 2008-2009
Folder 3: Theological Seminary Construction --- 2003
Folder 4: Misc. construction projects --- 2000-2009
Folder 5
Item 1: Construction issues --- 2001-2002
Item 2: Pedestrian overpass --- 2001-2002
Item 3: Noise complaints --- 2001-2002
Box 1589
Folder 1: Campus Commons/Dining construction --- 2005-2006
Folder 2: Campus Commons/Dining construction --- 2006
Folder 3: Campus Commons/Dining construction --- 2007
Folder 4: Campus Commons/Dining construction --- 2008-2009
Folder 5: Prince/DeVos Centers construction --- 2001
Folder 6: Glen Oaks Apartments construction --- 2006-2012
Box 1595
Folder 1: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2003-2005
Folder 2: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2006
Folder 3: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2006
Folder 4: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2007
Folder 5: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2007
Folder 6: University of Georgia: research and materials from visit --- 2007
Box 1598
Folder 1: West Michigan Regional Laboratory --- 2008-2009
Folder 2: Policies --- 2000-2005
Folder 3: Peer/Competitor Research --- 2000-2006
Folder 4: Faculty Senate --- 2007-2008
Folder 5
Item 1: 5 year plans --- 1997-2008
Item 2: Core curriculum report --- 1997-2008
Folder 6: Center for Social Research --- 2001-2008
Folder 7: Calvin Alumni Association --- 2007-2009
Folder 8: Internationalizing the Campus --- 2007
Folder 9: Chimes Project/Cavillons --- 2001-2006
Folder 10: Accessibility Audit --- 2001
Folder 11: Ready for Life --- 2008-2010, 2017
Folder 12: Homosexuality report --- 2012
Box 1599
Folder 1: Strategic Planning --- 2011-2013
Folder 2: Swimming Pool --- 2001
Folder 3: Calvin Self-Study Report --- 2004
Folder 4: NACUBO --- 2005-2010
Folder 5: Staff Handbook --- 2007
Folder 6: HERI Questionnaire Results --- 1998-1999
Folder 7: Task Force for Family Friendly Benefits --- 2008
Folder 8: Calvin College Breifing Book --- 2012
Folder 9: Misc. --- undated
Folder 10: Emergency flue preparedness --- 2001-2007
Box 1600
Folder 1: Safety; MIOSHA --- 2004-2005
Folder 2: Facilities Usage Committee Report --- 1995
Folder 3: Review and Reflection Papers --- 1990-1992
Folder 4: Kuiper Faculty Orientation --- 1994-2001
Folder 5: Parking --- 1998-1999
Folder 6: Business Process Review --- 2003
Folder 7: Rehoboth Robotic Telescopes --- 2000
Folder 8: ADA/Accessibility --- 2000-2006
Folder 9: PreCollege Programming --- 2000
Box 1601
Folder 1: Environmental Stewardship Committee --- 2001-2008
Folder 2: Environmental Sustainability --- 2001-2008
Folder 3: Solar Panel Project --- 2002
Folder 4: Wind Energy Project --- 2006
Folder 5: Environmental Projects --- 1997-2008
Folder 6: Environmental Projects --- 1997-2008
Folder 7: Campus Dining Services --- 2010
Folder 8: Campus Dining Services --- 2008-2010
Folder 9
Item 1: Campus Dining Services --- 2008-2010
Item 2: Summer 2013 newsletter --- 2013
Box 1602
Folder 1: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Folder 2: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Folder 3: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Folder 4: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Folder 5: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Folder 6: Campus Dining Services --- 1990-2007
Box 1603
Folder 1: Financial aid --- 2002-2003
Folder 2: Academic Technology Budget --- 2006-2007
Folder 3: CACUBO: healthcare cost analysis --- 2002
Folder 4: Health care and Benefit Information --- 1995-2003
Folder 5: Health care and Benefit Information --- 2004-2008
Folder 6: Off-campus Programs Analysis --- 2001-2002
Folder 7: Weyhill Properties, LLC --- 2007-2012
Folder 8: Facilities partnership with Keystone --- 2022

Browse by Box:

[Box 349],
[Box 833],
[Box 832],
[Box 350],
[Box 664],
[Box 845],
[Box 830],
[Box 831],
[Box 351],
[Box 352],
[Box 353],
[Box 1626],
[Box 1627],
[Box 1628],
[Box 1629],
[Box 1630],
[Box 1631],
[Box 1632],
[Box 1633],
[Box 1634],
[Box 1322],
[Box 1323],
[Box 1355],
[Box 1583],
[Box 1584],
[Box 1585],
[Box 1586],
[Box 1587],
[Box 1588],
[Box 1589],
[Box 1595],
[Box 1598],
[Box 1599],
[Box 1600],
[Box 1601],
[Box 1602],
[Box 1603],

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