Collection Overview
Title: Uncategorized Board of Trustees Files
ID: CU/C1/C1.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 994],
Box 1577],
Box 1578],
Box 1579],
Box 1580],
Box 1581],
Box 1545],
Box 1780],
Box 1781],
Box 1782],
Box 1824],
Box 1846],
Box 1884],
Box 1885],
Box 1539],
Box 1540],
Box 13],
Box 1707],
[Box 14],
Box 656],
Box 780],
Box 15],
Box 987],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],
Box 26],
Box 27],
Box 28],
Box 29],
Box 30],
Box 31],
Box 32],
Box 33],
Box 34],
Box 35],
Box 36],
Box 37],
Box 38],
Box 1762],
Box 1763],
Box 1764],
Box 1765],
Box 1801],
Box 1804],
- Box 14

- Folder 1: Administration and Leadership --- 1976-1981

- Folder 2: Administrative Changes, Consideration of --- 1956

- Folder 3: Administrative offices other than President, appointment of --- 1952-1979

- Folder 4: Articles of Incorporation Book (handwritten) --- 1878, 1882, 1908

- Folder 5: Reglement voor de Theologische School der Hollandsch Christelijk Geref. Kerk in Noord Amerika --- 1891

- Folder 6

- Item 1: Articles of Association (Incorporation) of Calvin College --- 1908, 1938

- Item 2: Articles of Incorporation Extending Corporate Team --- 1938

- Item 3: Gewijzigd Reglement --- undated

- Folder 7

- Item 1: Articles of Incorporation of Calvin College --- 1990, 1991

- Item 2: Bylaws of Calvin College --- 1990, 1991

- Item 3: Amended and restated Articles of Incorporation of Calvin College and Seminary --- 1990

- Item 4: Amended and restated Bylaws of Calvin College and Seminary --- 1990

- Item 5: Back Up Documents --- undated

- Folder 8: Automobile Regulations for students --- 1955, 1956

- Folder 9: Board Actions --- 1907

- Folder 10: Board and Presidential Assessment --- 1995

- Folder 11: Board-Faculty Conference (Winter) --- 1974

- Folder 12: Boeskoel --- undated

- Folder 13: Bouma, Clarence, Appointment --- undated

- Folder 14: Bouma, Clarence, Employment, Index --- 1956

- Folder 15: Brink, Rev. Arnold, Appointment of Educational Secretary --- 1943-1951

- Folder 16: Broene, A --- undated

- Folder 17: Business manager, appointment of --- 1950-1987

- Folder 18: Board of Trustees Job Description Document: Includes Function, Organization, Duties, Standing Committees --- undated

- Folder 19: Byker, Galen BOT Retirement Gift Back Up Documents --- 2012

- Folder 20: Assessment of President Le Roy; Contract Extension --- 2016

Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
Box 4],
Box 5],
Box 6],
Box 7],
Box 8],
Box 9],
Box 994],
Box 1577],
Box 1578],
Box 1579],
Box 1580],
Box 1581],
Box 1545],
Box 1780],
Box 1781],
Box 1782],
Box 1824],
Box 1846],
Box 1884],
Box 1885],
Box 1539],
Box 1540],
Box 13],
Box 1707],
[Box 14],
Box 656],
Box 780],
Box 15],
Box 987],
Box 16],
Box 17],
Box 19],
Box 20],
Box 21],
Box 22],
Box 23],
Box 24],
Box 25],
Box 26],
Box 27],
Box 28],
Box 29],
Box 30],
Box 31],
Box 32],
Box 33],
Box 34],
Box 35],
Box 36],
Box 37],
Box 38],
Box 1762],
Box 1763],
Box 1764],
Box 1765],
Box 1801],
Box 1804],