Collection Overview
Title: George Kamp Collection, 1904-1978
ID: COLL/139
Primary Creator: George Kamp (1892-1981)
Extent: 5.0 Boxes
Arrangement: Folder level description
Business manager for Standard Oil of Ohio, statistician in the business office of Calvin College, and translator in Heritage Hall. The collection includes: sermons for reading services, correspondence for Calvin College, committee papers on interchurch relations, mission reports, Synodical Youth Committee papers, numerous articles translated from Dutch, book reviews, poems, and personal material.
Biographical Note
In 1904, George Kamp’s family moved from Almelo, Overijssel to Cleveland, Ohio. He was then a boy of twelve. Although he had almost completed his grade school education when he came to the United States, he had to begin again in order to learn the new language. However, he moved through the grades with rapidity and graduated from grammar school as the valedictorian of his class.
Although the Rev. J.R. Brink urged the family to direct George toward the ministry, family circumstances made the ministry an impossible goal. George worked for Standard Oil of Ohio for almost thirty years. For many of those years he was manager of cost and sales.
When George Kamp retired at sixty-three, he was asked to serve the college as a statistician in the business office. He was always keenly interested in the activities of the denomination and the school of the church. Next to his knowledge of the Bible, he knew the denominational Yearbook. He was a translator of many Dutch articles, an arranger of housing for Synodical delegates, an overseer of the flow of reports to the floor of Synods, a friend of ministers and always a willing servant in the church where he served as member. He served often as elder.
George Kamp passed away at the age of eighty-eight, March 14, 1981. His wife, Anna, passed away in 1988.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Sermon Collection, 1939-1942],
Series 2: Calvin College Period, 1944-1978],
Series 3: Denominational Material, 1934-1977],
[Series 4: Articles Translated from the Dutch, 1904-1975],
- Series 4: Articles Translated from the Dutch --- 1904-1975

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Albeda, W. "The Diaconate," Zwolle --- October 10, 1973

- Folder 2: Baayan, P. C. "Mathematical Language," Free University --- December 15, 1967

- Folder 3: Bakker, G. "Ymedam: Past and. . . Future" --- undated

- Folder 4: Beets, H. "The CRC in North America: Sixty Years of Struggle and Blessing" --- 1968

- Folder 5: Boerhorst, R. H. "A Talk About the States of America" --- 1935

- Folder 6: Broene, Geert. Autobiography, translated by J. Broene

- Folder 7: Bucer's Idea of the Relation Between Philosophy and Theology

- Folder 8: Goudzwaard, B. "Modification of the Economy," from Kerkenformatie --- Feb-75

- Folder 9: Hart, Klaas. Articles from the Wachter --- 1959-1965

- Item 1: "Unrest for the Church"

- Item 2: "The General Synod"

- Item 3: "Church of the Clergy"

- Item 4: "A Prayer for Peace"

- Folder 10: Haverkamp, William. Editorials from the Wachter: --- 1962-1974

- Item 1: "Well-grounded Criticism"

- Item 2: "At Last an Admission"

- Item 3: "Playing Fast and Loose with the Truth"

- Item 4: "A New Writer"

- Item 5: "Responsible Separation?"

- Folder 11: "Homophilia," a report for discussion in the Gereformeerde Kerken --- 1972

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Kaardingerbroek, J. "Old Testament Data" --- undated

- Item 2: F. W. R. Polman, "New Testament Data"

- Folder 13: Kamp, H. T. "Emigration Trip From Almelo" --- 1904

- Folder 14

- Item 1: Kuitert, H. "Without Faith No One Will Prosper," reviews and reactions

- Item 2: Abraham Kuyper, "Sphere Sovereignty" --- October 20, 1880

- Folder 15

- Item 1: Matse, J. "Significance of Mourning Process"

- Item 2: H. Faber, "Role of Life in Mourning Process" --- undated

- Folder 16: Meuleman, G. E. Articles concerning scripture, from the Gereformeerde Weekblad --- July - August 1960

- Folder 17: Meuleman, G. E. Articles on election and reprobation, in the Gereformeerde Weekblad --- October 1964 - January 1965

- Folder 18: Noordewier, J. "An Octogenarian," an autobiography, mimeograph of translation

- Folder 19: Noordewier, J. "An Octogenarian," an autobiography, handwritten translation

- Folder 20: Report of Christian Reformed Synod, from an article in a Dutch magazine --- 1962

- Folder 21: Ridderbos, H. N. Articles from Gereformeerde Weekblad --- 1959-1975

- Item 1: "Concerning the Authority of the Scriptures"

- Item 2: "A Parting of the Way I - IV"

- Item 3: "A Partial Report on Our Travels"

- Item 4: "Family Visiting"

- Folder 22: Van Andel Genealogy, handwritten translation

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Vander Houde, C. Review of "The Heritage of John Calvin" in Gereformeerde Weekblad --- February 3, 1974

- Folder 2: Van Harmelen, J. Articles in De Wachter --- 1962-1967

- Item 1: "A 'Quotum' Letter"

- Item 2: "The ARSS"

- Item 3: "Blauwkamp's Brochure"

- Folder 3: Van't Veer's article on Christological preaching --- 1968

- Folder 4: Vos, Geerhardus. Letters to A. Kuyper on the translation of Kuyper's Encyclopedia --- 1886-1897

- Folder 5: Verkuyl's "The Purpose and Aim of Mission," translated by F. Klunder

- Folder 6: Wierenga, H. "Gereformeerde Kerken Synodical Letter," Gereformeerde Weekblad --- 1974

- Folder 7: Wind, A. "Report of Visit to Synod 1974," in Leidse Kerkbode --- October 25, 1974

- Folder 8: Woltjer, H. R. "The Age of the Earth," from Christelijke Encyclopaedie

- Folder 9: Selected articles --- 1959-1960

- Folder 10: Selected articles --- 1962-1964

- Folder 11: Selected articles --- 1967-1978

- Folder 12: Selected articles, handwritten translations. No authors or sources given --- undated

- Folder 13: Blacquiere, H. J. "Coronation Feast of Queen Wilhelmina, North Brabant --- 1898"

- Folder 14: Boerwinkle genealogy, first installment by Wilma Wierenga

- Folder 15: Infallibility issue. Articles, some translated from Dutch --- 1960

- Folder 16: Nymeyer, F. "An Analysis of and a Counter Overture on Divorce" --- 1937

- Folder 17: Spoelman, P. "What is Wrong with the ARSS?"

- Folder 18: Stek, John. Addresses to Synod of Haarlem, Gereformeerde Kerken --- 1974

- Folder 19: Geestelijke Lieder uit den Schat Van de Kerk. Organ score

- Folder 20: Miscellaneous translations and articles

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Sermon Collection, 1939-1942],
Series 2: Calvin College Period, 1944-1978],
Series 3: Denominational Material, 1934-1977],
[Series 4: Articles Translated from the Dutch, 1904-1975],