Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church. The collection includes: sermons (two series of Heidelberg Catechism sermons, general sermons arranged according to the Books of the Bible, Radio sermons, and Special Day sermons), class notes taken at Princeton Theological Seminary, dissertation entitled "Augustine's View of Human Nature," and a scrapbook with articles published by Dutch theologians (indexed).
Biographical Note
Martin Van Dyke was aptly described as a gentleman and a scholar. Faithfully and fruitfully he humbly served in Inwood, Iowa; Grand Rapids, Michigan at Sherman Street; Highland, Indiana; Essex, Ontario, Canada. The longest period of his active ministry was spent in Highland. After nineteen years there, he was called by the Grace CRC of Kalamazoo to serve as a home missionary in Canada. He was there serving as missionary pastor of a new congregation for only one year when he contracted a physical ailment that resulted in much suffering and pain and ultimately his death at the age of fifty-eight, November 3, 1951.
He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dyke, members of the Second Christian Reformed Church of Paterson, New Jersey. When Martin was twenty he made profession of faith. He desired to enter the ministry so he enrolled at Calvin College and Seminary. Upon graduation he pursued further studies at Princeton University, Columbia University and Princton Seminary earning the degrees Th. M. and Ph. D. His dissertation for the doctor's degree was on "Augustines View of Human Nature." Although Martin Van Dyke was one of the few more highly educated ministers in the denomination, the entire ministry was characterized as humble service: He was humble almost to a fault.
In the larger sphere of denomination activity, Martin served on the Board of Trustees delegated by Classis Illinois, on the General Board of Home Missions and as Synodical delegate.
Martin Van Dyke's collection was presented to Heritage Hall by his wife, Mrs. Audrey Jennie, nee Hunderman. When the Collection was inventoried in March and April 1991, his son visited the Archives approving our actions and informing us he would check his records for additional material which will become part of an addenda.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Addresses and Papers, 1917-1950],
Series 2: Addresses and Radio Sermons, 1919-1949],
Series 3: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons, Dutch and English, 1925-1926],
Series 4: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons, 1929-1931],
Series 5: Sermons - Genesis Through Song of Solomon],
Series 6: Sermons - Isaiah Through Mark],
Series 7: Sermons - Luke Trough II Corinthians],
Series 8: Sermons - Galatians Through Revelation],
Series 9: Special Day Sermons: Advent to Pentecost, 1924-1951],
Series 10: Scrapbooks, 1915],
- Series 1: Addresses and Papers --- 1917-1950

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Addresses: Anniversaries and Dedications

- Folder 2: Address at Broekman Reunion --- August 15, 1929

- Folder 3: Addresses on Christian Education

- Folder 4: Addresses: Commencement --- 1925, 1950

- Folder 5: Articles for Adult Groups --- 1934

- Folder 6: Cartoons by Shoemaker. Chicago Daily News --- 1935-1938

- Folder 7: Collected poems and verses (Dutch and English)

- Folder 8: Compendium: Revised, simplified. Mimeographed booklet

- Folder 9: Daily Meditations --- April 29-May 5, 1950

- Folder 10: Dissertation paper on "Augustine's View of Human Nature," (mimeographed copy) --- 1924

- Folder 11: Student Period: Class notes on Ethics, Fundamental Problems of Philosophy, Semitic Elective

- Folder 12: Student Period: Class notes on Exegesis, O.T. History, English Bible, Systematic Theology

- Folder 13: Student Period: Class notes on Medieval Philosophy, Apologetics, Biblical Theology

- Folder 14: Student Period: Class notes on Systematic Theology, Paul's Teaching

- Folder 15: Student Period: Record books of Graduate School --- 1917-1923

- Folder 16: Letter from Martin's Father, n.d (Dutch)

- Series 2: Addresses and Radio Sermons --- 1919-1949

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Address: Class History, by John Henry Van Dyke --- 1940

- Folder 2: Addresses: Minister's Conferences, Inter Nos, Corps --- 1919-1948

- Folder 3: Addresses: Mission Talks and S.S. Meetings

- Folder 4: Addresses: Patriotic events - Fourth of July, Armistice Day --- 1925-1928

- Folder 5: Addresses: Church Society gatherings

- Folder 6: Addresses: Sunday evening talks. Written report on "Farmers loading produce on Sunday evening" --- 1933

- Folder 7: Preaching Calendar

- Folder 8: Sermons: Radio/47, WAAF and WJOB --- 1946

- Folder 9: Sermons: Radio/49 WJOB --- 1948

- Folder 10: Sermons: Radio, No station call letters given.

- Series 3: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons, Dutch and English --- 1925-1926

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, Introduction

- Folder 2: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 1-12 --- 1925

- Folder 3: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 13-21 --- 1925

- Folder 4: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 22-34 --- 1925

- Folder 5: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 35-45 --- 1925-26

- Folder 6: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 46-52 --- 1926

- Folder 7: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 1-5 --- 1929

- Series 4: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons --- 1929-1931

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 6-12 --- 1929-1930

- Folder 2: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 13-19 --- 1930

- Folder 3: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 19-27 --- 1930

- Folder 4: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 28-33 --- 1928

- Folder 5: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 34-39 --- 1928-1929

- Folder 6: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 40-45 --- 1929

- Folder 7: Sermons: Heidelberg Catechism, L.D. 46-52 --- 1929

- Series 5: Sermons - Genesis Through Song of Solomon

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Sermons: Genesis

- Folder 2: Sermons: Exodus

- Folder 3: Sermons: Leviticus - Numbers

- Folder 4: Sermons: Deuteronomy - II Samuel

- Folder 5: Sermons: I Kings - Job

- Folder 6: Sermons: Psalms

- Folder 7: Sermons: Proverbs - Song of Solomon

- Series 6: Sermons - Isaiah Through Mark

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Sermons: Isaiah

- Folder 2: Sermons: Jeremiah - Daniel

- Folder 3: Sermons: Hosea - Malachi

- Folder 4: Sermons: Matthew

- Folder 5: Sermons: Mark

- Series 7: Sermons - Luke Trough II Corinthians

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Sermons: Luke

- Folder 2: Sermons: John

- Folder 3: Sermons: Acts

- Folder 4: Sermons: Romans

- Folder 5: Sermons: I and II Corinthians

- Series 8: Sermons - Galatians Through Revelation

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Sermons: Galatians - Ephesians

- Folder 2: Sermons: Philippians - Colossians

- Folder 3: Sermons: II Thessalonians - Philemon

- Folder 4: Sermons: Hebrews

- Folder 5: Sermons: James - II Peter

- Folder 6: Sermons: I John - Revelation

- Series 9: Special Day Sermons: Advent to Pentecost --- 1924-1951

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Special Day Sermons: Advent - Pentecost

- Folder 2: Special Day Sermons: Education and Missions

- Folder 3: Special Day Sermons: Funeral Messages --- 1928-1929

- Folder 4: Special Day Sermons: Memorial Day and Mothers Day

- Folder 5: Special Day Sermons: Old Years and New Years Day

- Folder 6: Special Day Sermons: Prayer Day --- 1926-1951

- Folder 7: Special Day Sermons: Preparatory. Dutch and English --- 1927-1946

- Folder 8: Special Day Sermons: Proef preek, At Platte, SD --- 9/9/1924

- Folder 9: Special Day Sermons: Thanksgiving Day --- 1930-1949

- Folder 10: Special Day Sermons: Communion and Post-Communion

- Series 10: Scrapbooks --- 1915

- Box 10

- Item 1: Scrapbook index

- Item 2: Scrapbook with press clippings

- Item 3: Schetsen on Chiliasme. Dutch --- 1930

- Item 4: Articles of Incorporation of the CRC of Michigan --- 1922

- Item 5: Press clippings from De Calvinist- --- 1915

- Item 6: Press clippings from The Banner- --- 1923

- Item Vault: (2 microfilm reels): Scrapbook of newspaper and periodical clippings

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Addresses and Papers, 1917-1950],
Series 2: Addresses and Radio Sermons, 1919-1949],
Series 3: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons, Dutch and English, 1925-1926],
Series 4: Heidelberg Catechism Sermons, 1929-1931],
Series 5: Sermons - Genesis Through Song of Solomon],
Series 6: Sermons - Isaiah Through Mark],
Series 7: Sermons - Luke Trough II Corinthians],
Series 8: Sermons - Galatians Through Revelation],
Series 9: Special Day Sermons: Advent to Pentecost, 1924-1951],
Series 10: Scrapbooks, 1915],