Collection Overview
Missionary to Nigeria; and professor of missions at Calvin Theological Seminary. The collection includes bulletins; minutes; letters; course notes; clippings; lectures; reports; papers; reviews; a scrapbook detailing various mission fields; and several committee materials, e.g., Committee for Educational Assistance to Church Abroad (CEACA). [See also the Campus Titles Database, and J. T. Hoogstra Coll. 116]
Biographical Note
Robert Richard Recker was born in Highland, Indiana on November 28, 1923. Recker attended Calvin College, graduating in 1944 and went on to received his Th.B. from Calvin Theological Seminary in 1947. That same year Recker married Constance Hoekstra, and together had 6 children. Ordained into the ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in 1947, Robert Recker served the Momence, Illinois, congregation until 1949.
From 1949 to 1965 Recker served as a missionary in Nigeria. In 1965 he studied at the Free University of Amsterdam. The following year he was appointed to the Christian Reformed Board of Foreign Missions. Three years later he became a member of the faculty at Calvin Theological Seminary, where he served as Dean of Students. In his writing, preaching, and lecturing, Dr. R. Recker's emphasis was on missions. He retired in 1988. Dr. R. Recker passed away on December 17, 2007 due to pancreatic cancer.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Course material],
- Series 1: [General Materials]
- Box 1
- Folder 1: The Banner, centennial issue --- July 1, 1966
- Folder 2: The Banner --- April 31, 1970
- Folder 3: Harry Boer Appeal; committee report --- 1972-1973
- Folder 4: Bulletin references to Recker
- Folder 5: The Clark Case of the Presbytery of Philadelphia --- July 7, 1944
- Folder 6-8: Committee for Educational Assistance to Churches Abroad (CEACA) --- 1959-1984
- Folder 9: International Association for Reformed Faith and Action (IARFA), letter and minutes --- 1977
- Folder 10: "Life-time Tenure of Ministers," by R. R. De Ridder
- Folder 11: "Modernism," course written by Van Schouwen for DeMotte Young People --- 1939
- Folder 13: Seminary speech --- December 7, 1962
- Folder 14: Scrapbook, Missionaries from various fields --- 1950s
- Folder 15: World Literature Committee --- 1988, 1990
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Fiftieth anniversary issue, Christian Home and School, 1920-1970 --- 1970
- Folder 2: Fiftieth anniversary book of DeMotte CRC, 1932-1982 --- 1982
- Folder 3: Fiftieth anniversary book of Momence CRC
- Recker served 1947-1949
- Folder 4: The Lawndale CRC and Timothy Christian School Issue --- 1969
- Folder 5: Reformed and Action Conference --- 1976
- Folder 6: Momence delegate to Classis Chicago South --- September 16, 1947
- Folder 7: Overture concerning mixed marriages from Cicero to Chicago, Illinois --- 1939
- Folder 8: Clippings re: mission fields --- undated
- Folder 9: Proposed Denomination-wide Congress --- 1983-1986
- Folder 10: Booklet, Sharha Kan Ru'Ya Ta Yohanna ("The Revelation to John"), Hausa language --- 1982
- Folder 11: "The Aim or Goal of Missions (Christian Mission)" --- undated
- Folder 12: Course 623, notes and digests, "The Christian Mission" --- 1972-1973
- Folder 13: The Emergent Church of Christ as Blessing
- Folder 14: Missio Dei (The Christian Mission)
- Folder 15: The Missio Dei in the Old Testament
- Folder 16: The Missio Dei is a Trinitarian Operation
- Folder 17: The Missionary Nature of the Church, A survey of the Biblical Theology of Missions, Johannes Blauw
- Folder 18: Course 623, "Periodicals which might sub serve your Mission Interests" --- undated
- Folder 19: The Relevance of Trinitarian Doctrine for Today's Mission, by Newbigin, Leslie, resume --- 1963
- Folder 20: Strategy for Mission.Analysis, forms of possible action. Desired effect: Goal
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Contemporary Missionary Problems --- 1967-1968
- Folder 2: Consultation on Reformed Evangelism Home Mission Board --- March 28-30, 1978
- Folder 3: The Missio Dei in the Old Testament. Second Quarter --- 1972-1973
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Contemporary Problems of the Christian Mission --- September-November, 1968
- Folder 2: "The Concept of Man in the Missiology of Donald McGavran
- Folder 3: Anglo Saxon Missiology in Latin America." Rooy, Dr. Sidney H --- undated
- Folder 4: Course No. 846: The History of Christian Reformed Missions --- undated
- Folder 5: El Rancho Village Residents Association --- December, 1992 - December, 1995
- Folder 6: Course No. 847, Introduction to African Traditional Religion --- September, 1980
- Folder 7: Zyarata zuwa Kasar Amerika. Ashu, Dawuda Philip --- 1961
- Folder 8: Compendio de la Religion Cristiana --- 1977
- Folder 9: Altar Familiar Meditaciones Diarias. --- undated
- Folder 10: "Iglesia Dulce" Una Historia de la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada Incorporada en la Republica Dominicana. Hegeman, Dr. Cornelio --- 1976-1986
- Folder 11: Christian Reformed Church Urban Conference --- November 1-3, 1983
- Folder 12: Acts of Synod; Addenda to Minority Report --- 1957
- Folder 13: Clippings --- 1967-1968
- Folder 14-15: Student papers, New Testament Perspectives on Missions --- 1987
- Series 2: Course material
- Box 5
- Folder 1: World Religions --- 1980s
- Folder 2: African Traditional Religion
- Folder 3: Philosophy of Religion --- 1972-1973
- Folder 4: Perspectives on the Christian Mission --- 1978-1979
- Folder 5-6: Missiology I --- 1982
- Folder 7: Missio Dei in the Old Testament --- 1977-1978
- Folder 8: Barth and His Concept of Mission of the Church
- Box 6
- Folder 1: Christian Approach to Other Faiths --- 1989-1990
- Folder 2: The Art of Cross-Cultural Ministry --- 1982-1983
- Folder 3: The Church and its Ministry --- 1982-1983
- Folder 4: African Traditional Religion --- 1975
- Folder 5: The Art of Cross-Cultural Ministry
- Folder 6: Christian Approach to Other Faiths --- 1989-1990
- Folder 7: The Theology of Thomas Aquinas
- Folder 8: The Christian Mission
- Folder 9: Survey of History of Missionary Expansion in Africa
- Box 7
- Folder 1: African Traditional Religion
- Folder 2: New Testament Perspectives on the Christian Mission (Folder 1) --- 1976-1977
- Folder 3: New Testament Perspectives on the Christian Mission (Folder 2) --- 1976-1977
- Folder 4: New Testament Perspectives on the Christian Mission --- 1984-1985
- Folder 5: History of Missions
- Folder 6: Contemporary Missionary Problems
- Folder 7: Missionary Practice of the New Testament
- Folder 8: The Christian Mission --- 1985
- Folder 9: History of the Church in South Africa --- 1792-1815
- Box 8
- Folder 1: History of Missions --- 1967
- Folder 2: Philippians outline
- Folder 3: Dietrich Bonhoeffer --- 1972-1973
- Folder 4: Ethnic Religions
- Folder 5: Japanese New Religions --- 1984
- Folder 6: The History of Christian Missions
- Folder 7: Student papers --- 1969
- Folder 8: Vesper service, El Rancho Village, Florida --- 2001-2004
- Folder 9: Devotionals, El Rancho Village, Florida --- 1999-2005
- Box 9
- Folder 1: The Ascended Christ, sermon
- Folder 2: Sermons --- 1940s
- Folder 3: Sermon, "They Called His Name Jesus" --- 1985
- Folder 4: Young Calvinist Convention address --- 1983
- Folder 5: Chaplains Retreat address --- June 1981
- Folder 6: Haven CRC Retreat --- 1971
- Folder 7: Inaugural Lecture: The Redemptive Focus of the Kingdom of God --- 1979
- Folder 8: Seminary Chapel Lectures:
- Item 1: Spirituality in Leadership --- 1983
- Item 2: Church Growth --- 1976
- Folder 9: Lectures Given at Juan Calvino Seminary, Mexico City
- Folder 10: "Early Visions", Missionary Stirrings, Chapel Address --- 1997
- Folder 11: Talks Given at Reformed Bible Institute
- Folder 12: Various Talks Given to Groups, Societies, etc.
- Folder 13: Analysis of the Belgic Confession --- 1972
- Folder 14: Reactions to Nigerian Strategy Statement --- 1986-1994
- Folder 15: Material on Selecting Church Office Bearers by Lot
- Folder 16: Classical Study Report: Unique Function of Office of Elder --- 1988
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Response to paper by S. Rooy "Stewardship of Gifts in Universal Church --- 1976
- Folder 2: Paper, "Office and the Church" --- 1973
- Folder 3: Paper, "My People"
- Folder 4: Paper, "One Church" --- 1983
- Folder 5: Papers:
- Item 1: "I Believe in God"
- Item 2: "That Missionary Journal" --- 1993
- Item 3: "Missionary Satisfaction"
- Folder 6: Paper, "Here's to Dogs"
- Folder 7: Paper, "Contextualization and Mission" --- 1991
- Folder 8: Term paper, "Ministerial Profession - Moral Dangers and Ethical Demands"
- Folder 9: Paper, Cultural Anthropology - The Interplay in Nigeria
- Folder 10: Paper, "A Vision of Calvin Seminary of 1995"
- Folder 11: Paper, "Renewal in The New Testament", "Renewal in the Old Testament" --- 1979
- Folder 12: Paper in Covenant and Missions
- Folder 13: Paper, "The Nevius Method and the Spread of Christianity in Korea" --- 1959
- Folder 14: Papers:
- Item 1: “Covenant and Missions”
- Item 2: “What Church is His Church?”
- Folder 15: Paper, "History of Revelation re: Idea of Missions in Old Testament References to Genesis" --- 1960
- Folder 16: Paper, "Evangelism and Power Encounter" --- 1988
- Folder 17: Papers:
- Item 1: “Contextualization – Its Challenge and Significance” --- 1985
- Item 2: “Missiology and the Lordship of Christ”
- Item 3: “Africa and Christianity”
- Folder 18: Paper, "Evangelism and Power Encounter" --- 1988
- Folder 19: Paper, "Philippians - Celebration of and Challenge to Mission" --- 1983
- Folder 20: Papers on World Religions
- Folder 21: Paper, "Privileged Recipients - Privileged Communicators"
- Folder 22: Paper, "Where are we as a Denomination?" --- 1982
- Folder 23: Papers:
- Item 1: “Evangelism and Power Encounter” --- 1988
- Item 2: “The Spirit of Servanthood” --- 1982
- Folder 24: Paper, "The Life of Raymond Lull (1235-1315)"
- Folder 25: Paper, "The Church in Mission" --- 1985
- Folder 26: Papers:
- Item 1: “Developing an Indigenous Ministry"
- Item 2: “Study in the Image of the Missionary"
- Item 3: “The Mission Track of Divergent Cultures”
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Paper, "Pannenberg's Theology as Revealed in Jesus - God and Man" --- 1970
- Folder 2: Paper, "A Theology of the Apostolate" (Translated by R. Recker) --- 1981
- Folder 3: Papers:
- Item 1: “The Churches Mission Programme"
- Item 2: “A Study in the Image of the Missionary”
- Folder 4: Paper, "The Interest in Scripture in Children and Youth" --- 1946
- Folder 5: Papers:
- Item 1: “Quick Views of Boltman" --- 1972-1973
- Item 2: “Significance of Miracles for Validation of the Christian Faith”
- Folder 6: Paper, "Evangelism and Power Encounter" --- 1988
- Folder 7: Various articles
- Folder 8: Banner articles --- 1960s
- Folder 9: Articles for CTS Kerux --- 1987
- Folder 10: Reformed Ecumenical Council Forum article: "Renewal in the Church" --- 1993
- Folder 11: Article re: the lordship of Christ and missions in the book of Acts
- Folder 12: Articles:" Satan - In Power or Dethroned?" and Matthew 28 Interpretation From Point of View of Apostolate"
- Folder 13-14: Book reviews
- Folder 15: Introduction to African Traditional Religion --- 1980
- Folder 16: Study re: Images of the Church in the New Testament
- Folder 17: Survey of the Biblical Theology of Missions
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Mission bibliographies
- Folder 2: Mission chronology for History of Missions course
- Folder 3: Material re: TIV Seminary --- 1960s-1970s
- Folder 4: Robert Recker Seminary papers re: Old Testament exegeses --- 1945-1946
- Folder 5: Robert Recker Seminary papers re: Matthew 18:18, "Practice Preaching, Parable of the Sower" --- 1940s
- Folder 6
- Item 1: Seminary Commencement Programs --- 1967, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1988, 1990
- Item 2: Calvin College Commencement Program --- 1972
- Folder 7: Inauguration Program re: Associate Professor of Missions Appointment --- 1979
- Folder 8: College Commencement Program --- 1947
- Folder 9: Book report re" The Ancient Catholic Church
- Folder 10: Clippings, Seminary Chorus Trip to Washington D.C.
- Box 13
- Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1949-1959
- Folder 2: Correspondence --- 1960-1969
- Folder 3: Correspondence --- 1970-1979
- Folder 4: Correspondence --- 1980-1985
- Folder 5: Correspondence --- 1986-1989
- Folder 6: Correspondence --- 1990-1999
- Folder 7: Correspondence --- 2005
- Folder 8: Paper, "The Missio Dei and The Scriptural Foundation" --- undated
- Folder 9: Paper re: sovereign grace (J. Hesselink) and comments by Robert Recker --- undated
- Folder 10: Paper for New Testament Course The Concept of Mission --- undated
- Folder 11: Paper, "Africa and Christianity" --- undated
- Folder 12: Booklet, Rethinking Ministry --- 1999
- Folder 13: Letter from Paul Kortenhoven --- undated
- Folder 14: Digest of Images of the Church in the New Testament --- 1960
- Folder 15: Seminary "Dies Natalis" Banquet Program --- 1976
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Mission Field Reports --- 1950-1954
- Folder 2: Review re: The Missionary Nature of the Church --- undated
- Folder 3: Bibliography of missions related subjects --- undated
- Folder 4: Statistical table re: global missions --- 1988
- Folder 5: Academic Dean material --- 1953
- Folder 6: Seminary missiology material --- undated
- Folder 7: Long Range Goals Committee material --- undated
- Folder 8: Student organization and action material --- undated
- Folder 9: Curriculum Review Committee material --- undated
- Folder 10: Student class lists --- 1989-1990
- Folder 11: Nigerian materials including reports, membership lists, and attendance lists --- 1953-1991 and undated
- Folder 12: Outline for course re: Roman Catholicism --- 1963 and undated
- Folder 13: Outline for course re: Christology --- undated
- Folder 14: Outline for course re: sects and cults --- undated
- Folder 15: Outline for course re: Nigerian church history --- undated
- Folder 16: Outline for courses re: the introduction to theology and systematic theology --- undated
- Folder 17: Outline for courses re: Old Testament books --- undated
- Folder 18: Outline and notes for course entitled: "The Doctrine of Man" --- undated
- Folder 19: Notes for a course re: Islam --- undated
- Folder 20: Calvin Seminary course entitled: "Introduction to African Traditional Religion" --- undated
- Folder 21: Progress report entitled: "Where Are We?" --- 1986
- Folder 22: "Appendix C: Report on the Training of Pastors" [Nigeria General Conference] --- undated
- Folder 23: Paper, "God and Evangelism" --- 1986
- Folder 24: Banner articles re: Africa missions by Recker --- 1950-1953
- Folder 25: Article, "A Message from Africa" --- 1961
- Folder 26: Article, "Africa and Christianity" --- undated
Browse by Series:
Series 1: [General Materials]],
Series 2: Course material],