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Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs


Family Members' Information

Research Material

Photographs, People


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Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge Collection, 1872-2000 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge Collection, 1872-2000

ID: COLL/528

Primary Creator: Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge (1918 - 2002)

Extent: 32.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Family historian and genealogist. The collection includes the supporting material of the book, The Life of a Dutch American: George Roelofs, i.e., drafts, photographs, letters, and photocopy images of photographs, plus correspondence, family member information, and research material.

[Note:  see also Heritage Hall books The Life of a Dutch American: George Roelofs, 1853-1919, of Zwolle, the Netherlands, and Grand Rapids, Michigan: His Ancestry, Life, and Descendants with Photographs, Maps, and Genealogical Charts by Cora Helen Roelofs Verbrugge (CT274 .R635 V47 1994) and Brieven uit het Verleden:  Samenstelling en Redactie door Frank Verbrugge (Letters from the Past: Compiled and Edited by Frank Verbrugge) (CT274 .V47 B75 1981). See also Frank Verbrugge. Papers – collection 529]

Biographical Note

Cora Helen Tromp Roelofs (11 Jan 1918 - 09 Jan 2002) was born in Grand Rapids to George (nee Gerrit) Roelofs (1853-1919) and Nellie Tromp (1878-1939). He was a real estate dealer, insurance agent, and editor/publisher of Een Stem des Volks, who had emigrated in 1875.  He and his first wife, Mary Dijkema (1857-1912), had five children.  In 1913 he and Nellie Tromp married and they had two children, Robert (1914-1985) and Nellie.  After George’s death, Nellie married Theodore (nee Tiddo) Wolthorn (1880-1972), whose first wife, Wilhelmina Johnson (1883-1918), had also died.

Cora graduated from Grand Rapids Central High School in 1936 and attended Calvin College, there meeting Frank Verbrugge (1913-1985).  The two married in 1940 and in 1946 settled in Northfield, Minnesota, where Frank served on the faculty of Carelton College. In 1956, the family moved to St. Paul when Frank joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota. After helping her husband with his family’s history, Wither Thou Goest: The Life and Story of Jacobus and Maria Verbrugge in Minnesota, she began collecting material about and writing the history of her family, The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs, which she finished after Frank died. Frank and Cora had four children—Anne Louise (married Tomas Hughes Martin), Lois Marie (married Elmer Grant Gilbert), Robert Roelofs (married Noreen Elizabeth Hughes), and Martha Helen Verbrugge.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs],
[Series 2: Correspondence],
[Series 3: Family Members' Information],
[Series 4: Research Material],
[Series 5: Photographs, People],
[Series 6: Slides, 1950-1986],

Series 1: The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs
Box 1
Folder 1: Chapter 1: Egbert Roelofts --- 1817-1891
Folder 2: Chapter 2: Johanna Glazier --- 1818-1897
Folder 3: Chapter 3: Egbert Roelofs and Johanna Glazier in Zwolle --- 1845-1897
Folder 4: Chapter 5: Henrietta G. M. Roelofs; The Seven Children of George Roelofs
Folder 5: Chapter 5: Flora A. L. Roelofs, images used in book
Folder 6: Chapter 5: Flora A. L. Roelofs, images not used in book
Folder 7: Chapter 5: Henrietta G. M. Roelofs, images used in book
Folder 8: Chapter 5: Irene P. E. Roelofs, images used in book --- 1881-1969
Folder 9: Chapter 5: Irene Roelofs, images not used in book
Folder 10: Chapter 5: Ebertha Roelofs,  images used in book --- 1883-1970
Folder 11: Chapter 5: Ebertha Mary J. Roelofs, images and photos not used in book
Folder 12: Chapter 5: Howard Russell Dykema Roelofs, photos used and not used --- 1893-1974
Folder 13: Chapter 5: Robert Martin Tromp Roelofs, photos used and not used, certificates --- 1914-1985
Folder 14: Chapter 5: Cora Helen Tromp Roelofs, photos used and not used --- 1918-2002
Folder 15: Chapter 7: Sara Geertruida Roelofs, photos --- 1859-1894
Folder 16: Chapter 8: Dina G. J. Roelofs, certificates used in book --- 1861-1979
Folder 17: Six of George Roelof's children, duplicate pages from public library --- 1992
Folder 18: Genealogies and photographs
Box 4
Item 1: Vol 1, Page proof
Series 2: Correspondence
Box 2
Folder 1: To George (Gerrit) Roelofs from Zwolle --- 1873
Folder 2: George Roelofs to Nellie Tromp --- 1912-1916
Folder 3: Marie's first letter from America --- 23-Apr-1904
Folder 4: George Roelofs to Hendrik Roelofs --- 10 Sep 1907, 23 Mar 1912
Folder 5: Egbert Roelofs to Gerrit Roelofs --- 1872-1873
Folder 6: Letters from Chandler, MN --- 1912-1918
Folder 7: Chapters 1-4, pp. 12-36 --- 1875-1899
Folder 8: From Brandolei, pp. 80-96 --- 1903-1908
Folder 9: From Chandler, MN, chapter 7, pp. 124-130 --- 1909-1910
Folder 10: Miscellaneous, chapter 8, pp. 132-174 --- 1910-1923
Folder 11: From Chandler, MN, chapter 10, pp. 230-268 --- 1919-1926
Folder 12: Chapter 11, pp. 252-312 --- 1930-1945
Folder 13: From Edgerton, MN, pp. 314-332 --- 1946
Folder 14: Letters not used in book
Series 3: Family Members' Information
Box 2
Folder 15: Egbert Roelofs ancestry --- 1817-1891
Folder 16: George Roelofs probate records --- 1919-1920
Folder 17: George Roelofs document photocopies/biographical data --- 1862-1913
Folder 18: Flora M. T. E. Roelofs --- 1888-1954
Folder 19: Helena H. M. Roelofs --- 1890-1975
Folder 20: Hendrik Jan Roelofs, chapter 6 --- 1871-1937
Box 4
Item 2: Vol 2, Hendrik Jan Roelofs, family, loose-leaf notebook --- 1855-1937
Item 3: Vol 3, R. H. C. Tromp, Ancestry, Life, Family, loose-leaf notebook --- 1849-1931
Box 3
Folder 1: Neeltje Sonne, d. 1889
Folder 2: R. H. C. Tromp materials --- 1876-1938
Folder 3: Gerrit Roelofs --- 1853-1919
Series 4: Research Material
Box 3
Folder 4: Property records --- 1891-1923
Folder 5: Gerrit Roelofs, Bible information
Folder 6: Immigrations --- 1870-1910
Folder 7: De Padvinders/wet
Folder 8: Nellie Tromp material, reunion --- 1924
Folder 9: Recollections of John K. Dykema of Port Sheldon --- 1920-1940
Folder 10: Title abstracts, George Roelofs --- 1919-1923
Folder 11: F. J. LeLoux files --- 1821-1901
Folder 12: Thanksgiving service --- 24-Nov-1987
Folder 13: Blotter collection
Box 5
Item 1: Certificates; newspapers
Box 6
Folder 1: Autobiographical information
Folder 2: Greeting cards
Folder 3: Score for operetta On Midsummer's Day --- 1929
Folder 4: Poetry --- 1934
Folder 5: Illustrated English literature book --- 1934
Folder 6: Correspondence from mother
Folder 7: Helios publication --- 1933 and 1936
Folder 8: Bible English notebook, high school project --- 1936
Folder 9: Account book
Folder 10: Calvin College poetry assignments, --- 1936
Folder 11: Central High School yearbook --- 1936
Folder 12: Book reports --- 1941
Box 7
Folder 1: Wedding --- 27-Dec-1940
Folder 2: Wedding books
Folder 3: "When 117 Pre-School Mothers Get Together," Parents Magazine --- 1949
Folder 4: Lists of children's books read --- 1950s
Folder 5: School programs of children --- 1950s
Folder 6: List of family trips
Folder 7: European trip --- 1965
Folder 8: English assignments, University of Minnesota --- 1964
Folder 9: Michigan trip --- 1976
Folder 10: Dutch course, University of Minnesota --- 1979
Folder 11-14: Memorabilia --- 1989-1992
Box 8: Correspondence --- 1873-1979
Box 9: Correspondence --- 1948-1970
Box 10: Correspondence --- 1972-2000
Box 11: Family research
Box 12-17: Family logs --- 1948-1988
Box 18
Folder 1: Family members' birthday listing
Folder 2: News item, move to condo --- 1987
Folder 3: Ellis Island certificates --- 1992
Folder 4: George Roelofs estate material --- 1992
Folder 5: "Tromp Family in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1910-1980" --- 1993
Folder 6: 75th birthday cards --- 1993
Folder 7: Thursday Night Regulars meetings --- 1992-1994
Folder 8: Publication party --- 1994
Folder 9: The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs book review and comments --- 1995
Folder 10: Memorial service material --- 2002
Folder 11: Last will and testament and related documents
Folder 12: Father Goose, children's book
Folder 13: Photocopy of Nellie Trump album --- 1878-1937
Folder 14: News clippings
Folder 15: R.H.C. Tromp baptism certificate; related material
Folder 16: R.H.C. Tromp genealogy; related material
Folder 17: Tromp family's passenger lists
Folder 18: Notarized statement of C. Tromp to N. Tromp --- 1900
Folder 19: Funeral visitation book for Nellie Tromp Roelofs --- 1939
Folder 20: Acceptance speech, presidency of Faculty Women's Club, University of Minnesota --- 1968
Series 5: Photographs, People
Box 19
Folder 1: Bonnet, Lenore
Folder 2: Dykema: Cornelia, Cornelius, Henrietta
Folder 3: Dykema, Mary
Folder 4: Glazer, Johanna
Folder 5: Griffioen: Jantje, Marinus
Folder 6: Leduc, no first name
Folder 7: LeLoux: Jan B. P., Maria J.
Folder 8: Michels, Catherine
Folder 9: Mollenkamp, Treuw
Folder 10: Notting, Henrietta; Dykema, Cornelius
Folder 11: Ornee, Elizabeth
Folder 12: Ravenhorst: Arie, Marie
Folder 13: Roelofs: Ebertha, Helen, Irene
Folder 14: Roelofs, Egbert
Folder 15: Roelofs, Flora
Folder 16: Roelofs, George
Folder 17: Roelofs: Henrietta, Flora
Folder 18: Reolofs, Irene, Henrietta
Folder 19: Roelofs family: Cora, Ebertha, Flora, George, Henrietta, Howard, Irene, Mary, Robert
Folder 20: Scheepmacher, Jaantje
Folder 21: Segers, Aagje
Folder 22: Scholten, Frans
Folder 23: Tromp: Anna, Charles, Cornelius, Fannie, Franciscus J., Frank T., Gladys, Govert C., Jean B. John, Mary, Robert, Robert H. C., Robert H. C. Jr., Robertus, Rosa, Tena
Folder 24: Van Diepeningen: Dirkje, Mina, Martine, Neeltje
Folder 25: Van Emmerick, Aagje
Folder 26: Van Zetten, Alexander
Folder 27: Visse, Maria
Folder 28: Wolthorn: Cora, Henry, Nellie, Robert, Sarah, Theodore, Wilbur
Box 20
Folder 1: Unidentified people
Folder 2: Canal Street, Grand Rapids, MI
Folder 3: Lisse, Netherlands
Folder 4: Little Portion Friary, Mt. Sinai, NY
Folder 5: Macatawa Park, MI
Folder 6: Middleburg, Netherlands
Folder 7: Roelofs house, Grand Rapids, MI
Folder 8: Tombstones: Roelofs, Tromp, Nieuwenhuis, Wolthorn
Folder 9: Vreeland, Netherlands
Folder 10: Zwolle, Netherlands
Folder 11: SS Adriatic (ship of the White Star Line)
Folder 12: Roelofs, Cora: high school graduation --- 1936
Folder 13: Verbrugge, Frank; Roelofs, Cora --- 1946
Folder 14: Verbrugge, Cora --- 1990
Folder 15: Roelofs family photos
Folder 16: Tromp, R. H. C --- 1881, 1905
Folder 17: Leloux, F., and Sonne, N., album
Folder 18: Family Christmas pictures, CDs
Folder 21
Item 1: Family photo albums --- 1940s-1955
Item 2: Faculty Women's Club Records --- 1968-1970
Folder 22: Family photo albums --- 1941-1955
Folder 23: Family photo albums --- 1956-1970
Folder 24: Family photo albums --- 1977-1984
Folder 25: Family photo albums --- 1991-1994
Folder 26: Family photo albums --- 1995-2001
Folder 27: Family photo albums of Netherlands trips
Folder 28: Scrapbooks --- 1918-1940
Folder 29: Scrapbooks --- 1940-1948
Folder 30: Family photo albums --- 1918-1940, 1932-1946, 1971-1976
Folder 31: Family photo albums --- 1985-1990
Item 1: Maps of city of Grand Rapids, Michigan --- 1899
Item 2: Copies of "Een Stem Des Volks" --- undated
Box 21
Item 1: Family Photo Album --- 1913-1988
Item 2: Faculty Women's Club Records --- 1968-1970
Box 22
Item 1: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1941-1945
Item 2: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1946-1950
Item 3: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1951-1955
Box 23
Item 1: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1956-1960
Item 2: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1961-1965
Item 3: Photo Album: Helen and Frank Verbrugge --- 1966-1970
Box 24
Item 1: Family Photo Album --- 1977-1982
Item 2: Family Photo Album --- 1983-1984
Box 25
Item 1: Family Photo Album --- 1991-1992
Item 2: Family Photo Album --- 1993-1994
Box 26
Item 1: Family Photo Album --- 1995-1997
Item 2: Family Photo Album --- 1998-2001
Box 27
Item 1: Photo Album: Anniversary Party and Trip to the Netherlands --- c. 1993
Box 28
Item 1: Scrapbook I Memoirs --- Jan 1918-Jun 1936
Item 2: Scrapbook II Memoirs --- Jun 1936-Aug 1938
Item 3: Scrapbook III Memoirs --- Sep 1938-Dec 1940
Box 29
Item 1: Scrapbook IV Memoirs --- Dec 1940-Apr 1943
Item 2: Scrapbook V Memoirs --- Mar 1943- Feb 1946
Item 3: Scrapbook VI Memoirs --- Feb 1946-Jan 1948
Box 30
Item 1: Scrapbook of Dutch Relatives --- 1932-1946
Item 2: Roelofs Family Album --- 1918-1940
Item 3: Family Photo Album --- 1971-1976
Box 31
Item 1: Family Photo Album --- 1985-1987
Item 2: Family Photo Album --- 1988-1990
Item 3: Photo Album --- 1989-2002
Series 6: Slides --- 1950-1986
Box 32
Item 1: Slides --- 1950-Jun 1958
Item 2: Slides --- Jun 1958- Jul 1962
Item 3: Slides --- Jul 1962-Jan 1974
Item 4: Slides --- Feb 1974-Aug 1980
Item 5: Slides --- 1981-1986
Item 6: Slides: Europe and Spain --- 1965 and 1974
Item 7: Slides: South America and Mexico

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: The Life of a Dutch American, George Roelofs],
[Series 2: Correspondence],
[Series 3: Family Members' Information],
[Series 4: Research Material],
[Series 5: Photographs, People],
[Series 6: Slides, 1950-1986],

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