By Paul Bremer, March 2011
Collection Overview
Professor of philosophy at Calvin College. The collection includes biographical and autobiographical information; course notes; correspondence; speeches, lectures, and sermons; materials regarding the Groen van Prinsterer Club; articles and book reviews; positions papers; D. H. Vollenhoven and H. Dooyeweerd material; creation/evolution debate material; an unpublished book, Perspectives in Philosophy, material; subject files with comments and reflections; Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS), Association of Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Christian Labor Association (CLA), Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC ), National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), and Institute for Christian Studies (ICS) materials; and select papers written by other authors. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Howard Evan Runner, known as H. Evan Runner or simply Evan Runner, was born in 1916 in Oxford, Pennsylvania, to Howard Clinton Runner and Sara Mabel Watterson. In his early years Runner had a love of philosophy and language-and a desire to be a missionary. He graduated from West Philadelphia High School in 1932; from Wheaton College in 1936. Although he received a scholarship to study at the University of Illinois, he went to Westminster Seminary for advanced studies. Cornelius Van Til of Westminster convinced him to learn the Dutch language so he would be able to pursue some significant thinkers of the Netherlands. Runner went to the Netherlands in 1939 and studied with Klaas Schilder and Seakle Greijdanus at the Theological School in Kampen. He returned to the US in early 1940 and went to Harvard, studing with Werner Jaeger and was a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University from 1941-1943.
After leaving Harvard he taught English and Latin at Eastern Academy in Paterson, New Jersey. He returned to the Netherlands in 1946 to study at the Free University and began to appreciate the work of reformational philosophers Herman Dooyeweerd and Dirk Hendrik Theodoor Vollenhoven. He received his doctorate in1951 cum laude.
In 1950 he joined the Philosophy Department at Calvin College. He taught with zeal and gathered students from various disciplines into the Groen van Prinsterer Society. These students became his friends and collegues. His dedication and teaching a new vision of Christian Philosphy earned Runner the Faith and Teaching Award from the Calvin Alumni Association.
He developed a program of study which included "who the Puritans were, the meaning of the Enlightenment, its influence in America, the basic ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the nature of Scholasticism, particularly as manifested in Reformed theology, the concept of natural law, the religious ground-motives that have successively given order to the experience of Western man, the origins of capitalsm, the rise of the labor movement, etc."
Runner was instrumental in formation and leadership of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. Many of his students established their own careers, often at Christian colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.
Runner was married to Elisabeth Hendrika Wichers. They had three children, Evan, Cathy, and Jocelyn. He died in 2002.
Administrative Information
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Runner Biographical and Autobiographical, 1928-2004],
Series 2: Seminary Course Notes, undated],
Series 3: Correspondence, 1930-1999],
Series 4: Groen van Prinsterer Society, 1951-1976],
Series 5: D. H. Vollenhoven Material, 1942-1981],
Series 6: H. Dooyeweerd Material, 1933-1994],
Series 7: Creation/Evolution Debate Material, 1953-1994],
Series 8: Lecture Notes, 1952-1984, undated],
Series 9: Speeches, Lectures, and Sermons, 1953-1990],
Series 10: Papers Written, 1951-1981],
Series 11: Perspectives Material, undated],
Series 12: Subject Files and Comments/Reflections, 1954-1987],
Series 13: Material re: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and Christian Labor Association (CLA), 1961-1997],
Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner, 1938-1992],
Series 15: Varia, 1939-1981],
Series 16: Photographs],
- Series 1: Runner Biographical and Autobiographical --- 1928-2004
- Box 1
- Folder 1: School report: "Chart of Life of Christ" --- 1933
- Folder 2: Notes for high school history courses --- 1928-1932
- Folder 3: Material for English literature course at University of Pennsylvania
- Item 1: "An Introduction to English Literature up to the Nineteenth Century" --- 1934-1935
- Folder 4: Summary of the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) --- 1934-1935
- Folder 5: Junior high Greek History notebooks --- undated
- Folder 6: High school and college graduation programs
- Item 1: "Commencement" West Philadelphia High School --- 1932
- Item 2: Commencement invitation from Wheaton --- 1936
- Item 3: "Baccalaureate Exercises" and "Commencement Exercises" from Wheaton --- 1936
- Folder 7: Transcript, Free University of Amsterdam --- 1946-1950
- Folder 8: Notebook, "Bks. To Read" --- 1950
- Folder 9: Dissertation, The Development of Aristotle Illustrated From the Earliest Books of the Physics --- 1951
- Folder 10: Personal notebook --- undated
- Folder 11: "Interview with Dr. H. Evan Runner," by Harry Van Dyke and Albert M. Wolters --- 1976
- Folder 12: "Transcript of Taped Interview with Professor Runner" --- 1976
- Folder 13: Material re: application for sabbatical --- 1977
- Folder 14: Material re: H.E. Runner retirement --- 1981
- Folder 15: Honors and appointments
- Item 1: "Faith and Learning Award" --- 1993
- Item 2: Spark article, "A Tribute to H. Evan Runner" --- 1981
- Item 3: Chimes article: "The Tulmultous Years of Dr H Evan Runner, " 1981 Material re: Hearing and Doing: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to H. Evan Runner" --- 1978
- Folder 16: Material for autobiography --- undated
- Folder 17: Discussion between H. Evan Runner and Papini --- undated
- Folder 18: Personal photos --- 1957, and undated
- Folder 19: Newsclippings
- Item 1: "Misdirected Efforts," Chimes --- 1974
- Item 2: "Christian Thought Conference Continues," The Bagpipe (Covanant College, Tennessee) --- 1969
- Item 3: Review of Chuck Colson's Life Sentence, by H. Evan Runner --- 1981
- Folder 20: Christian Renewal, Special Supplement: Runner Remembered, 1916-2002 --- March 10, 2003
- Item 1: Tributes by J. Hultink, A. Wolters, T. Plantinga, K. Hollingsworth, H. Antonides, C. Seerveld, H. Vander Goot, Cathy Collins, H. Van Dyke
- Item 2: Other articles regarding H. E. Runner
- Folder 21: Pro Rege, v. 32, no. 1: "Runner's Impact on the Academy and Beyond: Personal Reflections," by Al Wolters --- September 2003
- Item 1: "Give Thanks for H. Evan Runner," by Keth C. Sewell
- Folder 22: Myodicy, Issue 17 --- December 2002
- Item 1: "H. Evan Runner: Man of Passion, Man of Conviction," by Theodore Plantinga
- Item 2: Cardus: "Importance of H. Evan Runner," by Al Wolters --- January 1, 2003
- Item 3: Cardus: "H. Evan Runner and the Groen Club," by Harry Van Dyke --- January 1, 2004
- Series 2: Seminary Course Notes --- undated
- Box 2: Seminary notebooks --- undated
- Item 1: "Revelation-Stonehouse"
- Item 2: "Pastoral Theology"
- Item 3: "Gospel History"
- Item 4: "Medieval History"
- Item 5: "Poetical Books"
- Item 6: "O.T. Prophets"
- Box 3: Seminary notebooks --- undated
- Item 1: "Apostolic History"
- Item 2: "Syriac"
- Item 3: "Practical Theology: Missions - Covenant Implications"
- Item 4: "N.T. Biblical Theology"
- Item 5: "Systematic Theology I"
- Item 6: "Theology of Jn. Calvin," and "Oriental History"
- Box 4: Seminary notebooks --- undated
- Item 1: "Pentateuch"
- Item 2: "O.T. Intro"
- Item 3: "N.T. Intro & Exegesis"
- Item 4: "Church Govt."
- Item 5: "Systematics III"
- Item 6: "I Samuel 1-15"
- Item 7: "Person of XT: Biblical Eschatology"
- Box 5: Seminary notebooks --- undated
- Item 1: "Senior Christian Hist. II"
- Item 2: "O.T. Biblical Theology"
- Item 3: "Latin Vocab, N.T. Survey"
- Item 4: "Hebrew, Library Material"
- Item 5: "Senior Church History"
- Item 6: "Homiletics, Sermon Outlines, Public Speaking"
- Box 6: Seminary notebooks --- undated
- Item 1: "Philosophy"
- Item 2: "Dogmatiek"
- Item 3: "Systematic Theology II"
- Item 4: "Ancient Church History"
- Series 3: Correspondence --- 1930-1999
- Box 7
- Folder 1: 1930-1939
- Item 1: Letter from J. Gresham Machen of Westminster Theological Seminary --- 1934-1935
- Item 2: Acceptance letter from Westminster Theological School --- 1936
- Item 3: Letter from Glenn Andreas --- 1936
- Item 4: Letter to Kuiper --- 1937
- Folder 2: 1940-1945
- Item 1: Harvard Divinity School re: scholarships --- 1940
- Item 2: Telegrams from Mother and Dad, and Alfred North Whitehead --- 1941
- Item 3: Harvard University Society of Fellows --- 1941
- Item 4: Carlton S. Coon, and L.J Henderson --- 1941
- Item 5: Ralph H. Meyer, N. J. Monsma, G. A. Andreas, Nels F.S. Ferre, Arthur D. Nock --- 1943
- Item 6: Re: theological concerns about Gordon H. Clark --- 1942-1943
- Item 7: Letter from Ed Palmer --- 1945
- Folder 3: 1946-1949
- Item 1: Letter to D.H. Vollenhoven --- 1946-1949
- Item 2: Letter to Glenn A. Andreas from Vollenhoven and Dooyeweerd, 1948 Letter from M.C. Smit --- 1948
- Item 3: Letter from Christian University Association of America --- 1948
- Item 4: Letter to Evan and Ellen from H.R. Boer (Chair of Missions at Calvin) --- 1948-1949
- Item 5: Letter to Dirk Jellema --- 1949
- Item 6: Letter from Werner Jaeger --- 1949
- Item 7: Letter to the Editor of the Pella Chronicle --- 1949
- Folder 4: 1950-1955
- Item 1: Letter from John H. Piersma --- 1950-1951
- Item 2: Letters from Werner Jaeger, H.J. Ryskamp --- 1951
- Item 3: Letter to D.H. Vollenhoven --- 1953
- Item 4: Letter to K.J. Popma --- 1954
- Item 5: Letter from Frederick Nymeyer --- 1954
- Folder 5: 1956-1959
- Item 1: Letter to Werner Jaeger --- 1956
- Item 2: Letter from F. Guillaume --- 1956-1957
- Item 3: Letter from Pieter G.W. Plessis --- 1957
- Item 4: Re: discontinuing membership in the Reformed Fellowship, 1958 "Statement Explanatory of My Vote in the Educational Policy Committee Meeting" --- 1958
- Item 5: Letters from Henry van Andel, H. Van Brummelen --- 1959
- Folder 6: 1960-1964
- Item 1: Letters from G. A. Andreas, W. Stanford Reid, T. Dooyeweerd --- 1960
- Item 2: Letters to Mr. Nymeyer, American Council of Learned Societies, Ned B. Stonehouse --- 1960
- Item 3: Letters from Bernard Zylstra, J. Kuntz, Virgil C. Blum, Vollenhoven, William Spoelhof --- 1961
- Item 4: Letter to Mr. Farenhorst re: changes to The Bible and the Life of the Christian --- 1962
- Item 5: Letters from M. Verbrugge, Bernard Zylstra, J. Klapwijk, A.H. Cook, Sidney Greidanus, John T. Daling re: article with objections in Christian Perspectives --- 1963
- Item 6: Letters to H. van Riessen, H. Dooyeweerd, Th. Vollenhoven, Harry Vanderlaan --- 1963
- Item 7: "Memorandum" to the Board of The Association for Reformed Scientific Studies --- 1964
- Folder 7: 1965-1969
- Item 1: Letter from A. Vandermaas re: translation of a children's Bible --- 1965
- Item 2: Letter from William G. Pollard --- 1965
- Item 3: Letters from B. Zylstra, Gerrit Polman, Wm. White Jr. --- 1966
- Item 4: Letter from Westminster Theological Seminary re: address at student banquet --- 1966-1967
- Item 5: Letter from Gerald R. Ford re: Republican amendment to H.R. 7819 --- 1967
- Folder 8: 1968-1969
- Item 1: Letters from William C. Albertson of the Presbyterian Lay Committee, Inc., H. Edward Rowe of the Christian Freedom Foundation, Inc. --- 1968
- Item 2: Letters from Bernard Zylstra, J. Stellingwerff, D.H. Vollenhoven, N.B. Knoppers, Alice Tibbetts, Gerrit Polman, Harry Vanderlaan, Richard A. Russel, Carl J. Bosma, John A. Olthuis of an Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS), John Vanden Berg re: leave of absence for Interim and Second Semester of 1969, Edward J. Vander Weele of Trinity Christian College re: son Evan's mid-term reports, Alys Westerman --- 1968
- Item 3: Letters to University of Michigan Law School, Bernie and Josie [Zylstra] --- 1968
- Item 4: Letters from Robert G. Turnbull of Ohio State University re: declined application for membership in the 1970 Institute in Greek Philosophy and Science, Bernard Zylstra, Institute for Christian Studies, David W. Willingdon, H. Antonides of the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC), Charles Hatfield of the University of Missouri, Fred W. Tamminga of CREDO re: Cultus Lake lectures, H. Harold Hartzler of the American Scientific Affiliation re: Intensive Seminar in the Philosophy of Science, Janice Van Houten re: lecture at The Four Brooks Conference, Paul R. Gilchrist of Covenant College re: lecture at Philosophy conference, Bernie and Jos [Zylstra], Robert Lee Carvill re: AACS lectures, Michael Welton, "Cousin Josephine", Ann Bruinsma, A.P. Bos --- 1969
- Item 5: Recommendation from D.H. Vollenhoven to a publisher re: book on Greek Philosophy by Runner --- 1969
- Folder 9: 1970-1971
- Item 1: Letters from "John", Bernie [Zylstra], Jack B. Vos of AACS re: appointment as a visiting professor in Toronto, Paul deVries of the University of Virginia, H. Antonides of the CLAC, Ed Colson of Spring Arbor College, "Wendy E.", Russel Maatman of Christian Scientific Symposium Committee re: lecture at Dordt College, "Paul and Nancy", "Mike", B. Duvenage re: contribution to a commemorative volume for H.G. Stoker, Henry DeMoor, "Cal" of Trinity Christian College re: travel expenses for the January Invitational Conference, "Robert", E. Fackerell, Harry H. Schat, Ted Plantinga, John K. Jansen, D.H. Vollenhoven, Wm. Peter Dale of CLAC re: article in The Guide --- 1970
- Item 2: Letters from John A. Olthuis, Luke M. Reinsma, Robert Lee Carvill of Vanguard, from Keith C. Sewell to Robert Lee Carvill, to "John", E. Fackerell, K. A. Bril, John H. Boer, Paul Hubers, Cornelius Van Til, Robert M. Metcalf Jr., J. Oliver Buswell, Albert Wolters, Richard A. Brown --- 1971
- Folder 10: 1972-1974
- Item 1: Memorandum from Henry De Wit re: compensation for --- 1972-73, 1972
- Item 2: letter to John Olthuis --- 1972
- Item 3: Letters from William H. Russel of Geneva College re: Albert Wolters and Dirk Zylstra as candidates for a teaching position, Paul R. Thatcher of The Andreas Foundation re: grant for Robert D. Knudsen to translate Dooyeweerd's Encyclopedia of the Science of Law --- 1972
- Item 4: Letter from Bernard Zylstra to John Brooks --- 1972
- Item 5: Letters from "John", Robert Lee Carvill, Arvilla Sipma, Robert Wondergem re: recommendation for medical school, Richard Gross of Gordon College re: recommendation for John N. Kraay, Paul Hubers --- 1972
- Item 6: Letter to K. A. Bril, Board of Trustees of AACS re: decline of offered position --- 1973
- Item 7: Letter from Cal Seerveld, Wassily Leontief of the Harvard Society of Fellows, Clarence Crossman re: speaking to McMaster Christian Fellowship, John Fountain of Stanford University, William R. Garfield of Strathmoor-Judson Memorial Baptist Church re: paper by Runner entitled "Christian Analysis of the Election" --- 1973
- Item 8: Letter from Herman Dooyeweerd, Clayton E. Carlson of Harper and Row Publishers, Inc. re: Bernard Zylstra's translation of L. Kalsbeek's introduction to the thought of Herman Dooyeweerd --- 1974
- Item 9: Letter to Clayton E. Carlson --- 1974
- Item 10: Letter from Robert J. Eels, Paul Szto, Robert M. Metcalf to Glenn Andreas, Johannes G. Vos, Tom Forman of Campus Outreach re: Lawrence Summer Workshop and the anti-Dooyeweerd movement --- 1974
- Item 11: Letter to Tom Forman --- 1974
- Folder 11: 1975-1979
- Item 1: Letters from Ted and Ruth Fackerell, Wassily Leontief of the Harvard Society of Fellows re: Junior Fellows who have died since --- 1958, 1975
- Item 2: Letter to Cornelius Van Til --- 1975
- Item 3: Letter from Wolter Smit, Bernard Zylstra --- 1976
- Item 4: Letter from Jon R. Kennedy of Christianity on Campus, Inc. re: lectures at California Conference on Christian Action, Daniel James Meeter --- 1977
- Item 5: Letters from Rudolf A. Renfer, Arie van Dijck, "John" --- 1978
- Item 6: Letter from A.M. Oostlander re: content of lectures in the "symposion book" --- 1979
- Item 7: Letter to "Cousin Josephine", Bernard Zylstra --- 1979
- Box 8
- Folder 1: 1980-1984
- Item 1: Letter from Glenn Andreas, Jim Penning re: lecture "On Being Anti-Revolutionary…", Magnus Verbrugge, John Vanden Berg re: "perspectives book" --- 1980
- Item 2: Letter to Bernard Zylstra, John Vanden Berg --- 1980
- Item 3: Letter from John M. Hofman re: retirement, Steven Wiersma of Calvin Lecture Council re: speech in mini-series, Tom Ozinga of Calvin Christian Reformed Chruch re: nomination for elder position, Magnus Verbrugge, Bob Kamphuis --- 1981
- Item 4: Letter to Charles W. Coleson, Magnus Verbrugge --- 1981
- Item 5: Letter from Magnus Verbrugge to Paul Schrotenboer --- 1981
- Item 6: Letter from Harry Antonides, Alvin Plantinga to Calvin Professional Status Committee, Charles W. Colson, Donald G. Distelberg re: $5,000 donation to be used for publication of Runner's "Perspectives Lectures" --- 1982
- Item 7: Letter to Sue Hudnall --- 1982
- Item 8: Letter to Evan W. Runner from Philip Blosser, James W. Skillen, H. Evan Runner --- 1982
- Item 9: Letter to Hans deVink --- 1983
- Item 10: Letters from Hans deVink, Tom Burnham, "Cousin Josephine", Chuck Mc Ilhenny --- 1983
- Item 11: Letters from Magnus Verbrugge, Chuck Mc Ilhenny, "Phil", Charles W. Colson --- 1984
- Folder 2: 1985-1989
- Item 1: Letter to Chuck Mc Ilhenny, J. A. van Delden --- 1985
- Item 2: Letter from Mark Vander Hart re: paper, "The Christian Philosophical Enterprise in the Light of Biblical Prophecy," J. Witte Jr., Chuck Mc Ilhenny, John Hultink of Christian Renewal, Magnus Verbrugge, Al Wolters, Alan Storkey, J.A. van Delden --- 1985
- Item 3: Letter from Josie Zylstra (Van Nuis) re: appreciation for sympathy, Glenn Andreas, Herbert Schlossberg, Chuck Mc Ilhenny --- 1986
- Item 4: Letter to Herbert Schlossberg --- 1986
- Item 5: Letter to Eastern Christian Academy --- 1987
- Item 6: Letter from "Phil" --- 1987
- Item 7: Letters from John Witte Jr., Stacey H. Taylor re: book Christ, Cosmos and Creation, Roy Clouser, Josephine, Guido Sneep, James R. Payton re: Redeemer College graduation, Phil Blosser --- 1988
- Item 8: Letter to Josephine, Roy Clouser --- 1988
- Item 9: Letters from Chuck Mc Ilhenny, Johan Stellingwerff, Tom and Laurie VandenHeuvel of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. re: writing for The Outlook, Jose M. Velazquez re: lectures at Juan Calvino Theology Seminary, Gordon L. Van Harn --- 1989
- Item 10: Reply to Jose M. Velazquez --- 1989
- Folder 3: 1990-1995
- Item 1: Letters from John H. Boer, Lisa Van Lonkhuyzen, "Ted", John Witte Jr., Lew Vander Meer, Phil Blosser, John R. Hamilton --- 1990
- Item 2: Letters from Chuck Mc Ilhenny, Calvin Seerveld --- 1991
- Item 3: Letters from Harry Antonides, Harry Fernhout re: address at anniversary service for the Institute for Christian Studies, Anna Veltman re: obituary of husband Stewart T. Veltman --- 1992
- Item 4: Letters to Harry Fernhout, Calvin Seerveld, John Paul Roberts, 1992 Letter from John P. Roberts to Harry Antonides re: Runner's recommendation of Antonides as a replacement speaker, from John Witte Jr. to Glenn Andreas --- 1992
- Item 5: Letters to Chuck Mc Ilhenny, "Steve", Phil Blosser, Beth Pierson Smith --- 1993
- Item 6: Letters from W. Alan Davis, Henk Hart, John Witte Jr., Lambert Zuidervaart re: H. Evan Runner Chair in Philosophy, Chuck Mc Ilhenny, S.K. Chung of The Institute for Calvinistic Studies in Korea, Phil Blosser, Harry Fernhout, Fred C. Steensma, Luke P. Wilson, Bob den Dulk re: Faith and Learning award, Cal Seerveld --- 1993
- Item 7: Letter to Annette Bartels Kraus --- 1993
- Item 8: Letters from John Bolt, John Andreas, J.D. Dengerink --- 1994
- Item 9: Letters to John Bolt, John C. Vander Stelt --- 1994
- Item 10: Letters from Chuck Mc Ilhenny, W. Alan Davis, Danie Strauss, Jon Andreas --- 1995
- Item 11: Letter to Harvard University Graduate School of Education re: recommendation of Jonathan Peter Andreas, W. Alan Davis, "Wally", "Jan", Jon Andreas, Danie Strauss --- 1995
- Folder 4: 1996-1999
- Item 1: Letters from Ronald L. Roper, Paul and Wendy Helleman, Wheaton College Alumni Association re: Sixtieth Anniversary Reunion, Earl E. Zetterholm, Harry Antonides, McKendree R. Langley, W. Alan Davis --- 1996
- Item 2: Letters to Helen and Earl --- 1996
- Item 3: Letters from John Witte Jr., John Bolt, Charles W. Colson --- 1997
- Item 4: Letter to John Witte --- 1997
- Item 5: Letter from Monroe Bertsch, John Witte Jr., Thomas W. Gillespie re: Abraham Kuyper Prize for Excellence in Reformed Theology and Public Life from Princeton Theological Seminary --- 1998
- Item 6: Letter from Ralph A. Siebring --- 1999
- Folder 5: Undated
- Item 1: Letters from Henry J. Cadbury, John Witte Jr., S.U. Zuidema, Don Van Beek, Dirk Jellema, Paul Hubers, Bruce E. Derby, Cal Seerveld, Bernard Zylstra, Paul Henry, Phil Blosser, T. Downing Bowler, William Dixon Gray, Bernard VanderWilp --- undated
- Item 2: Letter to William Shursma, "Dick", John Witte Jr. --- undated
- Folder 6: Re: faculty appointment, Calvin College --- 1948-1949
- Item 1: Recommendations from Cornelius Van Til, Harry R. Boer, Henry R. Van Til, and William Haverkamp --- 1948-1949
- Folder 7: Re: Christian University Association of America
- Item 1: Letter to Ned B. Stonehouse from Glenn Andreas --- 1950
- Item 2: Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee --- 1950
- Item 3: Committee report to the Board of Trustees --- 1953
- Folder 8: With Enno R. Haan re: Calvinist Culture Association --- 1953
- Folder 9: Re: reappointment to Calvin Faculty
- Item 1: Letter from William Spoelhof, reply to William Spoelhof, memorandum to E.H. Runner --- 1957
- Item 2: Confidential recommendation --- 1955
- Folder 10: To Calvin Educational Policy Committee re: appointment of N. Wolterstorff and statement on his negative vote --- 1958
- Folder 11: To CRC Synod from the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship in reply to appeal of Second CRC (Toronto) versus Classis Toronto --- 1970
- Folder 12: Re: death of H. Dooyeweerd
- Item 1: Letter from Gordon Spykman, Robert D. Knudsen re: Banner article, Daniel Meeter, Stan Wiersma, Arvin G. Vos of Western Kentucky University, Clifton J. Orlebeke, and note from an anonymous student --- 1977
- Folder 13: Re: translation of Promise and Deliverance, including: of appreciation from Edmund P. Clowney of Westminster Theological Seminary, James P. Hoekenga, Herman deJong, and Cornelius Van Til --- 1977
- Item 1: Review by Al Wolters in Vanguard --- 1978
- Item 2: Contract between Evan and Ellen Runner and publisher John Hultink --- 1973
- Item 3: Letter to John Hultink from Evan and Ellen
- Item 4: Article in the Calvin College Chimes --- 1977
- Folder 14: With Calvin CRC re: women's ordination
- Item 1: Correspondence between: H. Evan Runner and Joel R. Boot re: Laura Smit leading liturgy in a Sunday service, and H. Evan Runner and Homer J. Vander Mey --- 1984
- Item 2: Material from the Committee of Concerned Members of the CRC Statements of the Acts of Synod --- 1984
- Folder 15: With Gaylen Byker re: letter from Dale Van Kley --- 1998
- Folder 16: Between H. Evan Runner and D.H. Vollenhoven
- Item 1: Letter from H. Evan Runner to D.H. Vollenhoven --- 1949
- Item 2: Letter from D.H. Vollenhoven to Evan and Ellen --- undated
- Folder 17: Draft of letter to ministers of Orthodox Presbyterian Church --- undated
- Folder 18: Portion of letter to Harry Vander Laan re: recruiting students for Institute for Christian Studies --- undated
- Folder 19: Draft of letter of recommendation for Calvin Seerveld --- 1965
- Folder 20: To Bernard and Josine Zylstra re: relationship to Calvin College --- 1964
- Series 4: Groen van Prinsterer Society --- 1951-1976
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Speech for Groen Van Prinsterer Club --- 1966
- Folder 2: Material re: Groen Van Prinsterer Club
- Item 1: Booklet with article "Our Sponsor Reflects on the Meaning and Origin of the Groen Club" by H. Evan Runner, notes on speech at 10th anniversary banquet, list of Groen Club Board possibilities, constitution of the club, signup sheet for groups, letter of introduction --- undated
- Item 2: Membership list, bulletin, report of the Guelf business meeting, lecture notes, report on the Groen Club meeting --- 1957
- Item 3: Article by Ralph Koops --- 1975
- Item 4: Lecture notes for the Groen Club banquet, Groen Club newsletter --- 1960
- Item 5: Lecture notes --- 1958
- Item 6: Groen Club program --- 1966
- Item 7: Public meeting notes --- 1956
- Item 8: Membership roster --- 1955
- Folder 3: Tot Vrijheid Geroepen issue on Groen Van Prinsterer --- 1976
- Folder 4: Essay by Bernard Zylstra "Who Was Groen?" for the Groen Van Prinsterer Society --- 1956
- Folder 5: Book by Groen Van Prinsterer Society under the supervision of H. E. Runner: The Bible and the Life of the Christian --- 1972
- Folder 6: Notes on Groen Van Prinsterer unbelief and revolution --- 1954-1955
- Folder 7: Trouw news article re: Groen Van Prinsterer --- 1951
- Folder 8: Paper, "The Anti-Revolutionary Principle" by Groen Van Prinsterer, translated by J. Faber --- 1956
- Folder 9: Lecture notes from speech on Groen Van Prinsterer and Public Schools --- undated
- Series 5: D. H. Vollenhoven Material --- 1942-1981
- Box 9
- Folder 10: Translation of D. H. Vollenhoven material --- undated
- Folder 11: "Theoretische Psychologie" by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1942-1943
- Folder 12: "Historia Philosophiae: Pre-Platonische Philosophie" by D.H. Vollenhoven, with notes by H. Evan Runner --- 1946
- Folder 13: "Conspectus Historiae II" by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1947
- Folder 14: Kort Overzicht over de Geschiedenis Wijsbegeerte by D.H. Vollenhoven --- 1947
- Folder 15: D. H. Vollenhoven's notes on typology --- 1960-1961
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Notes on D.H. Vollenhoven's re: Aristotle --- 1949
- Folder 2: Speech by Vollenhoven "Faith: Its Nature and Structure, and Its Significance for Science" given at the Student Conference on faith, science, and the scientist --- 1950
- Folder 3: "Wijsgerige Athropologie" by D.H. Vollenhoven --- 1958-1959
- Folder 4: D. H. Vollenhoven lectures --- 1960-1972
- Folder 5: Paper by D. H. Vollenhoven "Monarchianisme" --- 1961
- Folder 6: Paper by D. H. Vollenhoven "Schematische Kaarten Met Register" --- 1962
- Folder 7: Article in The Christian Vanguard "At the Beginning" by D.H. Vollenhoven, from an address given at the Unionville Conference --- 1961
- Folder 8: Paper by D. H. Vollenhoven "Schematische Kaarten met Register" --- 1962
- Folder 9: Copies of Correspondentie-Bladen articles re: Vollenhoven --- 1964-1965
- Folder 10: Paper by D. H. Vollenhoven "De Conceptie Van Arnoldus Geulincx" --- 1967
- Folder 11: Paper by D. H. Vollenhoven "De Wisselwerkingstheorie in de Oudheid I" --- 1967
- Folder 12: Article "At the Beginning" in The Christian Vanguard by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1968
- Folder 13: University lectures by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1964-1969
- Folder 14: Isagooge Philosophiae by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1967
- Folder 15: "Problemen Van de tijd in onze kring" by D. H. Vollenhoven --- 1968
- Folder 16: Articles and correspondence re: death of D. H. Vollenhoven
- Item 1: Obituary by Hendrik Hart --- 1978
- Item 2: Obituary in Mededeling --- 1978
- Item 3: Letter from Jan D. Dengerink --- 1978
- Item 4: Letter from "Tol", obituary in Vanguard --- 1978
- Item 5: Article in Donderdag --- 1978
- Item 6: Article in Opbouw --- 1978
- Folder 17: Article in Pro Rege "Vollenhoven and Thinking in the Light of Scripture" by John H. Kok --- 1992
- Folder 18: Article "Background to Vollenhoven's Historiographic Methodology" author unknkown --- undated
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Miscellaneous writings by D. H. Vollenhoven
- Item 1: "Wisselwerkingstheorie" --- 1959-1960
- Item 2: "Typologie," "Monarchianisme" --- 1961-1962
- Item 3: "Hoofdtrekken der Wijsgerige Promlematiek" --- undated
- Folder 2: Miscellaneous writings by D. H. Vollenhoven
- Item 1: "Geschiedenis van de Wijsgerige Anthropology" --- 1961-1962
- Item 2: "Mystiek Bij de Gereformeerde Gezindte" --- 1954
- Item 3: "Wijsgerige Anthropologie (Typologie)" --- 1958-1959
- Item 4: "Addende: Geesch. Anthropology Colleges" --- 1962-1963
- Item 5: "Anthropologie (Typologie) Cursus" re: Plato, Stoics, Tertullian --- 1962-1963
- Item 6: "Anthropologie (systematische) = Typologie" --- 1960-1961
- Folder 3: Papers by Vollenhoven
- Item 1: "History of Philosophy" --- undated
- Item 2: "Emergence of the Theme of Apriori in Hellenistic Age" --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper by Vollenhoven, "Excurs over Anaximandros" --- undated
- Folder 5: Translations of Vollenhoven's material on Socrates
- Item 1: "Griekse Filosofie III" Syllabus --- 1960
- Item 2: "Non-mathematical Objection to the Individualist" --- undated
- Item 3: "Mathematical Objectivism" --- undated
- Item 4: "Subjectivism after Socrates" --- undated
- Item 5: "Purely Cosmological Non-mathematical Objectivism" --- undated
- Item 6: "The Non-contradictory Movement" --- undated
- Item 7: "De Semi-contradictory Direction" --- undated
- Folder 6: Lecture by Vollenhoven "Pietisme en Calvinisme" --- undated
- Folder 7: Comments by Vollenhoven re: historical methodology for philosophy --- 1933
- Folder 8-9: "Syllabus for Philosophy 300" by H. E. Runner based on material from D.H. Vollenhoven's "Geschiedenis der Wijsbeerte" --- undated
- Item 1: "Introduction," History of Philosophy before the Rise of Synthesis" --- undated
- Item 2: "The Partial-Universalistic Subjectivists" --- undated
- Item 3: "The Individualistic Subjectivists: The Early Sophists" --- undated
- Item 4: "Mythologizing Thinking" --- undated
- Item 5: "Non-Mythologizing Thinking" --- undated
- Item 6: "Appendix" --- undated
- Item 7: "Objectivism" --- undated
- Item 8: "The Universalists" --- undated, 1953-1954
- Folder 10: Paper by Vollenhoven "Sphere Sovereignty as Seen by Kuyper and Ous" --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes re: Vollenhoven's view on pragmatism and James --- undated
- Folder 12: Notes re: Vollenhoven's analysis of Aquinas' philosophical development --- 1961
- Folder 13: Paper by Vollenhoven "Levens-Eenheid (Harmony of Life)," 1955, sent to E.H. Runner in --- 1981
- Folder 14: Notes re: Vollenhoven's "The Process of Plato's Development" --- undated
- Series 6: H. Dooyeweerd Material --- 1933-1994
- Box 12
- Folder 1: Booklet by H. Dooyeweerd "Antirevolutionaire Staatkunde" --- 1933
- Folder 2: Paper by H. Dooyeweerd "The Secularization of Science" --- 1954
- Folder 3: Book by H. Dooyeweerd Creation and Evolution published by Groen Van Prinsterer Society --- 1967
- Folder 4: Seminar by Hendrik Hart "Dooyeweerd's theory of the 'Gegenstand' relation", and notes by E.H. Runner on the lecture --- 1971
- Folder 5: Article by Earl William Kenney in Fides Et Historia "Herman Dooyeweerd on History: an Attempt to Understand Him" --- 1974
- Folder 6: Articles re: death of H. Dooyeweerd
- Item 1: VU Magazine --- 1977
- Item 2: De Watchter --- 1977
- Item 3: Christianity Today --- 1977
- Item 4: Beweging --- 1977
- Item 5: Perspective --- 1977
- Folder 7: Article in Christianity Today re: book by L. Kalsbeek entitled Contours of Christian Philosophy: An Introduction to Herman Dooyeweerd's Thought --- 1977
- Folder 8: Article by H. Evan Runner in The Banner "Dooyeweerd's Passing: An Appreciation" --- 1977
- Folder 9: Newsclippings re: H. Dooyeweerd's death
- Item 1: Calvin College Chimes --- 1977
- Item 2: Ad Valvas --- 1977
- Item 3: Calvinist Contact --- 1977
- Item 4: Nederlands Dagblad --- 1977
- Folder 10: Paper for the Dooyeweerd Memorial Colloquium at Calvin College entitled "In Memoriam of Herman Dooyeweerd: Meaning, Time and Law" --- 1978
- Folder 11: Trouw articles re: H. Dooyeweerd --- 1950-1994
- Folder 12: H. Dooyeweerd's Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy Volume II pages 1-220 sent to H. Evan Runner by M. Verbrugge --- 1982
- Folder 13: H. Dooyeweerd's Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy Volume II pages 221-400 --- 1982
- Folder 14: H. Dooyeweerd's Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy Volume II pages 401-658 --- 1982
- Folder 15: Unidentified essay on H. Dooyeweerd --- undated
- Box 13
- Folder 1: H. Dooyeweerd's Reformation and Scholasticism in Philosophy Volume III --- 1982
- Folder 2: Material re: The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation
- Item 1: Lists of members, meeting minutes, goals and objectives
- Item 2: Letter from Magnus Verbrugge to Glenn Andreas --- 1983-1987
- Folder 3: Material re: Dedication of the Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy
- Item 1: Opening program
- Item 2: Article in Christian Renewal by H. Evan Runner --- 1994
- Folder 4: Articles re: Herman Dooyeweerd
- Item 1: The Banner --- 1975
- Item 2: The Reformed Journal. --- 1980
- Folder 5: Newsclippings re: Herman Dooyeweerd, including articles in: Vrij Nederland, Trouw --- 1965
- Folder 6: Paper by Herman Dooyeweerd "De Verhouding Tussen Wijsbhgeerte en Theologie" --- undated
- Folder 7: Article by Herman Dooyeweerd "Tweeërlei Kritiek" --- undated
- Folder 8: Paper by Herman Dooyeweerd "The Theory of Man: Thirty-two Propositions on Anthropology" --- undated
- Folder 9: Runner's notes for speech at Dooyeweerd Conference --- 1961
- Folder 10: Copies of H. Dooyeweerd's articles "In den Strijd om een Christelijke Staatkunde" --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes by H. Evan Runner in defense of Herman Dooyeweerd --- undated
- Folder 12: List of publications by Herman Dooyeweerd --- 1961
- Folder 13: Notes for speech at opening of the Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy --- 1994
- Series 7: Creation/Evolution Debate Material --- 1953-1994
- Box 14
- Folder 1: Evolutionary research material, including article by J.J. Duyvené de Wit "The Paleontological Record and the Origin of Man," and "Explanatory Supplement" --- 1963
- Folder 2: Booklet by J. Lever "Creatie en Evolutie" --- 1968
- Folder 3: Article by Tom Bethell in Harper's Magazine "Agnostic Evolutionists: The Taxonomic Case against Darwin" --- 1976
- Folder 4: Review of Neal C. Gillespie's Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation by Kenneth W. Hermann --- 1979
- Folder 5: Article in Theological Forum "Creation and Science: Fundamental Questions Concerning Evolutionism and Creationism" by Egbert Shuurman, with responses by Aaldert Mennega, Richard Russel, B.J. Oosterhoff, Sierd Woodstra, and reply by Egbert Schuurman --- 1980
- Folder 6: Articles by Davis A. Young in The Christian Educators Journal, Eternity, and Christianity Today --- 1982
- Folder 7: Paper by Raymond A. Blacketer "An Examination of the Teachings of Dr. Howard J. Van Till as Represented in The Fourth Day" --- 1987
- Folder 8: Evolution research material, article by J. J. Duyvené de Wit "Evolutionisme in Scheppingsopenbaring" --- undated
- Folder 9: Evolution research material, including newsclippings from Grand Rapids Press, The Christian Science Monitor, Christian Renewal --- 1968-1983
- Folder 10: Notes on H.M. Kuitert re: creation versus evolution --- undated
- Folder 11: Magazine articles re: evolution
- Item 1: Torch and Trumpet --- 1967
- Item 2: The Plain Truth --- 1977 and 1994
- Folder 12: Miscellaneous evolution research material
- Item 1: Article from Life --- 1953
- Item 2: Article by John R. Howitt entitled "Man, The Upright" from Creation Research Society Annual --- 1968
- Item 3: Article by Magnus Verbrugge in Creation Research Society Quarterly --- undated
- Item 4: Issue of Anakainosis --- 1984
- Item 5: Creation Social Science and Humanities Quarterly --- 1990
- Item 6: "Evolution and Genesis 1" by William White Jr. --- undated
- Item 7: "Evolutionism and Creationism" by Egbert Schuurman --- undated
- Item 8: Booklet "Is Evolution A Fact?" from the International Christian Crusade --- undated
- Folder 13: Articles on evolution from The Banner and De Wachter --- 1959 and 1984
- Folder 14: Paper by George Vandervelde "Creation and Cross in the Christology of Edward Schillebeekx: A Protestant Appraisal" from the Journal of Ecumenical Studies --- 1983
- Folder 15: Paper by Don Sinnema "The Toledoth of the Sons of Noah" --- 1973
- Folder 16: Paper by Henry Vander Goot "Creation and Differentiation" --- undated
- Folder 17: Outline by William White Jr. "Evolution and Genesis 1" --- undated
- Folder 18: Paper by Robert D. Knudsen "The Encounter of Christianity with Secular Science" --- 1990
- Series 8: Lecture Notes --- 1952-1984, undated
- Box 15
- Folder 1: Syllabus for Philosophy 220 "The History of Philosophy" --- 1958-1959
- Folder 2: Drafts for Ancient Philosophy exams --- 1966
- Folder 3: Material for tutorial on Ancient Philosophy --- 1983-1984
- Folder 4: Miscellaneous notes for Ancient Philosophy courses --- 1968-1969
- Folder 5: Preliminary material for Philosophy 300 "History of Ancient Philosophy" --- undated
- Folder 6: Syllabus for Philosophy 220 "History of Ancient Philosophy" with additional notes --- 1968-1969
- Folder 7: Notes for Philosophy 151 and 152 --- 1973
- Folder 8: Notes for Philosophy 151 and 152 --- 1975-1976
- Folder 9: Reading lists for Philosophy 151 and 152 --- undated
- Folder 10: Notes for "Perspectives" course --- 1959
- Box 16
- Folder 1: Notes for "Perspectives" course --- 1964-1966
- Folder 2: Notes for "Perspectives" course --- 1974-1975
- Folder 3: Notes for "Christian Perspectives in Philosophy" course --- 1973-1974
- Folder 4: Notes for "Perspectives" course --- 1976-1977
- Folder 5: Notes for "Perspectives" course --- 1983-1984
- Folder 6: Notes for "Perspectives" course, Philosophy 101 --- undated
- Folder 7: Notes for "Perspectives" course, Philosophy 101 --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes for "Perspectives" course: "Relation of 18th Century to 17th Century" --- undated
- Folder 9: Notes for "CPOL (Christian Perspectives on Learning)" course --- 1978
- Folder 10: Notes for Philosophy 300 course: "Modern Philosophy," --- 1951-1952
- Folder 11: Notes for "19th Century" Philosophy course --- undated
- Folder 12: Material for "History of Modern Philosophy" course: book by Edgar A. Singer Jr. entitled Experience and Reflection --- undated
- Box 17
- Folder 1: Notes for section on Kant from course on "German Idealism" --- 1973
- Folder 2: Notes for possible book/course on "German Idealism" --- undated
- Folder 3: Notes for course on "German Idealism" --- 1972-1973
- Folder 4: Notes for course on "German Idealism and the Philosophy of F.W.J. Schelling" --- 1971-1972
- Folder 5: Chronological charts for courses in "German Pietism" --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes for "Greek Philosophy" course --- undated
- Folder 7: Notes on Greek history --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes for "Greek Philosophy" course --- undated
- Box 18
- Folder 1: Notes for "Plato" course --- 1963-1964
- Folder 2: Notes for "Cambridge Platonists" course --- 1974
- Folder 3: Research notes on Plato --- 1960-1961
- Folder 4: Lecture notes on Plato --- 1962-1963
- Folder 5: Notes for "Plato/Aristotle" course --- 1974
- Folder 6: Notes for "Later dialogues of Plato" course - Philosophy 351 --- undated
- Folder 7: Outline of Plato's Gorgias and exam for "The Mind of Plato" course - Philosophy 210 --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes for "Philosophy of Aristotle" course --- 1959-1960
- Folder 9: Notes for "Aristotle" course --- 1965-1966
- Folder 10: Notes for "Aristotle" course --- 1968-1969
- Folder 11: Notes for "Aristotle" course - Philosophy 300 --- 1955-1956
- Folder 12: Notes for "Philosophy of Aristotle" course --- undated
- Folder 13: Notes on Thomas Aquinas' commentaries on Aristotle --- undated
- Box 19
- Folder 1: Exam material for various courses --- 1952-1979
- Folder 2: Notes for second Unionville Conference --- 1964
- Folder 3: Notes for article on the American Revolution --- 1951
- Folder 4: Notes for "Inleiding I.D. Philosophie" --- undated
- Folder 5: Notes for "Science Seminar" --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes for "Political Philosophy" course --- undated
- Folder 7: Notes for "Sociology" course --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes for "Jean Jacques Rousseau" course - Philosophy 335 --- 1975
- Folder 9: Notes for Philosophy courses at Trinity Christian College (Calvin Seerveld) --- 1961
- Folder 10: Notes on "Conspectus Historiae" --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes on "Logic" course - Philosophy 200 --- undated
- Folder 12: Miscellaneous ideas for a course and/or book --- undated
- Folder 13: Tutorial course on "Christian Approach to Study of History of Philosophy" --- 1971-1972
- Folder 14: Research material for "Philosophical Background of the New Left" course, including "Hegel, Marcuse, and the New Left" by Bernard Zylstra --- 1971
- Folder 15: Reading lists for "Philosophy" courses --- undated
- Folder 16: Notes for "American History" courses --- undated
- Folder 17: Miscellaneous exams and quizzes --- 1953-1983
- Folder 18: Notes on Karl Mannheim --- undated
- Folder 19: Notes for summer courses at Unionville --- 1964-1966
- Folder 20: Notes for Philosophy 151 and 152 courses --- undated
- Series 9: Speeches, Lectures, and Sermons --- 1953-1990
- Box 20
- Folder 1: Speech given to Grand Rapids League of Reformed Men's Societies, including article "To What End Men's Societies?" in Torch and Trumpet --- 1953
- Folder 2: Speech at a board/faculty conference "The Christian and the World: an historical Introduction to a Christian Theory of Culture" --- 1953
- Folder 3: Notes for speech on American Culture --- 1953
- Folder 4: Speech "The Development of Calvinism in North America on the Background of its Development in Europe" delivered in Calgary --- 1957
- Folder 5: Speech notes for opening meeting of the Groen Club --- 1960
- Folder 6: Speech outline for Association of Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS) conference "The Death of God" --- 1966
- Folder 7: Address at dedication of Institute for Christian Studies "Point Counterpoint" --- 1967
- Folder 8: Notes for speech at Bolton Conference --- 1968
- Folder 9: Notes for speech at Jubilee Conference --- undated
- Folder 10: Speech "Fundamental Issues of Christian Politics and Christian Party Formation" --- 1979
- Folder 11: Notes for speech in Holland --- 1982
- Folder 12: Speech "Christian Philosophical Enterprise in Light of Biblical Prophesy" given for Association for Calvinist Philosophy --- 1982
- Folder 13: Speech by G.W. Knight III "Biblical Requirement of Male Leadership in Marriage and Church" with notes by H. Evan Runner --- 1984
- Folder 14: Speech "Direction in the CRC" at Strathroy East CRC --- 1985
- Folder 15: Commencement speech at Redeemer College, "On Being Society's Responsible Aliens" --- 1988
- Folder 16: Speech "Stretching the Christian Outreach" by C.F. Henry at the Calvin Faculty Retreat --- 1991
- Folder 17: Speech "What Went Wrong with CRC Thinking about American Labor Unions?" --- undated
- Folder 18: Speech "Relation of Acts 1:1-4 to End of Luke" --- undated
- Folder 19: Speech "The Telic Aspect of Christian Education" --- undated
- Folder 20: Notes for speech on Association for Public Justice (APJ) --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes for speech on Christian politics --- undated
- Folder 22: Speeches to men's societies --- 1955
- Folder 23: Speech given at Calvin Culture Association "Christian Witness Requires Christian Organization" and published in the Torch --- 1954
- Folder 24: Speech for Christian Labor Association --- 1966
- Folder 25: Notes for mass meeting of men's societies --- undated
- Folder 26: Notes for speech given to International Culture Society of Grand Rapids --- 1965
- Box 21
- Folder 1: Students for Political Education through Christian Thought and Renewing Action (SPECTRA) lecture on Liberalism and Conservatism --- undated
- Folder 2: Address given in Sarnia, Ontario on "The Word of God and the Life of a Christian" --- undated
- Folder 3: Address "On Being Anti-Revolutionary and Christian - Historical at the Cutting Edge of History 1979-1980" given at the Centennial Celebration of the Anti-Revolutionary Party --- 1979
- Folder 4: Speech "The Christian and the World" given at the Calvin Board of Trustees Convocation --- 1953
- Folder 5: Speech "Battle and Spirits" given at Westminster Seminary --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes for address "On Being Society's Responsible Aliens" --- 1988
- Folder 7: Notes for Calvin Chapel talks --- 1951-1955
- Folder 8: Speech for Christian Freedom Foundation --- 1968
- Folder 9: Notes for speeches at the Seattle Teachers Conference --- 1963
- Folder 10: Speech to Calvin CRC Men's Fellowship "Radical Youth and the Church" --- 1970
- Folder 11: Notes for chapel speeches at Covenant College --- undated
- Folder 12: Speech "Year of Decision - One Faith or Two?" --- undated
- Folder 13: Speech to Ontario Teachers Convention --- 1964
- Box 22
- Folder 1: Introductory lectures for Philosophy 300 --- 1954
- Folder 2: Lecture given at Eastern Avenue CRC "Year of Decision - One Faith or Two?" --- 1956
- Folder 3: Lecture given at Edmonton --- 1966
- Folder 4: Lectures given in Iowa --- 1971
- Folder 5: Lecture "The Radical Christian Facing Today's Political Malaise" sponsored by SPECTRA --- 1972
- Folder 6: Lectures on Aristotle --- 1972
- Folder 7: Lectures for "Perspectives" courses --- 1972-1973
- Folder 8: Lectures for Philosophy 151 and 152 --- 1978-1979
- Folder 9: Notes for lecture at Jubilee Conference --- 1981
- Folder 10: Lecture "How to Engage Philosophy in a Christian Manner" sponsored by SPECTRA --- undated
- Folder 11: Lectures on Philosophical Enterprise and Philosophical Movements --- undated
- Folder 12: Lecture "Education in America" --- undated
- Folder 13: Lecture "Spiritual Consequences of Revolution Produced by Alexander the Great" --- undated
- Folder 14: Lecture notes for "Ancient Philosophy" course --- undated
- Folder 15: Lecture on Cambridge Platonists --- undated
- Folder 16: Lecture "Introduction to Langley" --- undated
- Folder 17: "Popular Lecture" given to Association for Reformed Scientific Studies --- undated
- Folder 18: Outline for SPECTRA lecture on "Dualism" --- undated
- Folder 19: Miscellaneous lecture notes, including lectures for CLAC, ARSS, and Toronto --- undated
- Folder 20: Lecture notes "Philosophizing by the Light of God's Word" --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes for lectures in Toronto --- undated
- Folder 22: Notes for Chapel talk on Evolution --- 1967
- Folder 23: Participation in Calvin CRC's Easter Service --- 1985
- Folder 24: Talk to young people at Oakdale CRC --- undated
- Folder 25: Lecture "The Radical Christian Facing Today's Political Malaise" sponsored by SPECTRA --- 1972
- Folder 26: Lecture notes on organizing experiences --- undated
- Folder 27: Lecture notes for Calvin CRC Adult Education Program --- 1977
- Folder 28: Lecture for Calvinist Culture Association --- 1953
- Folder 29: Lecture notes on "Relation of Christianity to Humanism" --- undated
- Folder 30: Notes on lecture to the Faculty Seminar --- 1963
- Folder 31: Book published by ARSS, The Relation of the Bible to Learning, from lectures given at the Unionville Study Conferences 1959-1960; [HERH BR100 .R85] --- [1967]
- Box 23
- Folder 1: Lecture notes on "Order" --- undated
- Folder 2: Lecture on "American Politics" --- 1980
- Folder 3: Lecture material for Philosophy 151 and 152 courses --- undated
- Folder 4: Notes for lecture "Year of Decision - One Faith or Two?" --- undated
- Folder 5: Sermons "Christian Growth," "The Resurrection in Christ," "The Nature of Saving Faith," and "Paul's Redeemed Position" --- 1937
- Folder 6: Sermon by Peter J. Gomes "The Preaching of Jesus: Law" --- 1984
- Folder 7: Issue of Christian Opinion with article "Some Demands of Christianity upon Curriculum" by H. Evan Runner --- 1946
- Folder 8: Torch and Trumpet articles, including: "The Christian and the World," "Het Roer Om!" and "Does Christian Social Action Demand Absolute Break?" --- 1953-1955
- Folder 9: Response to article by N. Wolterstorff "The Word of God and Learning" in the Reformed Journal --- 1960
- Folder 10: Article by Elizabeth Runner "The Bible and the Life of the Christian" --- 1962
- Folder 11: Focus article "Questions on Religion and Science" and response by H. Evan Runner --- 1963
- Folder 12: Christian Courier articles "The Death of God" --- 1966
- Folder 13: Article "Bankrupt Humanism and Vital Christianity" in Christian Economics --- 1969
- Folder 14: Articles in Perspective re: H. Evan Runner --- 1967-1978
- Folder 15: Article "Bankrupt Humanism and Vital Christianity" in Christian Economics --- 1969
- Folder 16: Article by H. Evan Runner "A Christian Political Opinion" in Ar Staatkunde --- 1979
- Folder 17: Article by H. Evan Runner "A Christian Political Opinion" in Ar Staatkunde --- 1979
- Folder 18: Article in Christian Renewal "Reflection on Synod" --- 1984
- Folder 19: Christian Renewal articles re: Klaas Schilder --- 1990
- Folder 20: Banner articles
- Item 1: “A Glimpse of Vollenhoven of Amsterdam” --- 1961
- Item 2: “Dooyeweerd’s Passing: An Appreciation" --- 1977
- Folder 21: Calvinist Contact articles
- Item 1: "ARSS and its Reorganization” by H.E. Runner --- 1962
- Item 2: “Institute Remembers 25 Years of Claiming Learning for Christ” by Bert Witvoet re: ICS and H.E. Runner --- 1992
- Folder 22: Chimes articles re: H. Evan Runner --- 1962-1981
- Folder 23: Grand Rapids Press article --- undated
- Folder 24: Beweging articles (by others) --- 1975-1986
- Folder 25: Various magazine articles on "Christian Perspectives" (by others) --- 1960
- Folder 26: Article "Relations Natural and Unnatural- Response to J. Boswell's Exegesis on Romans 1" by Richard B. Hays with highlighting by H.E. Runner --- undated
- Folder 27: Issue of Pro Rege with an article by Nick Van Til entitled "Calvinism and Art" with notes by H.E. Runner --- 1982
- Series 10: Papers Written --- 1951-1981
- Box 24
- Folder 1: Newsweek article on secular humanism with response and notations by H. Evan Runner --- 1969
- Folder 2: Material for Christian Renewal article on comparative religions --- undated
- Folder 3: Article "De Twee Belangrijkste Onderwerpen Van Woltersdorff" --- undated
- Folder 4: Article by Jon Kennedy in New Reformation "Seerveld's Guide to Reading the Bible Reformationally" --- 1980
- Folder 5: Article by H.A. [Harry Antonides] in The Guide re: sphere sovereignty --- 1959
- Folder 6: Article by David Easton "New Revolution in Political Science" in The American Political Science Review --- 1969
- Folder 7: New York Times article "Back to Freedom and Dignity?" with note from Glenn Andreas --- 1971
- Folder 8: Article in Ar Staatkunde "A Christian Political Opinion" by H. Evan Runner --- 1979
- Folder 9: Article by Bernard Zylstra in The Guide with references to H. Evan Runner --- 1963
- Folder 10: Various reviews of H. Evan Runner's dissertation --- 1951-1953
- Folder 11: Review of Groen Van Prinsterer's Ongeloof & Revolutie by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 12: Various reviews of H. Evan Runner's translation of Promise and Deliverance --- 1977
- Folder 13: Book reviews by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 14: Paper "Development of Plato" --- 1953
- Folder 15: Paper "Development of Calvinism in North America" --- 1957
- Folder 16: Papers on "Christianity and Humanism" --- 1968
- Folder 17: Paper "On Being Anti-Revolutionary and Christian - Historical at the Cutting Edge of History" --- 1979
- Folder 18: Draft for paper "Holland Musings" --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper "Development of Calvinism in N. America on Background of its Development in Europe" from the Jubilee Conference --- 1981
- Folder 20: Paper "The Christian and the World" --- undated
- Folder 21: Paper "Stoicism: The Porch to Christianity" --- undated
- Folder 22: Paper "Decline of Classical Thought and Culture" --- undated
- Series 11: Perspectives Material --- undated
- Box 25
- Folder 1: General outline for Perspectives book --- undated
- Folder 2: Notes on the Preface for Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 3: Outline for Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 4: Draft of Perspectives from lecture notes --- undated
- Folder 5: Outlines/Ideas for first book --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes for Book #1 and Book #2 of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 7: Material for Chapter 1 of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 8: "Round Two" of Chapter II of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 9: "Round Three" of Chapter III of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 10: "Old Chapter III" of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes for Chapter III of Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 12: Miscellaneous material for Perspectives --- undated
- Box 26
- Folder 1: Notes for Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 2: Reference material for Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 3: Notes/Drafts of material for Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 4: Notes for Chapter I of book "What is Philosophy?" --- undated
- Folder 5: Notes for Chapter IV "The Modal Scale for Philosophy" from Perspectives --- undated
- Folder 6: Material re: anthropology and psychology
- Folder 7: Notes on anthropology --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes on philosophical anthropology --- undated
- Folder 9: Notes on Augustine and time --- undated
- Folder 10: Notes on the book of Acts --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes on Dr. Clark's idea of Analogy --- undated
- Series 12: Subject Files and Comments/Reflections --- 1954-1987
- Box 26
- Folder 12: Reflections on Christian action --- undated
- Folder 13: Reflections on Aristotle --- undated
- Folder 14: Reflections on Cambridge School --- undated
- Folder 15: Notes on presentations given by various people at Calvin --- 1987
- Folder 16: Notes on the Christian University Association --- undated
- Folder 17: Material for Calvinistic Study Conference --- 1957
- Folder 18: Reflections on Europe and the fortunes of Calvinism --- undated
- Folder 19: Reflections on "The Unity of Western Christendom" --- undated
- Folder 20: Notes on The Origin of Attic Comedy --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes on Comte and Positivism for Philosophy 151 --- 1978-1979
- Folder 22: Notes on Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) --- 1956
- Folder 23: Reflections on church publications --- undated
- Folder 24: Reflections on Catholic and Reformed perspectives --- undated
- Folder 25: Reflections on the Calvinist Culture Association --- 1954-1955
- Folder 26: Notes on visit with Chuck Colson --- undated
- Folder 27: Reflections on Common Grace --- undated
- Box 27
- Folder 1: Notes on "The Present Task of Calvinism in America" --- undated
- Folder 2: Reflections on Augustine's De Beata Vita --- undated
- Folder 3: Notes on philosophy of Petrus Damian --- undated
- Folder 4: Notes on Fredrich Loofs' History of Dogma --- undated
- Folder 5: Notes on Encyclopaedia, the Discovery of the Mind --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes on Albert Einstein --- undated
- Folder 7: Notes on the history of philosophy in education --- undated
- Folder 8: Reflections on "Content of Dialectic of Enlightenment" --- undated
- Folder 9: Notes on Paul Hazard The European Mind - the Critical Years --- undated
- Folder 10: Reflections on eschatology --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes on "Testimony of Faith" of general Synod of Reformed Churches in the Netherlands --- undated
- Folder 12: Reflections on the law and the Word of God --- undated
- Folder 13: Notes on Schleiermacher and Prussia - German Idealism course --- undated
- Folder 14: Notes on Greek thought --- undated
- Folder 15: Notes on lecture by Cyrus Gordon --- 1965
- Folder 16: Notes on the Hellenistic Age --- undated
- Folder 17: Notes on "The Haldanes" --- undated
- Folder 18: Notes on Hegel --- undated
- Folder 19: Notes on Johann Gottfried Herder - German Idealism course --- undated
- Folder 20: Notes on lecture by H. Jellema "the Reality of History" --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes on post-Kantian Idealism and Fichte --- undated
- Folder 22: Notes on C. Veenhof's book on A. Kuyper --- 1939
- Folder 23: Notes on "Incongruence" problem - scientific knowledge versus reality --- undated
- Folder 24: Lecture notes on "The Kingdom and Life in the World" --- undated
- Folder 25: Notes on Klapwyk lecture re: "Themes in Dooyeweerd" --- 1980
- Folder 26: Notes on Kant's vocabulary --- 1937-1938
- Box 28
- Folder 1: Notes on book by Otto Jespersen Lauguage, its Nature, Development and Origin --- undated
- Folder 2: Notes on law --- undated
- Folder 3: Notes on Locke --- undated
- Folder 4: Reflections on liberalism and conservatism --- undated
- Folder 5: Notes on elements affecting development of ancient Christian literature
- Folder 6: Reflections on love --- undated
- Folder 7: Material re: man - body and soul --- undated
- Folder 8: Research material on modal scale --- 1970-1985
- Folder 9: Notes on Neo-Marxism --- undated
- Folder 10: Notes on the importance of Christian principles in politics --- undated
- Folder 11: Reflections on American political system --- undated
- Folder 12: Miscellaneous notes on politics and religion --- 1966-1980
- Folder 13: Reflections on book by Charles Bigg, The Christian Platonists of Alexandria --- undated
- Folder 14: Notes on the writings of Plato --- undated
- Folder 15: Material for Plato Club meeting --- 1968
- Folder 16: Notes on "Semi-contradictory" (Theory of Priority) --- undated
- Folder 17: Notes on Protestant Orthodoxy --- undated
- Folder 18: Notes on book by Kroner Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy --- undated
- Folder 19: Notes on American philosophy --- undated
- Folder 20: Notes on modern philosophy by H. Evan Runner and C. Seerveld --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes on ancient philosophy --- undated
- Folder 22: Notes on synthesis - philosophy --- undated
- Folder 23: Notes on modern philosophy and religion --- undated
- Folder 24: Notes on Greek (Hellenistic) philosophy --- undated
- Folder 25: Notes on philosophy --- 1962-1963
- Folder 26: Notes on philosophy (author unknown) --- undated
- Folder 27: Notes on tradition re: philosophy and study of scripture --- undated
- Folder 28: Notes on worldview and its relation to philosophy --- undated
- Box 29
- Folder 1: Notes on Reformation topics --- undated
- Folder 2: Notes on book by H.B. Workman Christian Thought to Reformation --- undated
- Folder 3: Notes on Apologia Reformata --- undated
- Folder 4: Random notes --- undated
- Folder 5: Notes on the Reformation --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes on revolution and rebellion --- undated
- Folder 7: Notes on Reformed action --- undated
- Folder 8: Notes on Hans Rookmaaker --- undated
- Folder 9: Notes on "A Line of Historical Connection" for Adam Smith --- undated
- Folder 10: Notes on Henry Stob lectures --- undated
- Folder 11: Notes on subjectivism and objectivity --- undated
- Folder 12: Notes on science and pre-science --- undated
- Folder 13: Reflections on lecture by Egbert Schuurman at Calvin --- 1979
- Folder 14: Notes on sphere sovereignty --- undated
- Folder 15: Notes on Subjectivisme Voor Socrates --- undated
- Folder 16: Notes on "Tradition and Experience" --- 1983
- Folder 17: Notes "A Thing is More than the Sum of its Aspect-Parts" --- undated
- Folder 18: Notes on Synopsis Purioris Theologiae --- undated
- Folder 19: Notes on 16th and 17th century thought --- undated
- Folder 20: Notes on history of modern theology --- undated
- Folder 21: Notes on materials for translation --- 1961
- Folder 22: Notes on scientific and prescientific thought --- undated
- Folder 23: Notes on the Union Question --- undated
- Folder 24: Notes on various subjects --- undated
- Folder 25: Notes on H. Van Kleist --- undated
- Folder 26: Notes on various topics and authors --- undated
- Folder 27: Notes on John Witte seminar --- 1981-1982
- Folder 28: Material re: "Women in Office" --- 1984-1985
- Folder 29: Notes on Christian Wolff --- undated
- Folder 30: Notes on zoology --- undated
- Box 30
- Folder 1: Reflections on political morality by Rockne McCarthy with comments by H. Evan Runner --- 1984
- Folder 2: Chapter VII of Berkhouwer's Man: The Image of God with comments by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 3: Reflections on man as "heart" in Dutch philosophy (pages 12-30) --- undated
- Folder 4: Reflections on development of Calvinistic philosophy --- undated
- Folder 5: Reflections on German Idealism --- 1976-1977
- Folder 6: Reflections on man as "heart" in Dutch philosophy (pages 67-115) --- undated
- Folder 7: Reflections on man as "heart" in Dutch philosophy (pages 116-150) --- undated
- Folder 8: Reflections on man as "heart" in Dutch philosophy (pages 151-179) --- undated
- Folder 9: Reflections on impact of Greek philosophy and Biblical accommodation to it --- undated
- Folder 10: Reflections on the term "Philosophy in Greek Thought" --- undated
- Folder 11: Reflections on politics in America --- undated
- Folder 12: Reflections on German Pietism --- undated
- Folder 13: Reflections on J.H. VandenBerg's book Russian and American Psychology --- 1953
- Folder 14: "Critical Reflections on Wolterstorff's Reason Within the Bounds of Religion" by Hendrick Hart --- 1980
- Folder 15: Reflections on the problem of systematic philosophy --- undated
- Folder 16: Reflections on sphere sovereignty --- undated
- Folder 17: Reflections on the Sabbath --- undated
- Folder 18: Reflections on women in office issue --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper by W. Kuyk "Philosophy of Mathematics" with notations by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 20: Comments on G.S. Petrov's Het Evangelie Ende Moderne Mensche --- undated
- Folder 21: Views on education --- undated
- Folder 22: Reaction to article "Through a Glass Darkly" in wrf comment --- 1984
- Folder 23: Comments on workshops by James Skillen --- undated
- Folder 24: Comments on articles in The Banner --- 1970-1984
- Folder 25: Notations in periodical articles --- 1970-1984
- Folder 26: Notes on book A Brief Sketch of Greek Church History --- undated
- Folder 27: Reflections on Calvin College and the CRC --- undated
- Folder 28: Reflections on Jacques Paul Migne --- undated
- Series 13: Material re: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and Christian Labor Association (CLA) --- 1961-1997
- Box 31
- Folder 1: History of the ARSS --- 1961-1966
- Folder 2: Booklet: "The ARSS - Its History, Basis, and Program" --- 1963
- Folder 3: ARSS Report: "Place and Task of an Institute of Reformed Scientific Studies" --- 1965
- Folder 4: Booklet: "Place and Task of an Institute of Reformed Scientific Studies" --- undated
- Folder 5: Miscellaneous material re: ARSS --- undated
- Folder 6: Notes from lecture on logic at ARSS Conferences --- 1965
- Folder 7: Speech: "The ARSS and its Reorganization" --- 1961-1962
- Folder 8: Lectures for ARSS Unionville Conferences --- undated
- Folder 9: Lecture given in London (Ontario) for the ARSS --- undated
- Folder 10: Speeches to the ARSS 5th Unionville Conference --- 1963
- Folder 11: Notes on subjects for future Unionville Conferences --- undated
- Folder 12: Reflections on the ARSS and its council --- undated
- Folder 13: Speech to retired ministers re: ARSS --- 1974
- Folder 14: Speech to the AACS in Chatham (Ontario) --- 1975
- Folder 15: AACS lectures --- 1969
- Folder 16: Editorial in Christian Renewal re: AACS --- 1984
- Folder 17: Notes on the AACS and historic Reformed Christianity --- undated
- Folder 18: Critical articles re: AACS in The Banner --- 1974-1975
- Folder 19: Articles re: AACS in Perspective --- 1969-1989
- Folder 20: AACS executive board minutes and related material --- 1983
- Folder 21: Report of ICS Review Committee re: philosophical direction --- 1993
- Folder 22: Newsclippings re: ICS --- 1974-1981
- Folder 23: Material re: NACPA --- 1969-1974
- Folder 24: Notes on Christian political action --- undated
- Folder 25: Material on Christian political action --- undated
- Folder 26: Notes on meeting to discuss possibility of a Christian University --- 1964
- Folder 27: Material re: ideas for a Christian University in California --- 1999
- Box 32
- Folder 1: Syllabus: Systematic Philosophy - Volume I (H. Hart) --- 1979
- Folder 2: Syllabus: Systematic Philosophy - Volume II (H. Hart) --- 1979
- Folder 3: Article by Bernard Zylstra of ICS "Thy Word our Life" --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper "The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd" by Jacob Klapwijk of ICS --- 1982
- Folder 5: Paper "Modal Aesthetics" by Calvin Seerveld for ICS --- undated
- Folder 6: Paper "Reflections on Herman Dooyeweerd" by Bernard Zylstra for ICS --- undated
- Folder 7: Paper "Nature and Grace in Bavinck" by Jan Veenhof (translated by A. Wolters of ICS) --- 1968
- Folder 8: Paper "Reflections on Christianity and Chemistry" by Robert VanderVennen of ICS --- 1983
- Folder 9: Paper "Schelling's Philosophical on Dogmatism and Criticism" by John Cooper of ICS --- 1973
- Folder 10: Paper "The Word of God and Hermeneutics" by J. Olthuis of ICS --- 1972
- Folder 11: Paper "The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd" by Jacob Klapwijk of ICS --- 1982
- Folder 12: Speeches for ICS meetings --- 1992
- Folder 13: H. Evan Runner "Writing to Do" for ICS --- undated
- Folder 14: ICS pamphlet: "Organizations for Calvinist Philosophy in the Netherlands" --- undated
- Folder 15: Speech to Calvin CRC Men's Fellowship re: AACS and ICS --- 1974
- Folder 16: Paper "History and Ideology of the Dutch Labor Movement" by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 17: Christian Labor Association Items --- [1967]
- Item 1: Speech for Christian Labor Association “Can Canada Tolerate the CLA?” --- [1967]
- Item 2: Pamphlet, Can Canada Tolerate the CLA?, [HERH HD8103.C55 R8] --- [1967]
- Folder 18: Material re: CLA --- 1953-1967
- Folder 19: Material re: Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) --- undated
- Folder 20: Paper "The Word of God, the Bible, and the AACS" by Bernard Zylstra --- undated
- Folder 21: ICS course taught by H. Evan Runner "Philosophical Prolegomena" --- 1997
- Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner --- 1938-1992
- Box 33
- Folder 1: Paper "The Scottish Philosophy and American Theology" by S.E. Ahlstrom --- 1996
- Folder 2: Paper "The End of our Two Party World" by D.J. Boorstin --- 1968
- Folder 3: Paper "Existence after Death in the Old Testament" by John Cooper --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper "The World, the Self, and God: Dooyeweerd's Philosophy of Cosmonomic-Idea" by R. Drake --- 1985
- Folder 5: Paper "An Ethos of Compassion and Integrity of Creation" by Hendrik Hart from ICS conference --- 1992
- Folder 6: Paper "Influence of Schelling on Schleiermacher" by J. Huisman --- 1973
- Folder 7: Paper "The Transcendental Method of H. Dooyeweerd" by R. Knudsen --- 1969
- Folder 8: Robert Knudsen's paper on his academic career --- 1992
- Folder 9: Paper "The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd" by Jacob Klapwijk of ICS --- 1982
- Folder 10: Paper "How Should We Read Aristotle?" by John Kraay --- 1966
- Folder 11: Paper "Calvin on the Sciences" by N. Lee --- undated
- Folder 12: Paper "Learning to Live with Evil" by Theodore Plantinga --- 1981
- Folder 13: Paper "The Bible as the Word of God" by N. Shepherd and related material --- 1972
- Folder 14: Paper "the Technological Culture between the Times" by E. Schuurman --- undated
- Folder 15: Paper "Philosophical on Dogmatism and Criticism" by F.W.J. Schelling --- 1975
- Folder 16: Paper "Some Reflections on Genesis" by J. Stek --- undated
- Folder 17: Paper "Basic Christian Ethics" by H. Stob --- undated
- Folder 18: Paper "An Introduction to the Introduction to Christian Faith" by D. Sinnema --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper "Vollenhoven as a Christian Philosopher" by Tony Tol --- 1980
- Folder 20: Paper "The Christian Answer to the Basic Religious Questions of our Age" by P. Tillich --- 1957
- Folder 21: Syllabus "Survey of Contemporary European Philosophy" by J. Vander Stelt --- 1972
- Folder 22: Paper "History and Vision of Iapche" by J. C. Vander Stelt --- 1993
- Box 34
- Folder 1: Syllabus "Survey of Biblical Christianity Since 16th Century" by J.C. VanderStelt --- undated
- Folder 2: Paper "Early Weltanschaung of F. Schliermacher" by H. Vander Goot --- 1972
- Folder 3: Paper "The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology" by G. Vos (translated by H. Evan Runner) --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper "First Order Philosophical Questions of Jurisprudence Project" by J. Witte Jr. --- 1984
- Folder 5: Paper "Christianity and Democracy - Past Contributions and Future Challenges" by J. Witte Jr. --- 2008
- Folder 6: Paper "How Should We Read Aristotle?" with references to H. Evan Runner (author unknown) --- undated
- Folder 7: Paper "Kompendium - Dogmatiek Van K. Schilder" (author unknown) --- 1938
- Series 15: Varia --- 1939-1981
- Box 34
- Folder 8: Article in Publius "Religion and Political Development in 19th Century Holland" by J.W. Skillen --- 1982
- Folder 9: Bible manual "Of Kings and Prophets Part I" by H. Fernhout --- 1976
- Folder 10: Bible manual "Of Kings and Prophets Part II" by H. Fernhout --- 1976
- Folder 11: Bibliographies of books, authors, and topics --- undated
- Folder 12: Summary of Jose Ortega y Gasset's "Concord and Liberty" --- undated
- Folder 13: Paper "The Significance of Cornelius Van Til" by Robert Knudsen --- undated
- Folder 14: Material re: Norman Shepherd/Westminster Seminary Controversy --- 1981
- Folder 15: Portion of book on Cudworth by J. Passmore --- 1983
- Folder 16: Notes from Bible Study Class taught by H. Evan Runner --- undated
- Folder 17: Articles in Christian Herald re: Christian action and sphere sovereignty --- 1969
- Box 35
- Folder 1: Material re: Westminster Seminary --- 1942-1974
- Folder 2: Material re: Wijsbegeerte Der Wetsidee" --- 1939-1965
- Folder 3: Subcommittee report on evaluation of pre-seminary students --- 1955
- Folder 4: "Semi-Annual Report of Harvard Institute for Classical Studies" --- 1941
- Folder 5: Biography of Crane Brinton (History Professor at Harvard University) --- undated
- Folder 6: Report to Board of Trustees of Christian University Association of America --- 1951
- Folder 7: A. Keizer on Wolterstorff's Reason within the Bounds of Religion (translated by H. Evan Runner) --- undated
- Folder 8: Newsletter New Reformation --- 1977
- Folder 9: Book Christian Perspectives (Chapter 8 by H. Evan Runner) --- 1960
- Folder 10: Lists of books to read/buy --- undated
- Folder 11: Survey of articles on Polemius --- undated
- Folder 12: Bibliographies on Greek history and culture --- undated
- Folder 13: Translations of disputations --- undated
- Folder 14: Outlines for book Philosophical Enterprise in Light of Scriptural Prophesy --- undated
- Folder 15: Material on contemporary philosophy and theology in various countries and times --- undated
- Folder 16: Constitution of the Theologia Reformanda Est Society --- undated
- Folder 17: Material for Free University course "Christian Approach to Apologetics" by H. Van Riessen --- 1965
- Folder 18: Miscellaneous bibliographies --- undated
- Folder 19: Course outline for "History of Church Relations in the West" by John Witte Jr. --- undated
- Folder 20: Lists of the collected articles of H. Evan Runner --- 1979
- Folder 21: Lists of financial support for H. Evan Runner --- 1950
- Folder 22: Outline plan of study for student clubs --- undated
- Series 16: Photographs
- Box 1
- Folder 18: Personal photos --- 1957, undated
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Runner Biographical and Autobiographical, 1928-2004],
Series 2: Seminary Course Notes, undated],
Series 3: Correspondence, 1930-1999],
Series 4: Groen van Prinsterer Society, 1951-1976],
Series 5: D. H. Vollenhoven Material, 1942-1981],
Series 6: H. Dooyeweerd Material, 1933-1994],
Series 7: Creation/Evolution Debate Material, 1953-1994],
Series 8: Lecture Notes, 1952-1984, undated],
Series 9: Speeches, Lectures, and Sermons, 1953-1990],
Series 10: Papers Written, 1951-1981],
Series 11: Perspectives Material, undated],
Series 12: Subject Files and Comments/Reflections, 1954-1987],
Series 13: Material re: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and Christian Labor Association (CLA), 1961-1997],
Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner, 1938-1992],
Series 15: Varia, 1939-1981],
Series 16: Photographs],