By Paul Bremer, March 2011
Collection Overview
Professor of philosophy at Calvin College. The collection includes biographical and autobiographical information; course notes; correspondence; speeches, lectures, and sermons; materials regarding the Groen van Prinsterer Club; articles and book reviews; positions papers; D. H. Vollenhoven and H. Dooyeweerd material; creation/evolution debate material; an unpublished book, Perspectives in Philosophy, material; subject files with comments and reflections; Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship (AACS), Association of Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Christian Labor Association (CLA), Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC ), National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), and Institute for Christian Studies (ICS) materials; and select papers written by other authors. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Howard Evan Runner, known as H. Evan Runner or simply Evan Runner, was born in 1916 in Oxford, Pennsylvania, to Howard Clinton Runner and Sara Mabel Watterson. In his early years Runner had a love of philosophy and language-and a desire to be a missionary. He graduated from West Philadelphia High School in 1932; from Wheaton College in 1936. Although he received a scholarship to study at the University of Illinois, he went to Westminster Seminary for advanced studies. Cornelius Van Til of Westminster convinced him to learn the Dutch language so he would be able to pursue some significant thinkers of the Netherlands. Runner went to the Netherlands in 1939 and studied with Klaas Schilder and Seakle Greijdanus at the Theological School in Kampen. He returned to the US in early 1940 and went to Harvard, studing with Werner Jaeger and was a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University from 1941-1943.
After leaving Harvard he taught English and Latin at Eastern Academy in Paterson, New Jersey. He returned to the Netherlands in 1946 to study at the Free University and began to appreciate the work of reformational philosophers Herman Dooyeweerd and Dirk Hendrik Theodoor Vollenhoven. He received his doctorate in1951 cum laude.
In 1950 he joined the Philosophy Department at Calvin College. He taught with zeal and gathered students from various disciplines into the Groen van Prinsterer Society. These students became his friends and collegues. His dedication and teaching a new vision of Christian Philosphy earned Runner the Faith and Teaching Award from the Calvin Alumni Association.
He developed a program of study which included "who the Puritans were, the meaning of the Enlightenment, its influence in America, the basic ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the nature of Scholasticism, particularly as manifested in Reformed theology, the concept of natural law, the religious ground-motives that have successively given order to the experience of Western man, the origins of capitalsm, the rise of the labor movement, etc."
Runner was instrumental in formation and leadership of the Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. Many of his students established their own careers, often at Christian colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.
Runner was married to Elisabeth Hendrika Wichers. They had three children, Evan, Cathy, and Jocelyn. He died in 2002.
Administrative Information
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Runner Biographical and Autobiographical, 1928-2004],
Series 2: Seminary Course Notes, undated],
Series 3: Correspondence, 1930-1999],
Series 4: Groen van Prinsterer Society, 1951-1976],
Series 5: D. H. Vollenhoven Material, 1942-1981],
Series 6: H. Dooyeweerd Material, 1933-1994],
Series 7: Creation/Evolution Debate Material, 1953-1994],
Series 8: Lecture Notes, 1952-1984, undated],
Series 9: Speeches, Lectures, and Sermons, 1953-1990],
Series 10: Papers Written, 1951-1981],
Series 11: Perspectives Material, undated],
Series 12: Subject Files and Comments/Reflections, 1954-1987],
Series 13: Material re: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and Christian Labor Association (CLA), 1961-1997],
[Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner, 1938-1992],
Series 15: Varia, 1939-1981],
Series 16: Photographs],
- Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner --- 1938-1992
- Box 33
- Folder 1: Paper "The Scottish Philosophy and American Theology" by S.E. Ahlstrom --- 1996
- Folder 2: Paper "The End of our Two Party World" by D.J. Boorstin --- 1968
- Folder 3: Paper "Existence after Death in the Old Testament" by John Cooper --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper "The World, the Self, and God: Dooyeweerd's Philosophy of Cosmonomic-Idea" by R. Drake --- 1985
- Folder 5: Paper "An Ethos of Compassion and Integrity of Creation" by Hendrik Hart from ICS conference --- 1992
- Folder 6: Paper "Influence of Schelling on Schleiermacher" by J. Huisman --- 1973
- Folder 7: Paper "The Transcendental Method of H. Dooyeweerd" by R. Knudsen --- 1969
- Folder 8: Robert Knudsen's paper on his academic career --- 1992
- Folder 9: Paper "The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd" by Jacob Klapwijk of ICS --- 1982
- Folder 10: Paper "How Should We Read Aristotle?" by John Kraay --- 1966
- Folder 11: Paper "Calvin on the Sciences" by N. Lee --- undated
- Folder 12: Paper "Learning to Live with Evil" by Theodore Plantinga --- 1981
- Folder 13: Paper "The Bible as the Word of God" by N. Shepherd and related material --- 1972
- Folder 14: Paper "the Technological Culture between the Times" by E. Schuurman --- undated
- Folder 15: Paper "Philosophical on Dogmatism and Criticism" by F.W.J. Schelling --- 1975
- Folder 16: Paper "Some Reflections on Genesis" by J. Stek --- undated
- Folder 17: Paper "Basic Christian Ethics" by H. Stob --- undated
- Folder 18: Paper "An Introduction to the Introduction to Christian Faith" by D. Sinnema --- undated
- Folder 19: Paper "Vollenhoven as a Christian Philosopher" by Tony Tol --- 1980
- Folder 20: Paper "The Christian Answer to the Basic Religious Questions of our Age" by P. Tillich --- 1957
- Folder 21: Syllabus "Survey of Contemporary European Philosophy" by J. Vander Stelt --- 1972
- Folder 22: Paper "History and Vision of Iapche" by J. C. Vander Stelt --- 1993
- Box 34
- Folder 1: Syllabus "Survey of Biblical Christianity Since 16th Century" by J.C. VanderStelt --- undated
- Folder 2: Paper "Early Weltanschaung of F. Schliermacher" by H. Vander Goot --- 1972
- Folder 3: Paper "The Doctrine of the Covenant in Reformed Theology" by G. Vos (translated by H. Evan Runner) --- undated
- Folder 4: Paper "First Order Philosophical Questions of Jurisprudence Project" by J. Witte Jr. --- 1984
- Folder 5: Paper "Christianity and Democracy - Past Contributions and Future Challenges" by J. Witte Jr. --- 2008
- Folder 6: Paper "How Should We Read Aristotle?" with references to H. Evan Runner (author unknown) --- undated
- Folder 7: Paper "Kompendium - Dogmatiek Van K. Schilder" (author unknown) --- 1938
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Runner Biographical and Autobiographical, 1928-2004],
Series 2: Seminary Course Notes, undated],
Series 3: Correspondence, 1930-1999],
Series 4: Groen van Prinsterer Society, 1951-1976],
Series 5: D. H. Vollenhoven Material, 1942-1981],
Series 6: H. Dooyeweerd Material, 1933-1994],
Series 7: Creation/Evolution Debate Material, 1953-1994],
Series 8: Lecture Notes, 1952-1984, undated],
Series 9: Speeches, Lectures, and Sermons, 1953-1990],
Series 10: Papers Written, 1951-1981],
Series 11: Perspectives Material, undated],
Series 12: Subject Files and Comments/Reflections, 1954-1987],
Series 13: Material re: National Association for Christian Political Action (NACPA), Association for Reformed Scientific Studies (ARSS), Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), and Christian Labor Association (CLA), 1961-1997],
[Series 14: Papers by Authors Other than H. Evan Runner, 1938-1992],
Series 15: Varia, 1939-1981],
Series 16: Photographs],