Collection Overview
Vice President for Administration and Finance and professor of economics at Calvin College. The collection includes extensive files regarding the planning and building of Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary at the Knollcrest Campus, i.e., construction contracts, schedules, projected costs, plans, studies, reports, notes, memos, and the correspondence pertinent to the following buildings: auditorium, library, commons, physical education building, natatorium, science building, seminary residence halls, and dining facilities; a 1960 paper entitled "Campus Planning: A Case Study," prepared for the Conference on the Planning and Utilization of Instructional Facilities; a three-volume collection entitled "A Sampling of Memos to the Calvin Staff from Henry De Wit"; several poems detailing special occasions at Calvin College; travel comments; and random remembrances. [See also C1.2.26 Long Range Planning; C4 Administration and Finance; and Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Henry De Wit was born in Rock Valley, Iowa on November 17, 1922. De Wit enrolled at Calvin College in 1941, only for World War II to take him out academia for three years. After his service as a Technical Sergeant in the Army Finance Department, he returned to Calvin earning his bachelor’s degree in 1948. The next year, he received his MBA degree in Business Administration from the University of Michigan. During this time, he also married Clarice Dekker. Together they had 3 children. After graduation, De Wit worked as a staff accountant with Lawrence Scudder and Company for five years.
In 1953, De Wit accepted a faculty position at Calvin College, becoming a professor of economics. Only two years later, the college extended another job offer to De Wit. Reluctant at first, De Wit eventually accepted positions of Business Manager and Vice President for Business and Finance for Calvin, a career path he took until his retirement in 1987. In the meantime, De Wit was instrumental in the transition of the college’s campus from Franklin Street campus to the Knollcrest location. He was a key player in the negotiation in the purchase of Knollcrest Farm. De Wit was also the direct contact with Calvin College’s campus architect William Fyfe.
De Wit’s wife, Clarice, pasted away in 1970. De Wit met his second wife, Eunice Zuiderveen, while she was a host of the Manor House at Knollcrest. This very manor that would eventually bear his name. De Wit received the prestigious Outstanding Service Award from the Calvin College Alumni Association in 1990. Henry De Wit passed away on July 21, 1992.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Heritage Hall, Hekman Library
Alternate Extent Statement:
10.75 cubic ft.
Acquisition Source:
Gift of H. and E. De Wit
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Long-Range Planning, 1957-1974],
Series 2: Construction Contracts, 1956-1974],
[Series 3: Correspondence, 1956-1974],
Series 4: College Center Material, 1965-1975],
Series 5: Auditorium and Library Buildings, 1958-1970],
Series 6: Library and Commons, 1960-1967],
Series 7: Commons and Library Addition, 1964-1974],
Series 8: Library Addition, Auditorium, and Commons, 1965-1971],
Series 9: Physical Education Building, 1960-1975],
Series 10: Calvin College Drives, Natatorium, 1963-1975],
Series 11: Auditorium and Commons, 1963-1969],
Series 12: East Beltline, Drives and Parking, 1959-1974],
Series 13: Science Building Material, 1965-1969],
Series 14: Science and Seminary Buildings, 1956-1972],
Series 15: Seminary Building, 1959-1975],
Series 16: Residences, 1959-1967],
Series 17: Residences and Dining Facilities, 1957-1973],
Series 18: Residence Halls Nos. 1-6, 1962-1970],
Series 19: Residence Housing, 1959-1977],
Series 20: Miscellaneous, 1959-1990],
- Series 3: Correspondence --- 1956-1974

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Correspondence, master plan --- 1958-1964

- Folder 2: Correspondence, landscaping plans --- 1958-1964

- Folder 3: Correspondence, master plan evaluations --- 1959-1962

- Folder 4: Correspondence, commons building and residence halls, long range --- 1964

- Folder 5: Correspondence, varia --- 1965

- Folder 6: Correspondence, developments on Knollcrest Campus --- 1966

- Folder 7: Correspondence, plant list --- 1966

- Folder 8: Correspondence, property line change --- 1967

- Folder 9: Correspondence with J. C. Miller --- 1956-1958

- Folder 10: Correspondence with Gerald Ford --- 1959-1972

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Correspondence, long-range planning --- 1966-1973

- Folder 2: Correspondence, long-range planning --- 1968

- Folder 3: Correspondence, objectives --- 1969

- Folder 4: Correspondence, design development --- 1969-1974

- Folder 5: Correspondence --- 1969-1974

- Folder 6: College Center Bulletins --- 1972-1974

- Folder 7: College Center certificate of payment --- 1972-1974

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Long-Range Planning, 1957-1974],
Series 2: Construction Contracts, 1956-1974],
[Series 3: Correspondence, 1956-1974],
Series 4: College Center Material, 1965-1975],
Series 5: Auditorium and Library Buildings, 1958-1970],
Series 6: Library and Commons, 1960-1967],
Series 7: Commons and Library Addition, 1964-1974],
Series 8: Library Addition, Auditorium, and Commons, 1965-1971],
Series 9: Physical Education Building, 1960-1975],
Series 10: Calvin College Drives, Natatorium, 1963-1975],
Series 11: Auditorium and Commons, 1963-1969],
Series 12: East Beltline, Drives and Parking, 1959-1974],
Series 13: Science Building Material, 1965-1969],
Series 14: Science and Seminary Buildings, 1956-1972],
Series 15: Seminary Building, 1959-1975],
Series 16: Residences, 1959-1967],
Series 17: Residences and Dining Facilities, 1957-1973],
Series 18: Residence Halls Nos. 1-6, 1962-1970],
Series 19: Residence Housing, 1959-1977],
Series 20: Miscellaneous, 1959-1990],