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Dutch Immigrant Papers Collection



Detailed Description

Last Name: A

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Dutch Immigrant Papers Collection, 1786-[ongoing] | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Dutch Immigrant Papers Collection, 1786-[ongoing]View associated digital content.

ID: COLL/078

Extent: 99.0 Boxes. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Subjects: Canada - Emigration and immigration - Biography, Dutch Americans - Correspondence, Dutch Americans - History - Sources, Dutch Americans - Personal narratives, Dutch Americans - Social life and customs, Netherlands - Emigration and immigration - Biography, United States - Emigration and immigration - Biography


The Dutch Immigrant Letter Collection includes a wide spectrum of Dutch immigrant experience-Protestant, Catholic, and secular-and it is the only major collection of its kind. To assemble the Immigrant Letter Collection the archives conducted four major manuscript collection campaigns in the Netherlands and the United States between 1976 and 1990. These efforts accumulated at least eight thousand items-letters, travel accounts, immigrant memoirs, and photographs.

Of the 4,970 letters gathered (1838-1958), 2,793 were American postings and 2,179 were from the Netherlands to the United States. Half of the letters from immigrants cluster between 1873 and 1893, accurately reflecting the numerical configuration of Dutch immigration. Moreover, immigration peaks in 1848-1857, 1867-1888, and 1892-1915 are followed a year or two later by peaks in correspondence.

Unfortunately we acquired no useful examples of two-way correspondence. Furthermore, the immigrant letters represent at best 0.0032 percent of an estimated 889,000 letters mailed from the United States to Holland between 1890 and 1930.

All names reflect the original spellings, so try variants spellings (i.e. ij / y); variant spacing (i.e. vanden / van den); and variants of v.d. names (i.e. van de / van den / van der).

The collection includes letters, diaries, travel accounts, memoirs, recollections, and journals. These sources provide a wide range of viewpoints and materials for discovering the spirit and character of the immigration experience. Herbert J. Brinks, curator of the Archives from 1972-1995, collected and used the letters in the research for the following books: Schrijf Spoedig Terug, 1978; Write Back Soon, 1986; and Dutch American Voices, 1995. Nearly all the material in this collection has been transcribed and translated. This is indicated for each item in a separate alphabetized guide, Dutch Immigrant Papers Guide, and on our web site: http://library.calvin.edu/guide/collections/hh/in_house_resources/immigrant_letters/dutch_letters. Additions continue.

Subject/Index Terms

Canada - Emigration and immigration - Biography
Dutch Americans - Correspondence
Dutch Americans - History - Sources
Dutch Americans - Personal narratives
Dutch Americans - Social life and customs
Netherlands - Emigration and immigration - Biography
United States - Emigration and immigration - Biography

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Last Name: A],
[Series 2: Last Name: B],
[Series 3: Last Name: C],
[Series 4: Last Name: D],
[Series 5: Last Name: E],
[Series 6: Last Name: F],
[Series 7: Last Name: G],
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[Series 23: Last Name: W],
[Series 24: Last Name: Y],
[Series 25: Last Name: Z],

Series 4: Last Name: D
Box 11
Folder 25: Daane, John. Reminiscenses: 1 item, 5 leaves, photocopy. Yerseke, Zeeland - West Sayville, New York. --- 1909-1984
Folder 26-27: Dalhuijsen, Gerrit. Letter: 21 items, with translation. Doorn, Utrecht - Grand Rapids, Michigan. G. Dalhuijsen to Jan Jansma. Entitled, Descendants of Jan Dalhuijsen by W. Hobe. --- 1918-1926, 2004
Folder 28: Dalhuijsen, Jane. Letters: 3 items, with translation. Doorn, Utrecht - Grand Rapids, Michigan. J. Dalhuijsen to Jan Jansma. --- 1926-1932
Folder 29: Dalhuijsen, Mien. Letter fragments: 2 items, with translation. Eindhoven, Noord Brabant - Grand Rapids, Michigan. M. Dalhuijsen to Jan Jansma. --- undated
Folder 30: Dalhuijsen, T. and Aaltje. Letters: 2 items, with translation. Wanswerd, Friesland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. T. Dalhuijsen to Jan Jansma. --- 1899
Folder 31: Dalhuijsen, Wed. Letters: 6 items, with translation. Apeldoorn, Gelderland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. W. Dalhuijsen to Jan and Di Jansma. --- 1895-1900
Box 12
Folder 1: Daling, Jan. Recollections: 1 item, 32 leaves, photocopy. Smilde, Drenthe - immigrant friends in Canada and USA. --- 1977
Folder 2: Dame, Paul K. Articles: 8 items, translation. Broek, Groningen - Fulton, Illinois. --- 1933-1934
Folder 3: Damstra, G. Baas. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Treebeek, Limburg - Riverside, Illinois. G. Damstra to J. Hofstra. --- 1945
Folder 4: Damstra, Kornelis Dirk. Letter: 1 item. Koudum, Friesland - USA.  K. Damstra to relatives. --- 1875
Folder 5: Datema, J. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Hospers, Iowa - Niekerk, Groningen. J. Datema to mother and friends. J. Datema to mother and friends. --- 1920
Folder 6: Datema, Jannes and Jeltje. Letters: 22 items, photocopy, with partial translation. Bedum, Groningen - St. Anne, Illinois. J. Datema to E. Tilma. --- 1956-1962
Folder 7: Datema, Lucas. Letter: 1 item, with transcription and translation. Groningen, Groningen - USA. L. Datema to Harm Datema. --- 1888
Folder 8: Datema, Pieter. Letter: 1 item, with translation. Niehove, Groningen - Grand Rapids, Michigan. P. Datema to Klaas Datema. --- 1888View associated digital content.
Folder 9: Datema, Ysbrand and Jet. Letters: 6 items, photocopy, with translation. Groningen, Groningen - Momence, Illinois. Y. and J. Datema to E. Tilma. --- 1955-1958
Folder 10-19: De Beij, Bernardus. Letters and newspaper articles: 34 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Chicago, Illinois - Winsum, Groningen. B. de Beij to Pieter A. Lanting. --- 1866-1888
Folder 20: De Boer, Dick and Sientje. Letter: 1 item. St. Jacobiparochie, Friesland - Denver, Colorado. D. and S. De Boer to Fred and Ida Kooi. --- 1985
Folder 21: De Boer, John. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Albany, New York - Friesland. J. De Boer to mother. --- 1908
Folder 22: De Boer, Louis P. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. New York, New York - Amsterdam, Noord Holland. L. P. de Boer to R. van  Gaasbeek. --- 1913
Folder 23: De Boer, W. P. Letters: 1 item, photocopy. Aduard, Groningen - Sneek, Friesland. W. P. de Boer to Lies Jorritsma Griepsma. --- 1929
Folder 24: De Braal, Jan. Documents: 2 items. Neuzen, Zeeland - USA. Certificate of good conduct and passport. --- 1839-1855
Folder 25: De Bruijn, B. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Vorden, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. B. de Bruijn to W. Boterenbrood. --- 1976
Folder 26: De Bruijn, Marinus. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Acquoy, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. M. De Bruijn to [M. Doorne]. --- 1857View associated digital content.
Folder 27: De Bruin, B. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Varssevelt, Gelderland - Panama, New York. B. de Bruin to J. Holthuis. --- 1864
Box 13
Folder 1: De Bruin, Cornelius. Letters: 3 items, photocopy, transcribed and translated. Gemert, Noord Brabant - Johnston, Pennsylvania. C. de Bruin to friends and relatives. --- [1889]
Folder 2: De Bruin, Gerrit Jan. Letters: 16 items, photocopy, with translation. Acquoy, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. G. J. De Bruin to his sister. --- 1891-1902View associated digital content.
Folder 3: De Bruin, Koosje. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Acquoy, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. K. de Bruin to M. van Doorne. --- 1870View associated digital content.
Folder 4: De Bruin, M[arinus]. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Acquoy, Gelderland - [Grand Haven, Michigan]. M. De Bruin to his sister and family. --- 1893View associated digital content.
Folder 5: De Bruin, Willem. Letter: 3 items, photocopy, with translation. Acquoy, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. W. De Bruin to an aunt. --- 1892View associated digital content.
Folder 6: De Bruin, Willemien. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Acquoy, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. W. De Bruin to Maria Van Doorne De Bruijn. --- 1883View associated digital content.
Folder 7: Decker, D. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Englewood, Illinois - Groningen. D. Decker to relatives. --- 1898
Folder 8: Deelman, W. D. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. USA - Netherlands. W. D. Deelman to relatives. --- 1932
Folder 9: De Graaf, Dirk. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Zuid Scharwoude, Noord Holland -Stickney, South Dakota. D. de Graaf to John Houtkooper. --- 1970
Folder 10: De Groot, A. Letter: 1 item, with translation. Rauwerd, Friesland - Holland, Michigan. A. De Groot to S. De Vries. --- 1958
Folder 11: De Groot, Gerk Dirks. Letters: 2 items, with transcription and translation. Lancaster, New York -Hallum, Friesland. G. D. de Goot to Klaas Dirks de Groot. --- 1852-1854
Folder 12: De Groot, Martin. Letters: 4 items, photocopy. Phelpston, Ontario - Westerbeek, Noord Brabant. M. de Groot to friends. --- 1971-1980
Folder 13: De Groot, R. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Griffith, Indiana - Heukelum, Zuid Holland. R. de Groot to brother. --- 1911
Folder 14: De Groot, Roelof and Grietje. Travel account: 1 item, 5 leaves. De Knipe, Friesland - Chicago, Illinois. --- 1909
Folder 15: De Groot, Ytje. Letter: 1 item. Tzummarum/Sint Jacobiparochie, Friesland - Denver, Colorado. Y. de Groot to Fred and Ida Kooi. --- 1982
Folder 16: De Haan, Matthew. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Lineville, Ohio - Dokkum, Friesland. M. De Haan to Braaksma family. --- 1908-1910View associated digital content.
Folder 17: De Haan, Th. Letter: 1 item, with transcription and translation. Sneek, Friesland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. Th. de Haan to D. Bloksma. --- 1892
Folder 18: De Hamer, Giles. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. New Sharon City, Iowa - Netherlands. G. de Hamer to friends. --- 1890
Folder 19: De Hoop, (Vrouw). Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Paterson, New Jersey - Graafschap, Michigan. Mrs. De Hoop to M. Den Bleyker. --- [1850s]
Folder 20: De Horn, Ria Kalfsbeek. Letters: 22 items, photocopy. Indianapolis, Indiana - Elst, Gelderland. R. de Horn to S. Kalfsbeek. --- 1976-1988
Folder 21: De Jong, Anne S. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Workum, Friesland -Grand Rapids, Michigan. A. S. De Jong to Sjoukje Wouters. --- 1901
Folder 22: De Jong, Coenraad. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. St. Louis, Missouri - Bloomington, Indiana. Coenraad De Jong to H. Van Asselt. --- 1849
Folder 23: De Jong, Dieuwke. Letter: 1 item, with translation. East Douglas, Massachusetts - IJlst, Friesland. D. De Jong to the Ringnalda family. --- 1931
Folder 24: De Jong, J. Letter: 1 item. Meppel, Drenthe - Grand Rapids, Michigan. J. De Jong to G. De Jong. --- 1926
Folder 25: De Jong, J. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Lucas, Michigan - Netherlands. J. De Jong to relatives. --- undated
Folder 26: De Jong, J. E. Letters: 5 items. Bolsward, Friesland - Highland, Indiana. J. E. De Jong to G. D. De Jong. --- 1921-1928
Folder 27: De Jong, J. Mnz. Letter: J. E. De Jong to G. D. De Jong. Lo --- 1893
Folder 28: De Jong, J. T. F. H. van der Boom. Letters: 6 items, photocopy, translation. Platte, South Dakota - Rijswijk, Zuid Holland. J. T. F. H. De Jong to H. and J. E. Berckenkamp. --- 1897-1948
Folder 29: De Jong, J. W. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Lafayette, Indiana - Het Bildt, Friesland. J. W. De Jong to friends. Published in Tiental Brieven Betrekkelijk de Reis, Aankomst en Vestiging Naar en in Noord Amerika van Eenige Landverhuizers Vertrokken uit de Grietenijen Het Bildt en Barradeel in Vriesland; Franeker, T. Telenga --- 1847, 1848View associated digital content.
Folder 30: De Jong, Koenraad. Diary and letters: 4 items, photocopy,with partial translation. Pella, Iowa - Alkmaar, Noord Holland. K. De Jong to relatives. --- 1851-1910
Folder 31: De Jong, Mary Louise and Katie: 4 items, photocopy. Platte, South Dakota - Rijswijk, Zuid Holland. M. L. and K. De Jong to E. J. Berckenkamp. --- undated
Folder 32: De Jong, Meina. Letter: 3 items, photocopy. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Netherlands. M. de Jong to relatives. --- 1946-1947
Folder 33: De Jong, P. Letter: 1 item, photocopy with transcription and translation. Chicago, Illinois - Brandwijk, Zuid Holland. P. de Jong to Adriaan Roozendaal. --- 1854
Folder 34: De Jong, Pieter Dirks. Letters: 2 items. Heeg, Friesland - Carrington, North Dakota. Letter from a travel agent and reminiscences. --- 1919
Folder 35: De Jong, Rimmert. Letter: 1 item, with translation. East Douglas, Massachusetts -  IJlst, Friesland. R. De Jong to the Ringnalda family. --- 1931
Folder 36: De Jong, Sibe. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Tjerkwerd, Friesland - Ripon, California. Tjerkwerd, Friesland - Ripon, California. S. De Jong to Thies Schuiling. --- 1953
Folder 37: De Jong, Trientje van Zalen. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with translation. Haarlem, Noord Holland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. T. De Jong to Willem van Zalen. --- 1945-1949
Folder 38: De Jong, Wilhelmine. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Alkmaar, Noord Holland - Pella, Iowa. W. de Jong to J. de Jong. --- 1910
Folder 39: De Jong, Willem. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Roseland, Illinois - Friesland. W. De Jong to Andries van Ek, editor. Published in Nieuwsblad van Friesland. --- 1888
Folder 40: De Jonge, Johan. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Gravenpolder, Zeeland - Pella, Iowa. J. De Jonge to B. Van't Sant. --- 1946
Folder 41: De Jonge, M. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with translation. Colijnsplaat, Zeeland - USA. M. De Jonge to brother and sisters. --- 1887-1888
Folder 42: De Jonge, Marchien. Letter and poetry: 2 items, photocopy, with partial translation. Chicago, Illinois - Drouwenermond, Drenthe. M. De Jonge to her parents. --- 1883
Folder 43: De Jonge, N. Ossewaarde. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Terneuzen, Zeeland - USA. N. De Jonge to a nephew. --- undated
Folder 44: De Keizer de Heus, Mevr. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Streefkerk, Zuid Holland - Hawthorne, New York. De Keizer de Heus to Jan De Man. --- undated
Folder 45: De Keizer, Willem C. Travel account: 1 item, 47 leaves, photocopy. Dordrecht, Zuid Holland - Chicago, Illinois. --- 1923
Folder 46: Dekker, A. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Wildervank, Groningen - USA. A. Dekker to his aunt. --- 1920
Folder 47: Dekker, B. G. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Heerde, Gelderland - Hudsonville, Michigan. B. G. Dekker to Clarence Venema. --- 1946
Box 14
Folder 1: Dekker, Grace. Letters: 39 items, some in English. Various places, including Alameda, California; Chicago, Illinois; Grand Rapids, Michigan; Leeuwarden, Friesland; Randolph, Wisconsin; and Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Various authors and recipients, including H. Bolhuis, T. Boomsma, G. Dekker, J. Guikema, Clarence Kedde, Jacob Van Dijke, J. Verhage, and Jacob and Lydia Zuidema. --- 1937-1943
Folder 2: Dekker, H. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Amsterdam, Noord Holland - USA. H. Dekker to relatives. --- 1933
Folder 3: Dekker, J. C. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Chicago, Illinois - Groningen, Groningen. J. C. Dekker to J. G. Hoekstra. --- 1939
Folder 4: Dekker, Marchein G. Rubingh and Detmer B. with Berdina, Grietje, and Mettina. Letters: 21 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Wildervank, Groningen; West Hartlepool, Hull and Invergordon, England - Ferrysburg and Ellsworth, Michigan. M. G. and D. B. Dekker to Jan G. and G. H. Rubingh. --- 1870-[1911]
Folder 5: Dekker, Nel E. Letters: 4 items, photocopy. Leiden, Zuid Holland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. N. E. Dekker to Johanna Heemstra. --- 1946
Folder 6: Dekker, Pieter. Poem: 1 item, photocopy. Yerseke, Zeeland - USA. P. Dekker to Martkina Brandt. --- 1886
Folder 7: De Lange, Willem Hendrik. Letters: 4 items, photocopy,with partial transcription and translation. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Deventer, Overijssel. W. H. De Lange to H. Houck. --- 1873-1874
Folder 8: De Leeuw, Anna Post. Letter: 1 item, with translation. Grand Rapids, Michigan - s'Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabant. A. De Leeuw to L. Post. --- [1947]
Folder 9: De Leun, L. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Grand Haven, Michigan - Pella, Iowa. L. De Leun to P. J. Oggel. --- [1860]
Folder 10: De Leur, J. H. Letter: 1 item. Doesburg, Gelderland -[Chicago?]. J. H. de Leur to Johan. --- 1915
Folder 11: De Liefde, J. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Netherlands - Pella, Iowa. J. de Liefde to J. Smeenk. --- 1849-[1850]
Folder 12: De Man, G. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Overijssel - New York, New York. G. De Man to Jan De Man. --- [1970]
Folder 13-18: De Man, Jan and Sue. Letters: 21 items, photocopy. Netherlands - Hawthorne, New York. Relatives and friends to the De Man family. --- 1958-1979
Folder 19: De Man, Johanna. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Enschede, Overijssel - Hawthorne, New York. Johanna De Man to Jan and Sue De Man. --- 1978
Folder 20: De Man, Piet. Letters: 6 items, photocopy. Boskoop, Zuid Holland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. P. de Man to Wim and Trudy Turkenburg. --- 1952-1958
Folder 21: Den Besten, Cornelis. Documents: 14 items, photocopy. Noordeloos, Zuid Holland - New Holland, South Dakota. Certificate of naturalization, homestead applictions, and homestead proofs. --- 1803-1809
Folder 22: Den Bleyker, Jan. Letters: 12 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Paterson, New Jersey, Graafschap and Kalamazoo, Michigan. J. Den Bleyker to Maarten and Paulus Den Bleyker. --- 1857-1882
Folder 23: Den Bleyker, Maarten. Letters: 3 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Graafschap, Michigan; Paterson, New Jersey - Kalamazoo and Graafschap, Michigan. M. Den Bleyker to his brothers and to the consistory of the Graafschap Christian Reformed Church. --- 1854-1887
Folder 24: Den Bleyker, Paulus. Letters: 8 items, photocopy, with partial transcription, with translation. Kalamazoo, Michigan - various places in Michigan. P. Den Bleyker to G. De Haan and Krabshuis; P. Den Bleyker and A. C. Van Raalte. --- 1856-1858
Folder 25: Den Hartog, Govert. Letter: 1 item. Apeldoorn, Gelderland - Grand Rapids, Michigan. G. Den Hartog to Jan Jansma. --- 1919
Folder 26: Den Hartog, James. Letter: 1 item, with translation. St. Louis, Missouri - Holland, Michigan.  J. Den Hartog to a friend. --- 1876
Folder 27: Den Hartog, Jansje. Letters: 3 items, photocopy, with translation. Laton, California - Koudekerk, Zuid Holland. J. Den Hartog to G. J. Reyneveld. --- 1914-1915
Box 15
Folder 1: Den Herder, Johanna. Letter fragments: 3 items, photocopy, with translation. Grand Haven, Michigan - Nijverdal, Overijssel. J. Den Herder to H. Bos family. --- 1928-1930
Folder 2: Denkema, Grietje. Letter: 1 item, with translation. Big Rapids, Michigan - Netherlands. G. Denkema to relatives. --- 1880
Folder 3: Denkema, Jantje Boom. Letter: 1 item, with translation. Big Rapids, Michigan - Netherlands. J. Denkema to relatives. --- 1884
Folder 4: Den Ouden, J. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Hull, Iowa - Reasnor, Iowa. J. Den Ouden to G. N. Van't Sant. --- 1895
Folder 5: Den Uyl, F. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Holland, Michigan - Kalamazoo, Michigan. F. Den Uyl to P. Den Bleyker. --- 1856
Folder 6: De Otter, C. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Netherlands - Hawthorne, New York. C. De Otter to J. De Man. --- 1978-1979
Folder 7: De Pree, Dirk Cornelis. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Noord Zee (onboard ship) - Terneuzen, Zeeland. Dirk Cornelis De Pree to nephew. --- 1855
Folder 8: De Priester, A. Letter, Bill of Passage: 2 items, photocopy, with translation. Sluis, Zeeland - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A. De Priester to J. Budding. --- 1850, 1857
Folder 9: De Priester, Antonia. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Buffalo, New York - Sluis, Zeeland. A. De Priester to A. De Priester. --- 1849
Folder 10: De Priester, J. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Rotterdam, Zuid Holland - Buffalo, New York. J. De Priester to relatives. --- 1849
Folder 11: De Rues, Bertha. Letters: 12 items, photocopy. Leighton, Iowa - Netherlands. B. De Reus to cousins. --- 1946-1958
Folder 12: De Roo, C. P. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Flint, Michigan - Holland, Michigan. C. P. De Roo to W. O. Van Eyck. --- 1937
Folder 13: De Rook, Jacobus. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with translation. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Lemmer, Friesland. J. De Rook to P. De Rook. --- 1910-1911
Folder 14: De Ruiter, Albert. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Chicago, Illinois - Amsterdam, Noord Holland. A. De Ruiter to Jan Meisner. --- 1908
Folder 15: De Ruiter, Catharina Petronella. Letters: 6 items, photocopy. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Brummen, Gelderland. C. P. De Ruiter to relatives. --- 1935-1967
Folder 16: De Sovernin Lohman, Wytzius Hendrik. Travel accounts and letters: 1 item. 15 leaves, photocopy. Netherlands - Sioux County, Iowa. W. H. De Sovernin Lohman to his son. --- 1865-1900
Folder 17: De Stigter, T. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Sioux Center, Iowa - Leerhoek, Zuid Holland. T. De Stigter to relatives. --- 1916
Folder 18: De Vink, J. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Pella, Iowa - Amsterdam, Noord Holland. J. De Vink to Abraham Kuyper. --- 1887
Folder 19: De Visser, A. Correspondence: 7 items, photocopy. Texel, Noord Holland - Ripon, California. A. De Visser to J. De Visser. --- 1948-1954
Folder 20: De Visser, Andries. Letter: 1 item, photocopy,with transcription and translation. Wawarsing, New York - Zaamslag, Zeeland. A. De Visser to Solomon de Visser. Published in Pella Chronicle --- 1850, 1997
Folder 21: De Visser, Arie. Letter: 3 items. Enkhuizen, Noord Holland - Ripon, California. A. De Visser to Jan and Dr --- 1949
Folder 22: De Visser, Jan. Letters: 17 items, photocopy. Netherlands - Oakdale, California. Relatives to Jan De Visser. --- 1949-1956
Folder 23: De Visser, Piet. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Enkhuizen, Noord Holland - Ripon and Escalon, California. P. De Visser to Jan and Dr --- 1948-1949
Folder 24: De Visser, Siem and Nel. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Enkhuizen, Noord Holland - Ripon and Escalon, California. S. De Visser to Jan and Dr --- 1948-1949
Folder 25: De Visser, Tine. Letters: 5 items, photocopy. Enkhuizen, Noord Holland - Escalon, California. T. De Visser to Jan & Dr --- 1949-1959
Folder 26: De Vocht, Maria. Letters: 5 items, photocopy. Gloucester, Ontario - Cuyk, Noord Brabant. M. de Vocht to H. M. J. Loeffen. --- 1989-1990
Folder 27: De Vogel, Adrianus. Recommendation: 1 item, photocopy. Sommelsdijk, Zuid Holland - USA. Certificate issued by the school. --- 1853
Folder 28: De Vree, K. J. Letter: 1 item, published, with translation. Albany, New York - Het Bildt, Friesland. K. J. De Vree to J. Pelmulder. Published in Tiental Brieven Betrekkelijk de Reis, Aankomst en Vestiging Naar en in Noord-Amerika van Eenige Landverhuizers Vertrokken uit de Grietenijen Het Bildt en Barradeel in Vriesland; Franeker, T. Talenga --- 1847, 1848View associated digital content.
Folder 29: De Vries, Aafje. Letters: 7 items, photocopy. Appelscha, Friesland - USA. A. De Vries to friends. --- 1908-1914
Folder 30: De Vries, D. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Oldekerk, Grongingen - Pella, Iowa. D. De Vries to Sieberen De Vries. --- 1931-1938
Folder 31: De Vries, Johannes. Reminiscences: 1 item, with translation. Zierikzee, Zeeland. --- 1939 - 1945
Folder 32-33: De Vries, Klaas. Account: 1 item. 181 leaves, photocopy, with translation. Jubbega, Friesland - Canada and USA. Entitled, Thirty-eight Years in America. --- 1892-1930
Folder 34: De Vries, Otte Hendrik. Letters: 7 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. San Francisco, California - Netherlands. O. H. De Vries to relatives. --- 1884-1913
Folder 35: De Vries, R. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Buren, Gelderland. R. De Vries to family. --- 1916
Folder 36: De Vries, R. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Oldekerk, Groningen - Pella, Iowa. R. De Vries to S. De Vries. --- 1950
Folder 37: De Vries, S. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Buffalo, New York - Burlington, Iowa. S. De Vries to A. N. Wormser. --- 1848
Folder 38: De Vries, S. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Sexbierum, Friesland - USA. De Vries to Jan and Trijntje De Vries. --- 1948-1955
Folder 39: De Vries, Thijs. Letters and shiplist: 6 items, photocopy. Netherlands - Brandon, Wisconsin. Friends to Th. De Vries. --- 1948
Box 16
Folder 1: De Vries, W. and M. V. der Veen. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Munnekezijl, Friesland - Pella, Iowa. W. De Vries to Syberen De Vries. --- undated, [1896-1904]
Folder 2: De Vries, Willemke van der Wall. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Springfield, Illinois - Aalten, Gelderland. W. De Vries to Gerrit De Vries. --- 1911
Folder 3: De Weerd, A. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Holland, Michigan - Nieuwleusen, Gelderland. Holland, Michigan - Nieuwleusen, Gelderland. A. De Weerd to relatives. --- 1849
Folder 4: De Winter, J. C. Letter fragment: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and partial translation. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Netherlands. J. C. De Winter to his wife. --- 1866
Folder 5: De Wit, J. L. Hagens. Letter: 1 item. Netherlands - Clifton, New Jersey. J. L. De Wit to A. Tamboer. --- 1979
Folder 6: De Witt, Jessie. Letters: 5 items, photocopy. Zeeland, Michigan - Zeist, Utrecht. J. De Witt to relatives. --- 1976-1987
Folder 7: De Wolf, Isaac. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Kalamazoo, Michigan - Zuidzande, Zeeland. I. De Wolf to Jacob W. Robijn. --- 1955View associated digital content.
Folder 8: De Young, Peter C. Recollections: 17 items, photocopy. Roseland and South Holland, Illinois. Published articles in Onze Toekomst occasioned by the centennial celebration of Roseland. --- 1949
Folder 9: De Zomer, Jannis. Letters: 5 items, photocopy. IJzendijke, Zeeland - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. J. De Zomer to relatives. --- 1886-1888
Folder 10: De Zomer, P. Letters: 4 items, photocopy. IJzendijke, Zeeland - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. P. De Zomer to his son. --- 1890-1891
Folder 11: Diemer, Frederik. Letters: 18 items, with transcriptions and translations. Vogel Center and McBain, Michigan - Schoonoord and Hoogeveen, Drenthe. F. Diemer to family. --- 1894-1928
Folder 12: Diepeveen, D. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Loosduinen, Zuid Holland - St. Anne, Illinois. D. Diepeveen to E. Tilma. --- 1961
Folder 13: Diephuis, Hendrik. Letters: 18 items, photocopy. Midland Park, New Jersey - Doetinchem, Gelderland. H. Diephuis to relatives. --- 1887-1900
Folder 14: Diephuis, R. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Goshen, Indiana - Holland, Michigan. R. Diephuis to Mrs. J. Robbert. --- 1935
Folder 15: Diggelen, Leendert. Letters: 3 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Leeuwarden, Friesland - USA. L. Diggelen to parents. --- 1878-1882
Folder 16: Dijk, Henriette H. M. L. van der Boom. Letters: 7 items, photocopy, translation. Platte, South Dakota - Rijswijk, Zuid Holland. H. H. M. L. Dijk to J. and C. W. van Bijlevelt. --- 1897-1914
Folder 17: Dijk, Jan. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Solwerd, Groningen - USA. J. Dijk to relatives. --- 1931-1932
Folder 18: Dijkhuis, B. L. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Hornhuizen, Groningen - USA. Hornhuizen, Groningen - USA. B. L. Dijkhuis to K. J. Beukema. --- 1842
Folder 19: Dijkman, D. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Paterson, New Jersey - Hallum, Friesland. D. Dijkman to Poortinga family. --- 1925
Folder 20: Dijksterhuis, Jeltje R. Oosterveld. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Zwolle, Overijssel - Wayne, Michigan. J. R. Dijksterhuis to Gerrit Posthumus. --- 1978
Folder 21: Dijkstra, Douwe. Letters: Chicago, Illinois - Dokkum, Friesland. D. Dijkstra to relatives. --- 1900-1922
Folder 22: Dijkstra, Frederick. Letters: 5 items, photocopy. Bay Shore, Long Island - Wierum, Friesland. F. Dijkstra to relatives. --- 1913-1933
Folder 23: Dijkstra, G. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Ee, Friesland - Galesburg, Iowa. G. Dijkstra to Douwe Jans Douma. --- 1882
Folder 24: Dijkstra, G. Letters: 4 items, photocopy. Uithuizermeeden, Groningen - St. Anne, Illinois. G. Dijkstra to E. Tilma. --- 1956-1960
Folder 25: Dijkstra, Harry. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Chicago, Illinois - Groningen, Groningen. H. Dijkstra to T. G. Hoekstra. --- 1947
Folder 26: Dijkstra, Jan Minne. Letters: 8 items, photocopy. Ee, Friesland - Galesburg, Iowa. J. M. Dijkstra to Douwe Jans Douma. --- 1870-1883
Folder 27: Dijkstra, Jantje Wiersum. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Groningen, Groningen - USA. J. Dijkstra to relatives. --- 1946
Folder 28: Dijkstra, Jurjen Tjerks. Letters: 7 items, photocopy, with transcription and  translation. Orange City, Middleburg, Iowa - Arum, Friesland. J. T. Dijkstra to Antje Tiemersma Dijkstra. --- 1884-1905
Folder 29: Dijkstra, Minne. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Morra, Friesland - USA. M. Dijkstra to Jan Douma. --- 1871
Folder 30: Dijkstra, Minnie (Meintsje). Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Grandville, Michigan - Koudum, Friesland. M. Dijkstra to relatives. --- 1948
Folder 31: Dijkstra, Oene. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Rock Valley, Iowa, and Glyndon, Minnesota -Oosterwolde, Friesland. O. Dijkstra to cousin. --- 1922-1924
Folder 32: Dijkstra, Sije. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with translation. Assen, Drenthe - Grand Rapids, Michigan. S. Dijkstra to Willem van Zalen. --- 1949-1950
Folder 33: Dijkstra, Sjouke. Letters: 9 items, photocopy. Fox Lake, Wisconsin - Nes, Friesland. S. Dijkstra to Sam Dijkstra. --- 1932-1952
Folder 34: Dijkstra, Teatske de Vries. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Kalamazoo, Michigan - Ee, Friesland. T. Dijkstra to brother --- 1925-1935
Folder 35: Dijkstra, Tjaart and Tietje. Letters: 2 items, photocopy. Wehe, Groningen - Fulton, Illinois. T. Dijkstra to C. Van Essen. --- 1945-1946
Folder 36: Dijkstra, W. R. Letters: 2 items, with transcription and translation. Sneek, Friesland -Grand Rapids, Michigan. W.R. Dijkstra to D. Bloksma. --- 1886-1892
Folder 37: Dijkstra, Willem. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Den Haag, Zuid Holland - Chicago, Illinois. W. Dijkstra to N. Dijkstra. --- 1932-1933
Folder 38: Dijma, H. Letters: 9 items, photocopy, with transcription. Oakville, Ontario - Augustinusga, Friesland. H. Dijma to relatives. --- 1974
Box 17
Folder 1: Dimer, G. V. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Beesd, Gelderland - Grand Haven, Michigan. G.V. Dimer to M. Van Doorne. --- 1874
Folder 2: Dingemanse, A. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Denver, Colorado - Doorn, Utrecht. A. Dingemanse to friends. --- 1906
Folder 3: Dircks, Pieter J. Letters: 3 items, transcription, with translation. Chaska, Minnesota - Limbricht, Limburg. P. J. Dircks to relatives and friends. --- 1863-1864
Folder 4: Dirks, Elizabet. Letters: 3 items, photocopy. Groede, Zeeland - Milwaukee, Wisconsin. E. Dirks to her children. --- 1883-1891
Folder 5: Dirks, Geert. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Pella, Iowa - Enkhuizen, Noord Holland. Geert Dirks to brother. --- 1860
Folder 6: Disselhoff, M. Brouwer. Letter: 1 item. Zwolle, Overijssel - Grand Rapids, Michigan. M. B. Disselhoff to Jan Jansma. --- 1934
Folder 7: Docter, Ali. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. IJmuiden, Noord Holland - Spring Lake, Michigan. A. Docter to H. Docter. --- 1978
Folder 8: Docter, Riek. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Apeldoorn, Gelderland - Spring Lake, Michigan. R. Docter to H. Docter --- 1978
Folder 9: Dokter, Atje Fennema. Letter: 1 item, with background information. Chicago, Illinois - Kollum, Friesland. Dokter to Fennema family. Published in Nieuwsblad van Noord-Oost Friesland --- [1908], 11 May 1990
Folder 10: Dokter, Evert. Documents: 7 items, photocopy. Putten, Gelderland - Sioux County, Iowa. Passport and naturalization papers. --- 1919-1926
Folder 11: Doornbos, J. A. Letters: 2 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Laskwerd, Groningen - USA. J. A. Doornbos about C. Bos. --- 1882-1892
Folder 12: Doornenbal, Marinus. Travel account: 1 item, 8 leaves, with translation. Veenendaal, Utrecht - USA. Entitled, Enkele Ervaringen van Mjn Amerikaanse Reis. --- 1950
Folder 13: Dorsman, P.  Letter: 1 item, with transcription and translation. Alto, Wisconsin - Barendrecht, Zuid Holland. P. Dorsman to K. Dorsman. --- 1869
Folder 14-16: Douma, Albert J. and C. J. Boersma. Letters: 31 items, photocopy, with partial transcription and translation. Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen and Ee, Friesland. Utrecht, Utrecht - Pella, Iowa. A. J. Douma to Douwe Jans. Douma. --- 1867-1890
Folder 17: Douma, Clara. Letter: 2 items, photocopy. Dinsmore, Saskatchewan - Pella, Iowa. C. Douma to G. N. Van't Sant. --- 1917-1920
Folder 18: Douma, Douwe John. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Dinsmore, Saskatchewan - Pella, Iowa.  D. J. Douma to cousin. --- 1920
Folder 19: Douma, Gosse. Recollections: 1 item, 3 leaves. Athens, Ontario. --- [1975]
Folder 20: Douma, James D. Letters: 26 items, photocopy. Ezumazijl, Friesland. South Dakota, and Saskatchewan - Reasnor, Iowa. J. D. Douma to G. Van't Sant. --- 1900-1920
Folder 21: Dourleyer, William. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Gibbon, Minnesota - Serooskerke, Zeeland. W. Dourleyer to H. Janse. --- 1955
Folder 22: Douw, O. Letter: 1 item, photocopy. Colijnsplaat, Zeeland - USA. O. Douw to friends. --- 1887
Folder 23: Dozeman, Marie. Letter: 1 item. Zeeland, Michigan - Ripon, California. M. Dozeman to Alice Nykamp (Mrs. John W.). --- 1938
Folder 24: Dracht, Thomas. Letters: 2 items, with partial translation. Lucas, Michigan - Grand Rapids, Michigan. T. Dracht to nephew and niece. --- 1894
Folder 25: Drenth, A. Bakker. Letter: 1 item. Zuidhorn, Groningen - Lansing, Illinois. A. Drenth to E. van de Noord. --- 1978
Folder 26: Drika, H. Letter: 1 item, photocopy,with transcription and translation. USA - Netherlands. H. Drika to relatives. --- 1931
Folder 27: Droppers, G. J. and Janna. Letters: 4 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Holland, Wisconsin - Kotten, Gelderland. G. J. and J. Droppers to Uncle and Aunt Vardink. --- 1860-1903
Folder 28: Droppers, Jan Dirk. Letters: 4 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Kotten, Gelderland. J. D. Droppers to relatives. --- 1872-1883
Folder 29: Dryfhout, F. Letter: 1 item. New Market, Ontario - Uithuizermeeden, Groningen. F. Dryfhout to A. P. Van Dijken. --- 1975
Folder 30: Duffues, Anny J.  Letters: 5 items, photocopy. Calgary, Alberta - Schijndel, Noord Brabant. A. J. Duffues to Willy van Osch. --- 1950-1955
Folder 31: Duffues, Johan. Letters: 4 items, photocopy. Whitby, Ontario - Schijndel, Noord Brabant. J. Duffhues to brother. --- 1950-1955
Folder 32-33: Duijndam, Willem. Letters: 21 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Lewistown, Montana - Westerland, Noord Holland. W. Duindam to relatives. --- 1874-1905
Folder 34: Duiker, Roelof. Letter: 1 item, photocopy, with translation. Grand Rapids, Michigan - Groningen, Netherlands. R. Duiker to relatives. --- 1869
Folder 35: Duim, Jacob. Letter: 7 items, photocopy, with transcription and translation. Calumet, Illinois - Kalamazoo, Michigan. J. Duim to Paulus Den Bleyker. --- 1854-1867
Box 18
Folder 1: Dunnink, Jacob Harms. Letters: 10 items, photocopy, with translation. Zeeland, Michigan - Staphorst, Overijssel. J. H. Dunnink to family. --- 1848-1865
Folder 2: Durian, D.J. Letter: 1 item. Kalamazoo, Michigan -Grand Rapids, Michigan. D. J. Durian to Jan Hofman. --- 1935
Folder 15-Mar: Duyser, Machiel. Recollections, essays, articles, speeches, a portrait, and letters: 20 items, with partial translation, [Old Settler's Club].  Oud Beijerland, Zuid Holland -Holland, Michigan. M. Duyser to relatives. Travel accounts. --- 1830 -1910, undated
Folder 16: Duyst, C. Articles: 1 item, 16 pages, photocopy, with translation. Spakenburg, Utrecht - Chile, South America - Hanford, California. --- 1910-1920
Folder 17: Dwarshuis, P. K. Letter fragment: 1 item. Netherlands - Grand Rapids, Michigan. P. K. Dwarshuis and J. P. Sandra to D. Bloksma. --- undated

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Last Name: A],
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[Series 3: Last Name: C],
[Series 4: Last Name: D],
[Series 5: Last Name: E],
[Series 6: Last Name: F],
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[Series 8: Last Name: H],
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