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Martin Monsma Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Biographical Information: Student Notes

Articles in De Watcher

Articles in Federation Messenger, etc

Church Order Commentary and Correspondence

Church Order: Letters of Advice

Church Order Revision

Seminary Material

Synodical Committees


Daily Manna (devotionals)

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Martin Monsma Collection, 1911-1967 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Martin Monsma Collection, 1911-1967

ID: COLL/452

Primary Creator: Monsma, Martin (1893-1968)

Extent: 9.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church; professor of practical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary; founder and editor of Daily Manna, a devotional calendar (1936-1968). The collection includes: manuscripts, articles, topic files, anniversary booklets, pamphlets, synodical committee reports, class notes, Daily Manna (1936-1978), and correspondence (correspondents include Henry Beets, John C. De Korne, H. J. Kuiper, W. H. Rutgers, and R. Wezeman).

Biographical Note

Martin Monsma was born in Berlikum, Friesland, Netherlands on November 23, 1893.  In September of 1902, the Monsma family immigrated to the United States. Even at an early age, Monsma expressed his interest in becoming a minister.  He attended Calvin College and Seminary earning his diploma in 1924.  His first call to service came from Doon, Iowa. He was ordained on October 8, 1924. He chose Psalm 39:7 as his inaugural sermon.

He served the Doon congregation until 1928. He went on to serve the following churches Detroit, MI (1928-34); Second, Pella, IA (1934-43); and Grandville Av., Grand Rapids, MI (1943-53). In 1953 Rev. Monsma returned to Calvin Theological Seminary, this not as a student, but rather a faculty member. He accepted the position of lecturer in Practical Theology.  A year later he became professor of Practical Theology. He remained a professor at the Seminary until his retirement in 1964.

Monsma was very involved in denominational boards and committees. He served on the Calvin College Board of Trustees; Church Order Revision Committee; Home and Foreign Missions' Educational Policy Committee; Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Correspondence; and the Committee on Revised Compendium.  Monsma also found time to write articles and publish books. He even was the founder and editor of Daily Manna, a devotional calendar which he overall saw for 32 years.

Martin Monsma died on January 31, 1968 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He passed away due to a heart attack. He was survived by his wife, Marie Vos, with whom he married in 1924. Together they had 3 daughters and two sons, who also survived him.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Information: Student Notes],
[Series 2: Articles in De Watcher, 1947-1967],
[Series 3: Articles in Federation Messenger, etc],
[Series 4: Church Order Commentary and Correspondence],
[Series 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice],
[Series 6: Church Order Revision, 1950-1967],
[Series 7: Seminary Material],
[Series 8: Synodical Committees],
[Series 9: Varia],
[Series 10: Daily Manna (devotionals)],

Series 1: Biographical Information: Student Notes
Box 1
Folder 1: Student notes on God's Covenant with man. Vos, Hylkema, Bavinck, Kuyper
Folder 2: Student notes: Dictaten Dogmatie of C. Bouma als opgeteekend in klas
Folder 3: Student notes on Dutch Art --- 1926
Folder 4: Student notes on Dutch Course --- 1928-1930
Folder 5: Student notes on Dutch Modern Literature (Dutch)
Folder 6: Student notes: Gereformeerde Etheik, F.M. Ten Hoor. Mimeographed booklet --- 1923-1924
Folder 7: Student notes on Kerkrecht of Prof. Nauta. Handwritten notebook in Dutch
Folder 8: Student notes on Liturgiek by W. Heyns. Mimeographed
Folder 9: Student notes on Psychology, J. Broene --- 1919-1920
Folder 10: Student period: Systematische Theology, G. Vos. Mimeographed material
Folder 11: Student sermons. Outlined --- 1921-1924
Series 2: Articles in De Watcher --- 1947-1967
Box 2
Folder 1: Articles on Kerkorder en Kerkregering --- 1947-1949
Folder 2-15: Articles on Kerkorder en Kerkregering --- 1950-1967
Folder 16: Articles on Kerkorder en Kerkregering --- undated
Series 3: Articles in Federation Messenger, etc
Box 3
Folder 1: Articles on Kerkorder en Kerkregering in De Watcher --- undated
Folder 2: Articles on After-recess Topics for Men's Societies in The Federation Messenger --- 1920's
Folder 3: Articles on Church Order in The Federation Messenger. Articles 1-22 --- 1930's
Folder 4: Articles on Church Order in The Federation Messenger. Articles 23-58 --- 1930's
Folder 5: Articles on Church Order in The Federation Messenger. Articles 59-85 --- 1930's
Folder 6: Articles on the Church Order in the Federation Messenger --- 1940's
Folder 7: Articles by various authors "saved" by M. Monsma --- 1950's-1960's
Folder 8: Editorials in the Western Academy Bulletin: January, March, and June --- 1928
Folder 9: Meditations in Grandville Avenue Greetings --- 1945
Series 4: Church Order Commentary and Correspondence
Box 4: Church Order Commentary being a brief explanation of the Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church. First draft in twenty-three notebooks, handwritten Authors: Izerd Van Dellen and Martin Monsma --- n.d.
Folder 1: Church Order Commentary correspondence --- 1939-1940
Folder 2: Church Order: Can women vote…at congregational meetings? Paper by E.H. Oostendorp --- 1940
Folder 3: Church Order: Vrouwenkiesrecht. Reports, communication, brochures, and clippings. I --- 1930's
Folder 4: Church Order: Vrouwenkiesrecht. Reports, communication, brochures, and clippings. II --- 1930's
Folder 5: Church Order: Vrouwenkiesrecht op gemeente Vergaderingen. Paper and notes, in Dutch --- 1940
Series 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice
Box 5
Folder 1: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Baptism
Folder 2: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Christian Schools
Folder 3: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Church Discipline
Folder 4: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Church Organizations
Folder 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Classis
Folder 6: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Congregational Matters
Folder 7: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Divorce
Folder 8: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Elders and Deacons
Folder 9: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Good Order in the Church
Folder 10: Church Order: Letters of Advice on miscellaneous matters
Folder 11: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Missions
Folder 12: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Prayer
Folder 13: Church Order: Letters of Advice on Sabbath Observance
Folder 14: Church Order: Letters of Advice on the Sacraments
Series 6: Church Order Revision --- 1950-1967
Box 6
Folder 1: Church Order Book: Algemeene Bepalingen de Holl Chr. Ger Kerk in Amerika de Kerkorder
Folder 2: Church Order Revision: Communications --- 1956-1957
Folder 3: Church Order Revision: Communications --- 1962
Folder 4: Church Order Revision: Communications received by revision committee after Synod of 1963-March --- 1964
Folder 5: Church Order Revision: Correspondence in Dutch --- 1950-1951
Folder 6: Church Order Revision Material, 1964. Art in Reflectors. November, 1963, January --- 1964
Folder 7: Church Order Revision progress report --- 1950-1965
Folder 8: Church Order Revision: Proposed Revised Church Orders --- 1961
Folder 9: Church Order Revision: Proposed Revised Church Orders, edited
Folder 10: Church Order Rapports to General Synod, Leeuwarden --- 1955
Folder 11: Church Order report to Synod (12th report) --- 1963
Folder 12: Church Order Synodical Advisory report to Synod --- 1965
Folder 13: Church Order Study Committee on Article 18. Monsma --- 1967
Series 7: Seminary Material
Box 7
Folder 1: Anniversary booklets of Pella, Iowa; Grandville Avenue --- 1897-1947
Folder 2: Calvin's Dying Bequest to the Church, by Marten Woudstra. Monograph I
Folder 3: Seminary Series I
Folder 4: Church Order Examinations --- 1954, 1956, 1961
Folder 5: Class notes on Catechetics
Folder 6: Class notes on Liturgics
Folder 7: Class notes on Poimenics
Folder 8: Janssen Case material: protest against conclusion of Synod. Report of the Committee --- 1922
Folder 9: Seminary communications --- 1951-1952
Folder 10: Seminary library matters --- 1963-1964
Folder 11: Seminary matters reported --- 1924
Folder 12: Seminary nomination for president. Committee --- 1955-1977
Folder 13: Recruitment leaflets from Seminary Faculty for high school students. Mandated by Synod --- 1962
Folder 14: Report of 6th and 7th Biennial meetings of the Association of Seminary Professors in the Practical Fields, 1960 --- 1962
Folder 15: Verzameling van Besluiten van het Curatorium…de Theologische School --- 1911-1929
Series 8: Synodical Committees
Box 8
Folder 1: Synodical Contact Committee: Protestant Reformed and CRC --- 1957-1959
Folder 2: Synodical Contact Committee: Protestant Reformed and CRC material --- 1958-1962
Folder 3: Synodical Contact Committee: Protestant Reformed and CRC minutes and decisions --- 1962-1963
Folder 4: Synodical Contact Committee with O P C on differences in Church Policy --- 1963-1964
Folder 5: Synodical Contact Committee on Ecumenicity and Inter-ChurchCorrespondence. Reports --- 1955-1957
Folder 6: Synodical Contact Committee on Incorporation. Reports and correspondence --- 1962-1963
Folder 7: Synodical Contact Committee on Status of Missionaries, Chaplains, and Bible Teachers at Major Assemblies. Report, 1962. Letter to M. Monsma --- 1963
Folder 8: Synodical Contact Committee to Study Discrepancy between Articles 6 and 12 of the Church Order --- 1948
Folder 9: Synodical Contact Committee to Study Methods of Evangelistic Work. Sec. M. Monsma --- 1934
Series 9: Varia
Box 9
Folder 1: Buiten Case and L.A. consistory. Report to Synod - Appeal --- 1960
Folder 2: Calvinistic Culture Association: brochure --- 1953
Folder 3: Christian Labor Association: bulletins, brochures, constitution, and by-laws --- 1930's
Folder 4: Committee on Church Union with Reformed Presbyterian Church. Minutes and letter --- 1953
Folder 5: Committee on Creation and Evolution at First REA Report at Amsterdam --- 1949
Folder 6: De Drie Punten der Synod van. Paper by Reverend H. Danhof --- 1924
Folder 7: The Free Christian School, by G.W. Hylkema. (booklet)
Folder 8: Generale Synode. Rotterdam reports --- 1952
Folder 9: Home visiting notes. Grandville Avenue CRC --- 1948
Folder 10: John Calvin, the Hard Hearted, by H. Verduin. Paper --- 1923
Folder 11: Knowing God's Secrets, by John Hunter. Gift of Monsmas, returned to them with letter of thanks
Folder 12: De Lodge en de Bijble, by Wm. Masselink --- n.d.
Folder 13: Mental Health - pamphlets
Folder 14: Mission work in Detroit: Papers on the need in Detroit --- n.d.
Folder 15: National Association of Evangelicals: communications; on affiliation --- 1947-1949
Box 10
Folder 1: The Netherland-America Foundation Monthly Letter. (incomplete) --- 1925-1947
Folder 2: Om Waarheid en Recht, door C. Vonk. Brochure --- 1944
Folder 3: Particular Synods: Committee Reports, 1950 --- 1957
Folder 4: Pertinent facts on the Netherlands Royal family --- 1948
Folder 5: De Plaats van de vrouw in de dienst van de kerk: Generale Synode, Middleburg --- 1965
Folder 6: Postal card scenes
Folder 7: Press clippings of people and events --- 1935-1950
Folder 8: Reformed Ecumenical Synod: Reports and material --- 1953
Folder 9: Sioux Center Case: Reports and booklets --- 1922
Folder 10: Wezeman Case: Brochures and papers --- 1936-1937
Folder 11: Wezeman Case. Synodical Committee and resolutions --- 1936-1937
Folder 12: Worldly Amusement Issue: thinking out loud on Synodical decisions by a group of CRC Ministers, March 7 --- 1943
Box 11
Folder 1: The Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1943
Folder 2: The Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1958
Folder 3: The Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1943
Folder 4: The Compendium Guide - Book Two (ed. 2) --- 1943
Folder 5: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 2) --- 1943
Folder 6: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 4) --- 1943
Folder 7: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 5) --- 1943
Folder 8: The Compendium Helper - Book Two (ed. 3) --- 1944
Folder 9: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1943
Folder 10: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1944
Folder 11: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1944
Folder 12: Workbook for the Compendium Helper - Book One --- 1943
Series 10: Daily Manna (devotionals)
Box 12
Folder 1-4: Daily Manna --- 1936-1939
Box 13
Folder 1-4: Daily Manna --- 1940-1943
Box 14
Folder 1-4: Daily Manna --- 1944-1947
Box 15
Folder 1-3: Daily Manna --- 1948-1951
Box 16
Folder 1-3: Daily Manna --- 1952-1959
Box 17: Daily Manna --- 1960-1969
Box 18: Daily Manna --- 1970-1978

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Biographical Information: Student Notes],
[Series 2: Articles in De Watcher, 1947-1967],
[Series 3: Articles in Federation Messenger, etc],
[Series 4: Church Order Commentary and Correspondence],
[Series 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice],
[Series 6: Church Order Revision, 1950-1967],
[Series 7: Seminary Material],
[Series 8: Synodical Committees],
[Series 9: Varia],
[Series 10: Daily Manna (devotionals)],

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