Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church; professor of practical theology at Calvin Theological Seminary; founder and editor of Daily Manna, a devotional calendar (1936-1968). The collection includes: manuscripts, articles, topic files, anniversary booklets, pamphlets, synodical committee reports, class notes, Daily Manna (1936-1978), and correspondence (correspondents include Henry Beets, John C. De Korne, H. J. Kuiper, W. H. Rutgers, and R. Wezeman).
Biographical Note
Martin Monsma was born in Berlikum, Friesland, Netherlands on November 23, 1893. In September of 1902, the Monsma family immigrated to the United States. Even at an early age, Monsma expressed his interest in becoming a minister. He attended Calvin College and Seminary earning his diploma in 1924. His first call to service came from Doon, Iowa. He was ordained on October 8, 1924. He chose Psalm 39:7 as his inaugural sermon.
He served the Doon congregation until 1928. He went on to serve the following churches Detroit, MI (1928-34); Second, Pella, IA (1934-43); and Grandville Av., Grand Rapids, MI (1943-53). In 1953 Rev. Monsma returned to Calvin Theological Seminary, this not as a student, but rather a faculty member. He accepted the position of lecturer in Practical Theology. A year later he became professor of Practical Theology. He remained a professor at the Seminary until his retirement in 1964.
Monsma was very involved in denominational boards and committees. He served on the Calvin College Board of Trustees; Church Order Revision Committee; Home and Foreign Missions' Educational Policy Committee; Committee on Ecumenicity and Interchurch Correspondence; and the Committee on Revised Compendium. Monsma also found time to write articles and publish books. He even was the founder and editor of Daily Manna, a devotional calendar which he overall saw for 32 years.
Martin Monsma died on January 31, 1968 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He passed away due to a heart attack. He was survived by his wife, Marie Vos, with whom he married in 1924. Together they had 3 daughters and two sons, who also survived him.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Information: Student Notes],
Series 2: Articles in De Watcher, 1947-1967],
Series 3: Articles in Federation Messenger, etc],
Series 4: Church Order Commentary and Correspondence],
Series 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice],
Series 6: Church Order Revision, 1950-1967],
Series 7: Seminary Material],
Series 8: Synodical Committees],
[Series 9: Varia],
Series 10: Daily Manna (devotionals)],
- Series 9: Varia

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Buiten Case and L.A. consistory. Report to Synod - Appeal --- 1960

- Folder 2: Calvinistic Culture Association: brochure --- 1953

- Folder 3: Christian Labor Association: bulletins, brochures, constitution, and by-laws --- 1930's

- Folder 4: Committee on Church Union with Reformed Presbyterian Church. Minutes and letter --- 1953

- Folder 5: Committee on Creation and Evolution at First REA Report at Amsterdam --- 1949

- Folder 6: De Drie Punten der Synod van. Paper by Reverend H. Danhof --- 1924

- Folder 7: The Free Christian School, by G.W. Hylkema. (booklet)

- Folder 8: Generale Synode. Rotterdam reports --- 1952

- Folder 9: Home visiting notes. Grandville Avenue CRC --- 1948

- Folder 10: John Calvin, the Hard Hearted, by H. Verduin. Paper --- 1923

- Folder 11: Knowing God's Secrets, by John Hunter. Gift of Monsmas, returned to them with letter of thanks

- Folder 12: De Lodge en de Bijble, by Wm. Masselink --- n.d.

- Folder 13: Mental Health - pamphlets

- Folder 14: Mission work in Detroit: Papers on the need in Detroit --- n.d.

- Folder 15: National Association of Evangelicals: communications; on affiliation --- 1947-1949

- Box 10

- Folder 1: The Netherland-America Foundation Monthly Letter. (incomplete) --- 1925-1947

- Folder 2: Om Waarheid en Recht, door C. Vonk. Brochure --- 1944

- Folder 3: Particular Synods: Committee Reports, 1950 --- 1957

- Folder 4: Pertinent facts on the Netherlands Royal family --- 1948

- Folder 5: De Plaats van de vrouw in de dienst van de kerk: Generale Synode, Middleburg --- 1965

- Folder 6: Postal card scenes

- Folder 7: Press clippings of people and events --- 1935-1950

- Folder 8: Reformed Ecumenical Synod: Reports and material --- 1953

- Folder 9: Sioux Center Case: Reports and booklets --- 1922

- Folder 10: Wezeman Case: Brochures and papers --- 1936-1937

- Folder 11: Wezeman Case. Synodical Committee and resolutions --- 1936-1937

- Folder 12: Worldly Amusement Issue: thinking out loud on Synodical decisions by a group of CRC Ministers, March 7 --- 1943

- Box 11

- Folder 1: The Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1943

- Folder 2: The Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1958

- Folder 3: The Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1943

- Folder 4: The Compendium Guide - Book Two (ed. 2) --- 1943

- Folder 5: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 2) --- 1943

- Folder 6: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 4) --- 1943

- Folder 7: The Compendium Helper - Book One (ed. 5) --- 1943

- Folder 8: The Compendium Helper - Book Two (ed. 3) --- 1944

- Folder 9: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book One --- 1943

- Folder 10: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1944

- Folder 11: Workbook for the Compendium Guide - Book Two --- 1944

- Folder 12: Workbook for the Compendium Helper - Book One --- 1943

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Information: Student Notes],
Series 2: Articles in De Watcher, 1947-1967],
Series 3: Articles in Federation Messenger, etc],
Series 4: Church Order Commentary and Correspondence],
Series 5: Church Order: Letters of Advice],
Series 6: Church Order Revision, 1950-1967],
Series 7: Seminary Material],
Series 8: Synodical Committees],
[Series 9: Varia],
Series 10: Daily Manna (devotionals)],