Collection Overview
Minister of the Christian Reformed Church and professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary. The collection includes bound mimeographed lectures; articles; correspondence with A. C. Sonneveldt, Buenos Aires, 1910-1930; topical files; a farewell speech on sound tape, 1949; and lantern slides on South America.
Biographical Note
Martin Jacob Wyngaarden was born in Oostburg, Wisconsin, where his father was minister. From 1898 to 1904 the family lived n Harrison, South Dakota. In 1914, Martin graduated from John Calvin Junior College in Grand Rapids and served as principal in the Christian school in Sioux Center, Iowa.
Continuing his education, Martin Wyngaarden received an AB from the University of Washington in 1915. Three years later he graduated from Calvin Theological Seminary. After a year at Princeton Seminary he received his BD. Dr. R. D. Wilson, his professor, encouraged him to continue his studies in Old Testament and Semitics. In 1922 he received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania with a dissertation entitled The Syriac Version of the Book of Daniel. Another year at Yale was possible through a fellowship.
When Dr. Wyngaarden was ordained to the ministry in the Christian Reformed Church of Tracy, Iowa, in 1923, his father took part in the installation service. In 1924, one year later, he received an appointment to the chair of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, a chair he occupied until his retirement thirty-seven years later. In 1937-1939 he also taught in an emergency situation at Western Theological Seminary.
Professor Martin Wyngaarden was a member of many theological societies. His theologically conservative stance was well known by members of the societies some of whom differed with him radically but remained congenial. At Princeton, when a professor threatened to withhold a degree if he adhered to the teaching of the virgin birth, he refused to be intimidated. In his presentation of papers he remained consistent to his biblical convictions.
In addition to his published dissertation, Dr. M. Wyngaarden also wrote "The Future of the Kingdom" and "The Glory of Christ and Other Biblical Studies." He served as one of the translators on the staff of the Berkeley Version of the Bible and was involved in the initial work of the New International Version. His seminary instruction involved extensive use of syllabi.
Our collection includes articles and papers, notes of his student days, mimeographed notes of seminary material, and a number of brochures and booklets used for background study.
Martin J. Wyngaarden passed away 11 August 1978. The funeral sermon by Rev. Jacob Eppinga was on a text requested by Martin J. Wyngaarden. He was survived by this wife, Johanna (Kempers) and their 4 children.
An anecdote of a student of Professor Wyngaarden: One class session we were all present in his classroom for the usual Hebrew class. However, the professor did not appear. Ten minutes passed so we left the room. The following day he expressed surprise that we had not remained waiting from him "since his hat was on his desk!" This was supposed to indicate that he was, indeed, in the seminary building. At a subsequent class session all of us came to class before the professor arrived, placed headgear on our desks and departed. The only excuse we had to offer the following day was, "Our hats or caps were on our desks." Nothing further was said. In due time we all graduated from the seminary.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Material, 1910-1973],
Series 2: Articles and Papers],
Series 3: Princeton Seminary Notes. Berkeley Bibles],
Series 4: Class Material. Manuscripts],
Series 5: General Material],
Series 6: Manuscripts, Booklets, Books],
Series 7: Papers],
Series 8: Miscellaneous],
Series 9: Photographs],
- Series 1: Biographical Material --- 1910-1973
- Box 1
- Folder 1: Announcement of appointment to Seminary chair in The Banner in report of Synod --- 11 July 1924
- Folder 2: Course outlines
- Folder 3: Announcement of Curatorium Contractium Installation of new professors Bouma and Wyngaarden --- 10 September 1924
- Folder 4: Banquet programs: Dues Natalis, Annual Inter Nos.
- Folder 5: Bibliography on Silver and Lead in antiquity
- Folder 6: Book review of The Future of the Kingdom by L. Berkhof in The Banner --- 4 September 1934
- Folder 7: Review of "The Glory of Christ and Other Biblical Studies" in Calvin Journal by J. Stek --- 1969
- Folder 8: Calvin College Library, Heritage Hall, "What mean ye by these Stones?" A brochure
- Folder 9: Commencement programs (incomplete) --- 1931-1969
- Folder 10: Committee members of Synodical Committee for South America photograph: J. Wyngaarden, W. Heyns, Martin J. Wyngaarden, H. Beets, B. and Mrs Bruxvoort of Argentina
- Folder 11: Communication to H. Brinks --- 1973
- Folder 12: Correspondence: Sonneveldt and Buenos Aires --- 1910-1930
- Folder 13: De Wolf in 'Schaepsvel, Jakob Zeeus, Rotterdam --- 1715
- Folder 14: Drie Jubilea, an editorial in De Wachter, M. Wyngaarden 25th Anniversary --- 7 June 1949
- Folder 15: Hospital Chaplaincy Board Minutes of the Evangelical Ministers Union --- 7 January 1955
- Folder 16: Hospital Chaplaincy in Grand Rapids, A Report
- Folder 17: Editorial in the Witness
- Folder 18: Reformed Doctrine notes in three notebooks --- 1914
- Folder 19: Secretary of Committee for South America and Ceylon, 1936-1953 Synodical Report No. 10 for Synod --- 1953
- Series 2: Articles and Papers
- Box 2
- Folder 1: Babylonian Account of the Flood, in Reformed Herald --- July 1925
- Folder 2: Background of the Old Testament, Calvin Seminary Paper --- n.d.
- Folder 3: Bavinck on general revelation, in The Banner, 11 --- 18 October 1923
- Folder 4: The Bible and the Spade, articles in The Instructor --- 1 April 1928 - 30 September 1928
- Folder 5: Calvinalia: Chapel talk of Rev. Snell, reviewed in The Banner --- 14 February 1925
- Folder 6: Concerning the Biblical Training for our prospective ministry, in The Banner --- 14 August 1925
- Folder 7: Creation Paper
- Folder 8: Calvin College Chimes. Editor, M.J. Wyngaarden --- February 1917
- Folder 9: Ezekiel paper --- n.d.
- Folder 10: Faith in the Word and the preparation for its ministry, in The Banner --- 29 July 1927
- Folder 11: First Presbyterian Church Adult Class. Conversion, an occasion for more mercy --- 1964
- Folder 12: Gereformeede leer de incarnate, first prize in Dogmatics --- 1918
- Folder 13: Des Leeren Overblijfsel en de gebroken Staf Lieflijkheid, in Reformed Herald --- October 1925
- Folder 14: The Infallibility of Scripture, in The Banner --- 27 March 1936
- Folder 15: Infallibility of Scripture as a Reformed Confessional Doctrine, in Calvin Forum --- February 1952
- Folder 16: The Interpretation of Canticles, paper at Evangelical Theological Society --- 1955
- Folder 17: The Interpretation of Canticles paper --- n.d.
- Folder 18: Interpretation of Ecclesiastics paper
- Folder 19: Introduction to Old Testament Textual Criticism
- Folder 20: Introduction to the Pentateuch
- Folder 21: Jeremiah paper
- Folder 22: The Love of God in the Law of Moses, in the Reformed Herald --- September 1923
- Folder 23: The Love of God as Taught in the Prophets, in Reformed Herald --- November 1925
- Folder 24: Het meerder licht in de nieuwere Geref Theologie in zake de de Igeving der Heilige Schrift. Outlined notes
- Folder 25: The Missionary task of the Servant in Isaiah 42, 49, 53
- Folder 26: A New Isaiah manuscript from one century before Christ, in Calvin Forum --- February 1953
- Folder 27: The New Version (RSV), in Calvin Forum --- February 1953
- Folder 28: Notes on Synodical Reports in De Wachter --- 19 November 1961 and 16 August 1962
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Old Testament concepts of the Latter Days and The Day of Jehovah
- Folder 2: De Organische ingeving der Schrift, outlined material
- Folder 3: The Pagan Evangelical Preparation in Biblical Light, D. Kromminga and M. Wyngaarden --- 1936-1937
- Folder 4: Phenomenal language according to Dr. B. Ramm in Genesis 1 and 2 --- 1958
- Paper read in 1958
- Folder 5: Phenomenal language according to Dr. B. Ramm, in Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society --- 1959
- Folder 6: Premillennial interpretations of the Kingship of Christ, paper read at Chicago Society of Biblical Research
- Folder 7: Present Trends in the Biblical Studies of the Old Testament
- Folder 8: De Rechtsgrand van Gods Genade aan de Ninevieten volgens Calvijn, in Reformed Herald --- January 1926
- Folder 9: The Resurrection, in Religion and Culture --- Feb. 1920
- Folder 10: The Revised Standard Version. Translation Conference at Trinity Christian College --- 1965
- Folder 11: The Servant in Isaiah 42
- Folder 12: The Servant in Isaiah 42, in papers read at Evangelical Theological Society --- 27-28 December 1956
- Folder 13: The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9:24-7 Sermon
- Folder 14: Sins with a high hand, Micah 6:8, Sermon talks
- Folder 15: The Song of Solomon, an Interpretation. Paper read at Evan. Theol. Society. Reprint
- Folder 16: Speaker at Conference of Minister, Pella, Iowa. As reported in The Banner --- Aug. 1, 1924
- Folder 17: Special Member of De Wachter on Theologische School en Calvin College --- 27 July 1927
- Folder 18: The Syriac Version of the Book of Daniel. Thesis published by Drugulin, Leipzig --- 1923
- Folder 19: The Thousand Years of Revelation Twenty, in Torch and Trumpet --- Aug-Sept 1954
- Folder 20: The Thousand Years of Revelation Twenty, in Torch and Trumpet --- Aug - Sept 1954
- Folder 21: Torch and Trumpet issues with comments and reactions 1959, 191 --- 1962, 1964
- Folder 22: The Tower of Babel and the Symbolism of Babel
- Folder 23: Versions: Comments of I Thess 1:1-10
- Folder 24: Was the Ark discovered? In The Banner --- Nov. 27, 1942
- Folder 25: Welke genade is dat dan? in Reformed Herald --- April 1926
- Folder 26: Word Studies concerning the Virgin Birth. Paper
- Series 3: Princeton Seminary Notes. Berkeley Bibles
- Box 4
- Folder 1: Student notes N.T. Biblical Theology. Princeton Seminary Notebook I
- Folder 2: Student notes N.T. Biblical Theology. Princeton Seminary Notebook II
- Folder 3: Student notes N.T. Biblical Theology. Princeton Seminary Notebook III
- Folder 4: The Future of the Kingdom Baker Book House, G.R. --- 1955
- One copy and mimeographed outline of the book
- Folder 5: Picture of Dr. M.J. Wyngaarden presenting copy of Berkeley Version of the Bible to B. Zondervan. Others present
- Series 4: Class Material. Manuscripts
- Box 5
- Folder 1: Abbreviations used
- Folder 2: Bibliography Old Testament
- Folder 3: Comprehensive examination for Th. B degree. Suggested lines of questions
- Folder 4: Eschatology of the Theocracy and the Premillenarian Interpretation --- 1929/30
- Folder 5: Hebrew and Jewish Inscriptions from Palestine
- Folder 6: Historia Revelations: O.T. Bib. Theol. Mimeographed notes --- n.d.
- Folder 7: Historia Sacra. Van Saul to Valachi First Sem. --- 1927/28
- Folder 8: Introduction to the Pentateuch
- Folder 9: Introduction to the writings O.T. Isagogics III
- Folder 10: O.T. Biblical Theology Problems and Courses
- Box 6
- Folder 11: O.T. Biblical Theology. Also Genesis to Judges outlined
- Folder 12: O.T. Biblical Theology. Bound mimeographed notes --- 1923
- Folder 13: O.T. Biblical Theology First Sem --- 1927/28
- Folder 14: O.T. Exegesis. Genesis 2:1-3 Institution of the Sabbath
- Folder 15: Introduction to the Prophets. Second Sem --- 1927/28
- Folder 1: O.T. Exegesis: Isaiah 9 and 53. Notes, edited material
- Folder 2: O.T. Exegesis: The Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9
- Folder 3: O.T. Exegesis: Suggested Preparation
- Folder 4: O.T. Exegesis: Zachariah 4:4-9
- Folder 5: O.T. History Companion notes on Babylon account of Creation, Sabbath, Flood and Tower
- Folder 6: O.T. Introduction: O.T. Isagogics --- 1922
- Bound mimeographed notes
- Folder 7: O.T. Introduction: The Kethubhim and the Prophets
- Folder 8: O.T. Isagogics: Outlined, mimeographed, edited notes
- Folder 9: O.T. Sacred History: Creation to Samuel and Return from exile
- Folder 10: The Prince of Peace in Isaiah 9. Edited mimeographed notes
- Series 5: General Material
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Anxiety as found in the N.T. and Christ's answer. Notes from message by Dr. Wayne Oates
- Folder 2: Apologetics. A study and a Critique. Letter from S. Volbeda. Printed brochure. Hospers, Ontario --- 1924
- Folder 3: Calvin Anniversary lectures. J.T. Mcneill, G.H. Gerstner, Paul Wooley --- Fall 1959
- Brochure, mimeographed
- Folder 4: Calvinism in America Today by C. Bouma. Reprint from Journal of Religion --- Jan. 1947
- Folder 5: Concerning the Scriptures. Excerpts from Gereformeerde Weekblad by Dr. Meuleman --- 1960
- Folder 6: Dogmatics. Handwritten copy of Dr. G. Vos acquired by student Jacob Wyngaarden, Father of Martin J
- Folder 7: Dogmatics. Handwritten copy of Dr. G. Vos acquired by student Jacob Wyngaarden, father of M.J.W II
- Folder 8: Emotional and Spiritual Factors in Hospitalization by Chaplain M.B. Ballinger, Ann Arbor
- Folder 9: A Full Reward, by G.J. Van Wylen. Commencement address at Calvin College 1966. The Banner --- July 22, 1966
- Folder 10: The Great Inconsistency of our Protestant Church, by G.M. Van Pernis, Reprint from Christian Cynosure --- 1934
- Folder 11: Holland and the War, by G.N. Clark. Oxford pamphlet --- 1941
- Folder 12: Introduction to Judges by C.F. Pfeiffer. Paper
- Folder 13: Jewish Missions. Papers of A. Huijen --- 1952
- Folder 14: Der Jungelingen sieraad Kracht, by A. Kuyper. Booklet kampen, kok --- 1913
- Folder 15: Labor Day. The beginning of a new and promising era, by G. Vander Zande, Comments by MJW --- 1966
- Folder 16: Letter from Burton L. Goddard, Gordon Divinity School --- 1965
- Folder 17: Marriage and Divorce material: Beschouwing over het huivelijk, by P.D. Fabius. Amsterdam, Kruyt --- 1884
- Folder 18: Marriage and Divorce material: De Gronden vood echtscheiding. A. Anema Wageningen --- 1904
- Folder 19: Marriage and Divorce material: Booklets of F. Nymeyer --- 1946
- Box 8
- Folder 1: Marriage and Divorce material: Raport in zake echtscheiding --- 1926
- Folder 2: Marriage and Divorce material: Copy of paper on problem of Divorce
- Folder 3: The Meaning of Genesis 1, by H. Ridderbos. Paper read at Baarn --- 1960
- Folder 4: The O.T. Prophets Lecture by J. Davis --- 1918
- Syllabus Copy
- Folder 5: One Pointed Calvinism, by J.F. Heemstra --- 1934
- Folder 6: Personal reaction to Daane's Articles in Reformed Journal by Roger Nicole --- 1964-65
- Folder 7: The Principle of Spiritualization in Hermeneutics, by G. Hospers. Published by G. Hospers. Published notes by MJW
- Folder 8: Seminary material: Exegesis of Ephesians by Wm. Hendriksen
- Folder 9: Seminary material: Exposition of Gospel of John by Wm. Hendriksen
- Folder 10: Seminary material: Hermeneutics notes, by Wm. Hendriksen
- Folder 11: Seminary material: The millennium by D. Kromminga
- Folder 12: Seminary material: New Testament Textual Criticism notes of Wm. Hendriksen
- Folder 13: Seminary material: N.T. Theology, by G. Vos
- Folder 14: Seminary material: Theological Encyclopedia. Selected reading compiled by C. Bouma
- Folder 15: South American Mission Report in The Banner --- May 8, 1931
- Folder 16: Summary of Biblical Doctrine of Mission, By R.B. Kuiper
- Folder 17: This Year Also. Paper by J.M. Cheney for Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis --- 1960
- Notes
- Folder 18: Three reviews of H. Dooyeweards Critique of Theoretical, in the review of metaphysics --- 1954
- Folder 19: What is wrong with the lodge? By Wm. Masselink. Complimentary Copy
- Folder 20: Van Zonde en Genade by D. Kromminga. The Hoeksema-Danhof Controversy. Copy
- Series 6: Manuscripts, Booklets, Books
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Hanteekening op de Bibelsche Geschiedenis --- 1912
- Folder 2: Algemeene Bepalingen der Hollandsche hr. Geret Kerk in Amerika. De Wachter/Holland. Booklet --- 1881
- Folder 3: Calvinistic groups invite, sponsor and defend Speakers with questionable backgrounds --- 1958
- Brochure
- Folder 4: The Catastrophe of the Presbyterian Church in 1837. Z. Crocker, New Haven, Noyes --- 1838
- Folder 5: Christian Reformed Church three parts mimeographed material
- Folder 6: The Communication of the Gospel through neighboring. Thesis of Carl Kromminga --- 1964
- Gift of Author
- Folder 7: The Emblem. Anniversary Grand Rapids Christian High --- January 1930
- Folder 8: Faculty Bulletin of Wheaton College --- June 1953
- Folder 9: God's People are Holy. Paper outline
- Folder 10: Mystery of the School of the Ref. Prot. Dutch, H.W. Dunshee, New York, Gray --- 1953
- Underlined
- Folder 11: The Philosophy of Religion, by H.B. Kuhn. A Syllabus. Notes by MJW
- Folder 12: Political and Economic Life in the Netherlands --- 1951
- Booklet
- Folder 13: Vrij Universiteits Blad. Verslag over 1937 en programma 13 en 14 Juli 1938 --- (13-14 July 1938)
- Series 7: Papers
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Social Science Papers
- Folder 2: Social Science Papers
- Folder 3: Social Science Papers
- Folder 4: Didereks, Herman "A Jewish Ghetto in Amsterdam around 1800"
- Folder 5: Social Science Papers
- Folder 6: Mostov, Stephen G. "Jewish Component in Mid-19th Century Cities: Cincinnati, 1840-75"
- Folder 7: Social Science Papers
- Folder 8: Chammas, Carole "Consumer Demand in Colonial America"
- Folder 9: Social Science Papers
- Folder 10: "Religion, Society and Politics: A Classification"
- Folder 11: Masters Thesis, Seminar Paper
- Folder 12: "The Meaning of the Midwest from an Historian's Perspective" by Robert P. Swierenga
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Lyon, D. Secretary Reflections
- Folder 2: Easley and Willington Journal Article
- Folder 3: AG Hist - AHA Paper
- Folder 4: Land Speculation Article
- Folder 5: Correspondence
- Folder 6: Correspondence
- Folder 7: Fogel Paper, MSSB Conf --- 1969
- Folder 8: Tax Assessment Study
- Folder 9: Ethnicity and American Agriculture Article
- Folder 10: Rural Life and Agriculture (author unknown)
- Folder 11: Rate of Return Study
- Series 8: Miscellaneous
- Box 12: Lantern Slides on South America
- Box 13
- Folder 1: Goals of the Calvinistic Culture Association, undated
- Folder 2: Principles: Pubilication of the Calvinistic Culture Association, No. 3 (May 1954); No. 6 (Dec. 1954) --- 1954
- Folder 3: Principles: Pubilication of the Calvinistic Culture Association, No. 7 (April 1955); No. [ ] (May 1956); No. 8 (Aug. 1956) --- 1955-1956
- Series 9: Photographs
- Box 1
- Folder 10: Photograph of Committee members of Synodical Committee for South America: J. Wyngaarden, W. Heyns, Martin J. Wyngaarden, H. Beets, Rev and Mrs Bruxvoort of Argentina
- Box 4
- Folder 5: Photograph of Dr. M.J. Wyngaarden presenting copy of Berkeley Version of the Bible to B. Zondervan, with Leon Wood, Leonard Greenway, Pat Zondervan and Peter De Visser; Group photo with M.J. Wyngaarden
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Biographical Material, 1910-1973],
Series 2: Articles and Papers],
Series 3: Princeton Seminary Notes. Berkeley Bibles],
Series 4: Class Material. Manuscripts],
Series 5: General Material],
Series 6: Manuscripts, Booklets, Books],
Series 7: Papers],
Series 8: Miscellaneous],
Series 9: Photographs],