Collection Overview
Professor of philosophy at Calvin College and at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. The collection includes articles, lectures, addresses, pamphlets, editorials, book reviews, and periodical clippings. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]
Biographical Note
Nicholas Wolterstorff was born January 21, 1932 in Bigelow, Minnesota. Wolterstorff attended Calvin College where he earned his B.A. in philosophy in 1953. He went on to earn his M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from Harvard University. After graduating from Harvard, Wolterstorff worked as a lecturer in the Philosophy department at Yale University. In 1959 Wolterstorff returned to his alma mater, Calvin College, this time as faculty. Wolterstorff served the college as professor of philosophy until 1989, when he accepted the role of Noah Porter Professor Philosophical Theology at Yale University. He remained at Yale University until his retirement in 2002.
During his academic career Wolterstoff served as president of the American Philosophical Association, Central Division, and as president of the Society of Christian Philosophers. Wolterstoff has written over 150 articles and published 16 books. Wolterstorf's main interests include epistemology, aesthetics, and political philosophy. Next to writing, Wolterstorff is a gifted lecturer. Wolterstorff has held endowed lectureships at several universities.
Administrative Information
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal papers and correspondence, 1956-2002],
Series 2: Published work, 1960-2013, n.d.],
Series 3: Sermons and chapel talks, 1975-2012, n.d.],
Series 4: Research papers, 1951-2012, n.d.],
Series 5: Speeches, 1966-2015, n.d.],
Series 6: Lectures, 1976-2016, n.d.],
Series 7: Course files, 1952-2001, n.d.],
Series 8: Miscellany, 1950s-1991, n.d.],
- Series 1: Personal papers and correspondence --- 1956-2002
- Box 1
- Folder 1-2: Thesis for PhD - Whitehead's Theory of Individuals --- 1956
- Folder 3: Correspondence RE: Synod's Selection of A. Diekema as Calvin President --- 1975
- Folder 4: Correspondence/Reports RE: Presidential Search --- 1975
- Folder 5: Letter to L. DeKoster RE: His Critique of Reason Within the Bonds of Religion --- 1977
- Folder 6: Correspondence RE: Appointment to A. Kuyper Chair at Free University, Amsterdam --- 1980
- Folder 7: Correspondence RE: President Bush at Calvin Commencement --- 2005
- Series 2: Published work --- 1960-2013, n.d.
- Box 1
- Folder 8: "Qualities" Philosophical Review --- 1960
- Folder 9: "Religion and the Schools," "The Weight of History," "A Family of Scholars," "Remember to Remember," "The Idea of a Christian College," Ref. Journal --- 1962-1989
- Folder 10: "Canon and Criterion," "Why Care About Justice?" "A Voice on Vocation," "Liturgy, Justice, and Holiness," Reformed Journal --- 1969-1989
- Folder 11: Editorials - "As We See It," Reformed Journal --- 1972-1988
- Folder 12: "Community Goals and College Governance," Calvin Dialogue --- 1972
- Box 2
- Folder 1: "Is Reason Enough?" "The Mission of the Church in the 20th Century," "Are Religious Films Possible?" "On Looking at Paintings," Reformed Journal --- 1972-1983
- Folder 2: "Are Religious Films Possible?" "The Amish in Court," "Expressing Our Convictions," "Celebrating in Memorial," Ref. Journal --- 1972-1973
- Folder 3: "Reforming American Society," "Reflections on Patriotism," Reformed Journal --- 1973-1976
- Folder 4: "The Church Today - A Symposium," Reformed Journal --- 1975
- Folder 5: "The AACS in the CRC," The Banner --- 1975
- Folder 6: "Six Days in South Africa," "Calvinists in Potchefstroom" --- 1975-1985
- Folder 7: "Reflections on the Need for Sermons," "Letter to a Young Theologian," "What Reformed Theology is Not," "How Does Grand Rapids Reply to Washington?" Reformed Journal --- 1977-1992
- Folder 8: Articles on the "women's issue" --- 1978-1990
- Folder 9: "Israel in Lebanon," "Nation and Covenant in Palestine," Reformed Journal --- 1981-1982
- Folder 10: "The Mission of the Christian College in the 20th Century," Reformed Journal --- 1983
- Folder 11: "The Moral Significance of Poverty," "Not Presence But Action," Perspectives --- 1984-1994
- Folder 12: "Curricular Goals of the Christian College," Calvin Dialogue --- 1986
- Folder 13: "Why Care About Justice?" Evangelical Round Table --- 1986
- Folder 14: "Suffering in Love," Notre Dame Press --- 1988
- Folder 15: "Face of Suffering," Pine Rest --- 1989
- Folder 16: "What Reformed Epistemology is Not," Perspectives --- 1992
- Folder 17: "Christian Education in Reformed Perspective" --- 1999
- Folder 18: "Reformed Epistemology" --- n.d.
- Folder 19: "Contemporary Christian Views of the State," University of Chicago --- n.d.
- Folder 20: "Referring and Existing" --- n.d.
- Folder 21: "The Religious Voice in a Pluralistic University" --- n.d.
- Folder 22: Religion in the University, (based on Taylor Lectures at Yale) --- 2001
- Folder 23: Panel Discussion - "How Do the Humanities, the Sciences, the Arts, and Religion Integrate?" --- 2004
- Folder 24: Perspectives Magazine "Forty Years Later" --- 2009
- Folder 25: "A Conversation with Jean Elshtain on Civil Society, Democracy, and Religion," University of Chicago Divinity School --- 2011
- Folder 26: Reply to Kevin Carnahan and Erik A. Anderson --- 2013
- Folder 27: A Pictorial History of Calvin Philosophy (in conjunction with N. Wolterstorff 125th Anniversary Lecture)
- Folder 28: Unidentified Seminars on Political Philosophy --- n.d.
- Folder 29: Booklet of Distinguished Alumni Award Recipients --- 1998
- Folder 30: Report of Research by N. Wolterstorff as H. Luce Fellow on Theology --- n.d.
- Folder 31: Two Chapters of Unidentified Publication - "From Reproach to Entitlement and the Nature of Belief" --- n.d.
- Folder 32: Discussion of O. O'Donovan's "The Desire of Nations" --- n.d.
- Folder 33: Preface to the Korean Translation of Art in Action, n.d
- Folder 34: Chapter One of Unknown Book, "Interpreting the Name" --- n.d.
- Folder 35: An Interview with N.P. Wolterstorff by Kodon
- Box 12
- Folder 40: "Religion and the Schools" --- 1966
- Folder 43: "Curriculum By What Standard?" --- undated
- Folder 47: "Keeping Faith: Talks for New Faculty at Calvin College" --- 1989
- Series 3: Sermons and chapel talks --- 1975-2012, n.d.
- Box 3
- Folder 1: Grace Episcopal Church --- 1975
- Folder 2: Westminster Presbyterian - Grand Rapids, MI --- 1984
- Folder 3: YDS --- 1991
- Folder 4: Berkeley Divinity School - "Theology in the University" --- 2000
- Folder 5: Yale Divinity School - "Theology in the University" --- 2001
- Folder 6: First Presbyterian Church (New Haven, CT) - "The Church: Grime and Glory" --- 2001
- Folder 7: YDS Graduation - "Now Behold" --- 2001
- Folder 8: At First Presbyterian Church (Durham, NC) and Houghton College - "As You Did It to One of the Least of These" --- 2006
- Folder 9: Sage Chapel Cornell University - "Believing Without Seeing" --- 2007
- Folder 10: Westminster Presbyterian Church (Lincoln, NE) - "Memory and Glory" --- 2007
- Folder 11: "Lament- in Life and as Life" --- n.d.
- Folder 12: Unidentified Sermons and Chapel Talks
- Folder 13: At Taylor University --- 1989
- Folder 14: At Hope College --- 1990
- Folder 15: At Valparaiso University --- 1992
- Folder 16: At Fuller Seminary - "The Light of God's Love" --- 2009
- Folder 17: At Biola University - "Honor Everyone" --- 2012
- Folder 18: At Biola University and Crandall University - "Honor Everyone" --- 2012
- Series 4: Research papers --- 1951-2012, n.d.
- Box 3
- Folder 19: Metaphysics Course (W.H. Jellema) --- 1951
- Folder 20: "Herman Dooyeweerd: an Appreciation" --- 1960s
- Folder 21: Wolterstorff and A. Plantinga at Conference in Whitehall, MI --- 1970
- Folder 22: "In Memory of H. Dooyeweerd: Meaning, Time, and Law" --- 1978
- Folder 23: "Biblical Authority in Christian Belief" --- 1980
- Folder 24: "What is Calvin's Business?" --- 1980
- Folder 25: "Nation and Justice in Palestine" --- 1982
- Folder 26: "A Protestant Perspective on Human Rights," Ahavas Israe3l Symposium --- 1987
- Folder 27: "Theology, Law, and Legitimate Government," Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church --- 1989
- Folder 28: "Three More Reasons to Thank God for Calvin College," (by L. Smedes) --- 1998
- Folder 29: "Theses for the Road Ahead" --- 1999
- Folder 30: "Entitled Belief," Amsterdam --- 2003
- Folder 31: "Response to Miroslau Yolf's The Balm of Memory" --- 2005
- Folder 32: "Religion in the Public Square" --- 2008
- Folder 33: "Response to Jean Porter's Minister of the Law" --- 2010
- Folder 34: "The Origins of Analytic Philosophy of Religion" --- 2012
- Folder 35: "Fides Quaerens Intellectum" --- 2012
- Folder 36: Untitled Paper on Analytic vs. Continental Philosophy --- 2012
- Folder 37: Blog for the God We Worship --- 2015
- Folder 38: "Reid's Importance" --- n.d.
- Folder 39: "The Irony of it All" --- n.d.
- Folder 40: "Flourishing" --- n.d.
- Folder 41: "Theology and the New World Order" --- n.d.
- Folder 42: "Why Care About Justice?" --- n.d.
- Folder 43: "Art and Religion," "Universals in Art" --- n.d.
- Folder 44: "Beardsley's Approach" --- n.d.
- Folder 45: "Herman Dooyeweerd: An Appreciation" --- n.d.
- Folder 46: "Introduction: Living in Two Worlds," CIVA --- n.d.
- Folder 47: "Theses for the Road Ahead" --- n.d.
- Folder 48: "Authorial Discourse Interpretation" --- n.d.
- Folder 49: "Causality" --- n.d.
- Folder 50: "On Being Reformed: Is There an Identity Crisis at Calvin College?" --- n.d.
- Folder 51: "On Boer, Dordt, and Passing By" --- n.d.
- Folder 52: "God's Power and Human Flourishing" --- n.d.
- Folder 53: "Divine Justice" --- n.d.
- Box 4
- Folder 1: "Inhabiting the World of the Text" --- n.d.
- Folder 2: "True Words" --- n.d.
- Folder 3: "The Bible and Philosophy: A New Agenda" --- n.d.
- Folder 4: "Philosophy and the Bible: Believing What the Bible Says" --- n.d.
- Folder 5: "Theory and Commitment" --- n.d.
- Folder 6: "Curricular Models for the Christian College" --- n.d.
- Folder 7: Reflections on the Christian in Politics --- n.d.
- Folder 8: "Religious Epistemology" --- n.d.
- Folder 9: "How the Project of Natural Theology Differed from Locke's Project" --- n.d.
- Folder 10: "On Kainielsen's Argument That the Emergence of Secularism and Religious Pluralism has Made it Impossible for Intellectuals to be Justified or Rational in Holding Theistic Belief," n.d
- Folder 11: "Foley on the Entitlement" --- n.d.
- Folder 12: "Obligation, Entitlement, and Rationality" --- n.d.
- Folder 13: "Is There Justice in the Trinity?" --- n.d.
- Folder 14: "The Gospel of Christ and the Gospel of Americanism" --- n.d.
- Folder 15: "Paranoia vs. Grievance: Impressions on a Trip to the Middle East" --- n.d.
- Folder 16: "Biblical Justice in the Holy Land" --- n.d.
- Folder 17: "The Christian Artist in a Secular Society" --- n.d.
- Folder 18: "Christian Standards of Literary Criticism" --- n.d.
- Folder 19: "The City as an Object of Delight" --- n.d.
- Folder 20: "The Meaning of the Christian College" --- n.d.
- Folder 21: "Learning for Shalom" --- n.d.
- Folder 22: "On Being Reformed: Is There an Identity Crisis at Calvin College?" --- n.d.
- Folder 23: "Christian Learning in a Pluralist Society" --- n.d.
- Folder 24: "Christian Higher Education in a Secularized Culture" --- n.d.
- Folder 25: "Skeptics Sunday" --- n.d.
- Folder 26: "Christian Philosophy and the Heritage of Descartes" --- n.d.
- Folder 27: "Reconciliation in the Church" --- n.d.
- Folder 28: "John Locke on Religious Toleration" --- n.d.
- Folder 29: "Lament Within Faith" --- n.d.
- Folder 30: "Reflections on Grief" and other related material --- n.d.
- Folder 31: "Justice and Peace" --- n.d.
- Folder 32: Book Reviews by Wolterstorff --- 1972-1985
- Folder 33: Wolterstorff's Review of "God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of Catholic Philosophy Tradition" --- 2009
- Folder 34: Wolterstorff's Response to "A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good" --- n.d.
- Folder 35: Wolterstorff's Review of "Religion in Public Life: Must Faith Be Privatized?" --- 2007
- Folder 36: Wolterstorff's Review of "Faith After Foundationalism" --- 1988
- Folder 37: Reflections on Wolterstorff's Book "Justice: Rights and Wrongs" --- n.d.
- Folder 38: Wolterstorff's Review of "Crossing the Threshold of Divine Revelation" --- 2011
- Folder 39: Wolterstorff's Review of "The Image in Mind: Theism, Naturalism, and the Imagination" --- n.d.
- Folder 40: Wolterstorff's Review of "Civil Disobedience: Personal Integrity in a Pluralistic Society" --- 2015
- Folder 41: Review of "Until Justice and Peace Embrace" --- 1984
- Folder 42: Abstract, Rights, Justice, and Canon Law: Reflections on Implications of N. Wolterstorff's Work for Medieval Scholarship --- n.d.
- Folder 43: Comments on Wolterstorff book - Until Peace and Justice, Society of Christian Philosophers --- 1985
- Folder 44: Review of Wolterstorff book - Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks, by Philip Quinn --- 1995
- Folder 45: Comments of Wolterstorff's Book "John Locke and the Ethics of Belief," by R. Foley + N.F.W. Response --- 1996
- Box 5
- Folder 1: Discussion of O. O'Donovan's "The Desire of the Nations" --- n.d.
- Folder 2: Response to J. Stout - "Metaphysics, History, Ethics: Conference in Honor of R.M. Adams," Yale University
- Folder 3: A Response to C. Dustin's "The Liturgy of Theory" --- n.d.
- Folder 4: Reviews of "On Universals: An Essay on Ontology" --- 1972
- Folder 5: "Comments on William A. Galton's Liberal Pluralism," Pew Forum, Brooking's Institute --- 2002
- Folder 6: Response to J. Faulconer's "Why a Mormon Won't Drink Coffee But Might Have a Coke" --- n.d.
- Folder 7: Response to William P. Alston's "Divine Nature and Human Language" --- n.d.
- Folder 8: Response to Robert Audi, "Scientific Education, Methodological Naturalism and Church-State Separation" --- 2006
- Folder 9: Response to "Reimagining Business Education as Formation" --- 2012
- Box 12
- Folder 41: "The Bible in Christian Belief" --- 1980
- Folder 42: "In Reply" ("On Pre- and Post-Frosoam Thought," [Alvin Plantinga], 1980) --- 1980
- Folder 44: "Reply to Adams" --- undated
- Folder 45: "Thomas Reid" --- undated
- Folder 46: "Justified Inconsistent Beliefs" --- undated
- Folder 49: Paper, "ad Aliston's 'Two Approaches'" --- 1980
- Folder 50: Paper, "Once Again, Creator/Creature" --- 1981
- Folder 51: Paper, "Is Reason Enough?" --- 1981
- Folder 52: Paper, ["Reason: Belief in God'] --- [1981?]
- Folder 53: Paper, "Yet More on Natural Theology" --- [1984?]
- Series 5: Speeches --- 1966-2015, n.d.
- Box 5
- Folder 10: Commencement for Southwest Christian High School, Minnesota --- 1966
- Folder 11: "School and Curriculum," Association of Christian School Administrators --- 1969
- Folder 12: "The Arts in the Church's Worship," Calvin College Centennial Conference --- 1975
- Folder 13: Commencement, Calvin College --- 1980
- Folder 14: "Standing There," Calvin College Commencement --- 1980
- Folder 15: "The Christian College and Christian Learning," Seattle Pacific University --- 1987
- Folder 16: "On God: Two Approaches," Society of Christian Philosophers --- 2000
- Folder 17: "Identifying Good and Evil," College of the Holy Cross --- 2002
- Folder 18: Commencement "Called or Occupied?" Westmont College --- 2004
- Folder 19: Commencement "How to Keep Your Bearings When the Church Seems in Chaos," Western Seminary --- 2005
- Folder 20: "Dialogic Pluralism as a Model for the University in a Religiously Diverse Society," University of Richmond --- 2007
- Folder 21: "What's a College for Anyway?" Elizabethtown College --- 2011
- Folder 22: Commencement "The Love of God and the Love of Learning" --- 2012
- Folder 23: Commencement "Looking for Good Work, Western Michigan High School --- 2015
- Folder 24: Convocation "What's a College Education For?" King University --- 2015
- Folder 25: Commencement "You Need Two Eyes," Trinity Western University --- 2015
- Folder 26: "The Religious Voice in the Modern University," University of Massachusetts --- 2016
- Folder 27: Evangelical Philosophical Society --- 1999
- Folder 28: "The Contribution of Calvin to the Renaissance of Christian Philosophy," Calvin College --- 2001
- Folder 29: For Trinity Presbyterian Church --- 2002
- Folder 30: At Calvin Senior Breakfast --- 2005
- Folder 31: Talk for Center for Christian Study, University of Virginia --- 2005
- Folder 32: Talk at Villanova University --- 2005
- Folder 33: "Educating for Shalom," Lexington Academy --- 2005
- Folder 34: "My Life in the Academy as a Person of Faith," Yale Divinity School --- 2005
- Folder 35: "What Should Campus Ministry Be Doing?" University of Minnesota --- 2007
- Folder 36: "How the University Has Changed in my Lifetime," Cornell University --- 2007
- Folder 37: "The Love of God and the Desire for Learning," Minneapolis, MN --- 2007
- Folder 38: Remarks for Panel on Academic Freedom, Calvin College --- 2009
- Folder 39: Remarks RE: The Closing of Oakdale Christian School --- 2010
- Folder 40: "Jesus, Sheep, and Goats," Belfast --- 2011
- Folder 41: "Doing Justice as a Memorial," Calvin College --- 2011
- Folder 42: Talks - "The Calling of the Christian Professor," "The Calling of the Christian Scholar," Baylor University --- 2011
- Folder 43: "Can Theological Education be Integrated?" Trinity Evangelical Seminary --- 2013
- Folder 44: Three Talks to Faith Presbyterian Church Sunday School --- 2014
- Folder 45: "Some Reflections on Divine Discourse," Taylor University --- 2014
- Folder 46: "Faith, Reason, and Scripture," Trinity Western University --- 2015
- Folder 47: "The History and Theology of Christian School Education in the U.S.," Church of the Servant --- April 16
- Folder 48: "The Middle East: An American Perspective," Calvin and Free University --- n.d.
- Folder 49: "Why Do Religious People Feel That They Are Losing Effective Voice in American Political Affairs?" --- n.d.
- Folder 50: "Civic Engagement and the Moral Education of Students," University of Minnesota --- n.d.
- Folder 51: "Reason and Trust in Reid" --- n.d.
- Folder 52: "How the Academy has Changed Over my Lifetime," Crandal College --- n.d.
- Folder 53: Talk Explaining Why He Accepted Position at Yale --- n.d.
- Box 6
- Folder 1: At Goshen College - "The Mission of the Church Related College" --- 1977
- Folder 2: "Education and Secularity," Canadian Retreat --- 1978
- Folder 3: "The Christian Artist in a Secular Society," C.I.V.A. Conference --- 1979
- Folder 4: At Huntington College Faculty Workshop --- 1979
- Folder 5: In Burbank, CA on Anti-Semitism --- 1982
- Folder 6: At Kings College - "The Meaning of Christian Higher Education" --- 1985
- Folder 7: For AACS Conference --- 1986
- Folder 8: At Whitworth College --- 1987
- Folder 9: "The Place of Communication Studies in a Christian College," Christianity and Community Conference --- 1996
- Folder 10: To Society of Christian Philosophers, Lincoln, NE --- 1998
- Folder 11: "Is Religious Belief Intellectually Responsible?" New Paltz, NY --- 1998
- Folder 12: For Criminal Justice Chaplaincy --- 1999
- Folder 13: "Living Christian Learning," Wheaton College --- 2000
- Folder 14: "Reflections on the Classroom 'We,'" Education Conference Calvin College --- 2002
- Folder 15: "A Christian Voice," Redeemer College Commencement --- 2003
- Folder 16: "Dare to Think for Yourself," Eastern College --- 2004
- Folder 17: "Educating for Shalom: What is Our Goal?" Whitworth College --- 2004
- Folder 18: "Academic Freedom in a Liberal Democracy," Scranton University --- 2006
- Folder 19: "The Opening of the Evangelical Mind," Conference of Evangelical Intellectuals --- 2007
- Folder 20: "The Authority of Reason," Center for Christian Study --- 2007
- Folder 21: "Some Advice to Those Who Would Be Christian Scholars," Northwestern University and University of Tennessee --- 2009, 2011
- Folder 22: "Living with Grief," Mayo Clinic --- 2011
- Folder 23: "Church and Academy in the Reformed Tradition: Mutual Service," Georgetown College --- 2012
- Folder 24: To Hospital Chaplains - "Befriending the Grieving," Dallas, TX --- 2012
- Folder 25: To Lilly Graduate Fellows Conference --- 2012
- Folder 26: For "Holy Avarice" Conference - "Can Life in Business Still Be a Calling?" --- 2013
- Folder 27: "Calvin College and Tamarisk Tree," 2014, Spoelhof Society Dinner --- 2014
- Folder 28: "Reformed Theology and Christian Philosophy," Korea --- 2014
- Folder 29: "On Kendall's Walton's Mimesis as Make-Believe" --- n.d.
- Folder 30: "Why Integration of Faith and Learning is Not a Good Idea" --- n.d.
- Folder 31: Acceptance of Honorary Doctorate from Free University of Amsterdam --- n.d.
- Folder 32: Various Unidentified --- n.d.
- Folder 33: On Liberation Theology --- n.d.
- Folder 34: On Suffering Palestinians --- n.d.
- Folder 35: "Kuyper for Today" --- n.d.
- Box 12
- Folder 48: "You Need Two Eyes," Calvin College Commencement Speech --- May 20, 2006
- Series 6: Lectures --- 1976-2016, n.d.
- Box 6
- Folder 36: CPOL Courses --- 1976 and 1989
- Folder 37: "Why We Worship as We Do," Church of the Servant --- 1980 and 1994
- Folder 38: Minister's Institution on Liturgy --- 1983
- Folder 39: "Liturgy and Justice," Manhattan Presbyterian Church --- 1985
- Folder 40: Seminar on Ideology of Autonomous Art --- 1985
- Folder 41: South Africa at First Presbyterian Church, Ann Arbor, MI --- 1986
- Folder 42: "Are Concept-Users World Makers?" --- 1987
- Folder 43: Aesthetics Course --- 1988
- Folder 44: Liturgy Conference at Calvin --- 1989
- Folder 45: "Living With Grief," Fuller Symposium --- 1993
- Folder 46: "Utility or Meaning," University of Amsterdam --- 1994
- Folder 47: Saint Andrews University --- 1995
- Folder 48: "Lament as a Part of Life," Calvin January Series --- 1996
- Folder 49: "From Presence to Practice," St. Andrews University --- 1997
- Box 7
- Folder 1: Stone "Dual Citizenship, Dual Nationality" --- 1998
- Folder 2: "Divine Impossibility" Course, Yale --- 1998
- Folder 3: "Does Religion Belong in Public Debate?" Minneapolis, MN --- 1998
- Folder 4: "This is my Window Onto the World," Commencement Greenville College, 2000, Kings College --- 1999
- Folder 5: Southern Baptist University --- 1999
- Folder 6: Westmont College --- 1999
- Folder 7: Notre Dame --- 1995, 1997, 2000
- Folder 8: "Theological Hermeneutics" Course, Yale --- 2000
- Folder 9: "Concept of God" Course, Yale --- 2001
- Folder 10: "Justice: Divine and Human," San Francisco Theological Seminary --- 2001
- Folder 11: "The Arts, Aesthetic Theory, and Practice of Christian Worship," Calvin College --- 2002
- Folder 12: Conference "On God and the Ethics of Belief," Yale University --- 2002
- Folder 13: "Why Integration of Faith and Learning is Not a Good Idea," Redeemer College --- 2003
- Folder 14: "Memorial Art and the Lincoln Image," Yale Divinity School --- 2004
- Folder 15: "What is the Reformed Perspective on Christian Higher Education?" Geneva College --- 2004
- Folder 16: "Can Life in Business Still be a Calling?" Richmond, VA --- 2004
- Folder 17: Seminar on Justice, Flourishing, and Natural Rights - Notre Dame --- 2004
- Folder 18: Cultural Renewal K. Frederickson Art Gallery, NYC --- 2004
- Folder 19: "What Use is Philosophy?" Free University of Amsterdam --- 2004
- Folder 20: "How My Mind Has Changed," Gordon College --- 2005
- Folder 21: "How My Mind Has Changed in Thinking About Christian Education," Lexington Academy --- 2005
- Folder 22: Dordt College on Justice --- 2005
- Folder 23: "Religion in the Academy and in the Political Order" --- 2005
- Box 8
- Folder 1: "The Spirituality of Politics," Capetown, South Africa --- 2005
- Folder 2: "Roles and Challenges of Christian Higher Education in the 20th Century," "The Place of Education in the Humanities in Christian Higher Education," Busan, Korea --- 2006
- Folder 3: "Understanding Grief," and "Living With Grief," Louisville Presbyterian Seminary --- 2007
- Folder 4: "Why Justice Matters," University of Oklahoma --- 2009
- Folder 5: "Nurturing Academic Enterprise: Creating and Sustaining Great Scholarship on Our Campuses," CCCU Convention --- 2010
- Folder 6: "Setting the Biblical/Theological Stage for 'Such as These,'" Dallas, TX --- 2011
- Folder 7: "The Calling of the Christian Scholar," Baylor University --- 2011
- Folder 8: "Engaging the University as Christians," University of Chicago --- 2011
- Folder 9: Bavinck Conference "Herman Bavinck- Proto Reformed Epistemologist" --- 2012
- Folder 10: "Can We Be Good Without Religion?" Crandall University --- 2012
- Folder 11: "The Erosion of the Moral Foundations of the American Way of Life," US Naval Academy --- 2013
- Folder 12: "Liberal Democracy and Its Theoretical Foundations," Institute for Advanced Studies --- 2013
- Folder 13: "Liberal Democracies and Religion," Institute for Advanced Studies --- 2013
- Folder 14: "Does Fides Quaerens Intellectum Have a Place in the Contemporary University?" --- 2014
- Folder 15: "Worship that Announces, Exhibits, and Shapes Reconciliation," Calvin Worship Symposium --- 2015
- Folder 16: "The Renaissance of Christian Thought," January Series at Calvin College --- 2016
- Folder 17: "Reason Within the Bounds of Religion" --- n.d.
- Folder 18: "The House of Theory Has No Foundation" --- n.d.
- Folder 19: "Reflections on Future Directions for the Christian College," Wheaton College --- n.d.
- Folder 20: P. Pettit Book - "Judging Justice" --- n.d.
- Folder 21: "The Unconditioned God" --- n.d.
- Folder 22: "Remembering and Renewing" --- n.d.
- Folder 23: "Christian Philosophy of Art" --- n.d.
- Folder 24: "The Authorities are God's Servants" --- n.d.
- Folder 25: "Leven en Geloven in een Postmoderne Cultuur," given in Netherlands --- n.d.
- Folder 26: "The Response of the Christian Tradition" --- n.d.
- Folder 27: "Christian Scholarship in the 21st Century: Prospects and Perils," Biola University --- n.d.
- Folder 28: "From Liberal to Plural: Religion, Epistemology, and Politics" --- n.d.
- Folder 29: "Aquinas on God's Invulnerable and Imperturbable Happiness" --- n.d.
- Folder 30: Liturgy, unidentified and --- n.d.
- Folder 31: Calvin Seminary on Liturgy --- n.d.
- Folder 32: Lecture on Nationalism --- n.d.
- Folder 33: Five Unidentified Lectures --- n.d.
- Series 7: Course files --- 1952-2001, n.d.
- Box 9
- Folder 1: Medieval Philosophy Course (H. Stob) --- 1952
- Folder 2: Philosophy 151 Courses --- 1960s
- Folder 3: Philosophy 395 Courses --- 1962 and 1974
- Folder 4: Philosophy Perspective Courses --- 1965
- Folder 5: Philosophy Perspectives Courses --- 1974
- Folder 6: Epistemology Courses - Calvin College and Free University of Amsterdam --- 1980s
- Folder 7: Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art Courses --- 1981-1983
- Folder 8: Perspective Courses --- 1983-1984
- Folder 9: Vale Aesthetics Course --- early 1990s
- Folder 10: Modern Philosophy Course, Yale --- 1992
- Folder 11: Seminar on "Devine Simplicity," Yale --- 1993
- Folder 12: Concept of God Seminar --- 1995
- Box 10
- Folder 1: Theological Aesthetics Course --- 1998
- Folder 2: Theological Hermeneutics Course, Yale University --- 1998
- Folder 3: Aesthetics, Free University --- 1990
- Folder 4: Philosophy of Religion Course, Yale --- 2000
- Folder 5: Transcript of Teological Hermeneutics Course, Yale --- 2000
- Folder 6: 2001 Theological Aesthetics Course
- Folder 7: Contemporary Philosophy Course --- n.d.
- Folder 8: Modern Philosophy Course, Calvin College --- n.d.
- Folder 9: Liturgy --- n.d.
- Folder 10: Realism/Anti-Realism Course, Yale, n.d
- Box 11
- Folder 1: Liturgy and Justice Course --- n.d.
- Folder 2: Theological Aesthetics Course, unidentified
- Folder 3: Contemporary Philosophy Courses --- n.d.
- Series 8: Miscellany --- 1950s-1991, n.d.
- Box 11
- Folder 4: Student "The Ways of Knowing God" --- 1950s
- Folder 5: Gifted Teachers Award --- 1970
- Folder 6: Music and Art --- 1981
- Folder 7: Memorial Service for Eric. R. Wolterstorff --- 1983
- Folder 8: Participant Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden --- 1986
- Folder 9: Reflections on President Spoelhof and the Model T Prank
- Folder 10: News Clippings
- Folder 11: Minutes of the Palestine Human Rights Campaign --- 1982-1986
- Folder 12: Palestine Human Rights Campaign Correspondence --- 1982-1985
- Folder 13: Notes on Farewell Talk to Students at Yale Divinity School and Notes at Banquet --- n.d.
- Folder 14: Notes on Biblical Authority --- n.d.
- Folder 15
- Item 1: Papers --- n.d.
- Item 2: Booklet: “Advice to Christian Philosophers,” by Alvin Plantinga and John A. O’Brien --- 04 Nov 1983
- Folder 16: Eric Wolterstorff's Funeral
- Audio Cassette
- Box 12
- Folder 39: Curriculum Vitae, Publications, Bibliography --- 1978-1991
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Personal papers and correspondence, 1956-2002],
Series 2: Published work, 1960-2013, n.d.],
Series 3: Sermons and chapel talks, 1975-2012, n.d.],
Series 4: Research papers, 1951-2012, n.d.],
Series 5: Speeches, 1966-2015, n.d.],
Series 6: Lectures, 1976-2016, n.d.],
Series 7: Course files, 1952-2001, n.d.],
Series 8: Miscellany, 1950s-1991, n.d.],