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Frederick H. Wezeman Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

[General Materials]


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Frederick H. Wezeman Collection, 1892-1968 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Frederick H. Wezeman Collection, 1892-1968

ID: COLL/354

Primary Creator: Wezeman, Frederick H. (1892-1968)

Extent: 4.65 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Lawyer; minister of the Christian Reformed Church, of the Reformed Church in America, and of the United Church of Christ; professor at Grundy College (1921-1925); principal and Bible teacher of Chicago Christian High (1928-1951) and president of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa (1951-1955). The collection includes: bound manuscripts with class notes and project studies in Bible and church history; addresses; reports; programs; articles; clippings; information concerning the 'Chicago Situation;' and Synodical Committee minutes, studies from 1932-1937; materials and minutes from Chicago Christian Junior College Community, Chicago Christian High School and Union College of Law; and "History of the Christian Church" from Paul to the Reformation (microfilm).

Biographical Note

Frederick H. Wezeman was born on July 4, 1892 in Oak Park, Illinois.  He studied at Calvin Theological Seminary, earning his diploma in 1921. Before becoming ordained, he was a professor at Grundy College in Grundy Center, Iowa.  In 1925 he became the minister of the College Church in Grundy Center.  Only two years later, Wezeman became the Principal and Bible teacher at Chicago Christian High School. He would remain at the school until 1951. From 1937 to 1951 he also served as associate minister of the Fourth CRC in Chicago.  In 1951 he became the president of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa until 1955. Frederick H. Wezeman passed away on May 25, 1968 in Oak Park, Illinois.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: [General Materials]],
[Series 2: Photographs],

Series 1: [General Materials]
Box 1
Folder 1: "In Memoriam" --- 1968
Folder 2: Three Pamphlets on the Ralph Janssen Controversy --- 1922
Folder 3: Three Pamphlets by Ralph Janssen --- 1922-1923
Folder 4: Two Scriptural Studies by L. P. Wezeman: Job and Philippians --- 1949
Folder 5: "The Advisability of Introducing the Junior High School into Our Greater Chicago Christian Educational System" --- May 10, 1928
Folder 6: "General Introduction to a Study of the Holy Bible," Used in Chicago Christian High School
Folder 7: "Old Testament I: Genesis to Judges" --- undated
Folder 8: "Old Testament I: Genesis to Judges, Student Edition" --- undated
Folder 9: "Old Testament II: Samuel to Exile"
Folder 10: "Old Testament: Job and Proverbs"
Folder 11: "Old Testament Study: Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon" --- undated
Folder 12: "Old Testament: Psalms"
Box 2
Folder 1: "Old Testament: Psalms"
Folder 2: "Old Testament: Isaiah to Jeremiah"
Folder 3: "Old Testament: Minor Prophets"
Folder 4: "Old Testament: Amos"
Folder 5: Tests for Old Testament Studies
Folder 6: "Intertestamentary Period"
Folder 7: "New Testament Studies: Life and Teachings of Jesus"
Folder 8: "New Testament Studies: Life and Teachings of Jesus," enlarged
Folder 9: "New Testament: The Life and Letters of Paul I"
Folder 10: "New Testament: The Life and Letters of Paul II"
Box 3
Folder 1: "New Testament: The Life and Letters of Paul" enlarged
Folder Vault: Notes: History of the Christian Church [1 microfilm reel]
Folder 2: "Church History from Paul to Gregory," book 1
Folder 3: "Church History from Gregory to Luther," book 2
Folder 4: "Luther and the Reformation"
Folder 5: "Notes on the Reformation"
Folder 6: "Calvin's Institutes, an Analytical Outline"
Box 4
Folder 1: Student Assembly Worship Programs --- undated
Folder 2: Address to the Guests of Chicago Junior College by E.J. Tuuk; Report by Wezeman --- March 24, 1933
Folder 3: Chicago Christian High School Documents
Item 1: Education Policy Committee Minutes of Chicago Christian High School Board --- February 1934 - December 1935
Item 2: Communications to Board --- undated
Folder 4: Communications to the Chicago Christian High School Board --- 1935-1936
Folder 5: Communications to the Chicago Christian High School Board --- 1937
Folder 6: Preliminary Draft of the Chicago Christian High School Board reply to charges vs. Wezeman --- undated
Folder 7: Classis Illinois Committee Reports --- 1936
Folder 8: Classis Illinois Documents --- 1936-1937
Folder 9: Classis Illinois Documents from the Board of Chicago Christian High School --- 1936
Folder 10: Classis Illinois Agendas and Overtures to Synod --- 1936-1937
Folder 11: Classis Illinois Replies to Committee Reports by Consistories --- 1936
Folder 12: Classis Illinois Replies to Other Groups --- 1934-1937
Folder 13: Classis Ostfriesland, Statements --- 1936
Folder 14: Classis Ostfriesland, Agenda and Reports --- 1936-1937
Folder 15: Classis Ostfriesland, Committee Reports --- 1936-1937
Folder 16: Reply to Classis Ostfriesland
Folder 17: Michigan Committee Report on Wezeman's Bible Notes --- 1935
Folder 18: The "Chicago Situation," as editorialized in The Banner --- 1934-1937
Folder 19: Various Reports Dealing with the "Chicago Situation"
Box 5
Folder 1: Onze Toekomst Articles
Item 1: Article --- March 18, 1936
Item 2: Article --- March 25, 1936
Item 3: Article --- April 1, 1936
Item 4: Article --- October 7, 1936
Item 5: Article --- December 9, 1936
Folder 2: The Standard Bearer articles --- January 1 - June 1, 1936
Folder 3: De Wachter articles --- January 15, 1936 - July 13, 1937
Folder 4: News Clippings
Folder 5: Synod on the Controversy --- 1932 and 1937
Folder 6: Reports 46 and 60 to Synod on the Chicago Case --- undated
Folder 7: Selected Old Testament Materials Used by Wezeman in his Defense
Folder 8: Selected New Testament Materials Used by Wezeman in his Defense
Folder 9: Wezeman Communications to Synod
Folder 10: Documents: Communication of Fourth Christian Reformed Church of Roseland, Illinois; Protest and Appeal to Synod by C.E. Voogt --- 1938
Folder 11: Scripture Studies by Synodical Committee --- undated
Folder 12: Wezeman's Reply to Charges
Folder 13: The Truth About the Chicago Situation by the Chicago Christian High School Board --- 1936
Box 6: [MISSING] Minute Book of the Chicago Christian Junior College Community --- 1931-1936
Box 7
Folder 1: Miscellaneous Articles/Programs from Chicago Christian High School --- 1934-1951
Folder 2: Documents re: Princess Juliana's Visit to Chicago Christian High School --- 1942
Folder 3: Chicago Christian High School Alumni Directory --- 1942
Folder 4: Chicago Christian High School Newsletter and Principal's Report --- 1937-1951
Folder 5: Certificate of Organization/Lease Documents - Union College of Law --- 1934-1936
Folder 6: Correspondence re: Establishment of Union College of Law --- 1933-1936
Folder 7: Chicago Christian High School Paper "CCHS Mirror" --- 1949-1951
Folder 8: Photographs: Chicago Christian High School --- 1934
Folder 9: Wezeman's Retirement Celebration --- 1949
Folder 10: Personal Correspondence re: Chicago Situation --- 1934-1937
Folder 11: Synodical Reports re: Chicago Situation --- 1937
Folder 12: Shall We Have Peace, Love, Unity or Strife, Enmity and Division in our Christian Reformed Church? by Christian Reformed Laymen's Association of Chicago, Illinois
Box 8
Folder 1: Chicago Christian Junior College History
Folder 2: Chicago Christian Junior College Construction
Folder 3: Proposal for Christian Junior College in Chicago --- 1932
Folder 4: Chicago Christian Junior College Pamphlets and Programs
Folder 5: Chicago Christian Junior College Evaluations by the University of Illinois --- 1933
Folder 6: Chicago Christian Junior College President Reports to Board of Trustees --- 1931, 1933, 1937
Folder 7: Chicago Christian Junior College Yearbooks (Lodestar) --- 1934, 1936, 1937
Folder 8: Chicago Christian Junior College Catalogs --- 1931-1936
Folder 9: Chicago Christian Junior College Enrollment Data --- 1933
Folder 10: Chicago Christian High Minutes relating to Chicago Christian Junior College --- 1931-1937
Folder 11: Chicago Christian Junior College - Miscellaneous Items
Folder 12: Chicago Christian Junior College Financial Data --- 1933-1936
Folder 13: "If We Begin with Christ" Founding of Trinity Chirstian College by Don Sinnema --- 1952-1960
Box 9
Folder 1: Study Notes on Church History from Gregory to Luther
Folder 2: Study Notes on the Psalms
Folder 3: Study Notes on Between the Testaments
Folder 4: Study Notes on the Minor Prophets
Folder 5: Study Notes on the Life and Teaching of Jesus
Folder 6: Study Notes on the Old Testament
Box 10
Folder 1: Study Notes on Old Testament History Genesis to Judges
Folder 2: Study Notes on Paul to Gregory
Folder 3: Study Notes on Old Testament History from Desert to Kingdom
Folder 4: Study Notes on the Life and Letters of Paul
Folder 5: Study Notes on Calvin's Institutes
Folder 6: Study Notes on the Reformation
Box 11
Folder 1: Study Notes on Isaiah and Jeremiah
Folder 2: Study Notes on Luther and the Reformation
Folder Vault: (1 microfilm reel): "History of the Christian Church" (112-1564)
Item 1: From Paul to Gregory
Item 2: From Gregory to Luther
Item 3: Luther and the Reformation
Box 12
Folder 1: Chicago Christian Junior College Board Minutes --- 1931-1937
Series 2: Photographs
Box 7
Folder 8: Chicago Christian High School --- 1934

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: [General Materials]],
[Series 2: Photographs],

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