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Dutch Reformed Translation Society Collection



Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Administrative Materials


Legal Documents

Translation Projects

Promotional Materials

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Dutch Reformed Translation Society Collection, 1993-2021 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

By Emily Koelzer

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Collection Overview

Title: Dutch Reformed Translation Society Collection, 1993-2021

ID: COLL/558

Extent: 3.0 Linear Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description

Date Acquired: 00/00/2014. More info below under Accruals.

Subjects: Literature--Translating

Languages: English, Dutch;Flemish


The Dutch Reformed Translation Society Papers house the organizational records of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. This collection, which dates form its founding in 1993 – 2021, consists of administrative documents, meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, promotional materials, contracts, and other legal documents. This collection documents the Dutch Reformed Translation Society’s founding and translation projects throughout the years.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Dutch Reformed Translation Society Papers house the organizational records of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. This collection, which dates from its founding in 1993 to 2021, consists of administrative documents, meeting minutes, correspondence, newsletters, promotional materials, contracts, and other legal documents. This collection documents the Dutch Reformed Translation Society’s founding and translation projects throughout the years.

The materials in this collection document the operations of the Dutch Reformed Translation Society. A significant portion of the collection is composed of minutes, newsletters, and contracts for translation projects.

This collection is organized into five series: Administrative Materials, Communication, Legal Documents, Translation Projects, and Promotional Materials.

Collection Historical Note

The Dutch Reformed Translation society was founded in 1993 to sponsor translations and the publication of historically significant Dutch Reformed theological and religious literature.

Subject/Index Terms


Administrative Information

Repository: Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

Accruals: Additional materials donated in 2021. Further accruals expected

Alternate Extent Statement: 6 Boxes

Acquisition Source: Gift of James De Jonghttps://archives.calvin.edu/index.php?p=admin/collections/collections&collectionid=145#restrictionsfragment

Acquisition Method: Donation

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Administrative Materials],
[Series 2: Communication],
[Series 3: Legal Documents],
[Series 4: Translation Projects],
[Series 5: Promotional Materials],

Series 1: Administrative Materials
Box 1
Folder 1: Constitution/Bylaw --- 1994, 1999, 2008
Folder 2: Tax Exempt Material --- 1995
Folder 3: IRS Pile --- 1994-1995
Folder 4: Minutes --- 1993-2013
Folder 5: Membership --- 2014
Folder 6: Website --- 2010
Folder 7: Newsletters --- 1995-2013
Folder 8: News Story --- 2008
Folder 9: Audit --- 2008
Folder 10: Brochures --- undated
Folder 11: Style Sheet --- 2002
Folder 12: Construct Template --- 2014
Box 2
Folder 1: Meeting Agendas --- 2009-2011
Folder 2: Meeting Agendas --- 2012-2013
Folder 3: Meeting Agendas --- 2014
Folder 4: DRTS Board Meetings --- 2014 April
Folder 5: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2015 October
Folder 6: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2016 April
Folder 7: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2016 October
Folder 8: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2017 April
Folder 9: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2017 October
Folder 10: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2018 April
Folder 11: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2018 October
Folder 12: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2019 May
Folder 13: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2019 November
Folder 14: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2020 June 4
Folder 15: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2020 October 14
Folder 16: DRTS Board Meeting --- 2014
Folder 17: Member and E-mail Lists --- 2021 April 17
Series 2: Communication
Box 3
Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1993 September-2003 October
Folder 2: Correspondence --- 2003 November-2009 November
Folder 3: Correspondence --- 2010 May-2020 September
Folder 4: Bavinck Conference Correspondence --- 2008
Folder 5: Newsletters --- 1995-2013
Folder 6: Newsletter List & Returned Mail --- 2006 December
Folder 7: DRTS Newsletter #1 --- 1997 November
Folder 8: DRTS Newsletter #2 --- 1999 July
Folder 9: DRTS Newsletter #3 --- 2001 March
Folder 10: DRTS Newsletter #4 --- 2002 March
Folder 11: DRTS Newsletter #5 --- 2003 March
Folder 12: DRTS Newsletter #6 --- 2004 May
Folder 13: DRTS Newsletter #7 --- 2004 November
Folder 14: DRTS Newsletter #8 and G. Kuiper Label Update --- 2005 November
Folder 15: DRTS Newsletter #9 --- 2006 May
Folder 16: DRTS Newsletter #10 --- 2006 December
Folder 17: DRTS Newsletter #11 --- 2007 November
Folder 18: DRTS Newsletter #12 --- 2008 December
Folder 19: DRTS Newsletter #13 --- 2010 August
Folder 20: DRTS Newsletter #14 --- 2011 November
Folder 21: DRTS Newsletter #15 --- 2012 December
Folder 22: DRTS Newsletter #16 --- 2013 November
Folder 23: DRTS Newsletter #17 --- 2014 December
Folder 24: DRTS Newsletter #18 --- 2015 November
Folder 25: DRTS Newsletter #19 --- 2016 December
Folder 26: DRTS Newsletter #20 --- 2017 November
Folder 27: DRTS Newsletter #21 --- 2018 November
Folder 28: DRTS Newsletter #22 --- 2019 December
Series 3: Legal Documents
Box 4
Folder 1: Select Treasurer's Reports --- 1994-2000
Folder 2: IRS Pile --- 1994-1995
Folder 3: IRS Documents --- 1995-2008
Folder 4: Tax Exempt Material --- 1995
Folder 5: Audit --- 2008
Folder 6: Articles of Incorporation --- 1993-1994
Folder 7: IRS & Legal Materials : DRTS Founding --- 1994 April-1998 December
Folder 8: Correspondence with Lawyer --- 1994-1999
Folder 9: Legal Documents (Broker: Everen) --- 1997 December-2009 August
Folder 10: Legal Documents & Correspondence
Folder 11: Michigan Department of Commerce
Folder 12: Translator Possibilities
Series 4: Translation Projects
Box 4
Folder 13: Contract Template --- 2014
Folder 14: Bolt Process Documents, Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics
Folder 15: DRTS Publisher Agreements: Bavinck Eschatology Contract
Folder 16: Copyrights/Royalties: Bavinck 'Gereformeerde Dogmatik' Contract
Folder 17: Bavinck 'Creator' and Eschatology Contract
Folder 18: Bavinck Creation Contract
Folder 19: Bavinck 'Reformed Dogmatics' Contract
Folder 20: Verzamelde Opstellen Project
Folder 21: Signed Contracts: Bavinck Essays
Box 5
Folder 1: Foreign Translation Rights (Baker)
Folder 2: Electronic Rights Contract: Baker --- 2011 December
Folder 3: Baker Contract: Classics of Reformed Spirituality
Folder 4: De Reuver Translation Documents and Correspondence --- 2004 June-2007 June
Folder 5: Contracts: de Reuver
Folder 6: Reversion of de Reuver Rights to DRTS
Folder 7: Koelmon Notes and Illustration
Folder 8: Memo of Agreement: James A. De Jong - Kuyper 'Honig' Translations
Folder 9: 'Honey From the Rock: Abraham Kuyper's Early Meditations' Publishing Agreement with Lexham Press
Folder 10: 'Honey From the Rock: Abraham Kuyper's Early Meditations' Publishing Proposal for Lexham Press
Folder 11: Dagen van Goede Boodschap CCICW Agreement
Folder 12: Spirituality Subcommittee --- 2000 January-2000 March
Folder 13: Spirituality Subcommittee --- 2000 May-2005 March
Folder 14: Spirituality Series
Folder 15: Contract with Baker: Spirituality Series I --- 2000 June 7
Folder 16: Legal Rights: Spirituality Series I (Taffin, Koelman, Voetius, and Hoornbeeck)
Folder 17: Spirituality 2nd Series --- 2007 April
Folder 18: Contracts: Spirituality 2nd Series
Folder 19: Taffin Notes, Permissions, etc.
Folder 20: Teellink Rights - Legal Documents
Folder 21: Duranno Press Korea (Teelink Rights)
Folder 22: Van der Groe Proposal --- 2014 July
Folder 23: Van der Groe Proposal --- 2019 November
Folder 24: Reformation Heritage Books Publishing Agreement Addendum --- 2004 November
Folder 25: Contract: Van Mastricht - J. Edwards Couter --- 2007 November
Folder 26: Contract: Van Mastricht - Faber --- 2007 November
Folder 27: Van Mastricht Contracts
Box 6
Folder 1: Contract: DRTS - Reformation Heritage Books, Van Mastricht vol. 1 Publishing --- 2008 December
Folder 2: Contract: DRTS - Reformation Heritage Books, Van Mastricht on Preaching --- 2013 February
Folder 3: Contract: Van Mastricht - McGinnis --- 2016 April
Folder 4: Geerhardus Vos, Natural Law Contract --- 2019 November
Folder 5: Baker Book House Company
Folder 6: Style Sheet 2002
Series 5: Promotional Materials
Box 6
Folder 7: Early Promotional Materials --- 1995-2002
Folder 8: Early Articles & Reviews (English) --- 1996-2001
Folder 9: Early Articles & Reviews (Dutch) --- 1996-2000
Folder 10: Early Ads - Bavinck --- Late 1990s
Folder 11: Pamphlets --- 2004 October
Folder 12: News Story --- 2008
Folder 13: Website --- 2010
Folder 14: Strider (Website) Contract --- 2010 December
Folder 15: Publicity
Folder 16: Ads, Reviews, Articles, Promotions
Folder 17: Historical Theoblogy
Folder 18: Brochures
Folder 19: Promotions File --- 1993-1996
Folder 20: Promotions File --- 1997-1998
Folder 21: Promotions and other Misc. Documents --- 1997-1999
Folder 22: Promotions and other Misc. Documents --- 1999-2000

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Administrative Materials],
[Series 2: Communication],
[Series 3: Legal Documents],
[Series 4: Translation Projects],
[Series 5: Promotional Materials],

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