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Individual Papers Collection



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Individual Papers Collection | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Individual Papers Collection

ID: COLL/588

Extent: 6.0 Linear Feet


Collection of papers written on a range of topics by different authors. Papers are organized alphabetically by the author's surname.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

Series 2: B
Item 1: Bajema, Jack Andy   (1943-    ) --- 1962
"He Would Not Quit."  The Life of Rev. John B. Vanden Hoek, 1891-1969.
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. J. Bajema.
Physical Description: 7 leaves.
Item 2: Bajema, John Jay   (1947-    ) --- 1972
"The CRC and Labor."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.J. Bajema.
Physical Description: 8 Leaves
Item 3: Bajema, Paul J.   (1946-    ) --- 1966

"Counseling and Guidance in the Christian High Schools"

Acquisiton Information: Gift of P. J. Bajema

Physical Desciption: 23 leaves

Item 4: Bandstra, Barry   (1951-    ) --- 1975
"Elders and Deacons."
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Bandstra.
Physical Description: 5 Leaves
Item 5: Bartleson, Mimi --- 1991

"The Changing views of the Visual Arts in the CRC:  1930 to present"

Physical Description: 19 leaves

Item 6: Baum, James W.   (1960-    ) --- 1982
"The Shaping of Classis Hackensack."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.W. Baum.
Physical Description: 20 leaves
Item 7: Berghuis, Melvin Earl   (1915-1992) --- 1971

"Son by Father, to the Memory of My Son, Robert Earl Berghuis"

Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Slingeland

Physical Description: 66 leaves

Item 8: Berkompas, Joy --- 1978

"The Impact of Immigration on the First Christian Reformed Church of Chatham, Ontario, Canada"

Physical Description: 7 leaves

Item 9: Beuker, Gerrit Jan   (1957-    ) --- 1991

“Henricus Beuker, 1834-1900.”

Acquisition Information: Gift of G. J. Beuker

Physical Description: 326 leaves

Item 10: Beverly, Paul --- 1975

"The Banner, The Christian Century and the War, 1939-1941"

Physical Description: 15 leaves

Item 11: Bezuyen, A. --- 1987

"A History of Bethany Christian Services Residential Treatment Program"

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 12: Bielema, Ronald Dale   (1938-    ) --- 1960
"A Study of Scripture Texts Used as Basis for Sermons by Ministers of the Christian Reformed Church."
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.D. Bielema
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 13: Bierma, Lyle Dean   (1950-    ) --- 1975 - 1976
"Calvin Theological Seminary:  A Historical Study of the 1949-1952 Crisis"
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.D. Bierma
Item 14: Bierma, Lyle Dean   (1950-    ) --- 1976 - 1976
"Religion and Politics in the Seventeenth Century:  A Critique of the Marxist View of the Relation of English Puritanism and French Jansenism to their Respective Revolutionary Milieux"
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.D. Bierma
Item 15: Biesheuvel, Barend   (1948-    ) --- 1975
"The Council of Christian Reformed Churches in Canada"
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Biesheuvel
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 16: Bijkerk, Roelof Jan --- 1967
Profile of a Seminary: Some Descriptive Statistics and Analyses, Based on Data Collected During 1962-1966 from Calvin College and Calvin Seminary Students
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. J. Bijkerk
Physical Description: 30 leaves
Item 17: Bingle, Karen   (1964-    ) --- 1987
Phoenix Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of K. Bingle
Physical Description: 42 leaves
Item 18: Blacquiere, Robert J.   (1952-    ) --- 1976
A Portrait in History: The Americanization Process of Henry John Blacquiere (1885-1974)
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Blacquiere
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 19: Bloem, Daniel F.   (1944-    ) --- 1966
The Origins of Pine Rest, the Christian Psychopathic Hospital
Acquisition Information: Gift of D.F. Bloem
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 20: Bloem, Randall H.   (1963-    ) --- 1981
Dutch Immigration to Whitinsville [Massachusetts]
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.H. Bloem
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 21: Blom, Patricia R. Vanden Berg   (1951-    ) --- 1974
The Architecture of Calvin College, the Outgrowth of a Christian Community
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Vanden Berg.
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 22: Blydorp, Janet Christine   (1962-    ) --- 1983
The Christian Reformed Church and Dancing
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Blydorp
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 23: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
A History and Evaluation of the Rights of Women in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 24: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
Hinduism, Christianity, and the Meeting Between the Hindu and the Christian
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 25: Bode, Bruce A.   (1947-    ) --- 1972
Pentecostalism and Evangelism
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.A. Bode
Item 26: Boerman, Beverly   (1957-    ) --- 1980
Growth of Overisel Township from 1847-1870
Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Boerman
Physical Description: 40 leaves
Item 27: Boersma, Martin --- 1979

The 1950 Banner Response to John T. Flynn’s, The Road Ahead

Physical Description: 17 leaves

Item 28: Boeve, Brian Clare   (1952-    ) --- 1976
The History of the CRC Christian Schools
Acquisition Information: Gift of B.C. Boeve
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 29: Bogeman, Patricia Kay  (1954-    ) --- 1974
Dutch American Folklore
Acquisition Information: Gift of P.K. Bogema
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 30: Boldenow, Kathy --- 1973

The Free Christian Schools’ Fight Against the Anti-parochial Sentiment after World War I

Physical Description: 22 leaves

Item 31: Bolt, Elizabeth --- 1978
The Assimilation of the Reformed Church in America
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 32: Boonstra, Harry (1935-    ) --- 2008
The Dutch Equation in the RCA Freemasonry, 1865-1885
Acquisition Information: Gift of Harry Boonstra
Physical Description: 43 pages
Item 33: Boorsma, Arlyn --- 1976

The Christian Reformed Church’s Response to the Modernist vs. Fundamentalist Controversy

Description: 19 leaves

Item 34: Booy, John David   (1951-    ) --- 1972
The Study of Membership Loss in the CRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Booy
Physical Description: 51 leaves
Item 35: Bordewyk, Herman Jay   (1934-    ) --- 1961
An Analysis of Banner Readership in the Christian Reformed Church."  Co-author:  Duane Kuizema
Acquisition Information: Gift of H.J. Bordewyk
Physical Description: 37 leaves
Item 36: Borger, Jane W.   (1961-    ) --- 1981
Canadian Nationalism in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.W. Borger
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 37: Borst, Lawrence James (1933-    ) --- 1959
Study of the history of the Bethany Christian Home, Inc., a child welfare agency in Grand Rapids, Michigan, from its origins in 1944 through 1958
Acquisition Information: Gift of L.J. Borst
Physical Description: 60 pages
Item 38: Bosch, Meindert   (1920-    ) --- 1973
Transcribed oral history of Bethesda Hospital, as interviewed by J. Herbert Brink.
Physical Description: 25 leaves
Item 39: Bosma, Fred   (1934-    ) --- 1968
, "North America or Java:  The Emigration Pamphlet of Brummelkamp and van Raalte."  Translation of "Landverhuizing, of Waarom Bevorderen Wij de Volksverhuizing en wel naar Noord-Amerika en niet naar Java?"
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. Bosma
Physical Description: 41 leaves
Item 40: Bosma, Timothy D.   (1956-    ) --- 1978
Transforming or Conforming:  The History of the Dance in the Christian Reformed Church as Seen by the Writings of Denominational Leaders in The Banner, The Acts of Synod, and Three Books
Acquisition Information: Gift of T.D. Bosma
Physical Description: 22 leaves
Item 41: Botting, Anne Elizabeth   (1962-    ) --- 1984
"Children's Retreat," dealing with Pine Rest Christian Hospital
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.E. Botting
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 42: Bouma, Kenneth John   (1949-    ) --- 1970
"The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture:  A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth with a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth."  Co-authors:  Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Brian Dale De Kraker, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, Sharon Claire Ruiter, and Bennett John Wieringa.
Physical Description: 79 leaves
Item 43: Bouma, Wilma   (1926-    ) --- 1967
The Women's Missionary Union as an Aspect of Dr. Henry Beets's Program for Promoting Foreign Mission Work
Acquisition Information: Gift of W. Bouma
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 44: Bouwma, Richard   (1945-    ) --- 1967
The Influence of Abraham Kuyper on Christian Education in the United States Between 1890 and 1920
Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Bouwma
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 45: Bouwman, Rebecca, E.   (1941-    ) --- 1964
Evolution and the Christian Reformed Church, 1922-1925
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.E. Bouwman
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 46: Brasser, Wayne R.   (1949-    ) --- 1970
Iglesia Evangelica Cristiana de Argentina
Acquisition Information: Gift of W.R. Brasser
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 47: Bratt, John Harvard   (1960-    ) --- 1982
The Continuity of Secession Rhetoric in the Christian Reformed Church
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.H. Bratt
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 48: Braun, John Elliott   (1940-    ) --- 1964

A Study of Attitudes of Seminarians and Ministers in the Christian Reformed Church Toward Selected Speech Courses

Acquisiton Information: Gift of J. Braun

Physical Description: 25 leaves

Item 49: Breen, Stephen --- 1974

A Study of Calvary Reformed Church 1925-1929, the Stormiest Days

Physical Description: 12 leaves

Item 50: Breur, J. --- 1991

“De Sheboygan Nieuwsbode: Het eerste Nederlandstalige nieuwsblad in de Verenigde Staten, 1849-1861.”

Acquisiton Information: Gift of J. Breur

Physical Description: 45[18] pages

Item 51: Brinks, Gail --- 1997

“Accelerated Adult college Education: A Growth Market and Opportunity for Community Enrichment for Calvin College.” 

Acquisiton Information: Gift of G. Brinks

Physical Description: 112 leaves

Item 52: Brondyke, Carmen Jillaine   (1968-    ) --- 1987
"Changes in Spring Lake CRC
Acquisition Information: Gift of C.J. Brondyke
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 53: Brook, Richard --- 1979
The History of Bethany Christian Services
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 54: Brouwer, Jack --- 2007

The Brouwers’ Special Christian Radio Services” (History of the Dutch Radio Program “Zingend Geloven”)

Acquisiton Information: Grace CRC, Scarborough, ON

Physical Description: 4 leaves

Item 55: Bruinsma, Henry A. --- 1980-1982
The Song of an Emerging Nation: Music in the Works of Vondel
Acquisition Information: Gift of Howard Slenk
Physical Description: 283 leaves
Item 56: Brummel, Nathan Clay   (1970-    ) --- 1989
The Janssen Case Revisited in 1989
Acquisition Information: Gift of N.C. Brummel
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 57: Brunger, Judith L.   (1938-    ) --- 1964
Authur H. Vanden Berg:  Isolationist to Internationalist
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.L. Brunger
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 58: Buikema, Benjamin J.
Role of Religion in the Public Elementary Schools
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 59: Bult, Delores Lampen --- u.d.
Witch, Hex, Spells and Curses
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. L. Bult
Physical Description: 2 leaves
Item 60: Bulthuis, Dwayne --- 1992
In Union there is Strength
Physical Description: 23 leaves
Item 61: Bulthuis, Peter --- 1955-1968
To Keep Thee in All Thy Ways
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. Bulthuis
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 62: Bulthuis, Virginia   (1947-    ) --- 1968
The Christian Reformed Church, the Sudan United Mission, and Nigeria
Acquisition Information: Gift of V. Bulthuis
Physical Description: 15 leaves
Item 63: Burch, Pam --- 1986
History of the Netherlands:  Cornelius and Clara from Holland to Hoboken
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 64: Burghgraef, Frans   (1924-    ) --- 1964
"Albertus C. Van Raalte as a Minister in The Netherlands and America
Acquisition Information: Gift of F. Burghgraef
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 65: Burghgraef, Gary   (1968-    ) --- 1990
The Story of the Van Drunen Family
Acquisition Information: Gift of G. Burghgraef
Physical Description: 13 leaves
Item 66: Burmanje, Piet Hein --- 1989
The Dutch Calvinist Press and Its Views of Emigration and Dutch American Calvinism
Acquisition Information: Gift of P. H. Burmanje
Physical Description: 6 leaves
Item 67: Busscher, James Carl   (1957-    ) --- 1981
The History of Christian Reformed Church Music
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Busscher
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 68: Buteyn, Greta Jo   (1967-    ) --- 1987
The History of Madison Square Christian Reformed Church." [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.J. Buteyn
Physical Description: 8 leaves
Item 69: Buti, S. --- 1981
The Task of the Church with Respect to Justice in South African Society
Physical Description: 4 leaves

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

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