- Item 1: De Boer, Lyle Verl (1934- ) --- 1958

- "Stereotypes about the Dutch in Grand Rapids." Co-author: John Rosier.
- Acquisition Information: Gift of L.V. De Boer.
Physical Description: 28 leaves
- Item 2: De Boer, Peter Eric (1959- ) --- 1980

- Developing Professionalism Among Christian Educators: A Brief Recent History
- Acquisition Information: Developing Professionalism Among Christian Educators: A Brief Recent History
Physical Description: 20 leaves
- Item 3: De Boer, Theodore (1944- ) --- 1968

- "Albertus Christiaan Van Raalte 1811-1876: Views on Education, Politics, and the Civil War
- Acquisition Information: Gift of Th. De Boer
Physical Description: 15 leaves
- Item 4: DeBruyn, Han --- 1960 - 1970

- Chimes 1960-1970, The Voice of Miniature Revolutionaries
- Physical Description: 27 leaves
- Item 5: De Groot, Marlene Annette (1962- ) --- 1983

- Student Organizations at Calvin: reflections
- Acquisition Information: Gift of M.A. De Groot
- Item 6: De Haan, John I.J. (1932- ) --- 1951

- "Content Analysis Letters to Editor-The Banner, 1931-32; 1941-42; 1951-52."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of J.I.J. De Haan
Physical Description: 77 leaves
- Item 7: DeHaan, Kathleen A. --- 2001

- "Corresponding Calvinism and Capitalism: The Letters of Teunis van den Hoek."
- Physical Description: 17 leaves
- Item 8: De Jager, Rodney (1974- ) --- 1998

"The History of Degage"
Acquisition Information: Gift of De Jager
Physical Description: 27 leaves
- Item 9: De Jong, Christina Cornelia (1962- ) --- 1983

- "Attitude Towards Synod's Act of 1928 on Worldly Amusements."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of C.C. De Jong
Physical Description: 13 leaves
- Item 10: De Jong, Dean (1947- ) --- 1968

- "The Attempted Union Between the Reformed Church in America and the Reformed Church in the United States, 1886-1893."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of D. De Jong
Physical Description: 22 leaves
- Item 11: De Jong, Grace Annette (1963- ) --- 1983

- "Evaluating Christian Education."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of G.A. De Jong
Physical Description: 11 leaves
- Item 12: De Jong, Norman (1935- ) --- 1960

"German Calvinist Immigrant communities in the United States, 1875-1900."
Acquisition Information: Gift of N. De Jong
Physical Description: 66 leaves
- Item 13: De Jong, Sandra, L. (1966- ) --- 1988

- "The Americanization of Women at Calvin College."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of S.L. De Jong
Physical Description: 35 leaves
- Item 14: De Jonge, Thomas R. --- 1990

"Christian Reformed opinion concerning the Vietnam War."
Physical Description: 18 leaves
- Item 15: Dekker, Christine Marie (1966- ) --- 1987

- "An Evaluation of Trinity Christian Reformed Church, Artesia, California."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of C.M. Dekker
Physical Description: 15 leaves
- Item 16: Dekker, David (1945- ) --- 1967

- "The Christian Reformed Ceylon Mission."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Dekker
Physical Description: 37 leaves
- Item 17: Dekker, James Cornelius (1948- ) --- 1977

- "Of Hollanders and Others-A Look at the History and Present Forms of Harbor Missions in the Christian Reformed Church."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of J.C. Dekker
Physical Description: 10 leaves
- Item 18: De Kok, Karol Joy (1967- ) --- 1987

- , "A Study of Covenant Christian Reformed Church." [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
- Acquisition Information: Gift of K.J. De Kok.
Physical Description: 8 leaves
- Item 19: De Kraker, Brian Dale (1948- ) --- 1970

- "The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture: A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth With a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth." Co-authors: Kenneth John Bouma, Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, Sharon Claire Ruiter, and Bennett John Wieringa.
- Physical Description: 79 leaves
- Item 20: de Krester, Lorsesz Crosbie (1943- ) --- 1971

- "A Paper on the Christian Reformed Church Mission in Ceylon."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of L.C. de Krester
Physical Description: 10 leaves
- Item 21: DeKryger, Matthew H. --- 2014

- "Undefeated Since 1876: College Football & Calvin College".
- Acquisition Information: Gift of M. H. DeKryger
Physical Description: 27 leaves
- Item 22: De Lange, Jacob C. (1925 - ) --- 1942 - 1943

Diary kept during De Lange's military service in Alaska.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. C. De Lange.
Physical Description: 14 leaves
- Item 23: Dempsey, Becky --- 1980

"Family History Paper"
Gift of B. Dempsey
Physical Description: 36 leaves
- Item 24: Den Bleyker, Vern --- 1985

"The Dutch: Their Treatment of the Indians"
Physical Description: 11 leaves
- Item 25: Deppe, Dean Brian (1951- ) --- 1976

- "New Ministries."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of D.B. Deppe
Physical Description: 12 leaves
- Item 26: deRegt, Ben --- 1992

“A Curricular Shift in Christian Education: Kuyper through Dewey?”
Physical Description: 23 leaves
- Item 27: DeRoo, Judy --- 1980

"My Family History"
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. De Roo
Physical Description: 10 leaves
- Item 28: Devadatta, Daniel --- 1989

"Christian Reformed Beginnings in Sri Lanka: A Study of the Rev. John O. Schuring"
Physical Description: 19 leaves
- Item 29: De Vries, Beverly Lenore (1937- ) --- 1957

- "The Practices and Attitudes Concerning Movie Attendance of Calvin College Students-A Research Project."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of B.L. De Vries
Physical Description: 19 leaves
- Item 30: De Vries, Dirk (1953- ) --- 1981

- "The Christian Reformed Church and its Ministry to Servicemen."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of D. de Vries
Physical Description: 19 leaves
- Item 31: De Vries, Hille --- 1982

"The Labor Market in Dutch Agriculture and Emigration to the United States"
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. De Vries
Physical Description: 34 leaves
- Item 32: De Vries, Paul Raymond (1959- ) --- 1983

- "The 1950's and the Neo-Kuperians."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of P.R. De Vries
Physical Description: 14 leaves
- Item 33: De Vries, Peter Jr. --- 1973

"The Attitude of the Christian Reformed Church toward War from 1898 - 1973"
Physical Description: 20 leaves
- Item 34: De Vries, Robert J. --- 1979

"Fuller Avenue's CRC attempts to Minister to its Community, 1950-1975"
Physical Description: 17 leaves
- Item 35: Diening, Joseph A. --- 1966

"Contributions of the Dutch to the Cultural Enrichment of Canada."
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. A. Diening
Physical Description: 74 leaves
- Item 36: Doezema, Linda A. Pegman (1948- ) --- 1975

“The Dutch in the United States: A Bibliography of Materials Printed Since 1900.”
Acquistion Information: Gift of L. A. Doezema
Physical Description: 121 leaves
- Item 37: Doezema, Robert Ross (1964- ) --- 1987

- "Ada Christian Reformed Church." [Ada, Michigan].
- Acquisition Information: Gift of R.R. Doezema.
Physical Description: 7 leaves
- Item 38: Doty, Sonya --- 1994

“Visions for Worship: Calvin Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. “
Physical Description: 25 pages
- Item 39: Draugelis, Edward Mark (1948- ) --- 1976

- "Church Schools."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of E.M. Draugelis.
Physical Description: 8 leaves
- Item 40: Duimstra, Robert (1962- ) --- 1984

- "Social Concerns in the Christian Reformed Church During the Second World War."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Duimstra.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
- Item 41: Duinkerken, Bert (1953- ) --- 1978

- "History of Japan Missions."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Duinkerken.
Physical Description: 28 leaves
- Item 42: Dykshoorn, Jan Gerard (1958- ) --- u.d.

- "Shepherds and their sheep: Leading to or away from the fold (A Study of independent pastors and their popularity."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of J.G. Dykshoorn.
Physical Description: 20 leaves
- Item 43: De Wit, John --- 1986

"Dutch Immigration: A Personal Account"
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. De Wit
Physical Description: 13 leaves
- Item 44: Dykstra, Judith Geptina ( - ) --- 1980

"Dutch or Canadian?"
Acquisition Informtion: Git of J.G. Dykstra
Physical Description: 13 leaves
- Item 45: Dykstra, Martin (1943- ) --- 1967

- "The Church Schism of 1944 in the Netherlands."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Dykstra
Physical Description: 18 leaves
- Item 46: Dykstra, Melissa --- 1994

"From Rhetoric to Reality: Racism in the Christian Schools"
Physial Description: 16 pages
- Item 47: Dykstra, Ralph (1933- ) --- 1964

- "Groen Van Prinsterer, Defender of the Faith."
- Acquisition Information: Gift of R. Dykstra.
Physical Description: 21 leaves