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Individual Papers Collection



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Individual Papers Collection | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Individual Papers Collection

ID: COLL/588

Extent: 6.0 Linear Feet


Collection of papers written on a range of topics by different authors. Papers are organized alphabetically by the author's surname.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

Series 11: L
Item 1: Lagerwey, Peter A. --- 1974
Home Missions Program of the Christian Reformed Church, 1947-1974.
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 2: LaGrand, Jim --- 1990
Church and Stated Converge on the American Indian:  A Comparison of CRC and Federal Policies from 1920 to 1934.
Physical Description: 27 leaves
Item 3: LaGrand, Paul --- 1995
The Elmhurst Situation:  A Look at the Sentiments of a Denomination through the Eyes of its Periodicals.
Physical Description: 17 leaves
Item 4: Langerak, Robert Harry   (1953-    ) --- 1973-1974
A Historical Review of the Old Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Item 5: Langerak, Robert Harry   (1953-    ) --- 1973-1975
A Historical Review of the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Item 6: Lanting, Frank Theodore   (1954-    ) --- 1979
A Historical Survey of Race Relations in the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of F.T. Lanting
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 7: Larsen, David Alan   (1947-    ) --- u.d.
History of Mystery?  The Christian Faith and Mystery Cults
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen
Item 8: Larsen, David Alan   (1947-    ) --- u.d.
Englewood and Roseland:  A Case Study in Church-Community Dynamics or Exodus Reconsidered.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen
Item 9: Larsen, David Alan (1947-  ) --- u.d.

Thesis, Loyola University of Chicago, "Evangelical Chrstian Higher Education, Culture, and Social Conflict: A Niebuhrian Analysis of Three Colleges in the 1960s" (p. 75-143 only, full dissertation in Hekman Library: LC 533.L 3771992)

Acquisition Information: Gift of D. A. Larsen

Item 10: Last, Jonathan   (1962-    ) --- 1984
The History of the Preakness CRC and Dutch Immigration within Northern New Jersey.  Winner of the Major Research Paper Award
Access Restriction: Paper Award
Acquisition Information: Gift of J. Last
Item 11: Lier, Martin --- 1986
The Journey to America of Jan Lier.
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 12: Lindemulder, Gerald Ray   (1957-    ) --- 1980
Dutch-Canadian Migration: A Study of Orthodox Calvinists.
Acquisition Information: Gift of G.R. Lindemulder.
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 13: Lion, Jerald Derk   (1950-    ) --- 1979
A History of the Actions Taken Regarding the Liturgical Forms of the CRC.
Acquisition Information: Gift of J.D. Lion
Physical Description: 9 leaves
Item 14: Lise, Henry --- 1968
Groen van Prinsterer Evangelical Statesman, 1801-1876.
Acquisition Information: Gift of H. Lise
Physical Description: 19 leaves
Item 15: Lodewyk, Kenneth Robert   (1963-    ) --- 1984
The Conflict Between the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee and the Christian Reformed Missions Board.
Acquisition Information: Gift of K.R. Lodewyk
Physical Description: 14 leaves
Item 16: Lodor, Arie   (1946-    ) --- 1972
Acquisition Information: Gift of A. Lodor
Physical Description: 7 leaves
Item 17: Louis, Robert John II   (1958-    ) --- 1979
Struggle to Maturity:  A History of the First Christian Reformed Church of Grand Haven, Michigan.
Acquisition Information: Gift of R.J. Louis
Physical Description: 11 leaves
Item 18: Louis, Rob --- 1980

Attitudes Toward World War II Expressed in Eastern Avenue CRC's Publication

Physical Description: 11 leaves

Item 19: Luckey, Mark Weldon   (1964-    ) --- 1985
Sunshine Church :  Changing to Meet Needs
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.W. Luckey.
Physical Description: 26 leaves
Item 20: Luckey, Mark Weldon   (1964-    ) --- 1986
Early Response to Radio in the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.W. Luckey.
Physical Description: 12 leaves
Item 21: Lutgendorff, Marilyn T.   (1967-    ) --- 1988
Christian Education in Canada.
Acquisition Information: Gift of M.T. Lutgendorff
Physical Description: 18 leaves
Item 22: Luurtsema, Dawn --- 1987
Dutch Assimilation in Grand Rapids.
Acquisition Information: Gift of D. Luurtsema
Physical Description: 16 leaves
Item 23: Luymes, Robin --- 1988
Trenton Crossroads.
Physical Description: 10 leaves
Item 24: Lyzenga, Amy J.   (1964-    ) --- 1984
A Brief Investigation into the History of the Christian Reformed Church.
Acquisition Information: Gift of A.J. Lyzinga
Physical Description: 22 leaves

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: A],
[Series 2: B],
[Series 3: C],
[Series 4: D],
[Series 5: E],
[Series 6: F],
[Series 7: G],
[Series 8: H],
[Series 9: J],
[Series 10: K],
[Series 11: L],
[Series 12: M],
[Series 13: N],
[Series 14: O],
[Series 15: P],
[Series 16: Q-R],
[Series 17: S],
[Series 18: T-U],
[Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],

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