Collection Overview
Title: Individual Papers Collection
ID: COLL/588
Extent: 6.0 Linear Feet
Collection of papers written on a range of topics by different authors. Papers are organized alphabetically by the author's surname.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: A],
Series 2: B],
Series 3: C],
Series 4: D],
Series 5: E],
Series 6: F],
Series 7: G],
Series 8: H],
Series 9: J],
Series 10: K],
Series 11: L],
Series 12: M],
Series 13: N],
Series 14: O],
Series 15: P],
Series 16: Q-R],
Series 17: S],
Series 18: T-U],
Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],
- Series 20: W-Z

- Item 1: Wageningen, Gerrit J. van --- 1984

- The Life of Gerrit van Wageningen Verbi Divini Minister, 1830-1908: A Netherlands Minister of the Churches of the Disent of 1834
- Physical Description: 40 leaves
- Item 2: Walter, Christopher D. --- 1993

- Calvin College in the 1950s: Student's Roles as Reformed Christians in American Culture
- Physical Description: 23 leaves
- Item 3: Walter, Ted --- 1994

- A Denomination Seeking Definition: Fundamentalism and the Christian Reformed Church in the 1960s
- Physical Description: 15 pages
- Item 4: Warsen, Arlene Faye (1946- ) --- 1968

- Untitled
- Acquisition Information: Gift of A.F. Warsen
Physical Description: 9 leaves
- Item 5: Weeda, Stephen --- 1989

- Changing Educational Policy of the Christian Reformed Mission to the Navajo and Zuni
- Physical Description: 23 leaves
- Item 6: Weidenaar, James B. (1965- ) --- 1993

- Augustine's Concupiscence
- Physical Description: 37 leaves
- Item 7: West, Timothy (1961- ) --- 1985

- John Alexander Mackay and the Princeton Seminary Tradition
- Physical Description: 27 leaves
- Item 8: West, Timothy (1961- ) --- 1986

- The Theology of Fountain Street Church in Historical Context
- Physical Description: 38 leaves
- Item 9: White, Raleigh --- 1992

- Conservative Denominations and Chinese Communists
- Physical Description: 20 leaves
- Item 10: Wieland, Lindsay (1982- ) --- 2004

- "Won't You Be My Neighbor?: Interactions Between Calvin College and Its Neighbors"
- Acquisition Information: Gift of L. Wieland
Physical Description: 10 leaves
- Item 11: Wierenga, Herman E. --- u.d.

- The Dynamics of Emigration from the Netherlands to Canada: 1945-1960
- Physical Description: 26 leaves
- Item 12: Wierenga, Ralph --- 1989

- Homosexuality and the Christian Reformed Church
- Physical Description: 24 leaves
- Item 13: Wieringa, Bennett John (1947- ) --- 1970

- The Christian Reformed Youth Subculture: A Study of Attitudes and Behavior Patterns Among Christian Reformed High School Youth With a Comparative Analysis Between Christian Reformed and Non-Christian Reformed Youth. Co-authors: Kenneth John Bouma, Eileen Marie Casemier, Michael Dean De Boom, Brian Dale De Kraker, Larry J. Dieleman, Ronald Gregg Rozema, and Sharon Claire Ruiter.
- Physical Description: 79 leaves
- Item 14: Wiersma, Christine M. --- 1993

- Wooden Shoes and Woman Suffrage: Woman Suffrage in the Christian Reformed Church
- Physical Description: 22 leaves
- Item 15: Willems, Theresa (1936- ) --- 1957

- The Christian Reformed People and the Community
- Acquisition Information: Gift of T. Willems
Physical Description: 55 leaves
- Item 16: Wilson, [William] Bill --- 2010

- The Conservative Progressives: The Christian Reformed Church and the Grand Rapids Furniture Strike of 1911. [Central Michigan University]
- Acquisition Information: Gift of B. Wilson
Physical Description: 25 leaves
- Item 17: Wind, Fred (1942- ) --- 1982

- Poem titled: 'To Sietze Buning: Thanks for the Reading'; Presented at Calvin College Alumni Banquet in honor of Queen Beatrix visit in 1982
- Item 18: Wintle, Michael --- 1990

- Push-factors in Emigration: The Case Province of Zeeland in the Nineteenth Century
- Physical Description: 23 leaves
- Item 19: Witteveen, Fred --- 1985

- Christian Reformed Church and the Social Gospel
- Physical Description: 17 leaves
- Item 20: Witvoet, Marguerite (1966- ) --- 1984

- Praising God in Music. An Essay on John Calvin and the Role of Music in Public Worship
- Acquisition Information: Gift of M. Witvoet
Physical Description: 15 leaves
- Item 21: Wolff, Jim --- 1975

- Aftermath of 1924
- Physical Description: 18 leaves
- Item 22: Wyngarden, Muriel Kay (1965- ) --- 1987

- An Analysis: Brookside Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
- Acquisition Information: Gift of M.K. Wyngarden
Physical Description: 10 leaves and research files
- Item 23: Youngsma, Julie Anne (1963- ) --- 1983

- Movies: Redefining Perimeters
- Acquisition Information: Gift of J.A. Youngsma
Physical Description: 13 leaves
- Item 24: Zigterman, Paul Kevin (1957- ) --- 1979

- The Reformed Journal and the Torch and Trumpet
- Acquisition Information: Gift of P.K. Zigterman
Physical Description: 19 leaves
- Item 25: Zondag, Jacob Adrianus (1943- ) --- u.d.

- Equity and Justice in Education: Statement of Views on Support of Education in America: Its Impact on Religious Freedom
- Acquisition Information: Gift of J. A. Zondag
- Item 26: Zoodsma, Cathy Lynn (1962- ) --- 1983

- Denominations?
- Item 27: Zwiers, James D. --- 1990

- History of the Netherlands
- Physical Description: 22 leaves
- Item 28: Zylstra, Ann Elizabeth (1962- ) --- 1984

- The Development of Christian Schools in the United States
- Acquisition Information: Gift of A.E. Zylstra
Physical Description: 6 leaves
- Item 29: Zylstra, Sandra Johanna (1965- ) --- 1987

- Kelloggsville Christian Reformed Church. [Grand Rapids, Michigan]
- Acquisition Information: Gift of S.J. Zylstra
Physical Description: 9 leaves and research material
Browse by Series:
Series 1: A],
Series 2: B],
Series 3: C],
Series 4: D],
Series 5: E],
Series 6: F],
Series 7: G],
Series 8: H],
Series 9: J],
Series 10: K],
Series 11: L],
Series 12: M],
Series 13: N],
Series 14: O],
Series 15: P],
Series 16: Q-R],
Series 17: S],
Series 18: T-U],
Series 19: V],
[Series 20: W-Z],