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World War II Collection



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Series 1

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World War II Collection, 1940-2011 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: World War II Collection, 1940-2011

ID: COLL/454

Extent: 11.0 Boxes

Arrangement: Folder level description


Subject collection detailing the Second World War with emphasis on the European Theater of Operations. The collection includes papers; photographs; clippings; articles; poems; diaries; memoirs; mementos; letters; DVDs; the following periodicals: De Oorlogs Kranten, Vrij Nederland, De Wervelwind, Amsterdam Westermarkt 2,De Hollandsche Amerikaan, De Telegraaf, De Vliegende Hollander, Trouw, and Chicago Daily Tribune; single issues of the following periodicals:  Grand Rapids Press, Grand Rapids Herald, Het Parool, Haarlemsche Courant, De Stem van Nederland, De Nederlands Courant, Strijdend Nederland, and The Cleveland News; and the following books:  Nederland-Canada, Met 150 Foto’s, Holland and the Canadian, With 150 Photographs, Friesland 1940-1945; and published wartime memoirs. [See also the Campus Titles Database.]

Box and Folder Listing

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[Series 1],

Series 1
Box 1
Folder 1-8: De Oorlogs Kranten, Deel 1-40 --- 1940-1945
Box 2
Folder 1-5: De Oorlogs Kranten, Deel 41-65 --- 1940-1945
Folder 6: Cleveland News --- 11/11/1918, 05/07/1945
Folder 7: Haarlemsche Courant, vol. 288 no.213 --- 9/14/1943, 6/5/1944
Box 3
Folder 1: Notes on World War II, Basic Mileage Ration stamps --- undated
Folder 2: WWII Survey Responses (I) --- 1991-1992
Folder 3: WWII Survey Responses (II) --- 1991-1992
Folder 4: WWII Survey Responses (III) --- 1991-1992
Folder 5: A. Van Appel Manuscripts --- 1943
Folder 6: As I Remember It - A Van Groningen --- 1999
Folder 7: Algemeen Handelsblaad --- 10 Mei 1940
Folder 8: Book by E.N. Van Kleffens --- undated
Folder 9: Celebration Pamphlets in Dutch --- undated
Folder 10: Het Strafkamp voor Nederlanders in Wilhelmshaven by Oebele Vries --- 1990
Folder 11
Item 1: Photographs of Buchenwald's capture and liberation --- 1945
Item 2: Certificates of William Eling --- 1946, 1985
Folder 12: Commemoration Article and Poem --- undated
Folder 13: Communication: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force --- 1944
(red. from Staff Sergeant Henry Ippel)
Folder 14: Diary-Ponsteen Henk --- (Dec. 1944 to Apr. 1945)
Folder 15: "Indians from New Mexico Serve Country" --- [1944]
Folder 16
Item 1: I Remember When… The Memoirs of One Who Served- Kenneth Vander Molen, 1st ed. --- 1993
Item 2: I Remember When… The Memoirs of One Who Served- Kenneth Vander Molen, 2nd ed. --- 2000
Folder 17: "Day of Deliverance, March 30, 1945," by Henry Lammers
Folder 18: Boersma brothers in US military Service, by Henry Boersma --- 1942-1946
Folder 19: "Jan Leegwater: Memories from World War II" --- 1946
Box 4
Folder 1: Kamp Westerbork --- 1994-2000
Folder 2: Censured Letter to James Blok --- 1940
Folder 3
Item 1: Letter - Martens, Adam P. --- 1945, 1991
Item 2: Photograph of Martens --- 1931
Folder 4: Life Story - W. Ploeg --- 1997
Folder 5: LST 909 (Ship: Asiatic-Pacific Theater) --- 1944-1948
Folder 6: Memoirs, 1944-1945 - Henderikus Vlietstra --- 1982
Folder 7: "Memories of living in an occupied country" --- 1987
Folder 8: My Memoirs of Home, Love and War - J. Becksvoort --- 1999
Folder 9: Newspaper - De Nederlandse Courant --- 1995
Folder 10: "Nine Campaigns of a Garritrooper" by Walter J. Bruins Slot --- 1996
Folder 11: Paper; "A Call to Arms" --- 1987
Folder 12: Paper - "Broken Shackles" - Vander Kouwe, M. --- undated
Folder 13: Program: American Football Match --- Nov. 26, 1944
[Armband: Maastricht BW - Fire Brigade - in vault (artifacts box)]
Folder 14
Item 1: Ration Coupon Books --- undated
Item 2: Telegram --- 1944
Folder 15: Resistance --- undated
Folder 16: Significant War Scenes by Battlefront Artists --- 1947
Folder 17: Stories - Austin E. Lamberts --- 1996
Folder 18: Why Return from Neuengamme? - Book, K.D. Dykstra --- 1945
[Armband: "Tor Sperre" - in vault (artifacts box)]
Folder 19: World War II- General --- 1945-1995
Folder 20: Vrij Nederland- Ona Fhankelijk Weekblad voor Alle Nederlanders [RAF edition] --- undated
*microfilm also available in the vault HERH AP15.V745; * electronic 2004-current
Folder 21: De Wervelwind. Maanblad voor vrijheid, waarheid en recht --- 1942-1944
Box 5
Folder 1: Grand Rapids Press --- 1945
Folder 2: Grand Rapids Herald --- 1945
Folder 3: Chicago Daily Tribune --- 1939-1945
Folder 4: Christian Courier, "Memories of the resistance," by Pieter Strayer,  Parts 1- 5 --- Nov. 19, 2007 - Feb. 4, 2008
Folder 5
Item 1: Christian Courier, "Dutch Christians, Jews and World War II," by B. den Boggende --- Nov. 24, 2008
Item 2: "Sights and sounds of my life," C. Tuyl --- Nov. 24 and Dec. 8, 2008
Box 6
Folder 1
Item 1: Amsterdam, Westermarkt 2. Weekblad voor de Stichting L.O. - L.K.P. Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp ann Onderduikers en Landelijke Knok Ploegen. Volume II No. 1-51 (missing no. 18) --- 1946
Item 2: Amsterdam, Westermarkt 2. Weekblad voor de Stichting L.O. - L.K.P. Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp ann Onderduikers en Landelijke Knok Ploegen. Volume III No. 1-17 --- 1947
Box 7
Folder 1
Item 1: Amsterdam, Westermarkt 2. Weekblad voor de Stichting L.O. - L.K.P. Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp ann Onderduikers en Landelijke Knok Ploegen. Volume III No. 18-51 --- 1947
Item 2: Amsterdam, Westermarkt 2. Weekblad voor de Stichting L.O. - L.K.P. Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp ann Onderduikers en Landelijke Knok Ploegen. Volume IV No. 1-51 (Missing no. 22, 33, 34) --- 1947
Item 3: Amsterdam, Westermarkt 2. Weekblad voor de Stichting L.O. - L.K.P. Landelijke Organisatie voor hulp ann Onderduikers en Landelijke Knok Ploegen.  Volume V No. 1-23 --- 1949
Box 8
Folder 1: Nederlands American Cemetery and Memorial --- undated
Folder 2: Work by Jan Van Driel, Zwijndrecht, Netherlands --- 1940-1945
Folder 3: De Hollandsche Amerikaan --- 1943
Also in Microfilm, June 1904 - December 1928. Found in wall of Walter Vander Beek, Palmyra, NY
Folder 4: Het Parool, Vrij Onverveerd, vol.1 no.51 --- 15-Apr-43
Folder 5: De Stem Van Nederland, vol.7 no.6 --- 14 Sept. 1946
Folder 6: Strijdend Nederland --- 1945
Folder 7: De Telegraaf --- Dec.1944 - Mar. 1945
[AP 16 .T454]
Folder 8: Trouw --- 1943, 1945
Folder 9: De Vliegende Hollander (Verspreid door de Geallieerde Luchtmacht) --- 1944-1945
Folder 10: Boom, Tine Catharina Magdalena. Zo was Het! Fourageren In Drenthe --- 1945
also translation by David T. Stanley: That's How it was: Looking for Food in the Country, 1982
Folder 11: DVD:  News Parade:  Yanks Smash Truk --- undated
Folder 12: DVD:  Gaum - Mel in Camp, Bombings --- undated
Folder 13: Dirk [Dick] Baatenburg DeJong papers --- 1941-1945
Folder 14: Clippings, war remembrances --- 2005
Folder 15: Facts and Myths of the Liberation by A. Van Wyk --- [1980?]
Folder 16: Clippings, re: liberation --- 1994, 1995
Folder 17: Clippings --- 1982, 1984, 1996
Folder 18: Mrs. J. T. Hoogstra war efforts --- 1947
Folder 19: Pamphlet:  Een Paar Minuten is Het Stil --- 1965
Folder 20: Pamphlet --- 4 Mei 1964
Folder 21: Anonymous letter to children and family from mother re: evacuation, Amersfoort --- 10 Mei and 13 Juni [1940]
with written translation
Box 9
Folder 1
Item 1: Nederland-Canada, met 150 Foto's --- 1946
Item 2: Holland and the Canadians --- 1995
[HERH D743.2 .P47 1995]
Folder 2: Holland and the Canadians, with 150 Photographs --- 1946
[HERH D743.2.P47]
Folder 3: Friesland 1940-1945 --- 1980
Folder 4: De Bevriijding van Groningen --- 1945
Folder 5: War Memories:  World War II as I Saw It, by Peter Buma --- 2007
Folder 6: A Soldier's Story - World War II, by Corniel DeMey --- 2002
Folder 7: Nelson Odyssey, by Thomas Ypma Nelson --- 1984
Folder 8
Item 1: Thomas J. Crawford - Remembrances as a prisoner of war --- 1995
Item 2: Clippings and documents --- 1945-2001
Folder 9: Booklet: Thankful Memories (Mostly) of Wartime '41-'45 by A.L. Sraayer
Folder 10: Honorarium medal given on the liberation of the city of Maastricht, Limburg: "Maastricht Eerst  Bevrijde Stadt 13.9.1944" (given to Henry Ippel on that occasion)
Folder 11: Wartime Diary by Annie Dekker --- 2009
English translation by Trena Jane Boonstra-Dekker
Box 10
Folder 1: "The Dutch in Wartime," special English language edition of Maandblad De Krant to mark the 65th Anniversary of Liberation --- (May 5, 1945 - May 5, 2010), [2010]
Folder 2: The Netherlands and Nazi Germany by Louis de Jong --- 1990
[HERH D802.N4 J658 1990]
Folder 3: Thirty Comforting War Poems compiled by Henry G. Bosch --- 1944
[HERH PN6110.W28 T45]
Folder 4: De Zwarte Dag van Rotterdam by Class Eksteen --- 10-Nov-44
Folder 5: "Herinneringen aan de Tweede Wereldoorlog" by Betty Bouwmeester --- undated
translation by Gerrit Sheeres, 2010
Folder 6: "Souvenir Program of the Holland American Society of California Celebrating the Liberation of the Netherlands" --- 1945
Folder 7: Thankful Memories (mostly) of Wartime '41-'45 by Albert L. Straayer --- 1995
Folder 8: Two scrapbooks entitled "Soldier Boys" [Sioux County, Iowa] --- ca. 1940s
Folder 9: Courage Born of Faith: An Account of Survival Under the Nazi Yoke, by Edward Boersma --- 2011
Folder 10: Terug uit de Hel van Buchenwald, by K. R. van Staal, (Gevangen no. 22046 Concentratiekamp Buchenwald) --- 1945
Folder 11: Booklet: Memories, by David Baron Rottenberg --- [2001?]
Box 11
Folder 1: Profile of Huibert VanGinhoven and family photographs (photocopied) --- 1929, 1941, 1942, and undated
Folder 2-3: Letters from H. VanGinhoven to family --- 28 July 1941-17 March 1942
[typed transcription and translation, undated]
Folder 4: Memoirs of the War Years: The Netherlands, 1940-1945: A Christian Perspective by Susan Stroomenbergh-Halpern --- 2002
[HERH D 802.N4 S87 2002]
Folder 5: Steenwyk Family data --- 1945, n.d.
[compiled by Heritage Hall staff]
Folder 6: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Elliot Hendricksma --- 1943-1945
Folder 7: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Marvin L. Johnson --- 1944-1945
Folder 8: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Fred Kerkstra --- 1944-1945
Folder 9: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Edward Kloosterman --- 1944-1945
Folder 10: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Andrew Smit --- 1943-1944
Folder 11: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Louis Smit --- 1941-1944
Folder 12: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Ben L. Steenwyk --- 1942-1953
Folder 13: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Bernard Steenwyk --- 1942-1944
Folder 14: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Hank Steenwyk (cousin of Bertha) --- 1943-1944
Folder 15: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Henry Steenwyk (brother of Bertha) --- 1943-1945
Folder 16: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Jerry Steenwyk --- 1944-1945
Folder 17: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Raymond Steenwyk --- 1942-1943
Folder 18: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Marvin Van Bronkhorst --- 1945
Folder 19: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Harvey B. Wittinger --- 1944-1945
Folder 20
Item 1: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Gerald Broekhuis --- 1942
Item 2: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Dennis Jongekrijg --- 1944
Item 3: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Clarence Palmer --- 1944
Item 4: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Rudolph Smit --- 1943
Item 5: Bertha Van Belcom (formerly Steenwyk) letters from: Louis Steenwyk --- 1943
Folder 21: Takens Family Documents --- 1933-1947
Folder 22: Takens Family Artifacts --- 1933-1947
Folder 23: Dutch Ration Cards & Currency --- 1938, 1940, 1945
Folder 24: Dutch Underground Resistance Newsletters & Pamphlets --- 1945
Folder 25: Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten Documents --- February 10, 1945
Group also know simply as "BS." Translated from Dutch to English: 'Domestic Armed Forces'
Folder 26: Mr. John H. Rylaarsdam Letter from: Sgt. Jake Hekman --- August 10, 1945
Folder 27: Dutch Royal Delft Polychrome Cloisonné War Tile --- 1945
Folder 28: The Porceleyne Fles Cloisonné War Tile --- 1946
Folder 29: "The Flying Machine: Life and Death Aboard A B-17" - Don Sjaardema, WWII Bombardier --- undated
Format: Audio CD
Folder 30: "Die Führer der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Dage" --- undated
Title translated from German into English, "The leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"
Box 12
Folder 1: De Zwerver, No. 34 --- August 24, unknown year
Folder 2: The "All American" Paraglide --- October 17, 1944
Folder 3: The "All American" Paraglide --- May 8, 1945
Folder 4: de Spiegel, No. 5 --- November 10, 1945
Folder 5: de Spiegel, No. 30 --- May 4, 1946
Folder 6: de Spiegel, No. 32 --- May 7, 1955

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[Series 1],

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