Collection Overview
Title: Henry Schultze, 1940-1951
ID: CU/C2/C2.1/C2.1.6
Extent: 0.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 109],
Box 110],
Box 111],
[Box 112],
Box 113],
Box 114],
Box 115],
Box 116],
Box 796],
Box 117],
Box 118],
Box 119],
Box 120],
- Box 112
- Folder 1: Inventory; Address: The Crime Against Youth --- undated
- Folder 2
- Item 1: Address: Above the Average --- 1926-1951
- Item 2: Address: Do’s and Don’ts of Youth --- 1926-1951
- Item 3: Address: Building the Christian Home --- 1926-1951
- Item 4: Address: Christian Education, Our Privilege --- 1926-1951
- Item 5: Address: Dealing with Evolution --- 1926-1951
- Item 6: Address: Denominational Loyalty --- 1926-1951
- Item 7: Address: Educational Objectives --- 1926-1951
- Item 8: Address: The Future of Calvinism in America --- 1926-1951
- Folder 3: Address: Biblical Instruction, A Challenge to the Churches --- undated
- Folder 4: Rectoral Address: Paul’s Use of the Term "Grace" --- 1930
- Folder 5
- Item 1: Address: The Regenerate’s Appreciation of the Law --- 1930-1940
- Item 2: Address: The Antichrist in Education --- 1930-1940
- Item 3: Address: The Claims of the Child --- 1930-1940
- Item 4: Address: Which Way Shall We Go? --- 1930-1940
- Item 5: Address: The Need of a Spiritual Revival --- 1930-1940
- Folder 6
- Item 1: Addresses: The Young Man’s Approach to the Modern World --- 1931
- Item 2: The Teacher’s Equipment --- 1931
- Folder 7
- Item 1: Address: Barthianism and Calvinism --- 1935-1940
- Item 2: Address: Religious Inventory --- 1935-1940
- Folder 8
- Item 1: Address: The Epistemology of Pragmatism --- 1930-1951
- Item 2: Address: Methods of Bible Study --- 1930-1951
- Item 3: Address: Calvinism and Education --- 1930-1951
- Item 4: Address: Testimonius Spiritus Sancti --- 1930-1951
- Item 5: Address: The Pilgrim’s Progress --- 1930-1951
- Item 6: Address: What Are Some of the Stumbling Blocks? --- 1930-1951
- Folder 9: Addresses: The Goodly Heritage --- 1939
- Folder 10
- Item 1: Address Back-to-God Hour: The Divine Invitation to Return to God --- 1939
- Item 2: Address Back-to-God Hour: The Angelic Tidings of Great Joy --- 1939
- Item 3: Address Back-to-God Hour: The Loss of God --- 1939
- Folder 11
- Item 1: Addresses: Remarks of Appreciation --- 1940-1950
- Item 2: Totalitarian Christianity --- 1940-1950
- Folder 12: Address (radio): A Rapist of Souls --- 1940
- Folder 13: Addresses: The Minister’s Challenge in a Nation at War Colleges Must Prove Their Worth --- 1940-1945
- Folder 14: Address: Calvin Anniversary --- 1941
- Folder 15
- Item 1: Address: Liberal Arts in the Balance (by B.H. Spalink representing Calvin College) --- 1943
- Item 2: Address: To a New College President (by Harry M. Gage) --- 1943
- Folder 16
- Item 1: Address: The Dignity of Man --- 1945
- Item 2: Address: Beyond Samuel Morris (by C. Jaarsma) --- 1945
- Folder 17
- Item 1: Chapel talk: Education the Scapegoat --- 1945
- Item 2: Chapel talk: Reign of Materialism in Education --- 1945
- Item 3: Secularism in Education --- 1945
- Folder 18
- Item 1: Addresses (radio): License in Education --- 1945
- Item 2: War Caused by Bad Education --- 1945
- Item 3: The Farce of Progressive Education --- 1945
- Folder 19
- Item 1: Addresses: Leavening the Achievements and Triumphs of America-Commencement --- 1946 June 4
- Item 2: To Calvin’s 1946 Graduating Class --- 1946
- Item 3: Who’s to Blame? - Calvin Alumni Banquet --- 1946
- Item 4: The Problem of Teacher Shortage --- 1946
- Folder 20
- Item 1: Chapel talk: God’s Proclamation of Emancipation --- 1946
- Item 2: Chapel talk: Detouring to Other Shrines --- 1946
- Item 3: Chapel talk: Remolding God in Thought --- 1946
- Item 4: Chapel talk: Remolding God in Speech --- 1946
- Item 5: Chapel talk: The Reign of Authority --- 1946
- Item 6: Chapel talk: Forbidding the Desanctification of a Day, or, God’s Work Program --- 1946
- Item 7: Chapel talk: The Enslavement of the Killer --- 1946
- Item 8: Chapel talk: Thanksgiving Remarks --- 1946
- Folder 21
- Item 1: Address: Words of Appreciation to Prof. Swets --- 1947
- Item 2: Address: The Educational Vision of Van Raalte --- 1947
- Folder 22
- Item 1: Chapel talk: Unclean Temples Forbidden --- 1947
- Item 2: Chapel talk: Overcoming the World --- 1947
- Item 3: Detour on the Road to Deception --- 1947
- Item 4: Sinful Coveting --- 1947
- Item 5: The "Yes Men"; Divine Possessorship --- 1947
- Item 6: Divine Possessorship --- 1947
- Item 7: Christian Separation --- 1947
- Item 8: Characteristics of Christian Liberty --- 1947
- Item 9: The Principle of Transformation --- 1947
- Item 10: The Principle of Safety --- 1947
- Item 11: The Function of Joseph in the Nativity Records --- 1947
- Item 12: Light has Come into the World --- 1947
- Folder 23
- Item 1: Addresses: Toast to the Class of 1948 --- 1948
- Item 2: The Calvin Spark --- 1948
- Item 3: Remarks to the Graduating Class of 1948 --- 1948
- Folder 24
- Item 1: Chapel talks: Evangelizing the World --- 1948 February-May
- Item 2: Using the World --- 1948 February-May
- Item 3: Rethinking Values --- 1948 February-May
- Item 4: What it Takes --- 1948 February-May
- Item 5: The Worship of Ease --- 1948 February-May
- Item 6: Being Mindful of God --- 1948 February-May
- Item 7: Let’s Discern Carefully --- 1948 February-May
- Folder 25
- Item 1: Chapel talk: Night in the Area of Education (Convocation) --- 1949
- Item 2: Chapel talk: Preparation for the Advent (Christmas) --- 1949
- Folder 26
- Item 1: Addresses: Students of Christ --- 1950 May-December
- Item 2: Prejudice and its Cure --- 1950 May-December
- Item 3: Training Ambassadors --- 1950 May-December
- Item 4: Credo --- 1950 May-December
- Item 5: Moral and Spiritual Values --- 1950 May-December
- Item 6: Christ’s Program of Voluntary Demotion --- 1950 May-December
- Folder 27: Chapel talk: I Believe in God --- 1951
- Folder 28
- Item 1: Chapel talk: Truth in the Crucible --- 1953
- Item 2: Chapel talk: Where is He? --- 1953
- Folder 29
- Item 1: Chapel talks: Announcement of Christ’s Death --- 1954
- Item 2: Rejection of Christ --- 1954
- Item 3: The Fullness of Time --- 1954
- Folder 30
- Item 1: Chapel talks: Lenten Chapel Meditation --- 1956
- Item 2: Pre-Thanksgiving Meditation --- 1956
- Folder 31: Address: America, Our Judea --- 1958
- by Jared F. Gerig
- Folder 32
- Item 1: Addresses - undated: Karl Barth --- undated
- Item 2: The Vanishing Home --- undated
- Item 3: Vision From the Mountains --- undated
- Item 4: Directed Education --- Undated
Browse by Box:
Box 109],
Box 110],
Box 111],
[Box 112],
Box 113],
Box 114],
Box 115],
Box 116],
Box 796],
Box 117],
Box 118],
Box 119],
Box 120],