Collection Overview
Title: Henry Schultze, 1940-1951![](themes/default/images/addtocart.gif)
ID: CU/C2/C2.1/C2.1.6
Extent: 0.0
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 109],
Box 110],
Box 111],
Box 112],
Box 113],
Box 114],
Box 115],
[Box 116],
Box 796],
Box 117],
Box 118],
Box 119],
Box 120],
- Box 116
- Folder 1
- Item 1: Essays - Yale University work --- 1919
- Item 2: The Psychology of Zoroastrianism --- 1919
- Item 3: Humanism and Theism (by A.J. Balfour) --- 1919
- Item 4: The Metaphysics underlying Behaviorism --- 1919
- Item 5: The Metaphysics of Vitalism --- 1919
- Item 6: The Metaphysical System of Thomas Hobbes --- 1919
- Item 7: The Relation of God, Man and Absolute to each other --- 1919
- Item 8: The Essence of Religion --- 1919
- Item 9: Pessimism, Optimism, and Meliorism --- 1919
- Item 10: A Critique of Naturalism --- 1919
- Folder 2
- Item 1: Essays: Yale University work --- 1919-1920
- Item 2: Review of the Primary Teacher’s Helper by: Cutting and Merrett --- 1919-1920
- Item 3: Review of the Missionary Literature- Reformed Church of America --- 1919-1920
- Item 4: An Introduction to the Bible for Teachers of Children (by: Georgia L. Chamberlin) --- 1919-1920
- Item 5: A Bibliography of Religious Education (by: The Connecticut Sunday School Association) --- 1919-1920
- Folder 3
- Item 1: Essay: Creationism --- 1920 February 16
- Item 2: Essay: The Psychology of Christian Asceticism --- 1920 February 16
- Item 3: Essay: Yale University work Notes on the Problem of Mechanism and Finalism --- 1920 February 16
- Folder 4
- Item 1: Essay: Whence Paul’s Mysticism --- 1927
- Item 2: Essay: The Rise of the Idea of Progress --- 1927
- Folder 5
- Item 1: Essay: The Christian and Social Life --- 1935-1940
- Item 2: Essay: Eight Lectures on Miracles --- 1935-1940
- Folder 6
- Item 1: Essay: The Intertestamentary Period --- 1939
- Item 2: Essay: The Messianic Hope of Israel as Background to Israel’s Rejection of Jesus --- 1939
- Folder 7: Essays; Small and/or Church-related Colleges’ Difficulties --- 1940-1951
- Folder 8
- Item 1: Essay: A Comparison of the Characteristics of Nationalism in Israel in the 1st and 20th centuries --- 1951-1959
- Item 2: Essay: A Comparison of the political, socio-economic, and educational conditions of the nation Israel in the 1st and 20th centuries --- 1951-1959
- Folder 9
- Item 1: Essay: The Church Deals with Apocrypha --- 1957
- Item 2: Essay: The Comparative Degree in the Epistle of Hebrews --- 1957
- by: Edmond I. Watkins
- Folder 10
- Item 1: Essay: Christ, our Eternal High Priest --- 1956-59
- Item 2: Essay: Der Leben Jesu-Forschung (by Albert Schweitzer. Book report by J. Nutma) --- 1956-59
- Item 3: Essay: Report on the Quest of the Historical Jesus --- 1956-59
- by Albert Schweitzer. Book reports by Andrew Van Schouwen and A. Huls
- Folder 11
- Item 1: Essay: The Glory of Christ in His Three States --- undated
- Item 2: Essay: The Place of Christ in Education --- undated
- Item 3: Essay: The Christology of St. Paul; Social Pathology; The Life of Jesus; Report and Comments on Renan’s Life of Jesus --- undated
- Item 4: Essay: Social Pathology --- undated
- Item 5: Essay: The Life of Jesus; Report and Comments on Renan’s Life of Jesus --- undated
- Folder 12
- Item 1: Essay: Christian Home and School series --- 1949
- Item 2: Essay: Detouring to other Shrines --- 1949
- Item 3: Essay: Remolding God in Thought --- 1949
- Item 4: Essay: Remolding God in Speech --- 1949
- Item 5: Essay: The Reign of Authority --- 1949
- Item 6: Essay: The Enslavement of the "Killer" --- 1949
- Item 7: Essay: Unclean Temples Forbidden --- 1949
- Item 8: Essay: The Problem of Personal Property --- 1949
- Item 9: Essay: The Detour upon the Road of Deception --- 1949
- Folder 13
- Item 1: Essay: Christian Home and School series --- 1956
- Item 2: Essay: The Children’s Attitude Toward the Church --- 1956
- Item 3: Essay: Developing a Proper Spirit for Worship --- 1956
- Item 4: Essay: Is Catechetical Training a Potent Force? --- 1956
- Item 5: Essay: The Decline of Home Visitation --- 1956
- Item 6: Essay: Helping to Promote Home Visitation --- 1956
- Item 7: Essay: Are we Cultivating Poor Citizenship? --- 1956
- Item 8: Essay: Developing Wholesome Citizenship --- 1956
- Item 9: Essay: Developing a World View --- 1956
- Item 10: Essay: Preparing for Heavenly Citizenship --- 1956
- Item 11: Essay: Convert Teaching into Everyday Living --- 1956
- Item 12: Essay: Enforcing Christian Precepts --- 1956
- Folder 14
- Item 1: Essay: Christian Home and School series --- 1957
- Item 2: Essay: The Necessity of Discipline --- 1957
- Item 3: Essay: The Spirit of Discipline --- 1957
- Item 4: Essay: Authority and Love --- 1957
- Item 5: Essay: The Obligation of Discipline --- 1957
- Item 6: Essay: Discipline According to the Misdemeanor --- 1957
- Item 7: Essay: Discipline According to the Person --- 1957
- Item 8: Essay: Authoritative Discipline and Individual Liberty --- 1957
- Item 9: Essay: The Phases of Education --- 1957
- Item 10: Essay: Physical and Social Education --- 1957
- Item 11: Essay: Intellectual and Cultural Education --- 1957
- Item 12: Essay: The Earliest Probable Training of Jesus --- 1957
- Folder 15
- Item 1: Essay: Christian Home and School series (1) --- 1958
- Item 2: Essay: Training in the Early Church --- 1958
- Item 3: Essay: Christian Education in the Dark Ages --- 1958
- Item 4: Essay: The Breakdown of Religion in Education --- 1958
- Item 5: Essay: The Sunday School as a Substitute --- 1958
- Item 6: Essay: The Released Time --- 1958
- Item 7: Essay: The Teaching by Denominations --- 1958
- Item 8: Essay: Method of Meeting the Deficiency in Public Education --- 1958
- Item 9: Essay: Evaluating Teachers --- 1958
- Item 10: Essay: The Teacher’s --- 1958
- Item 11: Essay: Self Evaluation --- 1958
- Item 12: Essay: Types of Teachers --- 1958
- Item 13: Essay: Teaching Types --- 1958
- Item 14: Essay: Three more Types of Teachers --- 1958
- Folder 16
- Item 1: Essay: Christian Home and School series (2) --- 1958
- Item 2: Essay: Philosophy and Effective Teaching --- 1958
- Item 3: Essay: Stimulation in Education --- 1958
- Item 4: Essay: Ineffective Teaching --- 1958
- Item 5: Essay: Teaching the Uncomprehended --- 1958
- Item 6: Essay: Concept of Revelation Basic to Christian Education --- 1958
- Item 7: Essay: The Distinctive Conception of the Educ ands --- 1958
- Item 8: Essay: The Determinative Idea of the Children --- 1958
- Item 9: Essay: The Pupil Essentially a Unit --- 1958
- Item 10: Essay: The Covenant Child an Object of Christian Education --- 1958
- Item 11: Essay: The Family the First Social Unit --- 1958
- Item 12: Essay: The Degenerate Family --- 1958
- Item 13: Essay: Exceptional Family Forms --- 1958
- Item 14: Essay: The Loosely Organized Family --- 1958
- Folder 17
- Item 1: Essay: Essays - Christian Home and School series (3) --- 1958
- Item 2: Essay: The Sacramental Idea of Marriage --- 1958
- Item 3: Essay: Failure of the Sacramental Idea --- 1958
- Item 4: Essay: The Reformation and Divorce Regulations --- 1958
- Item 5: Essay: The Problem of Mixed Marriages --- 1958
- Item 6: Essay: Impediments to Valid Marriage --- 1958
- Item 7: Essay: Old Testament Marriage Custom --- 1958
- Item 8: Essay: The Marital Roles --- 1958
- Item 9: Essay: The Husbands are Trained in Childhood --- 1958
- Item 10: Essay: The Wife as A Companion or Partner --- 1958
- Item 11: Essay: Factors in Family Maladjustments --- 1958
- Item 12: Essay: Marriage is not a Mere Contract --- 1958
- Item 13: Essay: Marriage is not a Mere Private Affair --- 1958
- Item 14: Essay: The Breading Up of the Family --- 1958
- Folder 18
- Item 1: Essay: Essays - Christian Home and School series (4) --- 1958
- Item 2: Essay: Children Complete the Family --- 1958
- Item 3: Essay: The Family as an Institution --- 1958
- Item 4: Essay: The Family as a Natural Group --- 1958
- Item 5: Essay: Security and Child Rejection --- 1958
- Item 6: Essay: Security and Child Training --- 1958
- Item 7: Essay: The Well-adjusted Home Best for Intimate Teaching --- 1958
- Item 8: Essay: Christmas a Family Celebration --- 1958
- Folder 19
- Item 1: Essay: The Christian Family and the Church --- undated
- Item 2: Essay: The American Educational Background --- undated
- Item 3: Essay:The Brief Review of the Christian School --- undated
- Folder 20
- Item 1: Languages 1924: Greek --- 1924
- Item 2: The Graecian Papyre as collected by Lietzmann --- 1924
- Folder 21: Leaflet 1929: Why Denominations? (by Shailer Matthews) --- 1929
- Folder 22
- Item 1: Philosophy 1941: Minutes of the Philosophy Club --- 1941
- Item 2: Calvin’s Philosophical Contribution --- 1941
- Folder 23: Publications: A Secular approach to Israel’s First Century History in Palestine --- undated
- by Warren Faber
Browse by Box:
Box 109],
Box 110],
Box 111],
Box 112],
Box 113],
Box 114],
Box 115],
[Box 116],
Box 796],
Box 117],
Box 118],
Box 119],
Box 120],