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Leonard Verduin Collection



Biographical Note

Detailed Description

Verduin Correspondence

Articles and Periodicals

Miscellaneous Unidentified Manuscripts

Papers and Manuscripts

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Leonard Verduin Collection, 1884-1997 | Heritage Hall, Hekman Library

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Collection Overview

Title: Leonard Verduin Collection, 1884-1997

ID: COLL/313

Primary Creator: Verduin, Leonard (1897-1999)

Extent: 5.0 Cubic Feet. More info below.

Arrangement: Folder level description


Minister of the Christian Reformed Church.  The collection includes:  papers; manuscripts; correspondence in response to articles published in The Banner, and The Reformed Journal, and to the publications Somewhat Less than God, and The Reformers and Their Stepchildren; plus, correspondence from his Ann Arbor chapel period.

Biographical Note

Leonard Verduin was born in South Holland, Illinois on March 9, 1897.  Young Verduin grew up on a farm in South Dakota. Faced with economic hardship, Verduin did not complete his high school education until he was 21. By this time, he had married Hattie Timmermans. Verduin went on to further his education at Calvin Theological Seminary where he earned his Th.B. in 1929 and earned a Master's degree from the University of Michigan.

Verduin and his family traveled to Corsica, South Dakota, where Verduin accepted the call to serve the Corsica CRC.  He remained at the Corsica CRC for twelve years. In 1941 Verduin accepted the challenge of becoming the pastor of the Christian Reformed Chapel at the University of Michigan. Rev. Verduin served the students of the University of Michigan until his retirement in 1962.

The Verduins retired in Arizona. During retirement, Rev Verduin stayed busy by teaching courses at the University of Arizona. He also published a number of books such as The Reformers and their Stepchildren. Leonard Verduin passed away at the age of 102 on November 11, 1999.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Verduin Correspondence, 1929-1997],
[Series 2: Articles and Periodicals, 1944-1992],
[Series 3: Miscellaneous Unidentified Manuscripts, undated],
[Series 4: Papers and Manuscripts, undated],

Series 1: Verduin Correspondence --- 1929-1997
Box 1
Folder 1: Correspondence --- 1929-1930
Folder 2-5: Correspondence --- 1941-1980
Folder 6: Correspondence --- undated
Folder 7: Manuscript, "Grace Mixing" --- [1997?]
Folder 8: Correspondence --- 1900-1997
Series 2: Articles and Periodicals --- 1944-1992
Box 2
Folder 1: Articles --- 1951-1992
Folder 2: Toward a Theistic Creationism; [HERH BT695.V4] --- [195-?]
Folder 3: The Calvin Forum, Vol. IX, no. 9 --- April 1944
Folder 4: Christianity Today, Vol. IX, no. 17 --- May 1965
Folder 5: Essays on Luther --- 1969
Folder 6: The Mennonite Quarterly Review --- 1950, 1960-1961
Folder 7: HIS, Vol. 9 no.4 --- January 1949
Folder 8: The Reformed Journal --- 1954-1956, 1958, 1960-1963
Series 3: Miscellaneous Unidentified Manuscripts --- undated
Box 3-4: Miscellaneous unidentified manuscripts
Series 4: Papers and Manuscripts --- undated
Box 5
Folder 1: Papers, "Religions in our Schools," "In God's Image," "Like Unto Its Maker," "We Watch the Wrecker," "Campers Move In," "More on that Nasty Article 36," "Where She Went Wrong," "Curse?"
Folder 2: Papers, "Common Grace and Its Bearing on Church and State," "Geared to the Times?" "What is it to Discern the Body?" "Women in Heaven?" "A Passage Wrongly Used?"
Folder 3: Paper, "Do These United States Need Sacrament?"
Folder 4: Papers, "Obsolete?" "What's Going On Here?" "As to Election" "In Trouble with Doctrine of Reprobation," "Tuning the Third Note," "Another Holiday Heresy?" "Secular and Rightly So," "Now That We Are No Longer Dutch Speaking," "The Apostasy at Babel," "More of Reformanda Est"
Folder 5: Papers, "The Why of Predestination," "On Deacons," "Poor Huldreich," "Walking Out," "Bothered by the Greek Mind," "Which Lobe?" "Church Discipline"
Folder 6: Papers, "Theology and Faith," "God's Redemptive Enterprise and the State," "Roles," "Do You Understand What You See?" "The Battle for Cleofan," "Calvin on Communism," "What is the Gospel?"
Folder 7: Papers, "Who Paganized the German Church?" "Why Bother About Election?" "Is the Bible for the Initiate Only?" "Religion and Media," Out Of or Along With," "Robert Kennedy in South Africa"
Folder 8: Papers, "Christ and Christendom"
Folder 9: Papers, "Whence the Problem?" "Zealotry," "The People with the Book," "On Being Prejudiced," "Time to Heed the Old Motto?" "Holocaust and Harlot," "More about Baptizing Babies"
Folder 10: Paper on the Move Toward Sacramentalism
Folder 11: Papers, "Why a Predestination Theology?" "Another Wall to Tear Down," "Not Discerning the Body," "Religion in our Schools?" "Trinity and Family"
Folder 12: Paper on Women's Issue in CRC; paper, "To See What We Would Call Them"; Reformed Journal article, "Biblical Christianity and Cultural Composition"; paper, "Bring Children to Communion?"
Folder 13: Paper, "Pre-Reformation Protestantism in the Lowlands"
Folder 14: Papers, "As to Man," "As to Human Society," "As to the Gospel and As to Reprobation," "Was Paul Writing Subjectively?" "The Why of Predestination", "The Creature Known as Man"
Box 6
Folder 1: Papers, "No More Sermons?" "Tuning the Third Note," "Maranatha! Or Maranatha?" "Birds of a Feather," "That Trouble Giving Sentence," "John Calvin and the Belgic Confession"
Folder 2: Banner articles, "Still Another Bad Addition," "The Anatomy of Prejudice," "Report of a Discussion"
Folder 3: Papers, "The Priority of the Manward Thrust," "Endorsement?" "Vinegar," "It is Time for the CRC to Stop Being Odd," "Mass-Religion or Mis-Religion," "Common Grace and Its Bearing on Church and State"
Folder 4: Papers, "Honor Your __ __ Mother," "Christian Ethics and Capital Punishment," "Heritage of Heretics," "The Nazis and Christianity," "Who Paganized the German Church?"
Folder 5: Papers, "Was the Religion of the Old Testament a Realm-Religion?" "The Ethic Antecedent," "Are Christians an Endangered Species?" "Christendom and Anti-Semitism"
Folder 6: Unidentified papers, probably incomplete
Folder 7: Paper, title unknown
Folder 8: Portion of paper, title unknown
Folder 9: Articles submitted to the Banner for publication (rejected for publication)
Folder 10: Article, "Expository Notes on I Cor. 13: 9-13" and paper, "Greek"
Folder 11: Study series, "Creation/Evolution," "Subject Role/Object Role," and "Son of Man/Son of God"
Folder 12: Study on a pamphlet by C. W. Wormser on Christian baptism
Folder 13: A short discourse sent to Connie
Box 7
Folder 1: Manuscript, "Reformers and Their Stepchildren"
Folder 2: Manuscript, "Do These United States Need Sacrament"
Folder 3: Unidentified manuscript
Folder 4: Manuscript, "Where She Went Wrong" (incomplete)
Folder 5: Manuscript on subject of sacrament (completeness not known)
Folder 6: Manuscript, "The Belgic Confession-A New Look from a New Perspective"
Folder 7: Manuscript, "Heaven is for Heretics" (Part I)
Folder 8: Manuscript, "Heaven is for Heretics" (Part II)
Box 8
Folder 1: Manuscript, "Where We Went Wrong: Study of History of Christendom" (Chapters 1-6)
Folder 2: Manuscript, "Where We Went Wrong: Study of History of Christendom" (Chapters 7-12)
Folder 3: Manuscript, "Sacrament is Not Prominent in Authentic Christianity"
Folder 4: Manuscript, "Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy" (first four chapters)
Folder 5: Manuscript, "Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy" (Chapter 5 through part two)
Folder 6: Manuscript, "We and Our Motto"
Folder 7: Manuscript, "The Reformers and Their Step Children" (preface and chapter 1)
Folder 8: Manuscript, "The Obituary of Christendom"
Box 9
Folder 1: Handwritten manuscripts (unidentified)
Folder 2-3: Portion of manuscript, title unknown
Folder 4: Manuscript of proposed book on the first amendment (not final form)
Folder 5: Handwritten manuscript, "For Whom the World Was Not Worthy"
Folder 6: Unidentified manuscript
Box 10
Folder 1: Manuscript, "Church History Study in Eight Scenes"
Folder 2: Speech at AFRYWS Convention, "The Reformed Doctrine of Inspiration and Bible Study Methods" --- October 1936
Folder 3: Account, "Trois Millions a Or" (Three Million Guilders)
Folder 4: Writings, " Heretics in Flanders"
Folder 5: Manuscript, "Truth is Elliptical"
Folder 6: Notes, "Anabaptist Origins"
Folder 7: English translation, minutes of early Reformed Church: kruis kercken
Folder 8: Manuscript, "Der Codex Teplensis Enthaltend Di Schrift Dez Newen Gezeugz" --- 1964
Folder 9: Book, The United Undivided Church of God --- 1978
Folder 10: Book, Guido de Bray Zijn Leven en Werken --- 1884
Folder 11: Book, Guy de Bres --- 1960

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Verduin Correspondence, 1929-1997],
[Series 2: Articles and Periodicals, 1944-1992],
[Series 3: Miscellaneous Unidentified Manuscripts, undated],
[Series 4: Papers and Manuscripts, undated],

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